/fog/ - Fallout General

Freedom and Justice For All Edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:
pastebin.com/mtYCtDLV (embed) (embed)

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:
pastebin.com/u29WKkGy (embed) (embed)

>Fallout 4
>General Information, Mod Recommendations etc:
pastebin.com/EL3CCTS4 (embed) (embed)
>NEW! Creation Club Stuff:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Steam Guide of good mods

>NEW! Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:
pastebin.com/MWEPKj5m (embed) (embed)

>OP Pasta:
pastebin.com/eecqFB6D (embed) (embed)

/aco/ thread:
Pre-War thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


I've only just learned that simply placing conduits along the spine of the Sanctuary house roofs will provide power to the entire building. I am not a clever person.

yada yada post your character

this thread's theme is the Minutemen, so minutemen uniforms and equipment

I actually like the institute rifle paired with institute power armor, it's a shame the gun itself is so shit.

Institute did nothing wrong

>if I pretend it isn't there I don't have to answer it
Of course you fucking soy ridden pieces of shit aren't going to answer my arguments, you're /leftypol/ incarnate you pieces of dogshit, you will never have sex with a woman because she's fucking some nigger and having 10 racemixing atrocities only for her to be left alone while the negro is living off MY TAXES

Remember, no (You)s

Doesn't matter how kind the synth is that's been planted, as soon as the unit's value becomes zero they purge the area that it was infiltrating.

Reminder the left can't meme

That's why nobody likes polfags, retard
Nobody wants to talk about this stuff in a fucking video game general, you have a whole fucking board for your autism.

yes sir

When left wing "politically correct" propagana ie star wars OR the new fallout games it's all good but when we expose the mainstream media it's "problematic"
Fuck you shariablue shill, people are finally waking up to your bullshit and start fighting this Anita tumblr nonsense

hi I play fallout 2


discovering this changed settlement building for me. wiring stuff up is more fun for me than building, i'm the same way in Terraria.

>tfw unimpressed


maybe you're onto something there

>Nobody wants to talk about this stuff
Considering the only reason this has gone is because you are I find that hard to believe.

learn to construct sentences then try coming back to post please.

I have a question.

Is it true that the instiute was replacing humans with synthetic dopplegangers or was that just a rumor? I wasnt paying attention.

Mommy give milkies




hi i play fallout 1, 2, tactics and you?

Its okay to be a ghoul

I can't do that.

>being this mean

I should've never come to Veeky Forums!

New Vegas. The rest of the games in this franchise suck. Yes that includes your choice of "fallouts" too.


This is a BOS only board ty.

Don't let them fool you with their hippie crap!!!

Is Wasteland Flora Overhaul recommended? Do I get the esp version or the espless version?

i recommend it if you want to turn an already bad game that can barely run into an even worse unstable junk heap.
>inb4 but user, just install a billion anti-stutter mods and turn off ENB

Get a character that doesn't look like a giant faglord.


What textures for the face?

I use the dead edition. But looking at the fertile version, it makes me curious. I recommend whichever one you want to use, but don't forget to generate your LOD's.

But I get 60fps with ENB on.



Thanks pal!


>not posting your own character
>limiting characters posted to 1 faction
>not being an independent scavver

user I...

For some reason I went from Hall of Face, then to NVR 2, and now 3. Feels like my super modding autism blinded me and I lost my way. Oh well looks like I'm going back to HoF.

Looks familiar

Fuck off go to /tv/ to whine about Star Wars.
>not JetForDays.bmp
Neither. Overgrowth mods are antithetical to Fallout and the Mojave is already pretty lush for different reasons.
Nothing wrong with a mercenary character with a little vanity as their vice or weakness.

I wish the minutemen characters didn't suck so much dick, I always end up sending the Longs, Mama Murphy and Preston to coastal cottage not to deal with their nonsense.


but that doesn't have that grin all those bugmen have

>ride vertibird to prydwen
>hop off
>about to go inside
>"heal your companion"

It's okay.


