League of Legends General /lolg/


first for nerf zoe

traps and futas are gay

Katarina is TIGHT

Caitlyn and Vi are the best couple and lovers!!!!!!

jinx kicking ezreal in the balls

nerf the 3 cocoa cup Q from the Peengoo

fifth for taking MSpaint requests

Sona wearing the "I have no tits" tank top

While Jinx is wearing the "MEGA MILK" shirt


Can you draw Ahri being cute?

How do I gank 3 people while Evelynn? Whenever I try to sneak in behind them and W one they all just start to huddle together and take turns fucking me before I can even use my ult to run away

Is she as tight as lux
Or even tighter ?


>tfw tyler1 started in silver 2 days ago and is already higher rank than you

This is one of the most accurate explanation of that type of mechanical monkey I've ever seen
>do something they never expected and they will literally mentally break down trying to understand what happened
probably my favorite thing is watching these spastics malfunction like that

Draw scuttle crab fighting with a meeps!

*blocks your path*

Nsfw: Vi trying to wear Jinx's outfit but the top break and her tits spill out
Sfw: Taric doing anything

>were you around for the old nidalee days
Yes, nid mid was the bane of my existence
>riot somehow justified it by making the damage come from 2(spammable) spells rather than 1.
They justify it cause they can't admit that they put out such a cancer champion.
The major thing that Riot does worse than any other gaming comapny (blizzard, valve, etc) is admitting they fucked up, thats why cases such as Azir, Lucian, Nidalee, Darius, Zyra, Kalista, etc get slowly changed to not be even close to the same champion they were on release but allow the creator to still take credit for making such a "fun to play champion" that makes Riot lots of $$$.
Riot's not a terrible company and does most of their stuff mediocre to good, but damn I hate their snobby cronyistic "we're gaymers 2 guiisss" attitude of balancing the game and communicating with the community as if they could do no wrong.

xth for my wife Syndra

>tfw no busty cowgirl gf

yeah but it can be a fed Zed who can just did one Q and R and oneshot you with all your actually clever stuff. And when you hit hom with any shit its like no damage cos he alreade have a black cleaver/mres/etc

>League has TWO (2) literal succubi
>several other women are canon seductresses and sluts
>all outclassed by a random fat musician from the puritan socially conservative nation-state


>taking turns fucking me
That is evelynns's purpose a little slut
But no really ganking 3 people as eve is fucking stupid unless at least 2 of them are 30% hp so you kill the high health one and finish the others using your R

That someone was lulu, I kinda feel bad for them, they weren't horrible

This is fine too

this but with Annie and Graves

this pls

balls kicking ezreal in the jinx

Yasuo sucking Riven's dick.

How do you guys feel about the resolve stats being split up?

How is Syndra's gag reflex?

What about dismounted Kled instead of Annie?

Why is syndra so fucking lewd?

even better

I'm a gold shitter that just runs the highest win rate runes off op.gg so I literally don't care.

Pls tell me thats a female shen i dont want to be gay
but damn those arms are so feminine and hot

tfw the barrels are as big as the cylinders

Post the splash art for each and Ill do it.

Literally wearing a bdsm outfit

Hey i need an answer quick is there a glasses girl in league?



there is 1 and shes widely regarded as cancer
her name is vayne

cyber pop zoe counts I guess
but that's a skin for a fucking cancer character

Headmistress Fiora wears glasses.

Vayne has cute glasses in some of her skins.

How about "go away"
Gee I wonder, that's a doujin cover.

even in her other skins she's still lewd as fuck

that's her default look though

ty, I'll give it a try then

Post cute or lewd

Plenty of art (that you post) she still is insanely lewd

Imagine if she farted

even if I'm wrong please tell me I'm right

jinx kicking ezreal in the balls


>top lane is just champions abusing comet or klepto
i hate this game

Here's both of them in one.
Can you do it in one pic?


Purposefully made to look lewder there, yes.
Like this one? I don't think it's as lewd as you say.

Play Demolish Yorick

>hq in image name
>picture for ants
What does it mean?


That's pretty much every lane at this point, save for bot lane targon shielders.

hey fucko I did my best not to have to make two replies
back the fuck off, if you really want them just look them up and dont be such a lazy cunt



that those arms are feminine? I dunno mate, I think you might be a homo

Why are there people who don't like big tiddies or impregnating women?
I'm not talking about taric or graves mains bc obviously they're only about the cock.

but what drives a ""straight"" man to something like sad like jinx?



>Completely shut down the enemy jungler
>my botlane gets styled on 2v2 anyways
adc/supp players are the fucking bane of my existence

>he doesn't like delicious flat chests

Talon x Quinn! Draw them holding hands please

It's an innocent question!

I want to i impregnate nami

I just want to cuddle with Nami


Variety is the spice of life.


I only want to impregnate girls I love. I don't love Jinx that much.

It just goes to show you that conservatives really do have the sexiest women

Right image this time.

Are other women in the league jealous of Sonas Hyper-Feminine figure?

Still none of your business.

Now THIS is an underated ship that I haven't seen in a long time
I like you user

That Shen looks an awful lot like Montecristo

It's everyone's business, cuck.

Diamond MMR in 45 games

>mouth open
>body twisted
>skirt riding up her body almost showing her crotch
its pretty lewd

>Get FB'd by battle bunny riven with some retarded *RIVEN MAINS tag
>Starts flashing mastery
>Goes apeshit in allchat about how trash I am
>Begin seething with anger and foaming at the mouth
>Solo kill her 4 levels later
>Says nothing
>Says nothing when I run her down again
>Says nothing as her team slowly starts to throw the lead they had
>Instantly leaves lobby

>Fap violently 4 times in a row to the thought of ravaging that infuriating fucking champion into the dirt to the tune of her half-moan half-screams while I roughly pull on a fistful of her stupid white hair and spit right into her mouth

I think I have might have poor anger coping mechanisms but I don't even care that felt fucking amazing

I enjoy petite. Easy to manhandle and dominate. Generally cuter as well. That's not to say I can't appreciate some thiccness though.

I don't think Jinx is sad, I just happen to think that women with small tits are delicately cute

why would someone cosplay shen cosplaying as monte?



Which league girls have the lewdest underwear?

And which ones do not even wear it?

What about sexually cuddling with nami?


That depends if they act like real women or if the fantasy aspect of the world alters it.