League of Legends General - /lolg/

Traps are gay Edition

Old: eyosongive.us

I want to HOLD HANDS with Evelynn!

Morde buffs when

What did Sona's adoptive mother feed her to change her from a emaciated orphan into the thiccest titty/ass monster in the league of legends?

don't you get tired of waifu poasting

>Illaoi can use her E to pull your soul out
>Anything done to your soul is also done to you
>MEANING if she stimulates both of your dicks you can basically have a double-orgasm
>Ass in double prostate stimulation with tentacles
My God, when she talks about breaking men, she doesn't mean physically.

Xth for ADCs need CDR

fix crit by making every ADC have Ash's passive, changing frost arrows to just be a scaling slow with increased potency on W hits to champions,

>fix ADCs by giving them CDR, removing crit, and making them more durable!

is it just me or has league gotten better in terms of playerbase? I mean people still play like shit but i cant remember the last time i had someone spamming pings/chat or int feeding/afk

I wish I were a girl~

when my boy draven getting a keystone to use

just take aftershock for +100 armor lol??????

Xth for you're an actual fucking mongoloid.

Fix crit by removing it from attack speed items and have ADCs build actually useful stats or get an escape item.

I'm just making fun of that user from the last thread

i don't actually believe that drivel


>implying removing rng damage in any way is bad
The cdr and durability is a dumb idea but I'm all for removing semi randomness that decides a fight.

i wish you would die

>ywn hold her and whisper in her ear that you'll still love her even if she gets nerfed

are there any fun games like rimworld i can play in queues


>he thinks piddly range does anything when EVERYONE has a gap closer and burst damage

Just give ADCs range that doesn't have them a mere stone throw away from the fight. Problem solved. In a sense easier to dive if you have a brain cause they're also further from teammates, and easier to play if they're any good at positioning.

Well preseason does not matter so most players probably just dont care. Like me I'm a diamond player and all I do in preseason is get drunk and play meme shit(full leath Cait mid, Jinx jungle etcc.)

>giving ADCs even more range
>in a game that has no turn delay

oh my god stop this argument now, both sides are getting retarded

Why you don't play jax? He is the champion with the highest winstreak on the institute of war desu

Where were you when Riot confirmed that Sarah was best girl?

I was sitting in my office wishing to look EXACTLY like Cho'Gath.

ornn buffs when

>he thinks no turn delay stops dives as is already
>he thinks more range would make it any different if the diver isn't an actual animal.

>still no creepy possessed doll champion
wtf riot

There are other elements more important to the game than just how a diver can react you retarded anime waifu poster


l m a o

>Let's add more range to ADCs!
>You can just dive them!!!

noob here, why is everyone suddenly using support items in JG or ADC?

so azir is on here because of the drifting right

>People getting excited about riot updating splashes to bait retards into buying bad skins
>Riot doesn't even have to improve the skins and people buy them

What is Sona?

Orianna fits this trope pretty well if we completely ignore the nulore

Yeah, and his Q+E combo makes him pretty fast

Jhin because of THE FAST

Because their fully stacked effects are really effective. Targon shield + Overheal shield is pretty substantial. And I'm assuming you mean frost queen's for jungle which helps champs like Eve run niggers down without sacrificing much damage.

Relic shield gives you sustain and pays off itself in a reasonable time making it gold efficient for adc. Add in the shield and heal with overheal rune and all and you got pretty good bargain. Don't play jungle but basicly the same principles apply. The stats you get for the gold invested is good enough to make the purchase.

>hate playing MF
>this skin looks bad
>but the splash makes me diamonds so I'm buying it anyway

wp rito

They all drift or go very fast

some real nice depth of field effects on these splashes, especially mafia

t. brainlet meleebab that already has a hard time killing ADCs with their limp dick range

If you can't dive an ADC with an increased range you literally have no brain cells. More range means they're further away from their team. Even then if diving long ranged carries if impossible than Sniper in Dota should be invincible since basically no one has built in gap closers. But he's not and he attacks from Cait ult range. You're just REALLY bad at your job user.

