League of Legends General /lolg/

Teammates actually dictate how the game goes because it's a team game edition.


I want Zoe to sit on my face.

I want Zoe to sit on my face but my face is made of knives


what a load of shit

xth for cute Soraka!
Mornin lolgee

xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!

>Beast Hunter Sejuani
>Moo Cow Alistar
Both 10/10 skins


I want to aggressively mind break this bird while Rakan is forced to watch.

>What you get for banning my ______

Who's the champion /lolg/

Where do all the lolbabs hang out at the moment?


c-can i watch too

Matchmade teammates are all braindead minors that all have some sort of mental disability/illness and cause a forced 50 so strong if you're not 2-4 whole ranks above your placement the system will hold you down for a long ass time because Rito wants you grinding for a long ass time.

>inb4 me unga team bunga posts cause they wanna suck Riot's jew dick hoping gold coins will fly out I've had teammates so heavy even my high Diamond Draven friend couldn't carry them for me

I kind of had this happen but it was because I picked Evelynn rather than banning her. It was just friendly banter from the enemy team though.

>need 20 champs to unlock serious game modes
>took me couple days of play to start working on my plan of getting all qts starting from top and getting Kindred
Guess I'll be stuck in Normal for a while.

>because it's a team game

Yep, and the great tragedy is that this game is played by a majority of players who aren't into teamplay
If only individual 1v1 games like hearthstone really took off. There's no muh teams here.

Have you ever destroyed your keyboard out of rage while playing?

>getting Kindred


But why she's literally unplayable

Kindred is trash.
Also there are no serious modes and if you think even remotely that your bronze ranked matches will be anny different from normals with apes then you're gravely mistaken

>>inb4 me unga team bunga posts
mainly do that because nobody cares about your "muh team" posts

Of course youre going to lose games purely based on your team. I had an 18 game winstreak and it was broken because top DC'd level 1 and never came back, even though it was close 4v5.

Teams are important, especially when youre at or near your real elo

Lamb ass tho.

xth for my wife Syndra

>If only individual 1v1 games like hearthstone really took off. There's no muh teams here.
Hearthstone? Really? Play fucking fighting games, goodness.

Only if you're a submissive vastayan.

I want to draw Secret Agent or Candy Cane MF. Any ideas?

Or maybe y'know. Riot stopped catering to the flood of party queue fags and pandered to the actually competitive solo queue players, we could have "solo carry or at least have SOME power over the game if you're not an absolute mong, even if just 1-2 teammates feed". But nope. If one person ints it's over. But you know that won't happen. It'd make all the babs with no individual skill bawl their eyes out. Riot cares about the money from the skins these shitlets buy rather than any actual competitive aspect of a competitive game.

Does everyone start the climb from Bronze? In normal as Eve I'm almost always one of those guys who rape the entire enemy team solo unless there's someone as decent or better there.

i'am a submissive human


I roll up Malzahar and make them enter the void

Explain how my Diamond friend, whom has boosted several accounts, couldn't carry 4 inting bronze shitlords for me then user. I'd LOVE to hear how you delusionally think rank makes you immune to losing games well below your own elo because of your team.

>If one person ints it's over.
you mean if one of your enemies repeatedly kills the same guy in lane over and over then he solo carries the game?

Post cute ahris pls Anons

People don't like to play fighting games competitively, my dude. That's just how it is.

Lamb does have a nice fluffy butt.
But it's still not worth playing her.
even if you get ahead, you're just a shitty ADC with almost no CC.

>jax gets mad because entire enemy team is ranged and he can't do shit
why are top mains the most autistic out of all

>get permanent of sej
>immediately get a shard of the same

Where have you people been this whole preseason? Certainly not playing the game.

hes playing jax

youd have to play him to understand

>my opponents can solo carry when my teammates feed
>I cannot solo carry, because, uh, my lane opponent doesn't feed me enough.

Any good Jhin art, maybe with quote? I want do to something cool for my room.

>Does everyone start the climb from Bronze?
They didnt use to. Back in S2-3 you could start from gold. Now it doesnt matter at all. When i came back to the game after years with a new account it put me in bronze 2-3 or something.

Chances are that new accounts will play their provisional games with apes and afkers. It happened both times i tried it. So unless you are comfortable playing a hyper carry,forget it.

Right, I forgot people here are weird. I forgot in all the actual discussion that was going on a bit ago your kind still exist here. You do you user. If you can think of a laner Kindred build that works though I'd like to hear it though. I've had no luck myself and I HATE jungling.

these ryze reworks are getting out of hand

your friend is shit, or the enemy team had a smurf (possible)
I've literally never lost a single game in bronze not even with full AS shen

I call bullshit.
Before pre-season the kindred on my team went 1/8 every game. Surprise surprise she still feeds now. So unless you're in master and you come up with kindred one tricks then i dont know what you're on

most adc's have almost no CC
I keep trying to shill for Ashe because of her ult but no one listens, they're always like
>lol she has no mobility what do you do when the enemy team locks 4 assassins
But anyway Kindred is good because she has potential to just run away with the game

I'd rather have an Ashe jungle over a Kindred jungle.

PTA helped a little but shes still shit
she had 50%+ winrate in korea for ~3 days because only kindred OTPs were playing her against people trying out new runes
then she fell off, even though no meta changes occured and surprise she is still garbage unless of the hands of an autistic main
just a tiny bit better than before preseason

More like that one person feeds several people. ONE fed person rarely does anything unless it's the rare times both teams are evenly matched but you're better than them and just take control of the game. But like I said, insanely rare since it relies on EVERYONE being stupid and not just your team.

