/assg/ General

Fuck SWF Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again. (Possibly not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Eaten by the Entity

Other urls found in this thread:


post yfw the chili kicks in

So they talk about new modes?

>Playing while listening to music
>Get a couple of tryhard Claudettes
>The one with DS tries to flashlight me on pick up and body block
>Dumb cunt doesn't know I have iron grasp
>Down her, drop the one I had and hook her
>She instantly ragequits

I'm not even using sound, how much easier I can make it for these shitters?

First for "balancing" SWF by making sure solo survivors get the same information they get :)

They mentioned them, maybe they'll start actually working on them by October.

"maybe after we buff the solo player, we'll see if giving the killer some sort of insensitive to play against SWF is necessary"

I wonder what it's like to be so out of touch with your own creation.

>facebook open
>no one ever talks to me

Is that vista or windows 7

Is Mcote gay?

>Stream as proof for anything
Yeah, still SpiderMilf until confirmed in-game.

can't say for sure, but you likely get that vibe because he's french canadian

Reposting cuz old thred is ded and I didn't refresh
In case you couldn't tell, it was a low rank game. The meg died instantly as any new player would. Yes, I am criticizing a rank 9 facecamping huntress. I am a rank 1 P3 huntress. WOAH I'M WAY OUTTA LINE!
2 of my teammates were slugged at any given point of that game and like I said, low rank game. They don't know what to do, the slugged guy just lay there by the hooked guy the entire time. Not much I can do. I used my broken time and the guy got away safely. I wasn't hooked a single time. This is how 99% of my survivor games go. Team mates are new to the game, the killer is a facecamping idiot, and I'm the only one who pips.

Look the whole point of my blogposting today was facecamping is a noob tactic for brainlets. If you honestly disagree, you may just be a brainlet. If you think there is every a situation you *need* to camp, you are wrong. If you are in a situation where you feel you NEED to camp, you may want to rethink how well you played that match. And for the record, yes I think survivors are stronger than killers. But that doesn't excuse you for everything.

Here's your (You). Now go outside.

reposting because you're a retard

the only brainlet shit here is you disregarding the subjective nature of any given situation, as well as the fact that you completely ignore the negligible sample size of your one (1) game against that specific killer. you cannot draw such rigid conclusions from such a minuscule amount of data.


I'd assume just from the time he spends looking through yaoi art and actually bringing it on the show.

One of the devs flat out said what the name in the code was.

>facecamping is a noob tactic for brainlets
Sure, facecamping is the least useful form of camping.
>If you think there is every a situation you *need* to camp, you are wrong. If you are in a situation where you feel you NEED to camp, you may want to rethink how well you played that match.
Going to depend on your definition of camping here because there's plenty of situations where baiting out survivor altruism is the best choice.
>you may want to rethink how well you played that match
Unless you're a god nurse the high rank matches all follow a set pattern where you find 1 survivor and by the time you get them downed you just lost 3 gens. Standing in their face is not the right option there but you also can't afford to let everyone escape an unhook attempt.

I would say he straddles the fence.

stop getting bootybothered over how new players play and get out of rank infinity


Good taste.

I expect the new killer to be so bad that Freddy is nurse tier compared to him/her.

Do we know anything yet?

>Yes, I am criticizing a rank 9 facecamping huntress. I am a rank 1 P3 huntress. WOAH I'M WAY OUTTA LINE!

Criticizing him for what exactly? Sacrificing 3 people and only losing you to the hatch? Seems like he did fine without your helpful tips.

Those killer numbers are fucking terrible, they're not even approaching half which is pretty bad, generally you want a decent 50/50 split or at least very close, that shit is real bad. No wonder queues take so fucking long.

>Get the most tryhard SWF I've seen in weeks
>Absolutely destroy them
>They lose their shit in the chat to the point of digging through my steam profile to try and shame me

This is why I play DbD

Respond to this post with a minor change that would make your least favorite perk to play against even more unbearable

>borrowed time also applies on hookgrabs, meaning you can't grab someone unhooking if they have it

killers are only one out of five people, 20% is the goal number, 50/50 would mean killers would wait over twice as long for games than they should need to.

>Decisive Strike can be used twice per game

Sample size of one? Bitch I main killer, yet I still have hundreds of survivor games and the vast majority involve facecamping killers.
>only losing to hatch
So in your view, facecamping is a gentleman's tactic but getting the hatch is some form of lesser victory?

>Taking the stream seriously
Has to be confirmed in-game. Sorry.

>all those crutch perks
>you still kicked their asses
You're my hero

Decisive strike heals the user to full.

Sprint Burst no longer causes exhaustion and instead permanently increases sprint speed, but greatly reduces ability to turn and maneuver while sprinting.

>better hope not
Legit laughed, thanks mate

The stream may often be full of bullshit, but you need to accept the truth.