>he thinks dealing with ADCs in teamfights is anything BUT how a diver gets in to fight them

>bot pushes under tower
>gets camped
>gives their adc 5 kills in under 7 minutes
>"jungle help bro wtf"
>get jumped by the fed adc and their support in my jungle
>bot lane had no mia pings and are pushing tower
>they both die
>"useless jungle"
Fuck this

*is impossible then

post cute LoLs

I'm impressed at how little of the game you understand.

But enough of the shitposting. Time to put up or shut up. Post your rank, you keep claiming to know how to fix ADCs and bitching to all naysayers so you must be high enough rank to back them up right? Please show us you know what you're talking about.

>STILL no Wedding Dress skin for Evelynn

>playing jungle

Your understanding of team fight dynamics is hilariously shallow and binary

Recommend champions for a new player.
Champions that allow me to learn the mechanics and general flow of the game. I wish to acquire proeficiency

>being a lane slave

anyone else on euw lagging like absolute shit after the 8.1 patch?


Garen, Darius, Renekton,

comfy bfs~

>he thinks rank means anything when someone has played various MOBAs for years
>he thinks being high rank in League makes you smart when the game itself is highly nonsensical, imbalanced and counter intuitive

I mean, do you REALLY think I care what you think of my ideas? Listening to people like you is why League is even in the downward spiral it's in gameplay-wise with another year of clown fiesta 25 minute deathball meta on the rise.

Veigar for midlaners. Teaches you scaling, weak points of a champ, and teamfighting.


Top - Garen, Renekton
Jungle - Warwick, Xin Zhao
Mid - Annie, Lux
ADC - Ashe, Tristana
Support - Alistar, Janna

Annie is shit and I can't think of anything other than her

Top: Maokai, Ornn, Garen
Jungle: WW, Xin, Shyvana
Mid: Annie, Malz, Lux
ADC: MF, Twitch, Trist
Support: Lulu, Leona, Alistar

>implying junglers aren't the slaves

>he thinks that isn't League teamfighting in a nutshell
>everyone is in denial of how mind numbingly simple and unintuitive their game is

thanks lolbabs

Yep that's exactly what I thought. You have no idea what you're talking about. You never did. You keep comparing League to DotA even though the fundamental mechanics of fights are entirely different. You think slapping CDR and defensive stats at the sacrifice of damage is a good balance direction despite that having never been the issue with the role in the first place. You say that range doesn't matter because people can just dive you, and that's probably because you've never played this game above a Silver level.

And to compound to the fact that you're so pathetically ignorant despite arguing the contrary you shill the idea that League is a snowball shitfest, despite game length remaining largely the same as before the preseason patch and gold swings also remain unchanged.

Your ideas are shit. Just learn to deal with it.

Brand is basically Annie but with stuns that take a teeny tiny bit of skill. I think he just got buffed recently also.

Can oversized cowtits be cute?

Jill is best valhalla altought Dorothy is pretty close on my personal top

Vayne top.

Riot is appealing to the femdom crowd with this skin i.e. betas who will shell out money for this

>he thinks I'm the CDR and tank stats mongoloid

I stopped reading right there. It's easy to see the rest of the post would be autism.

But I'll say this. If what you guys want is good, then why is League's actual gameplay such shit and in a downward spiral NOBODY enjoys? The way you guys want it is inherently wrong, you've been actively killing this game with how you want it for years. You're all a bunch of spergs obsessed with instant gratification that you could give a shit less about balancing the game properly for the sake of your "fun".

You can't claim to know any better than me when the way you want things is why League as a game is shitting the bed.

>Not maledom
The best girls to dominate are the haughty and arrogant ones, everyone knows this.


I don't really mind ranged tops but anyone that picks Vayne top in particular is a dipshit.

Balance is the most overrated facet of game design.

It's Evelynn, an AP Jungler from the popular MOBA League of Legends!

Vayne top is for anyone who is looking to get their shit camped

>balance is overrated

I took the bait holy shit

>Balance is the most overrated facet of game design.



