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I love Vladimir!


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>tfw unbanned after two weeks

xth for my wife Syndra

I want to fuck Eve!

xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!
Riot lowkey confirming a Sona skin in the works, do you think it's Star Guardian?


Quinn was the "two in one" champ already. Riot has no problem with revisiting concepts.

I want to pump Kled full of love!

Remember to have, and continue to have beautiful days, Anons~

K that's a wrap everyone
Threads over
Everyone get out

So what's everyone's opinion on Rakan? Think he's a good champ to climb with as a support?

xth for cute Soraka whos fucking tired and would appreciate some coffee

Never forget the truth

Which ap top laner should I play?

>two in one
>two in one
Damn why is Riot so fucking bad at this concept?
If they ever do release a twin champion get ready for ice climbers 2.0

what a unique and interesting character
oh wait hes just the green man off of the wheel of time


>being a support main
should I make more of these for each role? there are some pretty clear-cut stereotypes that apply to every role so it wouldnt really be that hard

I feel bad for ivernbros
Their champ isn't old, famous, or cancer enough do receive good fanart and they're left with shit.

I wonder why no one picks a support then and climb like gods with a team of 5 carries

Oh wait,thats not how it works

Youre alright lolg hope your season has a good start

Later that day

We're just getting started user!
Are you trying to raise your MMR for the new season or are you content to wait?

Well he ever be good again?

Keep 'em simple. More than 4 things makes it less funny.

Is shen op, balanced or underpowered

No, dear user. This is Ivern: The Green Father. You're thinking of Someshta.

I can see most of them
What would jungle be that doesn't already crossover into the autism of top or the babywhining/LCS big plays of adc/mid?

>tfw Tyler1 will get diamond today
>tfw i have been stuck in _____gold for 5 years

memes aside, a team would get fucked if they had no support with good CC

kill yourself

>Get autofilled to support
>adc is afk from the start or just afks under tower or
>adc plays like a bronze

>Someone picks Ashe bott
>Know were gonna lose

I realize what Elo hell is now.

Fuck that champ and anyone who like him

What's wrong with Ashe?

Vlad VU WHEN?????

Does anyone know when the newest batch of star guardians are going on early sale?


I wanna see the ADC (not Vayne) one.

from personal experience, people who think they're really smart and in control of things ingame but irl just date girls that are way younger than them and let them act out their power fantasies

It's okay, I'm content with everything about him anyway~

You can have your opinions, user. But, no need to be so thorny.

>Enemies always pick Twitch/Vayne/Xayah with meta runes and play decent
>Ally ADCs ALWAYS memepick/build with shit like Lethal Tempo Sivir, Glacial Augment Jhin, PtA Corki
>it gets worse the closer I get to Diamond
Ah so this is why I always go to sleep with headaches..

>Being a negative nancy

>Well he ever be good again?
No, Riot fucked up on two accounts
1. They released his best skin way too early
Because of this no matter what skin they create no one except the autists will buy it, so it is not worth it for them to buff him since no money will be made.
2. For the entirety of the last 2 seasons and beyond Riot has enforced a tank meta for longer team battle skirmishes. Where are the majority of tanks? Top. So unless an AD tank starts wrecking the jungle or the majority of midlaners are now yasuo/zed/etc he will never return from whence he came.
Sad really, I liked having AP tops be a thing.

Ivern was gay as fuck last season, no one misses him.

But Soraka, there might be coffee.


February most likely. Since that would be a the 6th month mark which is usually when it happens.

stereotypes are funny
heres my kit as a soraka main if anyone wants to laugh at it

who shit in your cheerios?

I wish my hands were this cute

>muh tank meta
Didn't matter past two seasons he was still strong. It's just this season that he became shit because DFT is gone.

>defending the Soraka of the jungle
Man I'm fine with peel or tanks or assassins but the one thing I can't stand is champs actively made to suck aggression from the game. Soraka and especially Zilean players are in the same boat. Fuck those people

xth for Cute Ashe

Laundry and washing house/car Edition

why did u got banned tho ?

hey there you!