>every survivor becomes billy and is constantly smashing into things
I would lose my shit, that'd be the best

>anecdotal evidence and insults
look man, you are following fallacies here

the killer you faced might not facecamp much, but maybe only in the situations where there's excessive amounts of altruism occuring? this situation would make hardcamping the right choice, and the opposite of a brainlet strategy

relativity of perspective provides information, and through information you can make the correct decision. hardcamping looked to be the correct decision for the game that killer played.

it's not all black and white

You're a bad person

That reminds me to something that happened during end-game. Got someone just as last gen was about to pop, they DS, last generator pops and Adrenaline kicks in.
Can't be too mad at Adrenaline since it's kinda situational but hot damn.

Camping has carried me all the way to rank 4 so far with 0 effort. Wish I started doing it sooner. Direct your complaints at the survivors or devs instead because campers should be an easy win for all but 1 or 2 if he gets lucky.

>that sassy retort

I will continue to serve my Spider Goddess until it is confirmed in-game or by a dev that knows the lore. Matthew does not know the lore. May She bless you on your way.

They're carrying a Styptic Agent too, to waste even MORE of your time.

>>only losing to hatch
>So in your view, facecamping is a gentleman's tactic but getting the hatch is some form of lesser victory?

Nice, straw man. How about a real argument against what I said?

>A nurse’s calling effects show your aura for five seconds after finishing a heal regardless of range.

>sit in basement all game
>hook that one person who came for the chest
>hook at least one more as they try to save
>always pip
>survivors depip because lolnopoints

It wasn't Matheiu who made the comment though user.

I literally got to rank 3 yesterday with basement builds using M1 killers. If high rank people get 3-4k'd with those strategies, which aren't that hard to counter (I should know since I also lose some games while using that strat), then they're not being very intelligent at playing their (easier) role.

Are you going to offer a rebuttal or just accuse me of logical fallacy? Because that isn't a rebuttal.
Good for you, but I'm interested in having clean fun for everyone. Killers want survivors to stop pallet humping and running DS/BT etc, survivors want killers to stop facecamping and tunneling. I have already said killers are weaker than survivors. But like I have also said, acting like killers are innocent, desperate players just doing whatever it takes to scrape a single pip from each game? Yeah, that's BS. And that's why I keep mentioning my rank. Because it isn't that hard. You don't need to camp. Ever. Proof: Me. You and some others seem to think that losing a game matters at all. Personally, I would rather lose the game than camp for that dumb pip. Who gives a shit about rank? If you are good, you will ascend to rank 1 and stay there no matter what you do. (Other than leave games or troll, obviously)

My whole point is there exists shitty tactics on both sides and acting like killers are innocent just because that's the current hype opinion to have doesn't make it true.

quit oversimplifying things to justify your own opinion

He wouldn't have an argument if he didn't oversimplify

>literally ignoring the post that completely wrecks your shit

My mistake then, still it has to be confirmed in-game. May She bless you on your journey.

lol, what?

>Are you going to offer a rebuttal or just accuse me of logical fallacy? Because that isn't a rebuttal.

So you're just gonna run with the straw man then?

I never said that facecamping is a gentleman's tactic, or ideal in every situation. But it worked in this situation, so your critique is unwarranted.

"Only losing you to hatch" As in you were the only one to get away, via the hatch. Work on your reading comprehension and stop attributing arguments to me that I didn't make.

>fuck up and get put in the basement by Leatherface
>accept that this is where I die because he's still in terror radius when Claudette comes sprinting down to unhook me
>unhooks me, no borrowed time, not that it would do much good
>tries to heal me (no med kit, no we'll make it)
>fuck that
>walk over to front closet and get it, pray my iron wheels keep me safe
>Leatherface rounds the corner just as I close the door, and locks eyes with Claudette
>she runs to the back corner and gets downed
>he scoops her up, facing away from me
>open the locker quietly then slowly walk up the stairs, shitting blood the entire way as he hooks Claudette
>hear him opening all 4 lockers, then a 5th locker a second time, wondering where the fuck I went
>don't go back for her

Thanks for your noble sacrifice Claudette.

Sorry, I'm not used to having so many people scream at me at once.
What else can I give you but my own experiences? You are using a hypothetical to argue against my factual events. What do you expect me to say to that? If I play 50 games and 30 of them involve facecamping, you're telling me that data means nothing simply because of hypothetical situations? You even have a poster here admitting to facecamping every single game because it is so effective. Which, ironically, proves my point. For the record, the huntress hooked the guy, and stood there immediately. First 30 seconds of the game. There was no SWF style mass altruism. There never is at these ranks.

