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Fuck Rethaz

Geralt and Triss OTP

>opened 20 kegs
>premium Cerys and Bloody Baron
th-thx CDPR, we're good now

Atleast you got any Gold, I the only thing I got from 17 Kegs were some duplicate silvers even though my card collection is small as fuck.

so where is the balance change list

They made balance changes, right

Yeah they nerfed slave infantry because 9 point bronzes are too strong. Dorfs are k though.

Man the jokes are getting staler and stupider each day here.

But come on what are the actual balance changes?

Did the reduce the kegs for ranking up this season?

As I said, Slave Infantry got nerfed. It's doomed now. I mean resurrecting a 9 point bronze is some broken shit. Good thing there aren't cards like Paulie wich resurrect +15 point bronzes. They also wanted to remove Spies from create effects, but fucked up because it's too complicated. Ah and we also have a new NG leader.

Next month.

>9 point bronze xD
Not defending the random nerf of this card but if it was 9 points you would not play it in your deck. Let's not pretend that it's a trash card, it's pretty decent.
>b-but in this one matchup it's literally 9 points
yeah and more often than not it's much better

Get fucked dwarfs cocksuckers

overall keg rewards have been reduced

mmm nice hips

Jesus Christ this is worse than I thought it would be.

>Create can still create CA spies
What a fuckin' "experience :^)"

How the fuck do you "accidentally" create a new Leader?

>2 games in a row without a single gold until third round

By getting too excited counting holiday keg sales. I don't know but it really seems like something has changed within the Gwent dev team or at least in how it is being overseen. The last few weeks since Challenger have been a grand display of incompetence.


Vreemde is unironically fun

What's a CA spy?


just...just give up CDPR

you're not cut out for multiplayer games

certain cards when played can create cards sometimes they can create certain spies which can be broken

They just addressed that no?

>keg sale
more like nobody is buying kegs, so they lower the R&D budget

Anyone stuck searching for opponents? Can't even stop searching

Card advantage spy. Any of the 13 strength spies that allow you to draw a card and get card advantage. People were abusing the create mechanic to pull multiple copies of these kinds of spies to go three or four cards up over their opponents. It's so broken it's not even funny.


Um...where are my rewards for ranks skipped at the start of a season?


supposedly some people are still able to... so not

>"Animated cards" that aren't actually animated
This is some next level laziness

There are none.

Apparently not, since people have said that they're still able to pull them from create cards. So it's in their patch notes but it's not actually fixed.

cdpr is going full jew on rewards now, hope youre ready to spend some shekels from now on

I think they claimed they will animate them, based on level of animation it takes some time. It's not fucking hearthstone with whoaaa moving flame.

33 keks, 0 golds
should I consider killing myself?

Wow entitled much? They need to earn some money too, it's a f2p game after all. If you don't like it, just go.

good goy

>full jew on rewards
You get reward for each rank, and a huge reward in the end of the season,what you don't get is rewards for ranks that you skipped because of points you automatically get for previous gains.
Baby wants moar

they reduced the kegs you get for ranking up too

Still, you get kegs, quite a lot of them for getting higher plus FROM NOW ONE SEASONS LAST ONLY ONE FUCKING MONTH. Previous prizes were for three motnhs seasons you fucking idiot.
Now please compare it with hearthstone where you get two packs per expansion.

Previous seasons were 2 months
fuck off retard

Good point, so prizes were cut accordingly .
And here you are complaining how bad they hurt you. You should get checked I'm positive you've got enormous amount of jewish blood.

51 kegs, 2 golds.

People should reply to this post with their gold rate so we can see just how low they must have nerfed the gold drop rate recently.

23 kegs
2 golds

19 kegs
1 gold

22 kegs 2 golds

>Implying thats me :^)
Anyways they cut down the time of a season by half but they reduced keg rewards by MORE than half because not only did they reduce rank up rewards but they made it so you start at half your rank instead of 1/3 AND you dont get anything you skipped

I'm stuck infinitely searching
Even reinstalled the game to see if it helped, it didn't
Did CDPR stealth ban me?

Did you abuse bugs?

>AND you dont get anything you skipped
Why would you?
Be happy you don't have to grind.

did you abuse any bugs?

19 kegs
1 gold

>implying low ranks are a grind at all

Not that I know of, no.

i verified cache and played a casual game, then it worked

Which had trashy rewards anyway and was a waste of time for everybody. End of season is cut in half, the ones for levling are cut in half with +1 for uneven ones. You're literally example of jewish greed and lack of gratitude. You are mentally jewish.

You literally gain more per 2 months with the new system and the newly introduced dailies than before even if you miss some dailies my brainlet friend.

they would be if everyone were to be set to 0 genius

17 kegs
1 Gold

22 kegs, 1 gold which was Assassination. When did they change the premium version of the card? The old one was so much better, now it barely moves. I'm kinda sad about this.

21 keks
1 gold
>Dont even play nr
>See premium

Already tried that, guess I'm just fucked now.


I got 1 gold (Isengrim, but a premium this time), 2 epics and some cool premiums, including a playset of Spotters.

Same thing happened to me desu
I don't give a flying fuck about the faction, but holy shit that art


Some retards are too stupid to upgrade their client and play on old one while screaming their lungs out about spies. Ignore those retards, CDPR actually fixed it.

Who snapped Triss's neck?


18 kegs 2 golds.

tfw I actually like vreemde as a leader


>I enjoy whispering hillock

17 kegs
5 golds

When nekker warrior makes copies of a unit does it coppy the base power or any boosted power?


It copies initial power, so the power of the unit in the initial deck.

base copy
straight from collection

dang, was hoping i could use some reconnaissance on some boosted 25+ point fiends

what if you had Vreemde in saved deck before this patch?

10 kegs, 10 golds

Yes, he's balanced, makes for a good opening play, why do they have to fix it?

does the premium bonanza counts for all kegs or only the ones you get for season end?

The one you open this week

10 kegs, 11 golds

Praise be to CDPR! Generous!

19 kegs, 1 gold, 2 silvers (I think.. )


>I can't open any kegs
>unknown error

That means it has TOO many golds! Like, 6 golds or something


Don't open them for now. Some people reported losing kegs to this bug.


Does the collection counter count count premiums in total cards per factions, it shows im missing 33 monstor but i know im only missing 2, unless premiums count

so were there any changes beside the spy change ?

if not see you next patch

Finally finished The Witcher 3, only have Blood & Wine left. I had the ending where Ciri became a Witcher, I never took her to see the Emperor at all. I expected her to go after the last Crone that got away with Vesemir's medallion, does that ever happen?

if Ciri dies Geralt kills last crone