/wfg/ - Warframe General

Jojos edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png
(Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/kYhdYFc
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Riven Prices: semlar.com/rivenprices
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.8.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/897989-plains-of-eidolon-update-2280-hotfix-22801/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/893859-plains-of-eidolon-mirage-prime-2270/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

one punch man build?

2nd for Nezha

Do you P Flow on Inaros or is Rage/Hunter Adrenaline enough to keep him going? I feel like I can't spam Pocket Sand as freely since I started running Blind Rage.

what do you think'll happen in the next quest, and why is it "Lotus won't die, operator won't die, you'll get a new frame to grind for, and status quo will return with your operator crying about how he missed his mommy without a dialogue prompt?

4th for gas the corpus

>infinite scaling
>2 exclusive mods
>perfect Riven disposition
That's it, I'm getting a Sobek and I'm getting it now.

I wish Lotus would die and Worm would replace her for some reason

I don't want my cute mama who took care of me when I was at my most vulnerable, who nurtured me and protected me, to die. What are you, user, heartless? Lotus did nothing wrong!

I just want to able to shut her and Ordis up.
And stop popping up in my screen.
Advisor options when?

This and Onkko as well.
I'm tired of this slimy faggot giving me a fucking tutorial on how to get lures and capture Eidolons all the fucking time.

you should die with her

Fucking orokin slave.

Try again



It's very effective against groups of enemies (so pretty much all the time). As far as sortie levels and below are concerned, you can blitz through missions while everything explodes. You can tell just how old the weapon is just by looking at its reload tho.

How bad is it trying to use broken scepter for this?

The build is shit if you need to switch your weapon layout to make it work.

I want to play with Nehza's scepter!

make sure to not go for meme stats like crit or even status on rivens. dmg and ms are your best friends, with maybe reload speed if you really can't deal with it or fit chilling reload into your build.

What Japanese page is doing stuff like that?


Dumb 4channers right? This is obviously korean, lol.

It's pretty easy, kill a few trash mobs and turn them into health orbs. You don't need it but it makes it much quicker to get a 3x stack


>Harrow systems farming

I feel like people comissioning their tato and favourite frame drawn as jojos should be more of a thing

I feel like people comissioning their tato and favourite frame drawn as jojos should be more of a thing

Max efficiency Trinity and solo this shit.

No it shouldn't. Jojo is shitted up enough already as it is.

Fuck this shit I can't listen to Roundabout anymore without a billion kids spamming their dank maymays.

i'm soloing it fine with Hydroid, Phobos Memphis is low level anyway the problem is endlessly doing 8 rounds of this shit when these fucktards get stuck for no reason and you either wait for them to die or the whole thing decides not to spawn a single enemy and you just quit and restart

You don't actually care, do you? Why gimp your droprates like that?


what do you mean? it has the same % drop on every tier


>what do you mean? it has the same % drop on every tier

pls explain, i'm not into dev streams nor conspiracy theories

Just check the wiki.

Check the wiki, retard.

okay, maybe it doesn't have the same drop % on every tier my bad i can't solo any other location anyway probably

phobos is a tier 1 defection with like 7% chance while t2 defection is 11%

Sorry to ask, but what was that weapon that you paired up with Mirage for "what the fuck is happening in this small corridor"? I know it doesn't sound clear but there were many bullets in a small place.

Tonkor is always the answer

synoid simulor or just memeulor

I use a drakgoon

The Zarr

If I were to guess it's either augmented Tetra or Drakgoon, whose augments allow projectiles to bounce.

/wfg/ discorder reporting in, we just had a successful tribal knuckles event in town as red rhinos posing as knuckles

REMEMBER - our info is in the OP, so remember - /wfg/ is the official event maker for this thread series, and warbros as well

the 'goon

How blatant

old synoid simulor


Post 'em

I dunno, the discord does have an actual furry ERP channel that they invite "proven" members to. I could believe this level of faggotry.

Not surprising since Discord is notorious for being full of pedophiles and faggots using it for ERP.

>the thread is in an extension of the discord

How conceited can someone be?

I'm a new player and made it up to pluto but the game's gotten too hard for me to progress and I'm not sure what I should do.

I've got around 2k total health and shield on my warframe and a soma prime with all the basic elemental mods maxed out. The main problem is that I melt the second I run out of energy for my defensive abilities and a lot of times missions will just go dry on orbs. I maxed out the energy efficiency mod but it only helps so much.

I'm not rly sure what I should do to get stronger and progress at this point. Any tips?

>we ARE the general

>new thread
>no mari poster
wtf bros

Use rhino and get a hek

First, the Soma Prime is to be built for Crit, not all elemental damage. The Soma Prime will kill pretty much everything you'll find in 5 to 10 shots at most when built correctly.

