/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: >200th Day Anniversary
Peroid: 2018-01-11 04:00 - 01-18 03:59 UTC
Login once in that period for:
1m QP
x2 Tickets
x2 Golden Fruits
x1 3* All ATK Fou
x1 3* All HP Fou
10k FP
Login between 01-11 04:00 - 01-12 03:59 for:
x10 4* All EXP

>Saber Wars
2018-01-04~01-18 3:59 UTC
Read the guide below before you ask about what to do in the event

>Saber Wars Summon
5* Mysterious Heroine X
4* Artoria Pendragon (Alter)
4* Nero Claudius

>[Event Guide]
Altrium Calculator: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F0sr4mocLHeQk0MZIBWal9gq_WapjcBXXpNu74-LOAQ/edit#gid=0

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/w6VAowU
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975


Other urls found in this thread:


First for Priest killing Thot

Is it fair bros?

Did she not buy any SQ?



>Why do you care anyway? Like 45% of my friend list have one if I ever want to use her, and like 70% have a Merlin, I don't have the need to roll for those servants at all.

Because You want 2 Memelins, duh.


Gudako is well developed!

xth for AZRAEL

D-da vinci?

>Because You want 2 Memelins, duh.

>he doesn't know

The third SSR from a ticket while taking a crap. Is this the true catalyst?




Good now I have images to smug at this post

Reminder to take the single roll redpill and NEVER 10-roll

I am looking at the drop rate list for Forbidden Pages and I do not see Hyde Park anywhere in London

2 Merlins is a waste of time, you keep sucking your dick with arts cards and spamming his NP animation over and over to the point you get sick of it until you get a buster card and another to brave chain with your DPS NP.

I don't think it's fun at all to play like that. But if that's what swings your boat go ahead.

It is locked until you have 2 Mil in Saber Wars

user, don't tell me... did you fall for onii-chan's meme?

Shitty catalyst for a shitty servant. Congrats!

No problem, it gave her character a complete upgrade.

What would you all rather have?strawpoll.me/14810586

clear soho first

>2 threads to choose from
>the /v/ footfag poster
>or the retard who cant even link threads properly

So I just finished watching lost room.
Is the purple clothed character with white hair Galahad? If so, is he going to be one of the antagonists in part 2 then?

None of them, fuck poorfags

>Preferring LoliVinci

>clear soho first

oh. I have not been doing that because of Saber Wars.

I guess I can burn an apple for this. I have 1.2 million Event Points right now

>>the /v/ footfag poster

First I am discord now I am /v/. Care to elaborate?

We average about 400 free summons a year, which is equivalent to 1200 quartz.
I'd rather have more summons than just paying for any 5 star. That way I'd have way more 5 stars for the money I spend.

dumb mordredposter
you are a nigger

Yes. And Dont know yet. He was so far just the Antagonist of Lost Room.

Though its implied from the prologue/PV's that ALL Servants, save for those that Holmes made copies of are antagonists now.

I would rather it go back to 4 quartz a pull.

People still doesn't give a shit about that Thot lol

why people keep posting the shitty version is beyond me

Stop posting threads so fucking early just because you're obsessed with being the OP

Because its the only translated version I can find

This thread was 2 posts late though

Yes. We don't know, but he's probably going toneed to be fought at some point.

What I want to know is, will Mash's NP also gain a counter once she get her inevitable 5*?

I watched the whole thinking it was the second part to the first OVA. Now I am confused as fuck.

/fgoalter/ decides where to go. if people wanna go in the footfag thread then so be it. they could have easily gone to the other one

3rd option, it's not even a contest.

you should look harder then

>752 posts
Are you retarded?
There's like a solid hour of auto sage before the thread hits page 10

>third party OPs

The other thread was made by a mouthbreathing retard that didn't even know how to link threads

go away worst romani

It's because DW originally planned to animate each singularity as an OVA but they got lazy so they just animated part 1 and the prologue to part 2.

In that case every thread of every general is early.

Spoonfeed us user, as I'm lazy and its 3am here, and I dont know any good mana sites outside of Sad Panda or Hitomi

just copy and paste wow so hard doesn't change anything

>friend fucks up his leg while traveling, has to go to hospital
>rolls this while there

Was it worth it

But that's wrong because the majority of generals create new threads at like 800-900 posts.

How do I turn into a supportchad like pic related?

>100% chance to get what i want twice a year
sure wonder who wouldn't want that, dumb trapfag

Holy shit you are naive

>Have to wait two years just to get to JP's point

I could rush it on JP ,but I missed the hype so its not the same.

I hope your friend loses his leg...

Sure, but first I'm gonna take a piss on you.


>35+ kaleidos
>NP5 Horta, mommy, papa, memelin, ozy, scat, gil, 2kat, and cuzilla
The obvious answer is to whale
It's actually amazing that his Scat and hassan aren't maxed for skills.

have lots of disposable income
or just be a trust fund baby

>all good servants
>all maxed out
live and work only for this game

Should have invested into Bitcoin in 2012

We get it, you're autistically obsessed with being the OP because you think it means people will care about you
They won't


Why is my king so cock hungry?

She wants you to vote for her

Whatever helps you sleep my salty friend


Rate my supports

Go to bed Nasu

Go away Nasu

Something's wrong with my Mash.

Fuck off nasu

That's no support chad. Kaleidos are awful on all of those but Raikou.

You paid your friend's leg for this. You'll take that to the grave

>max grail Kintoki
I love Nasu

Seems like an improvement.


As far as the skills and acquiring those servants go? Planning. I'm not exaggerating when I say you can have that entire spread 10/10/10 14 months from now. I've actually charted it out.

The NP5s? Nothing but sheer money. NP2 is man of reason tier, anything more you either are trust fund Tommy or love a specific servant.

Edgy servant is always better than the original servant. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Storylet here. Why exactly is Holmes such a big deal in the story? Did the Counter Force send him before everything went to shit? Why is he on our side?

why does your folder only consist of 10 pictures

This isn't my Jannu Oruta...

Holmes isn't that huge in the story. Do you mean Da vinci?


Pretty good. Now rate my team.

>NP5 5*s
Did they quintuple the SSR rates, or are Japanese whales just that batshit insane?

Wasn't the prison warden just an alternate costume for Medb? How does that work? Did he just say "I'm the boss and I want to use two copies of the same servant"?

nice reddit team

Did you miss the whale that spent over $10,000 USD for NP5 Nightengale?

theres a reason why it makes 2m a day

Fucking disgusting, go to /d/ to post your degenerate shit and leave us.

Holmes plays a large role in Part 2 actually, when he joins Chaldea just prior to the UN Inspection which sends everything to shit. He and Da Vinci make copies of all Chaldea's Saint Graphs and smuggle them out when they realize Chaldea's Servant system would be endangered.

Nothing stopping you from having a copy in all and their servant slot. Try it with a couple of duplicate 3*

He has rolled 10 copies of Medb, that's how.

When did Sen draw that? Can't find it on his pixiv.

what's the meaning of this meme?
Sorry I can't read Japanese.

I suppose that's what you call dedication