But her winrate is still above 50% all around while her pickrate has gone up by a lot compared to before preseason?

you've probably just played with retards
In the last month I've yet to play with a Kindred who didn't put the team on their backs and fuck their opponents

>Kindred has been bad in preseason because of my anecdotical evidence

How does she manage to be this cute??

>>lol she has no mobility what do you do when the enemy team locks 4 assassins
same thing i do when i pick mf or vayne ,i die a few seconds later whenever khazix,zed,pantheon and the enemy bot lane decide to dive me at the same time.

is it just me or is preseason the worst time to play ranked? i swear i get inted and trolled 10x more than in the regular season

>friend is shit
they consistently get high Diamond playing supports and Draven
>enemy smurfs
In 5 games in a row? Unlikely. You ever had a top lane Ekko lose to an Aatrox 0-10 and lose his inhib by 18 minutes BEFORE Aatrox got his mini rework? Doubt it. But that was literally what went on on a regular basis.

Set up a game,pick kindred and win against some silver surfers from lolgee.The i will agree

inb4 >b-but they had a khazix/lee its unfair reeeeee

lolg is lewlew for lewd yes or no

And? If my ally is literally running at people over and over screaming "ME HIT FACE" that's enemies getting fed because he has the mentality of small children playing FPS games. All while the enemy team won't just do that since the teams are stacked out of favor. Like I know you wanna just gobble up all the shit Rito and whatever cringy streamer you watch says cause of they don't preach the word of Riot they'll get banned. And they can and will. People have been banned for even dumber things over the years.

I mean. Its a known thing that people play like retards in the preseason. Nobody really gives a fuck.

>dying to Kha'Zix as Kindred post-6


Lewlew is for tons of lewds.

who knows?

Ahri is wearing a very short dress in this drawing...

Still waiting for you to prove your claims.
Why dont you hit solo queue as kindred? I think you lamb shills are full of shit.

>Get called out for anecdotal evidence.
>Demand more anecdotal evidence.

Nigger, there's enough pages out there to check stats that you can see how Kindred is doing in every server, in ever rank, and by how many people. Just fucking go check it yourself.

xth for Leviticus 20 13

You are arguing with a gold V janna main crying that her teammates aren't carrying her do-nothing ass to high elo

>2% of the playerbase plays a shitty champ
>them having ~50 wr means anything
you're more stupid than you claim to be

I'm actually not the Janna main. I don't even play Support. Doesn't make them any less right though.

If there are any "lamb shills", then they're those who constantly feel the need to post about how bad kindred supposedly is

>hey guys what are you fav champions

>wood yoo fugg lamb? :DD

At the same time though fuck Janna mains. Pick a real support.

Keep talking.

Ahri needs short dresses so she can move her tails around freely silly. Nothing lewd about it.

>some fags play kindred and have subpar winrate

>heart pupils

>semen demon fox
>no lewd reason for her to wear a short dress that just barely covers her crotch

If you are going to autofill, pick Braum. Stop picking whores and pick supports that can actually help people while not dying themselves.

>More people play her than Warwick, Rek'sai, Xin Zhao, Vi, Udyr
>And still has around 51% winrate

What, you still gonna pretend it's just the two autist Kindred mains left? Holy shit just admit you have no idea what you're talking and you're just spouting memes from last season /lolg/ without wanting to check or learn anything for yourself because you're afraid of being wrong.

This Janna looks much more usefull than 2/8 A*trox and 6/10 ahri with trash cs. Not to mention >HE ACTUALLY PICKED NIDALEE AND EXPECTED TO TO ANY BETTER

You should instantly drop an entire tier if you dont ban

or if you dont ban ezreal khazix

haha due itz jus preseazon dnt be toxic xD

>Someone on teams bans nothing.
>Know some bullshit is gonna get through.
>It does.

I fucking hate people who don't ban anything.

Keep your impure thoughts away from this cutie. There's absolutely NOTHING lewd about Ahri!

>shes more popular than literally who junglers that everyone stopped playing a season ago
what is meta
why kindred shills are so full of shit
I bet you could even climb silver playing as that dumb lamb

>haha dude I can play against anything
>"enemy in other lane gets X shit that shoulda been banned"
>they solo carry the game
>haha man quit bein toxic it's not my fault X lane fed


What champions do nu male asshole losers play?

Xin Zhao and Warick are a literally whos that everyone stopped playing a season ago?

Alright. Thank you for making me realize I have been arguing with a clinically braindead rock. I could be doing so much more stuff instead.

>nothing lewd about ahri
That's just plain delusion

Don't try to argue champion statistics with the lefties on /v/ (and by extension Veeky Forums and by extension /lolg/). They are too far inside their own assholes to understand numbers and only feelings matter to them.
The shitters here still think Lee Sin is OP.

How many wives does he have?

>he plays xin and warwick
what a shitter. Crawl back into bronze where you came from and stop posting here until you reach at least plat

>ahri looks at you
> you can literrally start feeling the semen starting to get drained from your balls just with that
foxsluts are dangerous

As a former (pre rework, pre gutting) kindred main, go play her.

She might not be as awful as she was season 7 and you might even get a positive winratio with her if you really put in the effort

Why I dont play her:
>feels awful as fuck to play now
>big "IM GOING TO BE HERE" sign on the map that good junglers will abuse to deny you marks or kill you
>forced into crit
>obnoxious stack system which makes every what was it, 4th mark? much more important
>is basically just a weaker graves with a high impact ultimate

Id never play her unless Im playing against a team with multiple divers/assassins and we have a kogmaw or something since her ult cockblocks that hard

Post 'em and rate.