Second, you really don't need to face everyone in your path, frames and parkour is so fast the enemy will only start shooting at you when you already made around the corner. I can run missions with frames that have no defensive mods at all and not die, you'll simply not get hit if you don't want to. With ~2k health, if you're dying, you are doing something VERY wrong on how you face your enemies. Melees should be dead before even reaching you. Ranged should not have a way to gang up on you.

Third, if you're in open areas and getting caught that's on you. Isolate your angles and pick your fights, or CC enemies so you can shoot them all. Hide behind things, shoot an enemy at a time.

>faggot got banned for avatar fagging
Good riddance

>you don't need 2k total health and shield at all
>at higher levels you want CC abilities like excalibur's radial blind just for example to mass-disable enemies, give yourself breathing room to kill all of them
>the soma is a crit build weapon, you should have vital sense and point strike at the very least maxed out on it
>the energy siphon mod will help you stay good on energy if you're playing alone but don't rely on it
>don't be afraid to just speed past enemies when fighting them is unnecessary, there's no shame in it

also what this guy says
if you have 2000 HP and you're dying, you're doing something very wrong.

i have the crit and crit damage mods too. enemies die jus fine if i dont run out of ammo but the ones im getting stuck on are stuff like mobile defence where enemies blob up on an objective and you have to fight them or you lose.

Alright, those are probably harder to do solo because you have an actual objective. Soma's ammo economy isn't fantastic, so you should bring ammo restores or something if you're doing them alone. What frame are you using? A lot of frames are built for being offensive and aren't terribly useful when they have to defend an objective.

i guess i just suck lol :(

>forstybub can't stay alive with 2k hp
Parkour harder, also put a Point Strike and Vital Sense on that Soma to get the crits rolling, get Split Chamber when you can for the multishot.

are the crit mods leveled up? did you spend all your endo on em?

aaaaaaaaa i didnt know about ammo restores. my fav is zephyr but ive got a rhino and frost too

Get a Carrier sentinel to help with ammo.

Some frames and weapons are just bad for Mobile Defense. I like to use Rhino (CC and defense) and Harrow (same deal). I use the Baza, but the Soma Prime works the very same way. Just CC and kill as necessary, and use cover. Usually the enemy will simply not have the DPS to kill the consoles in the minute-and-a-half if you're killing them consistently.

And follow this guy, Carrier is simply amazing. 20% higher total ammo and innate ammo mutation for you.

i mean most of the time you don't really use ammo restores

i've never touched zephyr but I'm pretty sure she has a bad reputation. Snow-globing the objective as frost with the right build should make it a bit of a cakewalk with the right gun, as you can shoot right through your cover and kill the enemies at no risk to yourself or the objective as long as the globe remains standing.

rhino and frost has a better kit for star chart than zephyr.
use that frost bubble on mobile def

>use that frost bubble on mobile defense
unless you're fighting Infested*

You can pop your 3 using your 1 and regenerate it's health by recasting 3.

Don't bully mariposter

Stop with this sh*t, you threadders tried to get us kicked out of the OP posts, but we keep claiming first post and thus retain control of the general.

We can't ban you from Veeky Forums, but we can ban you from our affiliate discords.

would go a little a darker on that on that white/grey


if you think we're 'low' enough to give us a derogatory title, why do you give a shit about being in the OP at all discordfags?

ok thanks bbs. ill build a carrier and give it another try with frost when i have my next play sesh.

I'm near certain you're baiting, but I'll bite anyways. Making the OP doesn't mean you control the general. It means you made the first post. Everything past that is out of your control. You can't put a leash on an anonymous cambodian basket weaving board.

>error 502

As long as you fucks don't touch the general's discord link you can think whatever you want.


If you're playing Zephyr, the Jet Stream augment mod is absolutely positively 100% required, and you should never ever stop moving under any circumstance. Agility Drift/Aviator are nice on her, too, if you can come by them.

finally someone sane!

Cool, keep the link up and the drama out.

The constant fighting is proof in itself that making the OP doesn't mean shit for control.

all of you are cool people and I wish to subscribe to your newsletters

agreed, let the link remain and let the drama die out

>Nyx P parts go for more than 50p on wfmarket
>although nobody plays her

Completionism + Some Level of Rarity = Demand


Anyone used a Nukor on Saryn or Nyx breast in captura squad?

Remove it anyway, there's no reason to promote degenerate ERP R*dditors.

that is a sight for sore eyes

The only way that'll happen is if one of our good ol' autists beats one of these shitty furry ERP faggot tier autists to the punch and makes the next OP

Do people care about the riven challenge when buying unveiled rivens?
I'm at max capacity and want to offload some veiled melee rivens with annoying challenges

People don't like the medallion challenge, I can tell you that.

>Do people care about the riven challenge when buying unveiled rivens?
No unless they're shitters.

It's 9°C inside because I was too busy farming and the fire went out. This game is unhealthy for me I think.

>warframe figure cant pose with melee
fuck this game