/twg/ - Total War General

Bretonnian Knight: Part 2 Edition

>FAQs and General Info

>Total War Three Kingdoms Info
Announcement Trailer - youtu.be/s4D42vMUSIM

>Thrones of Britannia Info
Alfred the Great Trailer - youtu.be/5MUdiBfXo04

>Warhammer 2 Info
37 Minutes Tomb Kings Gameplay - youtube.com/watch?v=O-aXyiLim2k
Tomb Kings Trailer - youtu.be/IpWqKme-g_4

Campaign posting and screenshot sharing encouraged!


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I love you, you cheeky cunt.

Quick post which warlord you're going to play as before /po/ returns

nth for best boy

Cao Cao is the rightful general of the emperor though.... he isn't a warlord (after he was legitimized by the emperor)

post in harmony peoples

Arr rook same.
No, really, how can I even choose between those guys? It's the pure random.

We have a week or so of heavy shitposts before any semblance of order can be restored

this post does nothing and contributes nothing other than using up the CaoCao laughing gif.

Elephants delayed tho'

Fear the dreaded Yuan Shao

We have two weeks until Tomb Kings, so there is nothing else to do until then.

2018 is going to rock. All these insecure, underaged wh*toids getting buttblasted it's not yet another boring European title.

What was so funny?

Are history fags back in power?

What movie even is that?


I like that China is now its own thing.

3 kingdoms may be based in history, but it's only fun with dynasty warriors memes.

Three kingdoms is about as historically accurate as King Arthur

There are no history fags anymore. Not it's all about western fantasy versus eastern fantasy.

it's the 2010 Three Kingdoms series. It's very dated and very chinky. People hyped it up as Chinese Game of Thrones, but it kinda falls short in that comparison. The only reason to watch it is for this based motherfucker

>Playing anything other than Sun Ce

Herodotus is a better comparison

Dong Zhuo
Gongsun Zan
Zhang Jiao

>But who should be the narrator and floating help guy..

He's a damn good talker that motherfucker

Fuck it, let's ask!

/eagg/ and 3kingdoms-Fags. Do you side with the Veeky Forums and their crappy Fantasy title. Or do you side with the true owners of /twg/!!

>Gongsun Zan


I knew Veeky Forums had a fair amount of weebs and nippon lovers, but china?

I hope CA is culturally sensitive and inclusive enough to include Africans in the armies of China.

We wuz dynasties and shiieeet

based CaoCao (or as his homies call him --Mengde), is one of the most based people in history. From a lowly captain position - he rose through the ranks in order to unite China and end the chaotic period. Sadly the Shu version of the story became more popular, so he's not really known as such

I'll take history with a touch of fantasy rather than fullblown orcs and skeletons and fireballs. It's the best we can hope at this point until CA stops catering to history-hating, brainlet casuals


I second this. Never give up astolfoposters, never give in.

>When do we get a Astolfo LL mod for Bretonnia?

christ, i thought /twg/ was bad before

/twg/ is now divided between Fantasy-fags, 3Kingdoms-fags, and hist-fags.The winner of this shitpost war will be the rulers of /twg/ until the next release cycle


China is unironically the greatest country in history.

at least the chinkaboo's will get shafted with DLC like everyone else

>China and history separated

Get off my coast

no historyfag with any taste cares about china


The diplomatic situation of my Greater Nordland game. I also got colonies in Araby.

We just don't know. We don't even know how powerful the hero characters will be. Maybe they can kill a lot of normal soldiers, but only 1 at the time

Enjoy your sagas then.

Any chink pros here? Genuine question: how did peasants purify their water, as I've noticed a lot of their meals required the use of water in them (assuming so). I love learning this sort of history. Google, Google Scholar, Bing, and Duck Duck Go have all failed me, or my search engine skills are shit.

>tfw Kislev and Kraka Drak is united against the norscans and going strong.

Couronne just got fucked though(by dwarfs) and the Empire taking a lot of bretonnian land.

Most of the population on this western board was more influenced by the Western Canon. So of course China's historical culture is different, even more so than say, Japan in Shogun and Shogun 2. Likely because Japan is a culture that repeatedly took influences from China, and changed radically from European influence.

/twg/s idea of history, and it's presentation are inherently different than how ancient Chinese history is presented. It's hard for me to put into words as I've been fully immersed in both histories since I was young.

they have wells, and they just boiled them I think

The general, long divided, must unite!
A great archive burns, and shitposters rule over the ashes
As the thread autosages, new threads grow ever darker
CA's greed corrupts the future, and complete games shatter in the flames of DLC
yet from the cinders, the Fantasyfags, historyfags, and 3kingdoms-fags emerge

The general, long united, must divide,
and destiny be shaped by its champions!

