/srg/ - Speedrunning General

AGDQ 2018, Day 5

Schedule: gamesdonequick.com/schedule

Current game: Arabian Nights

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mfw this game

puwexil will never stick his dinger in between essentia's warm thighs

Honestly, to all of you who are actually bothered by someone on the couch being transgender? To all of you who are bothered by chat being subs only, stating that the things you spam in the chat aren't bigotry and hatred, and they're "just facts"?

Just stop watching. AGDQ is meant to be a fun speedrunning event that pulls money together to support charity. It isn't an event meant to illicit hatred. It isn't meant to be an online forum to spread hatred, or to even discuss transgender issues in the first place. The fact that someone on the couch was transgender? Irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. Does it change the quality of the run? Does it change the interactions between the people on the couch and in the audience?

Nobody asked for your opinion on whether being transgender is right or wrong, or whether they're a she, a "he lul" or an "it". We aren't here to discuss transgender issues. If it bothers you so much that you legitimately cannot keep yourself from being toxic, just stop watching. From the people most entrenched in liberalism, to the most radical of conservatives, I think it's safe to say almost nobody wants to hear constant chatter about transgenderism and how it's the "real cancer" during a goddamn live stream of speedruns. I certainly don't.

To those it honestly bothers; the more you make a big deal out of it, the more it becomes a part of speedrunning. In doing this, you only make a big deal out of something you presumably want to not be a part of speedrunning in the first place. So just stop.

anyone have the picture of GDQ cable gore?

Autism manifests itself in some Finns as being an annoying cunt.

Kazooie grill cannot beat qt azn gf



Hi GDQ staff


>Kazooie grill

both are overrated

based Blechy

wait, arent plushies bannable?


cosmo shop when


Get me a good headshot of of cosmo (eyes closed preferably) and narcissa and consider it done

lucky this guy didnt catch her with that plushie.

Wait what the fuck, i used to know that doomshizzle guy personally.

Is he a speedrunner now?


Blechy's got a fair amount of gumption considering he looks like Caleb's minime

They put HalfCoordinated on at Midnight Thursday into Friday!?

So this is the guy that declined the /v/ guys Hitman run because he found a new glitch?

>Goals for 2017:
>- Get Twitch Partnership
>- Buy a house
>Goals achieved:
>- None even though I tried really hard at both
How's she not have twitch partnership? Thought that was easy to get

At least I won't hear the fat fuck brit

powers 4: vern's revenge

fucking good

I'm sick of that mediocre runner getting the sympathy slots

>yfw they showed nipples on a gdq stream

they dont make them like they used to


crippled isn't enough diversity points to get a primetime slot
maybe he if started HRT

is that icarly?

no that was someone larping


what was his name again?

the guy never closes his eyes, best one I could scrounge up


dan schneider


Is that DS Dad?


Dan "get in the van" Schneider

this giggly couch

(((Dan Schneider)))

Dan "Old enough to pee, old enough for me" Schneider
Dan "Cum inside her" Schneider
Dan "Lube required" Schneider
Dan "If you have a daughter you'd better hide her" Schneider

i want to lick his stomach

Dan "I'm fat so everyone assumes I do sinister things" Schneider

did the guy on the lift drop hints about the next GoT season yet?


hey dan


This game, lmao.

Kazooie grill poster, I appreciate you. I'm the user from last night who broke up w/ his gf a few weeks ago and qt azn gf and kazooie grill somehow give me hope

I liked this run.

Bad Games Block is best block.

Entirely too much fun,

best run this marathon

haha!!!! a midget joke about blechy!!! epic!!! xD

When are they gonna run this at GDQ?


Are the Monday recaps over?


Honestly, how did this game get into AGDQ. Fun and "objectifying the wimmin and displaying them as damsel in distress".

>minimum bid for entry
>no donation necessary for entry
What did they mean by this?

It's Arabic folklore. Lmao.

I don't mind tattoos but that's an awful tattoo.

If you read the terms on the website you can enter by sending a postcard to them by mail for free, but you have to pay for immediate entry

this is the truth

can we talk about how one of the prizes is just Some Book A Chick Drew In

and that it's thirty fucking dollars


it's so that some crusty virgin can buy the book and jerk off while smelling it

all these numales and betas walking around saying "i don't mind tattoos" are the reason half of western women have more tats than a sailor from the 40s

a real girl or a transtrender?


0 difference asshole, go back to /pol/

That's a dude.

There's some good drawings in it

~~I'd honestly rather get the bubsy figurine tho~~

yeah we get it, you really really love this guy

now fuck off

Depending on how much they want to fuck over postcard entries, it may be not worth it, either. e.g. they could give donors over the threshold one "ticket" per cent they donated, and then give you one "ticket" for sending in the postcard in the envelope with all your info filled out correctly.

The requirements for the postcard are also really specific about hand-written and and what info to write on it and included in an envelope, etc.

I imagine they need to have a free entry option in order to comply with laws.

>terrible runs
>shitty runners
>$4.99 to chat
>had to beg for crowd cam
>more trannys than ever
>now on pace to surpass last year's donation total

/srg/ btfo

why have you been shilling your twitter for almost a decade on Veeky Forums? youre not funny or interesting at all. thats why you never reached onsu or manlytears or quentin status

A game where? Youre jekyll and hide and one side does commits crime and the other one solves them during the day?

better than the endless plugs for people that glue beads together in the form of video game sprites for money


stop reposting your own tweets you unstable fuck
theres a whole lot of difference between a tranny and an actual woman

I'd take it any day over fucking cereal.

perlers are cute, I'm sorry you had to be the way you are

>Implying GDQ isn't a massive shill operation funded by the jews

i mean i can think of a couple of differences, y chromosome, the penis, ability to have kids..

how retarded are you

drank the kool aid too hard

This announcer is already getting on my nerves. The last one was better.

horror block was fantastic
who the fuck cares about twitch chat
who the fuck cares about the crowd cam

does it make me intolerant that nearly every donation reader's voice annoys the fuck out of me?

not all. but many.

also i already know i'm autistic, i'm just not sure if i'm also intolerant


oh boy this is already looking to be fun

if you're a grown man with perlers in your room you are never going to reproduce

I get it's a bad game, but why is this a game?

wow a let's play ... epic