Can anything in three kingdoms even make a scratch on an m1 abrams? I don't think so.
Hunter White
Adam Gomez
Anyone wanna watch Three Kingdoms(2010) together?
Robert Baker
Histfag here. You fantasy fags are alright. Don't come to this thread tomorrow.
Nathaniel Parker
ME if you want rats and high elves (lets be real dork elves and lizards aren't getting to the old world) WH1 if you want actually decent load times and norsca
Gavin Diaz
Any interesting formations to look out for in China?
Gavin Hill
>Nagash still not(?) announced
Jaxson Sullivan
>pontus and embed in op A return to glory.
Ryan Richardson
Christopher Lee
So who's gonna wear the golden mask in 3K: Total War?
Matthew Morris
Desert peasants managed
Oliver Garcia
With Russian weapons and also not one combat loss.
Luke Green
There aren't gonna be any formations in 3KTW
Brayden Cox
Christopher Ortiz
Matthew Cook
I just tried this and nothing happened. Why did you lie to me Mr Skeltal?
Jaxon Morris
Gavin Wright
have you tried clicking 'show on disk'?
Jayden Brooks
Oh yeah? *presses Rolling Tiger button* >Peasantmanii Spearmen cluster up into a perfectly round ball, then roll down the hill into the enemy forces, knocking enemy troops flying
Carter Wood
Juan Rogers
Post more reactions from the chinese regarding 3 kingdoms total war please
Matthew Nelson
Nope. I can't watch movies where all characters look the same.
Jaxson Brown
Thomas Jones
Charles Rogers
So after TWWH3 completes the rest of the core armies what do we see as far as DLC not including factions?
I’m thinking: >Dogs of War: Tins of mixed unit roasters and mercenary armies >Storm of Magic: Enhances and improved magic with new campaign objectives and objective based maps >Monstrous Arcanum: Huegfuck monsters for every army and additional universal monster/monstrous infantry units useable by any army >The End Times (hopefully they can do it better than the bullshit GW put out): unique campaign objectives for every race. Stronger emphasis on diplomacy/alliances. World wide balance of power between chaos/order/destruction
Carson Smith
>amazons still not announced
Asher Russell
Im new to Total War, someone explain the pontus meme to me, Ive been lurking archived threads but I still dont understand it
Wyatt James
>The End Times
Stop right there. Let's not get into that hit, no matter how convinced you are that it can be fixed. We already got the only good part of it, redesigned Arkhan, into the game, so let's leave it at that.
Lincoln Butler
Is Total War unnecessarily complicated? How should CA simplify it in TW:3K?
Michael Mitchell
>The End Times consider suicide for even thinking about that
there's literally a stats card RIGHT FUCKING THERE
Anthony James
Please. The TW series should be open to players of all skill levels.
Carter Walker
Nah, but I wish I could draw and sell shit to thirsty furries for tons of money
Colton Sanders
Make the majority of units in an army AI controlled. It'd be better if the player just focused on controlling the hero of the army.
Gavin Martinez
>conquer your starting continent >realize the rest of the campaign would be fighting endless waves of high elves/dark elves and the occasional Chaos stack when you do a ritual >stop playing I still haven't beaten the vortex campaign as anyone
Luis Taylor
But you can do that now.
Carter Adams
I know you're just being facetious but I wouldn't mind if reinforced armies were controlled by the AI.
Colton Martinez
You can do that as well.
Ayden Howard
Lucas Harris
Why? Do you have a problem with TW becoming more successful?
Nolan Edwards
Ryan Ward
Even my old father can play it, so it's pretty much casual friendly now.
Jackson Smith
Why should I care about how successful it is? >Because it'll mean they'll make more for you to enjoy But if they dumb it down dramatically, it will no longer be a game series I care for
Jose Mitchell
Snarsnik's second in command Snazdrog is about to take the Oak of Ages, and with that the hoity toity Wood Elves will be no more...
Ian Ramirez
If CA is forced to choose between one individual who wants to insist that TW pander to the hardcore, and ten new players to the series; they're going to choose ten over one.
Connor Hill
>TW pander to the hardcore The thing is, total war was never hardcore.
Austin Edwards
Christian Thomas
It is hardcore. I would call Total War the "Dark Souls" of the RTS genre.
Jackson Martinez
Michael White
>multiplyer leadership penalties
Levi Collins
total war was always easy
Dylan Green
That's nothing like the choice they'd face though, they have a sizeable base already that likes how their games are, and perhaps there are others who'd get in on it if it was simpler, but certainly nowhere near their current playerbase, who would all risk being alienated and lost if drastic changes were made.
You're not going to attract COD-kids to a strategy game.
Jason Sanchez
Warboss Garsnag of the supporting WAAAGH, called to Snarsnik's invasion of Athel Loren insists in commanding the wing with the "biggist and the fightiest" things, therefore Snazdrog lets him command the east wing of the force.
