/dg/ - Destiny General


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It might as well when standard armors have no unique traits.

the update was FUCKING NOTHING
wow this game is dead

ok so here is my question

Is the game fixed now? or is it still fucked?

i've got a 305 warlock. i have no way of finding a raid that will take me. if i can't get a raid why should i buy the expansion? (every raid out there wants bullshit reqs for somethign i should be able to go into)

Seriously. There was hardly anything definitive, and anything that could be perceived as worthwhile was so far out that they'll likely have half the team on D3 by that point.

Friendly reminder to not bully seals, please.

the game won't be fixed till this fall
literally everything that they have """""""""promised""""""" doesn't fix the core problems of the game. Namely that there is no content

Mods please make sharing retarded webms bannable. Please.

>Is the game fixed now? or is it still fucked?
The game will be left in the same stale state till around Oct/Nov.


so basically uninstall and wait till september? damn.. i was hoping for the season pass to be worth it. (i could get to 330 and hope for a raid invite or a clan pikcup)

will the gear discrepency get to the point i won't be able to pvp for shit due to set bonuses or buffs new raid stuff/xpac stuff gives)?

fall 2019 is when d2 will be good

>will the gear discrepancy get to the point i won't be able to pvp for shit .

The huge drop off of actual pvp players is the only thing stopping you.


>being dumb

Power doesn't matter in PvP
Most PvE have effectiveness caps at about 280, not counting raid/lair
Raid gear will only help you in the raid
You don't need DLC to get MW armors/weapons

Anyone who won't take you for the standard raid at 300 doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about in the first place, just try to group up from here if you can. Even Joff is more capable than LFG, and that's saying something.


So... Only new content until DLC 2 is Crimson event?
At least this time Engrams actually drop on level. They learned from that fuck up.

I mean, all of this stuff is good or at least acceptable but it's just too little too late at this point.

If this was in the game and they were adding new stuff D2 would be amazing.

But it isn't. There is a new garbage lazy practice these FPS games are doing. Bungie thought they could coast with D2 and take out shit from D1 and slowly add stuff back disguised as new content and not needing innovation. COD WW2 is currently pulling the same shit and I am glad Bungie is getting shit for it.

DLC 2 is at least coming in "spring" and strike scoring is supposed to be February.

But yeah, I don't think it's going to save it, at least not until the $40 sauvithan...well not expansion since that is what they're calling the $20 shit.

I Want To Play This Video Game

Well, I'm not ignoring Cayde chests on the reset ever again. Is there a full list of what they pull from? I got jack shit last time I ran these.

I think people expecting immediate changes are generally being unrealistic and the vitriol being banded about is hyperbolic, those that are genuinely upset have already given Bungo their money, so they have been fucked over anyway, those on the fence and with patience will probably be happy to go back after a few months and maybe find some enjoyment while hardcore shills will be in game always.

Fans whipping themselves into hysterics and expecting miracles need to learn to step back and take a hard look at the big picture.

then play it

I Heard It's Bad And The DLC Locks You Out Of A Shitload Of Stuff

Seems pretty random, I’ve found a couple of dead orbit and fwc weapons too.
I always get his chests, it only costs glimmer and I’m always finding myself hitting the limit anyway.


>the update was FUCKING NOTHING
>Is the game fixed now? or is it still fucked?

Not even him but, what part of fucking dead do you not understand?

Theres this forced memer "people" that go full retard if a game has any sort of cash shop. I swear it's the same fucking cheap skate cunt.

It's really bad but there's nothing stopping you from playing it.

Only is you capitalize each word.

I can generally agree with you, but this game needed another 6 months of development time and a reevaluation on how they were going to deal with loot boxes. Honestly this game was not ready for prime time.

>Wow its fucking nothing.
>Wow its fucking nothing.
>At the end of time.
>Slightly more than fucking nothing.

Anyone that sticks around this game until the winter is a fucking retard beyond help.

The loot boxes are not even bad in this game.

>I think people expecting immediate changes
Nobody expected immediate changes. People expected meaningful changes. What we got was more placating bullshit in the "near future" and than barely more than absolute minimum at the very end of the year.

Its not that we didn't get it now, its that we're not getting anything.

Also you wanna talk about unrealistic? Go fuck yourself.

>People found out bungie lied about EXP gains.
>Oh shit, s-system isn't working as intended, w-we flipped a switch so scaling is gone and exp required to rank up is double.
>This update.
>We recognize the exp requirement for rankups is too high and we'll look into reducing it in the future.
The switch still exists you fucking nigger, there's a crapton of problems they could solve server-side, they CHOOSE not to. The only thing that needs to be patched are the things that add or change system behaviors. They can edit all the values for those systems behind the curtain.

Yes they are. They shouldn't exist at all.

Yes, it really did but obviously the money men at Acti/Bungie wanted it out before Xmas for those sales.
It needed a alpha and beta period like D1 had on consoles where it have you the tower, earth and a few of the multiplayer aspects, if we were able to point out their bullshit earlier before it launched it would’ve probably helped.

The lootboxes themselves aren't.

