/dfg/- Dwarf Fortress General

Mod or die

Previous thread: PLEASE NOTE: Dwarf Fortress has just received an update. If you play the newest version (44.03), be prepared for plentiful bugs and crashes. Do not complain about your bugs and crashes here, report them here: bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt

>Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.44.03.

>Official forums:

>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.

>Have a question? Check the wiki first:

>Fireden archived threads:
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Dwarf Fortress/

>Dwarf Therapist:

>DFHack (Beta for 44.03, expect bugs):

>Legends Viewer:

>Starter Pack (Out of date):

>More DF stuff:

>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: webchat.freenode.net #dwarffortress)

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

>last time it was DFHack
>this time it's LNP
Why are these people who do things for free so slow?

they annoy me so much.
just because they aren't getting paid and i get all the benefit from their hard work shouldn't mean that they can make me wait a couple of hours.
goddamn millenials.

Current version is now 44.04!
>Made attacking giant monsters path to targets properly again
I've got about 8 forgotten beasts waiting on the edges of the map in the caverns and a hill titan lounging on the surface in my current fort. Bout to get this new patch and see what happens. May the best beast win.

I don't think this is a nice place



What tileset should i get? I stopped liking the wierd costume ones and i want to get something more ascii like but vanilla is TOO much. Do you know any tileset that blends both lookin good and staying close to vanilla?


Vanilla is too much what?

News from Bootkeeper: Morul, the only son of one of the sword-dwarves, Rakust, has been kidnapped by a snatcher. Guess who's heading out on a rescue mission?


Too much... Vanilla? It looks like a cluster fuck

Well this is disappointing, I think this may be bugged. I've sent them out twice now to rescue Morul, but they simply return empty handed a few days later with nothing to report.

Maybe Morul hasn't arrived at the site?

If you really wanted you could always

>make unskilled peasant adventurer
>go to fort
>use dfhack assumecontrol on Rakust
>manually go on a quest to glorify us in the eyes of the world

Has anyone gotten any non-monster slayer visitors to their fortress? In a previous .43.03 fort I had nothing but monster slayers, but in this one (different world) I'm getting nothing. I've definitely got no restriction on the tavern.

There's a bunch of different types of visitors. How many come depends on your location and probably wealth.

I'm aware. I'm saying that despite having a normal wealth I'm getting absolutely no visitors whatsoever, and that I've yet to even see a non-monster slayer visitor in this version.

Caverns open? Beasties about?


get with the times user

They're "open", which is to to say that there are are entrances to the caverns but they're not pathable for non-flyers as they open up next to lakes with no walkable path around. Surely that shouldn't stop the performers or poets or scholars from visiting though, right?

Hm. I dunno, I guess it just varies.

44.04 was released literally hours ago

I was kidding

but we did already know about it

doesn't help that opanon didn't update the thread

Wew, Rakust you legend. Help me give him a nickname dfg.

Rakust the Unthief.

This embark I just dug straight down as fast as I could and settled in the candy layer.
Of course I breached a few caverns along the way but my dorfs made it down safely. Sometimes a few trolls or GCS get lost into the stairway but a steady flow of monsterslayers keep them at bay until I get a military going.

Now while mining candy I breached into the circus but the clowns are just chilling down there. I walled (rather floored) up the hole and they're still just all piled up on the bottom of the pit.
My question: can I somehow dump all the refuse and corpses down there to hit them and if yes hoe would I do it?

Snatchback or Wonderdad

Does anyone know why my water wheel isn't working?
For context the water wheel is above three of the brook water tiles and says inactive and stable foundation.

Water wheel don't work when placed on brook tiles because they don't have flow like a normal river has. You have to drill the brook tiles by making channels in them or by them. Only then place water wheels on them and they will work.

what do people even use power for

Ok I was reading a bit about that online.
I don't understand why it's in the game. Rivers and brooks don't flow the same way? But anyways if I channel the three blocks under the water wheel will it work? Also I should mention the brook is 2 z levels deep.