Rakan is good, but what champ can carry as support depends on team comp and elo

i like coffee,im down for one.

same to you 2 mate!

>everyone that picks her when im jungle fed his ass off

there no worst feel on the lego legends

do one for me

ornn buffs when

>meta heavily favors CC-tank supports
>Janna, a counter engage support, is of course STILL meta
Can we just gut this bitch and leave her to die on the streets? I'm talking prerework Evelynn tier nerfs. I don't want to waste a ban on Janna when there's so much other garbage to get rid of.

>Soraka of the jungle
Nah Ivern is Nunu 2.0

Nice tune ,thanks. Ill listen to the rest when i grab my espresso. brb

>believing that Riot is anything other than a cronyistic SJW reddit pandering company
The only time they EVER pander to autists is when they can make a shitload of money.

Replace the chastity cage picture here with something that is more obviously looking like a chastity cage, at first glance I assumed it's a weird anal plug (while we're at it add that too).
Also grab this and use it instead of the sona m7 picture. Unfortunately I don't have a janna 1st sona 2nd soraka 3rd profile screenshot on hand.

>why did u got banned tho ?
Updated chat rules this season is more strict on you typing faggot and nigger

But I don't drink coffee, I haven't seen Vikings, I don't listen to all that metal, and my Soc life is better then yours.

>Didn't matter past two seasons he was still strong
You obviously don't play the game so don't talk about things you know nothing about

hello Asheanon!
>Laundry and washing house/car Edition
hope you have fun since that's boring af.

Yes add a butt plug.

Also here's a generic edgelord profile.

He wasn't OP ban worthy but was still fine to play

Sup fags! Good evening
I probably should be drinking caffeine at 11pm but fuck it. Ive arranged league matches in an hour


noone except rumble mains will ever want that nigga back

Nunu isnt anti aggression he's just annoying. I can deal with annoying but when you have a champ that makes both sejuani or Kha players want to kill themselves guess what you've made a real fucker of a champ

And an ADC vayne main profile.

swain has good taste

I'm still glad there are user's that can at least appreciate Ivern~

Help me anons I want to buy sg annie and elise so badly even though I don't play either of them.
But hot damn they're so good looking and I want to fuck the shit out of both.
Why is Zeronis such a god with skins?

How about you start playing them?

>new items

from an ivern player to another, pls dont become the next luxanon wannabe. ivern already gets enough hate as is. your shit is starting to stink.

supports in general are pretty busted rn

Does anyone want to play with me? I haven't played in a while and looking for a bully free partner to maybe duo bot with. I can play support if you want. Just getting over a relationship and want to keep my mind off it and play this game again.

Aren't those just the minion passives?

>tfw they are inevitably going to remove this
No fun allowed in nu lore

hey! Good evening!
If you are tired drinking some coffee could help, playing League while sleepy doesn't feel good at all.

post server,name and if you are a raging homo

>Phreakish gusto
Ok this might just be the straw that broke the camels back
I'm probably done with this game, they're not even trying to hide their cronyism to people who have no say in the game whatsoever.

You're completely right, I need to slow down on the posting. My bad, I don't want to become a shitposter. Thanks for the heads up, user, and have a nice day.

>buffing manaflow band

Literally why?

Ok this is clearly bullshit and you my friend are bullshit

>no argument

Why do cucks dodge at the last second?

We already knew we were going to get new AP items this season

>tfw I like playing against all of those except for Yasuo and Leblanc

>Evelynn changes
I assume nerfs. I'll still play her.

How is life dealing with crippling autism anyway?


No reason too, you're the kind of idiot who won't listen.

Hello Asheanon!

sorry man, just felt it needed to be said

>Lux chroma skins
God they're just blatantly admitting to jewing everyone now huh?

>no argument again

No ones gonna wait the whole day.
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