>Recent News Kirin and dong weapon 4*'s Qilin and Huanglong Changes - 1/10 - Gold Bar droprate increased for Host but will be removed from MVP Chest.
>CutieFest 01/10-01/25 Daily single gacha ticket starts 01/11 1.5 RP and EXP for Ranks 100 and below(Non-HL) 1/2 AP and BP 1/2 Free and Extra Quest All Elemental Trials are open during the period
>Schedule for January: 12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You 1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun) 1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses) 1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun) 1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event
>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning gbf.wiki/FAQ
>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
If I don't have Titan, who's my best option as a main summon? Alexiel or Yggdrasil?
Jaxson Bailey
Playable when?
Hudson Scott
Joseph Gutierrez
John Cook
is that Noa?
Andrew Carter
>japanese shadman
Gavin Nguyen
what are you waiting for. it's your chance to get carried.
Jaxson Parker
Wait, hold on, this is something that nips drew? I thought colo-chan was a /gbfg/ thing only.
John Hall
Not canon.
John Reed
Oliver Diaz
Joshua Cook
How I'm supposed to make a Varuna grid without Fenrir rerun? Is there any grid that doesn't use Fimbuls and murgleis?
Christopher Bailey
Xavier Stewart
lizard once again
Cameron Sanders
Thanks for the BSC!
Brody Moore
Shitty forced meme
Andrew Gonzalez
Kevin Garcia
yes, magna water or different element
Asher Turner
wtf bros i thought you were supposed to swap a snek knife for a rotb da mace??????? or the cap up but >capping with magna huh?????????
Jaxson Robinson
Which upgrades should I use on mechanic? Been away from the game for a while and came back to find it's good for 1 turn kills
William Jackson
GBFG ubaha hl ELITE FORCE here, host it right now
Adam Evans
>wasting a grid slot on 3% DA
Joshua Hughes
Jaxson Green
shut up mig
Jaxon Cook
Light Daria SSR.
Ayden Bailey
Just b urself ;^)
Nathan Gutierrez
AA86A1 Zoi
Lincoln Thompson
Noah Sanchez
fuck off
Evan Campbell
AA86A194 sorry wrong code
Camden Murphy
Can you just fucking kill yourself? Asanagi is overhyped, but fucking christ you're a stupid fucking autist, the ONLY (one(1(singular))) person spamming the same shit over and over. It has not caught on and it never will catch on, you have failed, now fuck off retard.
Tyler Howard
Nips are asleep idiot!
Nathaniel Fisher
Host ubhl la
Jacob Smith
Yukarin is a mistake
Anthony Foster
where is the ubaha hl la
Owen Bailey
Who is this
Henry Peterson
I see more longdong trains than kirins, wonder why Kirin ones fills twice as fast tho
Josiah Carter
954916C8 White horse
Brayden Cox
No seriously playable when?
Easton White
the one where there's a silver centrum required
Robert Thomas
What could possibly go wrong, right? Ultimate lizard HL E8A7AB06 1 bunny, join if you feel like wasting your bp
Hunter King
Finally, now I can play on the big leagues.
Parker Hughes
Gavin Moore
>only 1 you iam sad /gbfg/, i hoped for more (you) with my shitty bait
Cameron Howard
Waiting patiently for monki
Tyler Gomez
Isaac Allen
These 2 girls visit your room What do you do?
Anthony Smith
i sleep
Asher Richardson
Post leechlist!
Lucas Richardson
throw them nervine gas and doki doki yaia
Lincoln Martin
>Asanagi sleep
Christopher Sanchez
>full ugh i was about to join just to leech
Andrew Sanchez
William Rogers
Yaia is so cute
Ethan Collins
Honestly I really want all omega bosses to be playable one day, it will be even better if they are all female, I just hope they wont be as disappointing as doggo girl was.