Trying to make an aqueduct. Will make a nice source of water for my hospital and I picture a temple with a small pond in the middle surrounded by statues. And if I fail and drown my dwarves... Oh well lol

>Rivers and brooks don't flow the same way?
Brook surface tiles don't have flow at all. They are like ice. This is probably because they're coded so that they can be walked on and Toady didn't or couldn't code flow into them. This will most likely stay like that for a while because that's not really the top priority on his to do list. Water under the brook tiles acts like a normal river - has flow and can't be walked on.
I don't know if you can pump water out of a brook, I never tested that.
> if I channel the three blocks under the water wheel will it work?
Yes it will, you don't have to channel the surrounding tiles. Only the 3 tiles that touch the water wheel have to be channeled.
>the brook is 2 z levels deep.
That makes no difference. The only important thing is that water wheel touches flowing water on his bottom z-level side and touches air on his top side.

I have some time off finally!
Can I draw anything for you guys?

(for the Spaniards last thread.)

>and touches air on his top side
Actually scratch that. I'm not sure about floded water wheels. They might work, as long as that water on their bottom side flows.

Draw wizards doing absurd things

A dwarf getting a mood and rushing off to make the most amazing incredible sock ever.

bros pls

You can. You're not gonna be able to hit them i.e. hurt them, but you can dump all your trash into their lair to stink it up.

Currently the only machines that actually consume mechanical power for some effect are Pumps, Millstones, and minecart rollers.

Millstones apparently process the plant milling job faster than a quern does. The other two are obvious; moving liquids, and moving minecarts automatically.

To actually flood the surface with magma, a great deal of mechanical power is usually needed if you don't have a volano on your embark site.

> demons not moving
the 44.04 update fixes this, upgrade now


also, be aware that autonomous minecarts are dangerous and enough that you could technically use them as a defense against sieges or other enemies.
or keep a doctor well trained.

Haven't tried with demons but once killed a forgotten beast accidentally by dumping a goblin's severed arm into a shaft, instantly crushed his skull. Could probably do some serious damage to the more fragile demons, like ones made of fire.

>Millstones apparently process the plant milling job faster than a quern does
Fast enough to justify setting up a millstone or is it just easier to use a quern?

Looks like the big fame fuckup has been at least mostly fixed?

querns are obviously the easiest and safest choice. I don't know if a legendary+5 miller would benefit any from the bonus that a millstone provides. if it's a % increase then definitely millstones

but if it's just a flat bonus to crafting speed, then it'd probably be easier to make 9 querns and put 10 dwarves on the miller job, and not deal with the possibly dozens of tiles worth of bullshit you need to dig out, put machinery in, handle water in buckets for the water wheel, worry about enemies flying/crawling through the power access, etc

Even the wiki doesn't mention how much faster it is. But yeah it doesn't seem worth it outside of some very specific circumstances.

Celebrate this dammit!

I will mad an ugandan knuckles race that just spit on everything and build shabby above ground fortresses



i said tileset, not ascii trash

Eromanga a shit and so is your DF graphics

Does this satisfy your aesthetic needs?

can you draw a sorta eastern/ desert dwelling dwarf wielding two daggers?

i don't mean to come off as a ascii faggot but this looks EXTREMELY bad, surely you are jesting? not that guy btw

While inspecting unit structures i've found some cool stuff.

1) Adventurer actually can get moods and those are affecting him but he does nothing. Being melancholic makes you super slow for example. But he loses some moods after reloading. SCIENCE MUST BE MADE. Would be cool to make him creating artifacts in adv mode.
2) You CAN drag people while they are alive. It is super easy to implement but probably enemies will attack you while you are dragging them. Friendlies dragged with no problems.
3) You can mount anything but there already was a script for that.
4) You can OWN building. No idea how and why. Maybe adventure sites. Maybe it is possible to make you own a keep or temple.
5) There is an actions reference. Maybe some fort mode mechanics like butchering without a fight could be implemented.
6) Seems like unit can own SEVERAL SOULS. Soul holds personality, skills, attributes, etc. But nemesis record somehow too. No idea how those work.
7) You could be in a financial debt, lol.
8) You have no weight.


thanks senpai

I was being sarcastic. I use ascii myself, and while I don't mind people using tilesets (even if I dislike most tilesets for the same reasons as other anons, main being that I cannot read them most of the time because I'm so used to ascii), asking for them on here of all places is pretty dumb, especially when Bay 12 has an entire section of the modding board dedicated to uploading tilesets.

can anyone suggests settings for perfect world and/or advanced generation that creates a dangerous world thats interesting without being totally inhospitable?