Also this isn't the work of norscans. Beastmen did it

you boiled it like most people.

First for best warrior under shu

>mfw somebody says 3k isn't history

it's going to get the warhammer treatment so it's effectively fantasy

Post yfw Pei Yuan Shao will be a DLC hero

if they are gonna do some warhammer bullshit they better atleast have food and mass famines as a big deal

does that mean we're getting fantasy weapons? is Guan Yu's Crescent Blade going to be fuck huge?

I'll concede that, but it's more about CA pandering to casuals than about historyfag/fantasyfag divide.

mfw yellow turbans will be dlc

gotrek & felix when

>type in twg
>see this

Zhuge Liang unique mount when?

God, Zhao Yun is so handsome, thanks God i main that fucker

I can't wait to play as he man and smash those ingrate shi ting fucks with my bro wang yin and his Bruder hei gou


If they wanted to present it as a good historical title they shouldn't have focused the trailer on the heroes. It's definitely fanservice in that regard, for people who are learned in the three kingdoms, understanding the signifigance of Zhang Fei and Guan Yu facing down Lu Bu.

As far as total war fans, they don't necessarily know who any of these chinks are. Normally that wouldn't matter too much, because it's within scope of traditional total war historical titles, there's little focus on any one character, emphasizing the kingdoms and governments, with the ocassional "character" being limited to generals in the western sense. They're not "le epic badass warriors" for the most part, they're tacticians. Three kingdoms has that, but in all modern representations of the medium, they're all "le epic badass warriors" and that's exactly what CA showed in the trailer.

In a dream Chinese total war game, I'd be playing a chinese total war, not a dynasty warriors total war.

I've wanted three kingdoms total war since I learned about total war, playing rome 1 in 2005. I never wanted Dynasty Warriors in total war, I have Dynasty Warriors for that. Not to mention theres no way they could, or would want to match the ridiculousness of Warhammers heroes. That's a good thing, but it remains to be seen if they realize that.

For the Lady

So what kind of soldier were Lu Bu, Guan Yu, and the rest of these hero types? Wuxia? Are those even historical? Are they legal?

I know how you feel bro

>Play Dwarfs in Multiplayer
>Be so good host kicks you from the lobby

Hopefully with all the other ridiculous stuff
>greek fire, much less fire arrows
>new terrain + fire mechanics as outlined in the Art of War
>crazy formations
>boulder ambushes
>setting the enemy's navy on fire
>generals betraying left and right
>hundreds of warlords
>contextual, poetic battle speeches
>all sorts of fancy artillery
>1v1 me fagit in battles


could you repeat the question?

They were just really martially practiced dudes which made them above the average soldiers. Some were more ridiculous than the others like Lu Bu. But the book makes it out like they had superpowers, which is cool.

Knights of the blazing sun would be the only reason I would want to buy Volkmar and ugly shite vampireman

Good post my man.

Dwarfs got a bit ridiculous with all the slowing and netting

If it weren't for the stupidly glowing lances (the effect is just downright ugly) the BLAZE IT! knights would be my favorite unit by far.

hoyl shit user are you me
although I don't like Zhang Jiao much, Gongsun Zan and Dong Zhuo are based as fuck

Anyways I haven't been in /twg/ in ages, give me a quick rundown on things. Are desu-voltards/rometards sperging about the new game?

>Your officer will never run through the thick advancing enemy army just to save your firstborn and your wife

Brothers are truly like limbs, Fall can't come soon enough

3 Kingdoms unironically sepearated twg into...3 kingdoms

I want to watch this now

Behind a paid dlc wall a shadow lays waiting for his appearance


I mean out of all the different historical settings, this is basically the one you would use if you wanted to reskin lots of Warhammer


More like two kingdoms and a little village of historypeasants, who eat dirt and tell each other stories of their glorious past.



Don't worry you can count on me to govern your domain when you are gone

astolfoposter if you can please make this the op pic on next edition thanks

Fantasy fag here. You histfags are alright.

Chink scum get out.

I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of all the Chinaposters that can now mock me because the next historical turned out to be China.

>A Storm From The East
>Oh cool another historical titl-

>Faction Emerges
>Dynasty Warriors Total War

Histfag here. Chinkfags are ok.

Fantasy scum get out.