>doubled his % max health damage to 4%
% at max stacks
At least it doesnt scale on AP.

pls dont tease me

I will say it again loud and clear: "Balance" is by fucking far the most overrated facet of game design. It's fucking cringe-inducing listen to people discuss "game balance" in the vast majority of contexts, especially when 99% of people that partake in these conversations do not have an understanding of, or play at a level where metagame balance actually has an impact on them. Moreover the primary aim of any game should be to entertain, first and foremost. Your "balanced game" is worth less than garbage if it fails to compel its audience into playing it long-term.

Fuck off.

You don't know the viewpoint of anyone else's. I don't know why you're trying to assume that stance other than a last ditched effort to save some face.
People have been claiming League is shitting the bed and the game is going to die since the game's creation. And it hasn't yet on either aspect. The game is still fun for a grand majority of the playerbase so I'm not really sure where you're pulling this "NOBODY ENJOYS THE GAME HURR" attitude from other than your own ass. League balance has only improved and anyone who actually believes otherwise really needs to remove the nostalgia glasses.

>no ghotic lolita champ

Thanks, dade, I found it

>he thinks instant gratification beats actual game balance

This mentality is why everyone hates the Rioters right now but here you are saying they're right. You niggers need to make up your mind of if they're either the coming of satan or your best fucking friend already.

Any time.

Again, I know this is bait but
>Assuming balance doesn't affect entertainment value
Yeah, I have just as much fun getting oneshot by release Xin Zhao as I have against Xin Zhao now.

You're a total retard if you think "game balance" explicitly refers to top-end tweaks.

If some cunt champion is ruining the game for the bottom 99% of players it's probably in your best interest to deal with the fucker instead of letting people quit your game. In fact, this is the EXACT reason they are reworking Yasuo despite him not doing fuck-all in ranked.

>despite him not doing fuck-all in ranked.

despite him doing fuck-all in competitive*

>balance makes games boring
say that to starcraft (well atleast 1 idk about the 2nd)

Why don't I see anyone play Quinn anymore?

tfw no big tiddie goth leaguefu

I wouldn't recommend Malz. Not that he's bad or anything, but the free spellshield from his passive means that you might develop bad habits since you can get away with shit that would cost you your life if you were playing other champs.

youre not allowed to post unless youre above gold

>he thinks League balance has improved
>it's literally done nothing but become more and more of a source of incoherent autism
>he thinks overtuned burst damage is healthy
>he thinks overtuned tanks are healthy
>he thinks having only 10% of the roster viable is healthy

I'm actually debating with a bunch of apes that only care about their twisted instant gratification that deserve to go out in the worst way possible with their game when it inevitably dies in a literal shitstorm.

And you need to treat people as individuals and not as a collective. I like how "instant gratification" has become a pejorative buzz phrase lately as well. You sound absurdly pretentious.

It can. It very often doesn't. There genuinely are times where design oversights become so overwhelming that it compromises the enjoyability of a game at even the most basic of levels. But in the majority of contexts this is not the case.

Pub stompers will always exist. There is no way around this. If it isn't Yasuo then something else will take his place, and it's not even a balance issue so much as it is the nature of solo queue players being disorganized and oftentimes reluctant to just cooperate with people.

Yes but she literally has her boot on your face in the cowgirl splash art.

new player here.
what should i do if the enemy jungler is targeting me repeatedly in mid lane?
i play annie/morgana mid

>lol who cares if kalista is an inherently broken champion (featuring cancerous shit like hypermobility, auto-peel, the ability to give someone hard engage, and absurd objective control) with a 100% banrate
>balance is le boring LMAO

You're retarded. 100% balance isn't necessary but the last thing you should be aiming for as a developer is to have certain characters or strategies be so oppressive that they force everything else out.

Unless you're going to open your retarded mouth again and tell me it's a bad thing that DotA2 routinely gets EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR HEROES PICKED at The International when Riot Games can't even get something like a 40% pick rate.