/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General Thread

Over-used avatar edition

>General VR resources

>Oculus rift setup guide

>Htc Vive setup guide

>Recommended VR applications/games (needs update)

>VRChat resources and tutorials

Other urls found in this thread:


First for the loli ban

geddan sub-edition

Winter World has been removed/made private and I can no longer be the rare rainbow retard with VR, feels bad man.


My favorite avatar in the game. I might have to go find the guy on my friends list and actually speak to him with my voice to ask him for it, since he had it on yesterday. How embarassing.

It was my go to, I didn't even upload any of the ready to go projects until this morning when I saw it wasn't visible. Guess I can either do the same or actually work on one of these models ready to go into unity...I have nothing that matches the cuteness of that damn smile

isn't it just a modified version of the avatar in the OP? you could probably try your hand ad replicating it if you're feeling lucky

Has a kind user uploaded the Muscle Animation Editor yet?

>tfw no VR yet
>Can't pet cute lolis or import my knife yet
Guess I'll just run around being autistic
Who do I add for the Veeky Forums hangout? Or does /vrg/ have a hub yet?

Idk man, taking someone's idea and just recreating it just doesn't feel right. I'd rather talk to them before doing that and even then it'd have to take a backseat to the other 4 models I'm editing.

about 3 threads ago

my bad, forgot to add previous in OP


One of the qtest though.

I think we're basically just waiting on more to get done with the Veeky Forums Mansion before we do any hub world, I guess a temp housing wouldn't be a bad idea until/if he uploads it

I don't really look for circle jerks so there could be one, fuck if I know

There's a Discord circlejerk with Tupper and a bunch of other anime viewing /vrg/ homos who refuse to invite others.

colour me absolutely fucking shocked

I need this
It wouldn't be the same without his brown coat

I have 6k in savings and am seriously debating getting vr.

I'm going to eventually make a couple horror themed avatars, I look forward to spooking people with you m8

Happens with every community.

Holy shit! I just tried VR for the first time since DK1 and as soon as the Oculus Rift demo game loaded the world around me, I was simply blown away. It almost felt as good as the first time that I got high, it actually brought a tear to my eye. Not a single fucking video does VR justice in portraying what the real experience actually feels like.

I'm so glad that I don't get motion sickness from looking around and stuff like I initially feared, using non teleporting locomotion fucks me up real quick though. I'm hoping that I can grow accustomed to this over time in order to enjoy the full experience.

Such a fantastic experience.

>other people make custom avatars
>they appear and work fine
>make a custom avatar
>only appears for me, everyone else sees an invisible avatar
>apparently it's a vrchat issue so I have to wait for it to solve itself out

Am I the only one that don't get any kind of sickness from VR whatsoever? I feel perfect before using it and after using it.

Is it because I'm so autistic that my brain is VR-Proof?

There's a lot of ways to get used to regular locomotion, personally I kept a leg against the bed at all times, got over it after a few sessions in raw data/payday

Sounds 100% plausible.

I can do any kind of movement, no matter how extreme, and I do not get sick at all. No idea why. I don't even have smooth turning enabled in VRChat.

download the older sdk and your uploads will work again my dude

What the fuck else are you going to do with ``your money''

pay for college classes

Waste of time. Unless you're a chad normie with a millionaire Dad, you probably won't get a job anyway.

>anime viewing /vrg/ homos who refuse to invite others.

We invite everybody who asks and there's a discord link posted in the world. As a rule I don't post discord links on Veeky Forums because they're always followed by varying degrees of "discord reeee" and I accept the logic that it's kind of a community killer as far as generals go. Also this one is a catch-all for anime fags in the community so most of the people here would find it insufferable anyway.

>never got to be her in VR

Is the world publicly accessible?

How does that work? Your leg touching the side of the bed makes you feel grounded or something?

Is there a non-weeb /vrg/ discord?

Always knew where my position was and which way I was facing in the real world without seeing my surroundings, was just a lot less disorienting that way. When I first changed the movement type it threw me off balance if I made quick changes in direction, but it didn't matter since I was anchored, could just keep going.