Dude fucked up your team pretty good. You're a crybaby retard. Stop posting here kkthx

>the game will never look this nice

>Work on your reading comprehension
lul, You're so handy with the logical fallacy argument (which is a fallacy of its own, look it up ^^) yet you resort to your 2nd use of them. You aren't even interested in talking to me, there's just something about my opinions that is pissing you off so you're going for my throat. For the record, reading your inflection wrong through text is not a failure of reading comprehension considering we're all speaking in fragmented sentences. (only losing you to HATCH, versus only losing YOU to hatch)

>read this story i made up

maybe regard situations and potentials instead of being blinded by your own experience? it's a very dynamic game with changing circumstances, to presume somebody's mentality or thought process is as flawed as ignoring perspectives. a single person's experience in the game might be in complete opposition to another's, and yet there's a proper understanding to be had once you apply both sides

just, stop getting so mad at video games

Why are people still responding to this dude? Like half the thread is hidden for me.

This game looks so much better in 2d form.

Thanks for the post brother, really doing wonders for the credibility of your three man masterdebaters club.


>read this story i made up
Buddy... just lol. If this is all you have left to say, then I think we're done here.
>just, stop getting so mad
LOL Yeah, we're definitely done here.

From my own experience, facecamping is only situational and I see it maybe one out of every fifty games, usually on some twitch name.

I am rank 1 survivor.

facecamping only happens when people play like daggots. so quit being a daggot and you wont see it so much

>I am rank 1 survivor.
You just did. Your survivor rank is 1. Mine is 10. It wouldn't surprise me at all if rank 1 killers rarely camped. I don't.

who is this nerd arguing with everyone here?

Some Discord fag

>claudette with no bt tries to farm me
>stop struggling before she can grab me
no regrets

I face rank 10 killers as often as rank 1, people don't facecamp for no reason, you're likely as obnoxious in game as you are here

as a super sekrit club member, i am arguing tooth and nail against this retard, this kind of unbridled autism is only seen banished to these threads

>lul, You're so handy with the logical fallacy argument (which is a fallacy of its own, look it up ^^)

If you're going to claim something, then cite the source of your claim, it's not my job to research it.

>You aren't even interested in talking to me

I asked you to give me a rebuttal instead of using a straw man, you asked me to rebut the straw man, wasting our time instead of engaging in conversation, SO I CAN SPEAK TO YOU. Which you still won't do, by the way.

>reading your inflection wrong through text is not a failure of reading comprehension considering we're all speaking in fragmented sentences. (only losing you to HATCH, versus only losing YOU to hatch)

Regardless, the proper thing to do in that situation would be to ask for clarification rather than assuming an argument, and making me argue from that stance.

If you're going to present your argument to a group of people, expect debate. Don't run away from it acting like I'm going at your throat, speak to me.

>Giving him Yous
Sounds about right

i dont think you understand, the discord for this general does not allow this kind of behavior. which is probably why there's vocal hate against it, just autists crying. it's not right to let such a thing catch on.

Some degenerate crybaby.

This thread is at levels it doesn’t need to be.

It seems for the most part that the new perk for survivors is kinda boring & really situational to the point that it may as well see barely any play once people get over the newness of it. But to everyone here, whats a Perk you’d like to see be made?

i am shitpost incarnate, i ruin all where i go

i am a spawn of the early /scv/, the darkest, most developed shitpost meta in all of the Veeky Forums, forged in the heart of /v/, within a community of those who don't play the game because starcraft is too hard, we were born in the shitposting, lived in it.

More like who are you idiots? Passerbys from reddit? Or have the intelligent people just stopped coming here?

anybody intelligent still playing this game is entirely masochistic, i wouldn't expect much


seriously, all I see is one user saying facecamping is gay, and 2 or 3 people taking shots at the guy. look at the post count ffs. 84/19.

to be fair, facecamping is gay AND that dude is a retard in the way he presents his arguments, they aren't mutually exclusive.

Yeah this thread is pretty gay.
That being said.


Post your shit and when I wake up I might do some.

So would you rather just have no one posting? It's not like one discussion stifles the other


Huntress eating out Nurse

Huntress using Nurse as a sanitary pad.

>Killers want survivors to stop pallet humping and running DS/BT etc, survivors want killers to stop facecamping and tunneling.
Actually I want the devs to make changes to the game so those things are no longer the optimal play. An unranked mode could also be nice. Camping/tunneling sucks and looping sucks but I'm not going to expect anyone to willingly handicap themselves, especially on the survivor side where 3 other people depend on you not being a burden. It's fine if you don't care about winning enough to play dirty. Hell, that's great even but it's ridiculous to think that you can make other people conform to your arbitrary rules just by being smug in post game chat.

Shit fetish. I know a lot people in thread have shit taste, but come on.

I just want something fun, things like are boring, and I don't expect that the user's artstyle is too realistic/erotic anyway.

Sanitary Pad fetishes are disgusting vegr, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Don't bully Quentin.

Hours later they are still mad, I'm grinning like an idiot.

Beanie Goblin #2 is hideous, please remove him
Please stop posting.

Let me set the scene
>ace is fingering hag
>hag is loving it
>suddenly ace eyebrows start going full dreamworks
>picture of up the ante in the corner as he puts a finger in her fartbox as well

How’s that?