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>had to delete a friend because they stopped leading with a dragon for days
>decide to do my first pull on the New Year's banner afterwards for a shot at a likely 40% unit in the upcoming mini Tempest
>get one on my first pull
5 orbs well spent I hope.

Clair is my wife.

I wonder if they're gonna start putting those trenches in story/GHB/BHB content. Kind of feel like a lot of people celebrating the demise of cavs might start to sweat a little when their content clearing team stops working.

>yfw there's a Direct
but no mention of FE16

why do you always screenshot everything

They probably are for GHBs to prevent cavshitters from complaining how easy they are



>this pic ended up becoming true for Heroes

my sides


I want to fuck Lukas


This is Olivers GHB map, so they're definitely gonna put them in GHB/BHBs.

I feel like at one point they should just make a BHB/GHB where you start surrounded by a bunch of trees so you quite literally can't use cavs in it.


do you just record every time you pull or something?


wyvern slut

>Trenches in Oliver's GHB
Horseshitters are dead.


Do we have a date for that TT yet? I know that some user found a way to set their clock to get dates for the last few events.




FE would be boring as fuck to watch on a stream, I'd rather just play it. It's the exact same as Xenoblade.

enlightened taste

Thread theme.

I use primarily infantry anyway, so I don't care. Thematically this is a very appropriate new gameplay mechanic as it fits with how RD was anti-cav in their movement penalities too. I find it neat atleast, but whatever.

roll for Mickey

Anti cavshitters usually dont use cavs.

It's like saying you hate niggers, you dont want anything to do with them.

>thinking ill stop using my cavalry cancer just for a few maps

I'm still going to clear it with a full Cavalry team, I'm not using units I don't like

I'll make sure to post a screenshot of my clear with an all horse team :^)

>he's actually trying to come back for a re-run but can't because he's been blocked by trenches
it all makes sense now

Alright faggots here's the REAL spoilers for the Anniversary.

>Brave Hector is a sword unit with the Emblem Blade that has a Distant Counter effect and instantly kills all Reinhardts and Lyns on the map
>Armads can be upgraded to Shocking Armads which Accelerates Special Trigger and grants Steady Breath
>Brave Tharja is a flying mage with Nosferatu that restores 10 HP after activating a special and Accelerates Special Trigger
>Brave Chrom is an archer with the Astra bow that has a Bold Fighter effect and grants Atk+3
>Brave Camilla is an infantry sword unit with Omega Yato that has Special Cooldown Charge-1 during every battle and Move+1
>TT with infantry Brave Xander that has the Raikiri, which has a DC effect and restores 10 HP every turn

>trapping your unit on the other side of the map with no access to support or buffs

Sorry guys, I just got home. Is there a summary of the update anywhere?

Would've been true for RD too if IS stuck with assassins instead of making the botched abortion that is the whisper class.

For people who didn't know, this is a Texas Gate. It's used to stop livestock from crossing bridges or roads since the animals don't want to walk on the grates and get their hoofs stuck in the gaps.

So the most fitting seals for Micaiah will be either Heavy Blade to overcome her effective prf and middling general offenses with AoE Specials and Deflect Missiles to counter Brave variants of the mounted savage, correct?

Kinda sad it's not the comfy looking mansion from his recruitment, but instead another boring dungeon. Whatever, bit disappointed.


miccy got the diccy and now she's all sticky

>>Brave Chrom is an archer with the Astra bow that has a Bold Fighter effect and grants Atk+3
I want that actually.

>Brave Tharshit.
Trip back on.

Can't be too careful if my recording fucks up.

Basically. And save it if I get something.

I also record somewhat interesting plays.

Sothe having to wait for a story promotion sucked too. I'm pretty glad he's got gorilla strength in FEH though, he's one of my favorite Jagens

General whiners complain about cavs making Arena too hard/unfun and also complain that cavs make content too easy. I guarantee you that people are going to complain that the trenches are "bullshit" and "restrict teambuilding" as soon as this GHB comes out.

If it just apply a buff and resets on next turn then it going make shit worse due dancers.

We still need see the whole interaction in game.