What's bad is how much content Bungle is funneling through them rather than through the game, and the Dawning just made the issue worse.

>go fuck yourself
You are literally the hotheaded mouth breather I was talking about.
Go soak your head, take a break and stop being such a fool.

>The lootboxes themselves aren't terrible
Yes they are, and you made my point for me. They exist solely to siphon off content from the regular game and shunt it into the cash shop walled garden.

The entire concept of paying real money for random items is disgusting and should be illegal.

Nope. They are no different to any mmo or rpgs randomised earned loot chest. People like you are fucking speds. You don't have to buy them and it's just some cosmetics.

It's not cash walled you are confirmed retarded and a piece of shit.

Stay at least 30 meters away from this gun, and never under any circumstances put it into your hand, or group with anyone who uses it.


Because it is bad.


>just cosmetics
That doesn't make them inconsequential. If cosmetics are so worthless, why do (((they))) want to charge so much for them?

>Dick riding the corporate schlong

Why do people like this still exist? Why? What does Bungie have to do to you before you get it? Holy shit how much of a life failure are you?

Hey bungtards is this game fun yet?

They are fucking free you dickhead. People like you what you access to everything without any effort. Because you are immaturely upset you can't get something immediaetly.
The function of rng in grindable vanity items is they become rare. Not everyone has the things so they become sought after.
>uses brackets
confirmed dickhead idiot troll.

>still making new threads

>being an immature retard.

because people will buy them

You forgot your avatar.


People buy them because they matter. Playing dress up is part of the game.

Go home shill.

You don't believe he's actually real do you? He's a retard who think he's being clever with low quality shitposting, nobody is THAT pseudo-intellectual and still has the mental capacity to breathe.

See? no one cares

You're the shill. I'm starting to think people like you are paid by rival companies to create shitstorms.

wow you don't like Destiny 2 big man!!

Will the Inner Circle survive the bad times, and rise again in the future with Bungies proposed changes? Will they save this general?

General cliques are pure aids infested cancer

>tfw have to play this piece of shit game until the dark souls re release in May.

>No u
Top damage control mate. Do you get paid in silver?

Anybody for regular calus in 30-45mins?

>tfw you bought a few games in the steam sale
>tfw you're only getting around to playing mario
>tfw bayo1+2 next month
I have so much to play now, it's nice

fuck off retard, get a life.

This game is a shithole

>mfw my live subscription is out
well I'm going off the grid for a few weeks I guess

Remember to report shitposting, its against Veeky Forums rules.

An end will come. We will be there.

>t-they paywall the vanity items I NEEDED!"
>But thats wrong
>w-wtf SHILL!
You see this isn't defending or attacking the company. Mearly neutrally pointing out that what you are saying is pure lies.

>People buy them because they matter. Playing dress up is part of the game.
But playing dressup has no effect ingame. It is strictly only a visual change. You might as well be arguing that prestige raid gear is currently better than regular raid gear even though it's the exact same shit.

most effective masterwork for midnight coup

I will carry the torch so long as there are others who still enjoy it.


>the smallest and deadest /dg/ circlejerk
lmao always trying to stay relevant

New bungie logo.

Where is Alpha Team?
Are they safe? Are they ok?


Is this company ever going to fix the Callus raid glitch where you can despawn ads? They swore they had a fix 2 months ago.

Laughing together playing better games

Wow, you sure showed me.
Maybe if I was as impotently furious as you It’ll make everything better.

How did you get it to proc? They already did?

The skyboxes have no effect on gameplay either, but that doesn't mean it's not one of the reasons why people like it. If visuals 'dont matter' shit would still look like doom

>Uninstall D2 months ago
>Read update today
>Please wait 1 year until things are back to Taken King status

And uninstalled you shall remain game

They never fixed it.

At this point I should just uninstall the game but I'm an idiot and bought the deluxe edition.

>Wow, you sure showed me.
I'm glad you admit it.
I'll let you off easy this time because you were honest about how you felt.

I've got a couple more days in the general before my next game of interest launches so I can do that for a while, today was the proof if proof were needed that bungie is either done giving a fuck about Destiny, or too incompetent to understand what needs to be done. The very fact they admitted they're still going ahead with dlc development instead of putting it on halt and dedicating all their resources on getting the base fixes out as fast as possible tells you everything you need to know. We have to wait until December to get the fixes the game should have launched with because they wanna squeeze out another turd of a DLC I mean come the fuck on.

My friend bought me the first DLC because he wanted me to play with him so badly. What better game do I buy for him to make up for this shitfest?

Monster Hunter World for the both of you.

then how did you do it

Same way as always. Kill your party and kill yourself when the timer hits like 6 or 7 seconds

I was planning on double dipping anyways but I'd have to wait until fall for him

so, the leaving method? I thought they instituted a change that fixed it. hunh

>before my next game of interest launches

jesus christ
long tongues are my fetish
am i going to jail now?

So are all the PC groups dead? I want to leave my shitty clan. I actually want to do raids and and anythig else that require people. I've never done the raid and the like the 4th time I ever did a nightfall was a random dude that messaged me in the tower.

nth for Titan waifus (or any waifus) and D1 being better