The non-theater version of it is (Moriya Shrine), so that probably won't help you if you're after the link (temp: discord.gg/andYYd). I think the solution to the friending problem we have (room owner is now a mod and gets flooded with friend requests) is to make a direct link to the world and post it, which will happen eventually.

Not to my knowledge. If you made it there'd probably be a huge overlap anyway, given the nature of the beast.

>Vive Pro complete package will not ship with knuckles
>instead the controllers will be "updated" vive wands
Welp, there goes another year without knuckles.

Link expired

The Discord link isn't even working.

That's because Tupper is an idiot and it's in an all caps font. Try the link in

HTC pls. The competition needs to be maintained. Facebook can't be allowed to become complacent.

sorry m8, I thought I snagged it but I don't see it in my folders so I can't upload it

I'm still suffering from this. For some reason the finger model points straight away from it's bone. Like, when I turn this bone the fingers keeps always pointing straight away from it, meaning that in a normal T-pose the fingers point INSIDE the hand.

Is there a way to re-align the fingers with the bone? Is there a way to just "turn" the bone around? I think it should work if the end is the start and the start is the end.

I mean, I have Tupper added but I'm not about to just join him in his non-public worlds.

Thanks for the link, user.

for the guy who asked last thread


seems like something you might need to fix in blender.

I had a model where ingame, the hands were upside down, inside the arm. I fixed this by flipping them around in blender so that they went the other way ingame.

so only normie millionaires can get jobs after college?

Met a special sackboy yesterday.


For those looking for a kiryu model, there's a really good SFM model I found out there. It's a bitch getting it working correctly though.

Almost. Some who are absolutely exceptional or lucky get decent work, but most will end up in absolute garbage like an office, or an entry level position that if going to be worse than garbage for forty years until you can finally become the team leader and treat others like garbage.

This is how it looks in blender. (all bones are like this, and the model works fine except for the tips of the fingers.)
How would I go about turning them? Edit mode and then which tool turns them?


oh lawd, click the tail (round bit on the skinny end) and drag it, then use the XYZ linear arrows to drag it more accurately, at least that's how I do it, make sure you reset the rotation afterwards save a backup because I'm also functionally retarded

How do I meet ebin streamers

get lucky I suppose
stumbled upon jameskii once but at the time I had no idea who he was (and still don't really care)

you can go into edit mode. on the bottom of blender there's that tab that says "object mode" turn that to edit mode, and you can fuck around with bones individually, which might help you. just select each tip of the bone with right click

I suppose you didn't rig it yourself? is it a mmd model? where'd you get/rig it?

get lucky, but i don't know why you'd want to

Danced with jimi 3-4 days ago when he was doing 24 hours, was fun.

>tfw could have easily bumped into streamers and not known

Ah fuck I did just that and I forgot about the rotation. Fucking FUCK. Problem is I don't know if I rotated it right because the model doesn't switch around in Blender when I manipulate the bones. Can I enable that to see what's going on?
I just don't understand why the whole model just WORKS except for this part.

On a semi-related note, it came with some custom standing / walking animations but for the life of me I can't get them to work right in VRchat.
I pretty much just ripped my actual WoW character.

Orbus user are you here? I want you to teach me things

>tfw want a model to use when I'm not playing a character
>can't find a good one of the very few characters I like
>don't want to be an anime girl

It's just luck. They get bored from hanging around in their friends only worlds from time to time and visit public spaces.

where can I get a clone trooper model?


How often do people roleplay in VRChat? Are there any specific worlds for it?

but how did you rig it? did it come pre rigged already?

I'm not him but you can come to my private room in VRC

i'll teach you things

Yes. It's basically how people get their WoW models for these shitty machinima movies. I don't know shit about rigging.

>No group of anons all with clone trooper models and battlefront II soundboards spamming shit

Just like the simulations

that might be the problem. I've downloaded models that are pre rigged too, and they've magically worked, but sometimes it's fuckey

I'd at least like to see a bunch of oblivion/skyrim guards running around with the soundboard, user uploaded them a few threads ago, I've only encountered one guy so far

Anyone got a broad overview on clothing swaps from one mmd to another? I'm wanting something more than just edited textures on my model.

Like I said, what's real wierd is that everything else works fine, it imports fine into blender, but just as soon as I look at the bones, they pull this turtle shit into their hands. I hope I won't have to do this with every wow model I get as I plan to import all my characters for funsies.