Niggers are not to be treated as people

Oliver got added, micaiah too

>Camilla getting a prf weapon
Almost had me

>tfw on this user's friends list
based dragonbros

>sanaki is now the best offensive support red mage in the game
Finally, after all this time at being a mediocre red unit...

Sanaki has become relevant again, even if only being the best drive attack unit in the game.

Texas meta confirmed
RIP in pieces other states and countries

List of green 5* I've gotten trying to snipe NY Azura

>Soren +def -res
>Titania -Att +res
>Merric -Att +spd
>Hector -res +def (probably cant even tank a rein)
>Julia -res +spd (merged her into my good IV Julia since she has no skilled to SI)

Anyway not only did I not get my Azura but all of the greens I got were useless and shit IVs. Why the fuck is pulling on green orbs so fucking hard and stupid.

If cavs do get hurt, who will become the next cancerous team?

They are punishing me for running my husbandos! Why do you do this to me ISIS?! Hasn't he suffered enough GHB passovers? Let me love him more damn it!

>Xander with his boyfriend's sword

>that defense space surrounded by trenches
Oh baby.

>So this is Galdr power...not bad...


The meta will be balanced.
probably fliers

So what do people like about Micaiah, anyway?


>only +1 on Summer and Spring Xander
you disgust me

>It's actually true
>It's just "Camilla's Axe" from

Xander's boyfriend uses Raijinto. I do want an alt with Xander and Ryoma outfit change. That might be cute.

I love this episode.

Armours are pretty much already there with Tharja being really tough to take down.

I have bad news for you.

>Literally every other update is IS begging people to use armors more and Reinhardt less
Is this ever going to stop or we just permanently stuck in the buff fliers/armors, nerf calvary, and ignore dragons mode?

it’s already dragons
all the cavbrainlets already switched over

Got the sprite for Oliver?

When are we getting Tanith and Sigrun. When are we getting my wife Marcia.

How come Veeky Forums doesn't support v1 captcha anymore

White hair because they're anime waifu puffy Ami Yumi fuck my cunny japafaggits

Armors are honestly most cancerous to deal with due to W!Tharja alone, otherwise maybe fliers (but they are already prohibited from some skills and are not a fucking nightmare to fight). Dragons are another candidate, they've been consistently strong since launch and only gotten buffed more and more while being F2P accessible.

Look up UU-ZONE He made a Xenoblade 2 doujin too

>Gets quaded and dies to literally anyone.
>really tough to take down.

>best offensive support red mage
(lol who is even her competition when you narrow it down that much

Is America confirmed to be an FE world?

Camilla's axe was from Fates though, user

>Zelgius already
>Not saving Zelgius for GHB
>Still no Jill or my waif Ilyana

Fucking IS. I want Jill already to complete my flier team already.

Well at least we get /ouruncle/ Oliver.

Armours are the nuFE of armour types, so of course IS shills them hard. FE veterans know, love and respect the power of the cavalier, and honour cavaliers on their favourite characters list.

Arvis? All his Ploys would be pretty beneficial to his allies I guess.


What did you do to make Nephenee mad user?



>summoning focus: heroes with distant defense

Those were the only ones I could pull, I was only able to get one spring Xander on the bonus and I only ever got two summer. I love him but he wouldnt want me to break the bank for him. Anikihusbando would make me be responsible. Plus they all match at +1 now.

We all know Warriors is the only game that matters, user. Don' try to pull a fast one.

I rejected her advances.

Does anyone like this shitty reddit character?

wtf does she have a thick ass piece of pubes with a little bush sticking out?
That's kinda hot

>people having trouble with armors
>when they have 1 MOV

How are you all so shit?

>Squad Ass F seal

What's the Parthia effect?

Because you posted this I wondered if I was in there too. Found myself as the first name on there, made me smile

I like it, and his mustache, but doesn't show how he holds his tome.

Called her a dumb, ugly, smelly hick that only gets in the way!
Please kick me in the dick Nephenee!

>titsanon never delivered

It's at least a niche, not like >offensive red mage
Is even good considering the blue mage meta menace.

When your red mage has to sit behind your team 50% of the match+ due to Rein your mage better have a backup job.

holy shit never noticed that before