Fighting Games General /fgg/
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That guy was right about you. Execution is fundamental and has nothing to do with why people consider Dhalsim a hard character.
People who start threads early need to be banned
PS5 fightsticks when?
Post more succ pls.
i just cant do it bros, i wanna like jive so bad that i force myself to play but im just not having fun
Someone play me in UNS4
No Uchiha's allowed though
The fuck is a ps5?
Kolin is saved
>auto wins neutral
>easy execution
>but me rebersahl
Stay cucked broski
How do I get an FGC gf?
I'm not Broski but I am a British dude if that helps
Go to lots of locals and talk to girls. That's how I did it
This is her year, bros!
The kolin shills are getting to me bros...
you cant resist forever...
so will people play her if she gets in this time
Why is Kolin's ass so big?
I wish i could feel her perky boobs through her jacket bros
what the fuck is she trying to say
Whoever made that seriously needs to commit suicide. That's the most stupid meme picture I've ever seen
By posting morrigan.
calm down rashid
To improve her balance while skating.
Why doesn't ed have an EX psycho flicker? It's so stupid to not have a shortcut for it as well
that's how to get a tranny
I got a girlfriend through /soc/ who I play League with. But I'm introducing her to DBZA in preparation for DBFZ hype. She'll never play it honestly, but she can at least be into the characters a bit to enjoy watching.
Figures that its the rashid poster
why do meterless reversals still exist?
Why don't meterless reversals exist in jive
Fucking WHY
>who i play League with.
she's Asian i'm guessing.
Why can't I play as Sol Badguy in jive?
i dont know but it is both queer and gay
second is much better.
When will Juri rape Laura
Jive has too many gorillas already
Not enough
working at an arcade makes her take more meth
Nope. White as the driven snow.
i've had my new3dsxl for like 2 years and i just noticed it has 2 sets of shoulder buttons wtf
>the nose getting bigger
>pointier chin
What the fuck
anyone early morning sfv eu?
You can tell all these costumes are done by different people
It's the same.
Makeup you silly boys and less hair+mic framing her face.
but thats where i'm coming from, its 8:20 here
you always ask just before i start getting ready to go to work, ask half an hour earlier next time.
I'll fight you with my xbox 360 pad.
those tits look painful, like a fucking floss.
Which make up cuts away pieces of your face making your chin pointier
stream jive breek
nice, i'll come online
playing on a racing wheel btw
I can't stream with my connection here in the city
Also I'm not home right now
Did you brush you teeth, wash your face, and eat breakfast? If not I won't play until you do those things
>decided to watch some DBFZ gameplay from someone who isn't used to fighting games
>he's able to do good combos and even to win a few matches
It might just be auto-combos, but still. I wonder how much actual depth it'll have in the long term.
The ones that warp and refract light passing by the face.
nigga the fuck do you even do that you have to leave the house lmao
>location dodge
for shame
not before laura, chun, sakura, elena, cammy, and c.viper use their mouths and tongues to tickle juri all over
Nothing wrong with a system that makes it easy to get started but is suboptimal. Question is whether someone who puts in time to optimize their combos will get enough extra damage to be worth it. If so, it's all good.
What does Sakura spend the money she makes at her part time job at the arcade?
her exposed cornea area is slightly larger
Food and rent.
How do I keep people off me as abigail
Metamaterial make up??
Ummmm... Ever had a job??
Your gorrila normals.
nude ryu patreon mods
>Ever had a job??
how do i do chun make-up bros
Ramen from the shop right next to her house.
just mash
Mash what
When will Akuma and Ryu take up a disciple?
I keep watching people saying Capcom can't balance their game and claiming they're stupid for nerfing bottom tiers, etc. Capcom is not fucking stupid or uncapable of making a good, balanced game. They created this genre and they mastered it. The stupid ones are you all niggas thinking they're failing when in fact they aren't even trying. It's like wrestling. They want some characters to do well, they want some characters to be seen as degenerate and disgusting and they want some characters to show up less. Note that instead of character, they might focus on players instead. All about the views, all about the show. Welcome to esports, this is the future you chose.
Imagine Sakura with long hair.
All the energy from vodka and milk gotta go somewhere.
*autistic tomboy sniffer screeching*
>open up psn to preorder DBFZ
>a mcdonalds ad starts playing
are you fucking serious
what the fuck is gaming turning into
Consoles won't survive another decade, gotta milk every penny while it lasts.
>This is what mustards actually believe
You're either dumb or delusional if you can't see it coming.
thanks trump and all his corporate capitalist friends
They know their audience
is sakura's family poor?
>Sales are as healthy as ever across all three
You might pull out fucktons of links of articles about how "Pee-C is thriving better than consoles" which I can agree is true, but you're either dumb or delusional if it somehow spells "end of console gaming".
They have a house with a backyard in Japan. They are not poor.