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It's just the TTS bro, edition

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first for poison dad

>my boy lesion getting a buff

i want to make love to IQ's sexy soles!
kys janitor

Maybe you should be the one to kts

doxxing you now

>reply to user
>a new thread created as soon as I press 'post'
Jackal has no downsides whatsoever, even being a sandnigger isn't a downside in this case because he is a damn handsome sandnigger, he is also super fun to play. Buck is fun too, but his gun is tricky (fuck you limpwrist user, you cannot compensate random horizontal jumps) and his uniform is so bright it nearly glows in the dark, so remember to get black orchid skin. If I were in your place, I'd get jackal.
Also I fucking hate german captcha, why don't you guys use words with less than fifteen letters in them

It's been over 300 hours of play since a Fuze on my team last got a cluster charge kill

200* I mean

Yeah I posted at an awkward time it seems. Thanks for the advice I'll probably go with jackal since he seems very versatile and can play poor mans buck with his secondary shotty

Good Fuzes wait on the charge to drive people out into areas they can just shoot them

Quick, post Ying

How to properly nerf Twitch
>Reduce her ammo per drone to 8 (16 total)
>Reduce the darts damage to 7
>Having Rook plates reduces the damage even further to 5
She can still shoot a good amount of gadgets, but can't solo kill with the drone (112 total damage if you hit ALL the darts of both drones without expending a single one on gadgets or missing a single one, and only 80 damage with Rook plates), it will take 3 darts to kill a DBNO enemy instead of 2, giving more time to an enemy to react to their DBNO teammate and properly help them instead of realizing it when the 2nd dart is already killing the DBNO operator.
There, fixed it.

if the para recoil buff really eliminates the shitty horizontal sway im becoming an capitao main

Valk is the undisputed Veeky Forums operative but would Mira come close to matching her? She feels like she’s got a sporty look to her.

Not to mention that you'll be sitting on that shitty drone for 1m30s if you can fire without being interrupted at every single cooldown. How the fuck do people even come up with shit like HURR U CAN KEEL 30 GIDJETZ WITH IT

>Bought starter edition before looking into it way back


if you die to a twitch drone you are sub 10 hours played, glad thats how we are balancing

Friendly reminder that /ourgirl/ is still top tier and the best fragger on defence.
cry more bitch incels!

That's how Ubi is balancing, not my fault, I'm just trying to strike a balance between Ubi's proposal and her current live form

>but can't solo kill with the drone
If you don't manage to hit a rolling toaster that gives away it's position every shot, which is shooting at you for, at the very least, 36 seconds, you deserve to die.

>Killing with a Twitch Drone

Buying credits almost balances it out.

>Tfw IQ and Ela will never give you a double footjob

Buff suppressors

Put Yacht back in!

Remove bartlett
Remove ela
Remove shields


It is people who bought the ''full'' that are full of regret m8.I already have all the operators i like and now i am buying cosmetics for them.

Starter Edition is the way to go.
>get the essential operators on attack and defense
>fill in with some you like the mechanics of
You need 5 attackers and 5 defenders tops:

From the attackers you need either Thermite or Hibana,Thatcher,a shield operator(of your choice).

From the defenders you need either Mute or Bandit,Smoke,a trap operator( of your choice).

This is all you really need to fill in the gaps of your team.Everything else you get is non essential.


You don't like being able to spice it up every now and then?

>It is people who bought the ''full'' that are full of regret m8

Is this a new shitposting model?

It's more easy to say just buy the SAS boys and the rest is whatever.

>mid season patch version

>People actually die from bleed out

I've seen that "I already have all the operators I need" argument before, but overall its just sweaty starters that are trying to justify their poor purchase.

>You don't like being able to spice it up every now and then?
Spice it up?I spice it up when i am not filling up on what my team is missing by playing Castle,Sledge,Twitch,Tachanka.

did your spacebar break n i g g e r?

Sledge is non essential and Mute is interchangeable with Bandit.

My spacebar is perfectly fine.

Bandit got nerfed again tho. Extra mad about it this time cause i usually run the shotgun so the acog nerf didnt bug me that much.

Fuck filling what your team needs as long as you carry a gun you can be useful. I pick whatever I damn well want to play.

why did bandit have 3 barbed wires to begin with? (Started playing in Velvet Shell, pls no bully)

His ability to counter reinforced breachers is still the same.The one less barbed wire will barely affect him.

i hate this meme, you can finally use C4 and not feel like you are doing something wrong.
the barb nerf and now this change means we are finally free to bring C4 and meme shieldniggers.