No such thing as an inhospitable world, user.

well i should have clarified, one that the world gen doesnt reject permanantly

if gear assemblies and axles get submerged in water will they still work?

beasts/titans/megabeasts wayyyyy up in numbers, evil biomes wayyyy up, secrets/rain/cloud/werebeast etc numbers wayyyy up, drainage, savagery, and volcanism high as hell, rain low as hell, minimum elevation 100, elevation variance high as fuck, don't erode extreme cliffs, generate the world for only 5-6 years then go. Throw in half a dozen extra hostile civilizations to the raws if you want too.

i should really try adventure mode out one of these days.

I've played fort for 6-7 years and have never done more than wander out in adventurer and kill wild animals.

I just make a master wrestler and then murder everyone in whatever poor, unfortunate town I start in.

It can be pretty fun, but I gotta say vanilla adv mode gets boring pretty fast - mods help in that regard though.

>be me
>random schmuck who popped into the world
>adventure through the land
>manage to get into necro tower
>find slab, gain power over life and death
>find several other towers through the land, gain pyromancy and psychic powers
>get an idea
>kill wild animals, bandits and megabeasts and raise them as zombie minions
>head to my home town with my army of undead
>kill everyone in sight, raise them and their body parts as minions
>head to keep, murder the towns lord, take it over for myself and retire

I later tried to get to the keep as other adventurers. I don't think I managed it even once due to the amount of zombies, plus their types - a modded behemoth zombie once charged me as I was about to get inside the keep, mangled my adventurer completely in only a few blows

>tfw your pc is too shitty for adventure mode

best i got

>Woodcutter's arm gets destroyed by a falling log
fuck me do I have to give them armor or something

Make the world much smaller and do everything I said MUCH more. + minimum elevation 100 and increased elevation variance. Your world can get way nastier than that, that one's fairly calm.

It happens. If you're going to start out woodcutting imo bring a couple of buckets, some cloth and thread, maybe some gypsum.

Does anyone else have nonhostile werebeasts? I had some in my last fort walled in, now in a new fort one of the first three visitors to show up also transformed into a wereelephant, it is in direct view of three of my dogs and another visitor, and can walk to my dwarves with no obstacles other than some unlocked doors, but it just hangs out in the tavern.


Now it's suddenly attacking the human bard that walked into the tavern.

Were werecreatures effected by the beast pathfinding bug? I didn't get any while it was going on.

It caught up with the bard and grabbed her by an instrument she was holding. By the way, the bard is wearing an elf tooth crown, an elf nail ring, an elf bone bracelet, an elf nail earring, and an elf hair amulet.

Welp, it was a short slaughter.

I don't think they were, but, this one did not come as a werecreature, they came as a visitor who just happened to be a wereelephant.

quick question before i go and finish this version, with volcanism etc, should it be way down on the setting or to the max?

minimum volcanoes value is set high though

same question with the elevation cusp too



oh my god what have i created

its really fucking cold too

Well there are echidna men in the game already so most of the work is done.

uh oh

High volcanism is just so you can spawn way more volcanoes and have more igneous extrusive so that the world looks more like a hellscape, it's not really making the game any more hostile in anyway.

>no elves
delete this


I don't see anything wrong with that chart.

actually surprised how many humans are still around

last bastion of dwarf kind



>rwg is talking about merging with us again

Fuck off we're full

Fuck you for making me go to that cesspit.
>last post about /dfg/ 16 hours ago
>nothing but negative responses