/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2612

Same face syndrome

>Recent News
Kirin and dong weapon 4*'s
Qilin and Huanglong Changes - 1/10 - Gold Bar droprate increased for Host but will be removed from MVP Chest.

>CutieFest 01/10-01/25
Daily single gacha ticket starts 01/11
1.5 RP and EXP for Ranks 100 and below(Non-HL)
1/2 AP and BP
1/2 Free and Extra Quest
All Elemental Trials are open during the period

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

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Is that the new FGO servant?


please tell me someone has a fix for putting the submenu back on the side
fuck you kmr

why are ppl wasting effort on makin ecke grids when this shit exist


It's not same face syndrome! It's literally same character syndrome you shit! Take your Okitas and Jannus and Sabers and Modreds back to Fate!


birdman is CORE!!

Because that`s a full buff screen

Anyone else DONE with rotb?

My only SSR sword user is Agielba, so yeah.

That is a cute most definitely

Me unless someone convinces me that 4x 30,000 pendants for a fucking host is worth it at this point.

Still going to do nugget dailies though.

EXII classes when

I play light and I hate swords, also don't wanna a shitty grid. Is any of those new flb huanglong weapons any good for primal?


50 more dirt badges.

I hate RotB.

It's the second most boring GBF event after GW. I hope they'll remove it and add some other way to get bricks and weps.


Give me Flaretato and I'll give you this dick!

>tfw haven't gotten shit for wind characters since I rolled Birdman
Which of these shitters get to accompany Birdman and Keehar in the main party whenever I decide to grind up wind?

Reposting because I have no idea what I should be doing.

This is my cutie wanpan team. Say something nice about them!

agreed Korwa is core

Katana's good for the elemental modifier, but you're going to run swords in primal light.

Why is Gran getting progressively sluttier?


hope you shit in your bedsheets tonight

Magna is roughly equal to primal fire at full hp and eckes only get good if you can leverage enmity.

>wanpan team

Can't let Djeeta get too far ahead.

Yes, I do have swords. But I don't want to run elderly garbage like cosmos.

Gran looks pretty thicc here.

Babby's very first proto baka

homos begone

Is there any reason to keep Titan's Buster Sword?

I can't stay away if KMR keeps pandering to me!

Reminder that Vira is the shortest adult human in GBF. Shitty little midget bitch


i want to fuck her!!!!!

god i just want to give her a standing SKULL FUCKING

Would you accept a hug from Uriel?

Is 2 badges per extreme the best AP efficiency?

I like short girls. 150 to 165 cm is perfect for a girl. I'd never date a girl higher than 180cm since she'd be dangerously close to my height in high heels and bigger girls tend to look clumsy instead of sexy.

>How to spot a faggot

Wish me luck.

multiboxing is so fucking stressful, how can people do this with backwater? I feel that my entire team is about to be wiped every turn.

You sound like a soyboy

Enjoy your nothing user!

Yay, I finally got my baha sword!
Thanks gbfg

At least I get laid regularly, can you say the same virginboys?


enmity elements are high IQ


First you need to embrace the death. Accepting you're dead is the first step

Viracucks are known liars so your words mean nothing


Don't multibox ubahaHL.

Why would I be a Viracuck? I don't even like Vira that much unless it's chevira.

What can I watch to see how to play enmity dark?

That's the wrong Yuel, fire gw is next

>activate enmity
>get healed

rick and morty

So what am I supposed to even be doing in this event?

Type in Dark GW or Summer Zooey on youtube


Vira is the only human that's 160 cm or less and you just said you liked that

farming nuggers

Do not open. Cursed image.

Nuggies, weapons, pots, berries, seals for trains, seals for weapons, sr tickets and merit.

>Only 120 friend removes me
Feels bad

The wiki says Bastion blocks are only obtainable from event boxes and chapter 80 missions, surely there is another place to get them right?

Need 4 more to get my fire seraphic ssr.

I said I like girls that aren't tall, that's all. It's a plus for Vira but it dosn't make me like her a lot either way.

Fodder or reduce?

You failed to spoiler you fool.

>that fucking lisp

Uh, no. I'm not gay.

Why defend her when she's shit? If you like short girls just say you like dorafs. Vira is a genetic mistake in every way for a human.

I'm not defending her. Why are you so obsessed?

post id cutie

What happens when the last chain breaks?

Dude. Just ignore him. He's like this every day.

Rebirth and Destruction

>8 grimnir people added me
TIAMAT POWER haha good thing I didn't waste time in the casino for anat like a cuck

You said her height is good when it just isn't for a human.


>short girls is bad
I hate this meme.

I mean, I get that getting that stuff is nice, but I only get like 100-200 of those 4 seal tokens from those raids.

Don't reply to him, he's mentally ill.

Because her height is good. That's all, if it was a generic girl X I'd say the same. The fuck is wrong with you?

if the only short girl is vira then they are bad

I can be your big strong 170+ friend with benefits newcutie.

>Vira is the only human that's 160 cm or less

smaller girls are better because they make my dick look bigger

Is he some random reddit Virahater who can't live with her topping the popularity charts?

I only want cuties that are even more new than me so I can show off my limited knowledge and feel strong even though I'm shit.

Yes, he gets triggered every time she is mentioned.

It looks like it survives purely off of Zoi's drain and summons.
Is that about right?