Cause spicy shock strats. Also creates good choke points on corridors to slow down rushers

>Fuck filling what your team needs as long as you carry a gun you can be useful.
And by filling a specific role you become even more useful.I like to win but i don't like to carry, too much pressure so buffing up the ability of my team to deal with the opposing team is working pretty well for me.

Victory trough synergy.

>More shock wire deaths than sledgehammers

What? Is this some bronze tier thing?

C4 is cancer

To each their own I guess

I wish i had a team to play with.I like it when my team brings shields so i electrify them instead of the barbed wire.

>t. blitz

This is a pretty good edit, did you do it user?

that alone makes me believe its made up, i haven't seen a single shock wire kill in over 400 hours of siege.

I got a couple of shock kills with reinforced walls, I guess those count too for that statistics
inb4 t. bronze

nope, its on the booru for ages.

Well I'm a bandit main and have only 1 legit shock wire kill. My others have always been the "last guy is down so place barbed and battery" bullshit.

Remember to shoot downed enemies at your mercy in the head to pad your headshot ratio

I have. I've seen 4 or 5 but i play bandit so it was inevitable for me to see at least a few.
>electrify a shield and put an electrified wire behind it
>make electric pathways toward the hostage

You are the worst kind of person there is

I report people who do childish shit like that t b h.

Which operator would you like them to make an Elite skin for next?

Valkyrie is for __________!

well.. are you?
the lowest rank i have ever been was gold 4 in my very first placements, i have never seen someone hug an electrified wall and die before.
theres just no fucking way sledge hammer kills are more rare since i saw and did plenty of them while never even seeing someone get downed by a battery.

why is valk such a bully?

Up there on the list of people to kick for being bad sports, with the ones that start to teabag when they are 1v1 on secure and down the other person.
Would rather take the loss instead of letting that piece of shit get it's dopamine dose

Sometimes people who are low on health brush against the wall while running away and die.I personally never saw a legit hammer death other than downed people.

I don't play ranked and I'm a really average player, I'm probably Silver 2 or 3

well yeah obviously, but thats just the knife downed people version of sledge.
to do the same with bandit means you need to still have barbed wire on you and a battery.

Because she's American!
That or it's her way of flirting

god damn it, why did they even feel the need to nerf the twitch drone while doing fuckall to ela's gun?

I've gotten a few lucky frost/bandit combo kills with my friend. We probably make up half that statistic

vanilla bandit had 3 batteries. he had natural synergy with barbwire because of the shockwire thing so they gave him 3 to distinguish his loadout. this was also when c4 was king so it gave people a reason to choose barbwire over it. of course no one did because picking c4 basically meant guaranteeing nobody was going to pick shields. boy how times have changed.

It's punishment for not eating ass with enough enthusiasm.

Obvious favoritism, they wont admit their mistake with Ela's basic design of "fighting multiple attackers at once.


i really wish she would stop bullying Monika.

Yes and that is why i am assuming those are people who were on low health and ended up in barbed wire while rushing towards the objective in the last 15 seconds of the round.
Barbed wire is not meant as a killing gadget but more of a denial of entry/information gadget that can work as an ''alarm'' since operators that brush with the electrified wire scream.

The weak must fear the strong.

Dont be a bitch user. Next thing you're gonna tell me you report welcome mat, breach charge and x-kairos kills

So this pic has to be reversed since IQ is a counter to Valkyrie.


but IQ is not a bully

If they don't happen naturally, yes, i do report them.

IQ might be a counter to valk but which of the two is generally considered a stronger op?

Fuck off ubi I just want to play. Stop putting me in in progress losing games. If it's not during operator selection don't even bother.

To be fair, IQ bullies Echo a fair bit. Her and Twitch are the supreme bullies.

Overwatch is down the hall. You'll fit right in their safe space.

Is Valk saying just throw another one?

Think so. I don't speak Dokkaebi though.

>wasting the time of others
Grow up.

i swear IQ is the most bullied operator in the game.

Good luck with trying to get anything done. I will continue to have fun with executing the last guy in fun and creative ways. I especially like to do slow drawn out executions where I switch to a pistol, slowly walk up to the guy, and one tap execute them in the head.

and you can't do anything to stop me or anyone.

I wish matchmaking preferences worked.

I think it's pretty hard for consoletards

Only for terrorist hunt user :)

>all my friends turn off tower
>still get it

Whats even the point of letting us do shit with preferences

its specifically mentioned they are for TH not pvp.

Well... this is actually a thing I have not considered.

You are already wasting your time with a videogame.