I wanna chuck your character's bengis

welcome to the brotherhood... initiate


>a hairline for this will never work because lizards don't have hair


if you keep calling it irony, no one will notice your weird fetishes

I would say something very negative, but I assume that is the type of attention you are looking to get out of people on here.

Is it supposed to be a clever joke on her part? Is it hypocrisy so that people would like the other platform because she was accepted into the creation club?

I'm purely here to troll you. Responses aren't necessary.

Elianora has lost all self-awareness, i think she thinks of herself as a god or at least someone very important. it's embarrassing, she's a nobody.

Is creation club by any chance flopping? It would be nightmare if it were forcibly put in the next Fallout game.

she's a fucking retarded autist, and this isn't the first time shes done shit like this
>lambasts modders resources and says they shouldn't be allowed to be used
>at the same time all her mods are recycled assets from vanilla or other modders

it'll be in Starfield, the game after that, TESVI and FO5 as long as people on console(ps4) buy them

Stop giving trolls (You)s

Will the vacuum tubes eventually be lit?

she is the reason I check authors names before downloading. I avoid her work just cuz I refuse to support a tard like her and her tard behavior over shit she doesnt understand

wait i thought we were supposed to be pretending that we didnt care about elianora

Where can I download the artbook for Fallout 4?

check the links?

according to them it's a wip so probably

But on a serious note.

I swear I didn't see it either time that I looked


Do the Hubologists deserve to live or die?

As I see it:

>alien cell ammuniation (honestly the only real things in their favor, and I could cheat it so...)
>are some new character in Nuka-World besides raiders
>are a halfway decent satire

>They're part of Nuka-World
>Their narrative is relatively weak and have two locations to lay claim to that both suck
>They're currently bugged in my game so that they're just standing in hub formation so they're breaking muh immershun

Oh, and they're squatting on my turf so that's not helping anything.

i don't like cults so i usually kill off Hubologists. i might make them the faction that i go HAM on. i've been playing the game like a goodie-2-shoes lately.

I don't kill them.
They're dumb and will eventually kill themselves.
Its like you said. They control nothing of value.

Oh man a funny as fuck thing I learned about the UFO ride.

>When you sit on the seat, the structure doesn't actually spin, instead you're spinning on the spot
>You can get out of the seat during the sequence by just pressing the use key again
>The Hubologists are just standing still freaking out before their heads explode

Reveal yourself Caitfag!



I actually wasn't paying attention whenever it was mentioned that putting in too many cores would kill them, so I guess it was an accident.
I don't feel guilty about it. Another useless cult destroyed makes the Brotherhood's job easier.

delet this


post business attire

After careful consideration, I think it's better this way

>throwing stones from your glass blimp

Calling her a "blimp" is an insult to her heritage.

Anyone else have/had a problem with NV where it freezes on a loading screen and you can't alt-tab or open task manager on top of it so you have to sign out for it close
how 2 fix

Hello fag
My business is putting boots to asses

ur blimp a shit

can't wait to blow it up this playthrough

good shit, user

wash yo nose

>how 2 fix
install Fallout 4.

I remember when I used to be a "good guy"

I already have it installed and have done four different playthroughs, thank you for your input though, it sure helped loads

>only "spiked" up hairstyle is The Rebel
>it looks tidy and neat

Where are all the messy hairstyles? I miss my Waster haircut

This happens to me frequently. If you are on Windows 10 you can press the windows key, create a new desktop and put the task manager there.

This will force you out of the game to close the game process so you dont have to hard reboot.

oh i'm sorry, you want a question answered even though no one has the answer as it could literally be anything.
sorry about your little NV problem.

Congrats on being a dick, and congrats on being wrong.
Thank you very much

it's obvious Bethesda was like "we dont need to do half of this shit, they'll mod it in"
why else would the weapons selection be so bad? all they did was lay a frame work down, but they alienated the playerbase, so no one wants to utilize the framework.

oh no, i'm a dick! how will i ever be able to sleep again?
in a manner of speaking i guess. no one can fix your freezing on load problem.

Why are you trying so hard?

>Why else would the weapon selection be so bad?
Why implement a bunch of weapons when you can just implement a bunch of modifications to weapons and reuse them for every other weapon.