Xavier Fisher
DOTA and LOL are strategy games, and they have huge audiences. Why shouldn't TW do what they do?
Evan Phillips
you can stop trolling whenever, idiot.
Nathaniel White
You get a Dawn of War III, that's why idiot.
Easton Garcia
Excuse me? I'm just asking how TW should be simplified to attracted a larger playerbase. You're the one who is trolling.
Lincoln Phillips
Does Grimgors faction have goblin warbosses (the melee type) available as lords?
Wyatt Powell
Any way to keep my High Elf ally? Our joint crusades against Queek and Clan Mors were legendary. It makes me a little bit sad that it might be inevitable that I have to be the one to bring about their demise. Not to mention it'll be quite the undertaking.
Christopher Wilson
What subhuman language is "segui" from?
Jeremiah Lewis
Snazdrog hangs back behind the main fighting force and discusses tactics with his shaman Hack Manflaya.
Whilst not as great a schemer as Snarsnik, he has taught him some sneaky tactics, to which he informs the excited shaman.
Whilst they talk they look upon the Oak of Ages, Snazdrog looks forward to painting it red for Mork.
Hunter Sullivan
they have outlived their use cleanse them
Ian Gray
give them a gift
Jack Gonzalez
Don't you only control a single dude at once in those games? And they certainly has no comparison to campaign view. Not really the same at all.
Alexander Cruz
Hack is sent to the front, his recent learning of Curse of da Bad Moon shall come in useful.
He shall command the west wing. Sitting behind a force of Nasty Skulkers and next to a force of Spider Riders and Wolf Riders.
Jose Rivera
I had dwelled on the fact there might have been a way, but I wasn't overly hopeful. It's a shame, they've known their place for such a long time, that they forget it so easily.
I've given them enough up until now. It's only a matter of time, if our bond is only bought with gold.
David Scott
What kind of units will Radious add to his TW 3 kingdoms mod?
Jaxson Morales
panther cavalry
Jayden Perry
R*dious isn't talented enough to make anything other than units with reused/recoloured assets.
Cooper Jenkins
I have a schizophrenic feeling that there will be tiger cavalry in the base game.
Liam Martinez
Roman lost legion.
Leo Watson
As the two wings attack complete chaos descends upon the battlefield.
The ranged cavalry of the Asrai tears swathes through the goblin infantry. Only with constant harassment by the Wolf and Spider riders allows the Sneaky Stabbers to get into the thick of it.
Hack runs up behind the main force and casts his recently learned spell as a giant tangles with a group of Wild Riders, and as a Dryad tries to prevent the cast.
But it is too late. The Curse of da Bad Moon is here.
Parker Barnes
Funny enough one of cao cao most elite cavalry was name "Panther Tiger Cavalry", but it was because they fast like panther and power like tiger. Not that they rode panther and tiger to the battlefield
Mason Sanchez
Cao Cao did nothing wrong
Nathaniel Edwards
The 5 tiger generals will be shapeshifters
Robert Ward
So, is there any turkish butthurt over 3K?
Ryder White
The battle starts steadily moving in the goblins' favour.
As his Elven brethren fall all around him, a lone tree giant stands strong against hordes of miniature green invaders. In his wooden heart he knows the day is done.
Athel Loren... is no more.
Connor Smith
just take those islands, they're amazing
Dominic Thomas
Owen Adams
yeah ca wants the furry audience in addition to the weeb audience
Joseph Foster
It's already begun. It'll be a bloodbath but if I drive them back to Tor Elasor, victory is assured.
Christopher Miller
it'll be worth it if you can get your hands on those island colonies, money making machines
Leo Cooper
And with the tree burned to a crisp, thanks to the machinations of Snarsnik and Snazdrog...
Athel Loren belongs to the Crooked Moon Tribe.
Ian Wright
>no astolfo in OP into the trash it goes
Austin Murphy
Then they could still go for a Nagash DLC and put in the mortarchs and have everyone meme on VC. Sounds like fun to me
Cameron Price
>muh age of shitmar trash kys 2bh
Josiah Wilson
what gave birth to this popular meme
Nicholas Powell
Ok hisfags. Which his title is superior? Getting bored of fantasy and want to pick up a his title. Should I just wait for Thrones? If it helps, I studied Byzantine history in college
Nathan Harris
Shogun 2.
Carter Long
Wyatt Sullivan
Do you actually think knowing the history or story helps you play a TW game? You're not exactly obligated to keep things canon.
Connor Hughes
Nagash is a cerntral character in classic Warhammer. On par and just as important as Sigmar, Kroak, all the elf big boys, and the chaos gods themselves. Who said anything about AoS?
AoS is a fun casual TT’s “lore” is total shot though