You probably will, but I mean that's really not that bad considering how much time a lot of models require in blender.

So when i try to add a jawbone to my model, I get a Bone heat weighting error.


Ain't that the truth. There's the weirdest shit going on.
Like, if I import the model the shoulders and helmet are for some reason not actually part of the model so they don't load in blender / unity. I have to get the model again, one as .fbx and one as .obj, delete everything that's not shoulders or helmet and re-size and fit them to the model in unity and attach them to some nearby bones.
Also when I import the model is flipped by 90°. You'd think you'd just have to turn it in unity but NOPE, have to turn it in blender or you'll end up with a sideways model.
I think that's the reason I can't get my custom animations to work, as they align the model to it's original rotation.

just gotta get good at on the spot improv and everyone joins in

>Jaw bone
Why? If you're doing it for visemes you need shape keys, not more bones. Unless you're going for spoopy and just want a jaw that flails with dynamic bones

I once found a pikachu at a random avatar world. I then walked around just saying "Pika" and making other pikachu noises. I did however not even bother to get the voice right, just did them in my normal speaking voice.
I got so many headpats, I almost jizzed.

I thought about running a buff pikachu and doing this just fucking flexing and dropping that PIKA PI real low

>See someone headpatting a loli
>Group of anons surround them shouting "STOP!" "YOU'VE VIOLATED THE LAW!"

We need to do this.

So I'm high as fuck right now and I just realized that the reason why I think everyone like VRchat so much is it reminds us of being kids, like playing on the playground and pretending to be stuff and forming groups and stuff

That's basically what happened I was the loli, I just looked back and forth at them and ran away flailing wildly

I mean sort of? Just going around checking out avatars and hanging out while musicians play, it's one of the few chill as fuck VR experiences that have humor. Pretty much live in the pug because of the variety.

Honestly, as long as you talk it's fine. I take a desktop user that talks about a mute VR any day.

Looks like it worked. Sadly now I have to re-do all the shit I mentioned here: But hey as long as it's fixed.

On a semi-related question. I've seen people summon guns, swords and all kinds of shit. I have access to quite a few models, how would I go about it to get them in-game when I want?

>even in VR you're always the one being left out of the groups

Anyone know how to make your avatar fly and move at super fast speeds? I saw an avatar that could do that recently. He wasn't doing the puppeting thing either with the controller.

I'd actually be down to do this.

Export the model from blender into unity. Drag the model to be a child of your hand or wherever you want it. Make an animation to disable/enable the mesh along with modifying hand position for it. Then set it up as an animation override on one of the gestures.

Or so I've been told. I've done animation overrides but nothing with additional models yet.

I've yet to talk in VRC, but I also only run around with people I don't know as cute characters, miming is actually pretty fun I get what you're saying though, I wouldn't really want to hang out in a room of 20 mutes either.

Look into guides for animation overrides, you bind them to finger gestures like emotes

>mfw importing an MMD and it's barely below 20k tris

it's surprising how few TTGL models are out there. Guess it didn't take off that hard in Japan.

ttgl is a reddit meme

I just wanna be Nia, man. Especially during the few episodes with the super cute short hair-hoodie outfit.

Being a mute is like playing a tank in an mmo.
There has to be at least one mute loli in every group, but more is pointless.

>22k tris
>any decimation would require a shit ton of work to fix textures/mapping
Fuck yeah, overrides.

Ah just animations? Hm. I might end up making a couple of models with different non-functioning items in their hands/on their hips and see where that takes me.
I really have to look into creating Particle effects, since parts of my model are supposed to have them, but they get lost somewhere. I know you can do particle stuff in unity, is that actually visible for everyone, or would that be client only? Because I don't recall seeing much of that in the game.

my avatar just says "in queue" for others
do I just keep reuploading it or give up?

You give up on VRChat until it's fixed like the rest of us.

Who is the original character for the rainbow retard?

Give up and just work on more stuff in Unity or do something else. This Knuckles thing pretty much killed any hope they had at slow and steady expansion and their server issues reflect this.

half the people I see are "in queue" too
I wish I knew if my model is scuffed or the servers at least