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Here comes T.Racer!

I want to bully Zenyatta until he cries!


Here's the real thread

No, yours was 30 seconds later

I don't know if I should post on the thread with the best character or the one with the best waifu. Help!

My thread doesn't have omnic retards in the OP though

tfw I thought this was a Widow Skin when I saw it.

When will Blizzard step in and do something about the blatant sexism in OWL?

It also doesn't have any replies.



>Women are shit at anything besides cooking and reproducing
wowee what a surprise

>*discords you*

pssh, nothin personnel


>black pachimari
>2361 posts
can't make this shit up

Afraid to like something popular (because on /v/ popular == bad quality) like always.

>there are 100 people working in the coal mine over there and you're telling me not one of them is female?????????

>check profile
>see dis

>90% of viewers were people thinking twitch chat commands would get them OWL tokens


actual esports scene women and minorities have been roasting these retards all day by the way
turns out esports people are big on merit for some reason, who knew?

source? I don't doubt it, just interested,

fake waifushit thread

get out of here loser

and they all stayed for several hours after realising there wont be tokens hmmmmm
>this seething neckbeard

which free skin should I get?

McDonalds Bastion.

[ ] regular kek
[ ] top kek
[x] fel-tainted apex kek

why do you post this? this is a boring picture

I can't find that tweet but here's another that apprently includes chinese viewers


I like seeing her helpless

7:49 h until London Spitfire vs McDonald's Dafransubs

>Forgot to log in on twitch so I didn't get tokens


Out of those three, Genji.

get more pics of her in traps, this one is just boring to see again and again... At least post the webm of it.


the gladiators are the cutest team!

>There are one hundred people dead in that fire and none of them are female????????


Dynasty Zenyatta is the only correct answer.

I think them, Outlaws, eclessior, gladiators and a little bit of philly look consistently good to have on all characters. Spitfire and Dragond make my eyes hurt.

It wasn't very good for a first day of this thing. The chat was full token spam and its only downhill from here.

thiccgoose putting the gigantti in team gigantti

when do I get my tokens

I signed on the OWL site for my 100 tokens yesterday, has anyone actually got them yet? Need second outlaws skin

What tokens?


They said it might take a while for us to receive the tokens, like a few days or so, my fellow Outlaw.

>nobody was REALLY watching!
>it's a FAILURE!!!

if this skin has neon green firestrikes and charge flames, i picking it instead of other legendary ones

>that one fuck on your team who goes in solo and dies every time

jesus christ

>main account keeps hovering around 2.9k-3.1k with a 3250 peak
>buy a new account just to see what I could place at
>place at 3900
>mfw able to maintain a low GM on that account

So what the fuck is this? Some hidden MMR bullshit on my main or what?

Reminder that without Talon to exploit the post-PETRAS Act world, the UN (which somehow has power in Overwatch despite being a toothless organization IRL) would still be saying 'everything's fine guys' as criminals rob things and Omnics get more and more rights.

Who else has taken the time to give thanks to /ourlordandsavior/ RyuHueong?

Reminder that the lore is completely pointless and will never amount to anything.

45st for reaper is a pedophile

Thanks user that's a nice webm

So basically the EU in real life?

Was the same shit for me, I was in 2700 on main then I buy an alt and I'm at 3600 doing pretty well

>have to wait forever to see OWL again

>finally a legendary
>goth zarya


This, Talon are the good guys, humanity has a love boner for machines that THIRTY YEARS AGO tried to make them extinct while it's proven even the good ones can just be taken over by the god AI.

Go away Zarya.

The rockethammer's backflames are neon green

You think she’d become friends with Zenyatta after being able to put up with that rabbit eared Omnic

You'd think the instalocking Hanzo realises he's not that good after getting dink'd by the enemy widow 6 times in a row.

Blizzard should definitively considering making some official Porn.

i want to sniff zarya's spinchter

They're literally still saying everything is fine and they're giving more money to a PMC that can't stop an old white guy from breaking in and a black man from escaping.


>more people want to fap to gardevoir than to pharah

>Ash above Gardevoir
>Serena, Dawn, and Misty on here but not May
why the fuck

That's a lot of chinks watching esports

>tfw neet right now
>will probably watch every single game of owl this season
>even though hey start at 6am

I want to breed this woman.

To be fair, that's basically what the UN does now, so...

>sombra worst skin OP
at least use regular Sombra

no problem but please get some more screenshots!

Where are my fucking tokens?


every OW players will know that feel sooner or later


Being fair, it's a blatant waifumon.

should have typed !take100 in chat, noob

Stop forcing this stupid meme


>people that fap to Pharah aren't human

>Pikachu is on the list

nice logic, brainlet.

am I getting too old for this hobby? when I see stuff like this I feel uneasy.

You’re powered up for esports get in there!

Increased scoping speed for Ana when?

there are elementary school fans for literally everything in this world, my friend.

videogames have always been for children my dude

>Malon is not on the list
I just want to die

Does anyone have a webm of that sleep + D.Va bomb combo on xQc?

Is junkrat bugged? Today it happened three times that the riptire only went left, like it got stuck in a circle. Anyone had this before?

The ending of that sucked

>forgot to whale for Sombra's skin

gotta fap to my waifu now so I'll be ready for e-sports later