/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2613

Sig So hansum

>Recent News
Kirin and dong weapon 4*'s
Qilin and Huanglong Changes - 1/10 - Gold Bar droprate increased for Host but will be removed from MVP Chest.

>CutieFest 01/10-01/25
Daily single gacha ticket starts 01/11
1.5 RP and EXP for Ranks 100 and below(Non-HL)
1/2 AP and BP
1/2 Free and Extra Quest
All Elemental Trials are open during the period

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:


Help I'm only on chapter 30 of the story after a month of playing

Husband thread! Plaster my womb daddy! I want your DNA inside me!


No shitty meme faggotry under this post

who cares i'm only at 50 after nearly 2 years

big fat cow tats

I hate this meme

What would you do

>broken spine
>and probably a rib or two

Naru 5* soon™

pls daddy

>tfw I have both Orchid and Zoi on my dark team and they both need chapter 70+ for their skills

See you in a month you god damn hero

What is that dumb cow doing half-naked on my deck?

why is she pissing on the grancypher

Impregnate and take responsibility.

a month? that seems kinda unnecessary long

That's not piss that's my DNA.

Impregnate Heles

Dirt and Water deserve nothing this year.

>picked up Lecia Grand during BIGGEST
>need Chapter 75 just for her INTRO fate
Fucking hell.

Funny how there's almost no side quests to get free crystals the further I get into the story.

lecia is shit tho

It's completely sfw though

Go to bed Jodie

What do you think Sieg's like in bed?

Passive and submissive?
Dominant and proactive?
I want him to be the dominant type that hugs me and rubs my back while holding me close afterword also reminding me how much he loves me.

prease understand loyal prayer

>water get an 8.5
>dirt gets a ticketable character that challenges Oktos spot in Titan and their own Murg equivalent.

You can faintly see her pubes if you look hard enough. That's completely haram for the mods.

>when it's actually a straight upgrade if it were in the same element

Can't have people actually sparking to get a character.

Pay up goy.

Theorically that was last year

How old is /ourgirl/?

My wind lineup needs SOMETHING man, this is what I have to work with.
Using Karteira/Meteon/Lancelot atm.

2018 will be our year, lightbros

>That HL player that comes into a Beast raid and instantly goes for the Beast itself
Fuck you, man

Is it rude to take someone's kirin MVP? Everyone else in the raid seems to be leeching except a handful of people.

I thought 6 daggers were good for levi grids? What gives huh? Got Xuan Mace as MH, 6 daggers, Pina, Xeno and Baha Dag

>Relink director is FKHR
God fucking damnit.

That's fine, remove one for seraph when on element

No, unless specified, and it's their fault for being shit.

Train? Yes.

I hate magna dirt as it has no DATA and I'm forced to play elysian everytime.

>dirt gets a ticketable character that challenges Oktos spot in Titan


Anyone who opens at 100% usually doesn't care for mvp, and anyone who opens later are too far ahead for anyone to steal.

Unbalanced mess of a game confirmed. Enjoy your cookiecutter teams.

Well shit, the premium weapons DO drop. Just got one of the SRs. Ez dagger stones.

SSR Jin. They are designing him as we speak

Maybe he can't get away with it in a paid game

Should I get these? First time doing this even, I'm saving points to buy a 30k water weapon.

Old enough

Which magna has data
t: ely in 6 elements, even fell for the gw dagger meme and went all out farming 2 mlb daggers in my first gw despite being too weak for it and it was really painful, until I finally rage reduced them when ayyer with 400k autos + echoes under dagger ougi single attacks three turns in row FUCKING AGAIN

Dark with cortanas

Just get your Ultima

Fire, dark, wind

The real answer is no, because you have so much to farm you can't waste 50k on few (wrong) weapon stones and subpar sr or silver moons.

Everybody still buys them anyway because you get to roll gacha and that's the fun part of game. I got Sig and Redluck.

just make atma lamo

How's quatre's 4*? Also is there any reliable tier list/priority list for eternals?

That's less multiattack than getting a trium atma

He's decent.

If you can farm the points at a decent rate. You can usually get around 0-3 SR characters.

Springwater Robe should be a passive skill for apsaras. I hope the rebalance fix it along with memehound.

Why not both?

And nothing stops you from using cortanas and atma, which provides more DATA from the grid than other magna elements.

Is Six shit since he can't benefit from atma sword?

He doesn't need atma.

Who cares he has 100% da

He has 100/10 DATA and 100% TA on 40% uptime.

>I fell for the S. Zooey meme
Feels bad man

Decent and you get to have fun with buff extend memes.

>feel for the S Zooey meme
>stealing MVPs of people with far better on-ele grids than me
Feels good man.

wtf gbfg said dark is literally unplayable without her.....

Is cock a good buffer? I really have no idea how to use her 1. Usually I just use it when I have 1 big star.

This is a no girl thread. No fujos allowed after this post.

Cuck them, cuck them hard. It's their own fault for not securing it harder.

she never left my earth team

You can't tell me what to do.

>Usually I just use it when I have 1 big star.
Yes. That's how it works. She's great for longer fights and her emps make her hit surprisingly hard for a tiny girl using drums as weapons.

Optimally you want to use her 1 when the whole team has a big star. After the first time you can basically always use it on cooldown, everyone in the party should have a big red star by then.

>not being a little girl

>fell for S. Zooey meme
>can 1 turn all the beasts with my shitty 0* claw grid
A good meme indeed

She works really well on my Tez team with Ayer + Sarasa.

Dead thread dead game


dead like sarunan

Did they nerf Song or that was a meme?

I run her with Halle and Yugu. Absolutely amazing team for short to mid length fights.

Complete meme, she's better than ever.

Meme and not a meme. She received a buff as a whole but animation updates means her attacks are all slow as dog shit now for some reason. Same with every character that can attack all enemies, even if they're only attacking one. It's fucking stupid.

Yes she got nerf
Before you can para everytime she ougi
Now you need to wait for 3rd skill long ass CD up.

>make multiple status effects/buffs/debuffs play at the same time
>nerf attack animations
wtf bros

They made her attack animations take twice as long as before. She's nearly unusable for MVP racing now.

Everyone with aoe autos got affected for absolutely no reason.

Did they remove the trial period from zooeybot?

Well I guess I'm not making her anymore. Maybe I'll do Sasara like everyone here.

Didn't this problem exist a while ago? I swear the slow aoe attacks were a thing before and it got fixed.

they should've lower the CD & the cap to balance things out
fuck this shit

>MVP racing with only one screen
Internal timer is unaffected, so it's nothing.