/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General

Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and anything Sonic related!

/sthg/ #1156 - Breakdance Edition

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Hey nice OP friend

Really nice OP, OP.


Wow you can't do anything right. Congrats on being a complete retard, OP.

I'm using Veeky Forums X & I accidentally used the wrong Sonic pic
n-no bully

I like Sonic's design here

reminder that Sonic and Amy are no longer virgins before Lost World. May their pure love shine down on us all


>Groping Amy

Nice catchphrase, faggot.

That's the first time in a while that post was made tho

lol xd

It shouldn't be made at all.

I haven't been on in a while

Post your SF OC!

What a lewd pair of rats

Ah well.

New bitch


Not them, but you can just hide these posts if they annoy you user.

Cute doggo

This is from Shadow's containment chamber in SA2
They planned the black arms this far back
holy fuck

>SF reference in SF

B-but muh retconning
Muh ShTH ruined Shadow's backstory

>They planned the black arms this far back
How can Sonic Team have such long term planning for something so stupid?

maybe they were thinking about these guys

I have a weird request to make to all autists and hackers of this general:
Can you make a modded ISO of pic related where the music doesn't cut off whenever you leave an area in the hubworld? Shouldn't be too hard, right?
>inb4 play the pc version
I'm really fixated on playing the original DC version. We can talk more about this on discord if you're down for it.


Forgot to mention, willing to pay 2$ through paypal


If you have a Sonic Retro account, you can see if someone there is capable of doing it. I don't think many here has experience working on Adventure hacks.

Why don't you just use the PC version that has everything fixed already?
Oh nevermind, you're one of those entitled faggots. Carry on.

This nigga fixin to make a brotha rich

are you one of the monstrous blacks mentioned here

My wolf


Does he have to pee or something? I don't get it.

Of course they were, Iizuka is the thinking man's director unlike that hack Kishimoto

He's trying to contain his 'tism

Why does the non-Japan boxart for Sonic Heroes look so boring?

he really likes cats and is resisting petting her

>I'm using Veeky Forums X

Then why didn't you use the Copy Text button?

Because westerners are dumb and ruin everything. That Jap boxart is literally fucking kino.

Why do you look boring?

Why wouldn't I

>this thread

I have a weird request to make to all autists and hackers of this general:
Can you make a modded ISO of pic related where the music doesn't cut off whenever you leave an area in the hubworld? Shouldn't be too hard, right?
>inb4 play the pc version
I'm really fixated on playing the original GC version. We can talk more about this on discord if you're down for it. Willing to pay 2$ through paypal.

What happened to Sonic Utopia?
No updates and Lange seems to have stopped updating and went back to shitposting.

How about you fuck off. No one gives a shit.

You answered your own question.

Is this the start of a new epic meme?

Japs ruined sonic

His programmer is still responding. Probably because he is doing most of the work.

If it is, that just goes to show how easily impressionable you retards are.

The same reason why the west didn't get inspirational quotes in their boxart.

Japs are the reason why Sonic was so amazing, Westerners battered and butchered the franchise, don't even know what makes it good in the first place and get mad because of that**


>monstrous blacks
If they were talking about the Black Arms or black creatures and it got cut off, wouldn't it just be Monstrous Black? They never referred to them as Blacks in the game


[Internal Suffering]

At least you gave it the proper response. Everyone knows Sonic is best when east & west come together to help the series produce something great, especially when it was the west that helped round out Sonic's final design.

That's the way all Sonic fans are.

There are some occasions when westerners made amazing contributions to the franchise, like what you mentioned and Ryan Drummond's voice acting in Heroes. But Westerners also gave us Boom and Mania, which are both fucking horrendous and an insult to the franchise.

It's probably leftover engrish from the jap version or a bad translation, which we know SA2 was rife with.

>an insult to the franchise
Even the original guys from 90s SEGA & Sonic Team praised Mania. Yuji Naka this year threw his support behind Mania & Forces, even taking his wife & kids to a Hooters


>Ryan Drummond's voice acting in Heroes
>amazing contribution
>fucking horrendous and an insult to the franchise
Bait harder, idiot.

Why is sonic critiqued more than any other platforming series?

>le ebin "classic sawnic'' meme that continues to split the fanbase
It's more of a detriment than a positive.

The west is the reason the sonic 1 manual stated his sneakers were the source of his speed.

easy views, easy to talk about because of Sonic 06 and Sonic being comparable to Mario

Jap purists at it again

We hate Ryan now? How the times have changed.

Because it's consistently bad but continues to sell.

Unleashed and Black Knight hinted the most at Sonamy (in the game verse). Before that, there was literally nothing happening between them in the games.

Generations < Unleashed HD

BTFO. Mania is fucking dogshit and Naka probably went there out of necessity. Most likely there for Forces.
>It's bait if I disagree with it!
You're a brain dead moron.

Black Knight isn't canon

>Retconned and not canon hinted the most at Sonamy
You don't say.

Niether of those games are canon

Can you autists not fall for bait again?

I don't honestly know. IIRC, it's been forever since Lange even showed anything in ages. Imagine if this general starts making &
showcasing full levels from GHPAnon's devkit before Lange even posts another update for Utopia

>You're a brain dead moron
Nice projection. Here's your last (You).


>Here's your last (You).
When did we become /v/?

Sonic mention secret rings in generations, how would Secret rings be canon but not black knight

So /sthg/, what are some level ideas you plan on making for GHPAnon's devkit?

>house got struck by lightning
>hard drive rekt
>had 4 digital art drawings made for /kitty/
>All gone
I am too busy now to redo them all. Best I can do is one. Hope you will do your part to compensate

I really feel like this general is less likely to alienate the majority of the fanbase even if it collaborated on making future updates for GHP.

I do think that if we got similar quality of gameplay, GHP would get more attention because it appeals to more fans.

Unless you are a Tails fan

>the first canon appearance of all Sonic's friends except Tails and Amy was in Generations

It's just a reference for the fans.
It's like when infinite says "he has beaten you for decades" which canonically is impossible.

>Sonic mention secret rings in generations

>Self-projects about his self-projection
I can't even begin to imagine how many shitty events one has to experience to mold such a worthless existence such as yours. Here's your last (You)

So how many canons are there?

Thanks for the blog with no video games talk, enjoy your vacation.


One for each show, then 1 for Archie, 1 for fleetway, then 1 each for sonic 1-4, Adventure-Shadow, 06, storybook games, fighters, and everything since unleashed.

>It's just a reference for the fans.
Storybook has no fans, retard.
>It's like when infinite says "he has beaten you for decades" which canonically is impossible.
Eggman is the one who mentions they've been battling for decades.

>had 4 digital art drawings made for /kitty/
>All gone
Goddamn, that sucks to hear user.

True. Most of the people in this general when putting their minds to something other than retarded shitposting has made some great shit before. I think if people in here really tried, it'd make some really awesome stuff.

Saying something happened for decades is just a turn of phrase, actually. Like Infinite telling him that "he's beaten you forever," etc. It's just a phrase

Some city levels starring Amy as she goes on a shopping spree for her date with sonic

>Eggman is the one who mentions they've been battling for decades.

One canon, the rest are fanfictions.

Sonic is the Ultimate Hedgehog.