Rainbow Six Siege General - /r6g/

It's basically just Counter Strike and/or COD: Search and Destroy but with feminism edition

New Operators: DO NOT buy the Starter Edition

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Last thread where Twitchfags are BTFO

It's time for Rainbow Six Siege to end.

seeing this makes me think what exactly do the attack operators type when planting?

Keying in the activation codes for the defuser, I'd imagine.

There are a lot of weird things - just think about how retarded the Bomb mode is. You aren't planting a bomb, you are planting a defuser. Which somehow wirelessly disarms the bomb

And it's not even like they are trying to get around the "not being a terrorist" angle because one team is literally defending bombs.

so they dont spell anything? was kinda hoping it was an easter egg from past titles

Planting a defuser? I have no idea. You wouldn't want a delay when planting a defuser. The whole point of having codes for, like, a bomb, is so it won't go off accidentally or on purpose by someone who isn't supposed to be setting it off

>smurf sends whole game talking about how the players in the low level ranked game suck

The less you think about the logic behind multiplayer, the better off you are, honestly.

>guy immediately dies then complains about everyone is worse than him

I don't like this edition

It's the ela transbian.

I wish the year 3 pass wasn't so expensive

None of us like Feminazis in our vidya

why does Ela exist


I mean does it spell anything? like a name or something from a previous game would've been a cool Easter egg

It's obviously someone's self insert OC. No way they'd do that design and make her that strong and also refuse to nerf her.



>activating defuser now requires you to speed type a randomly generated 60 symbols long code
>disabling defuser is a frets on fire qte set to old modem noises that ends after you get a set amount of points
Can we please have this?

>expecting depth from a game that wants to be CSGO

>old modem noises

wait wait wait, why the fuck is the defuser planting sound NOT an old dial up modem / fax machine noise, what the fuck

No one working on this project knows what those are.

How is it anything like csgo what the fuck

You have until March to get the exclusive skin, you can probably find it for cheap by then

wants to be, not is
fucking europe shit

Use 100 good boy points to get a 20% discount if you're not using the ameriflab store.

Every match point game I have the defenders just win because of ela.

>first season pass with an actually not shit skin in it

It's a shame the season pass is an objectively bad deal for all but the most autistic of Siege players

$30 a year isn't exactly a huge amount of money.

>shield melee takes priority to yours meme

im glad twitch got nerfed

I don't like Twitch

It's not, but you don't really get anything for it unless you are the most casual of Siege players, or the most hardcore. Why?

>Casual Players who can't gain 50k Renown within 3 months
>Gets operators, and can either save Renown for next year or probably spend it on literally like 4 cosmetic items at most
>Isn't even really playing the game much to begin with, could stop playing at any point and not return to Siege

>Average Siege player
>Earns more than 50k Renown in 3 months
>Can now spend that renown on a handful of cosmetics
>Getting all 4 seasonal skins is 100k renown anyways, so it's likely they will do that since an average player should get 100k/3mo not including discount
>Leaves little for character customization

>Would likely be farming T Hunt solo shit in his spare time if bored of multiplayer
>Earning in excess of 100k/1mo
>50k renown is literally nothing to this man, he can earn it in less than a week

For all parties the "One week early" isn't even really a benefit because all the season pass assholes compete for the slot, sometimes team killing you if you get it, and it means literally every single game of Siege has the new characters in it, which is boring to the meta.

So at the end of the day, you pay 30 dollars to buy a total of 8 skins you still have to grind for over the course of a year

Nah dude that's fucking gay, also it takes a million years to unlock characters in that game.

Fuck you buddy I am ROLLING in packs and renown from my Rainbow Six^TM : Siege pledge of support to the developers fighting to diversify our patriarchal gaming culture.

Calm down /v/

Can I redeem uplay keys for DLC if I bought it on steam?
Can I buy the starter pack on uplay so I don't have to launch the game through steam?
Steam was a fucking mistake for games with their own launchers

>every other video game with loot crates
>dishes them out atleast once an hour of gameplay
>usually has 3-4 items inside

>Alpha Pack
>Play for 5 hours to get one
>Open it
>It's a skin that can only be used on Fuze's LMG

what is the exclusive skin and what super power does it give me?

>Five hours

That seems excessive.

The post you are replying to is the skin - it's the damascus steel. It actually looks pretty fucking sweet for once

I got a legendary helmet at ~15%
Then an epic one right after at 2%

Can the enemy see the claymore lasers

Yes you just redeem it in the uplay client. You don't have to launch through steam either, but if steam is closed it starts in the background anyway.

>For all parties the "One week early" isn't even really a benefit because all the season pass assholes compete for the slot, sometimes team killing you if you get it, and it means literally every single game of Siege has the new characters in it, which is boring to the meta.
You just described what release week is like for everyone else, the season pass version is way less severe





I don't know


Can you repeat the question?

Eh, maybe not excessive. If you wanted an accurate number we could probably plug it into a spreadsheet and run a whole bunch of hypothetical RNG tests to determine the average time to acquire one. But we know that you only get to roll on chances when you win games.

Assuming you win 50% of games (a fair assumption), and each game in Casual takes atleast 15 to 20 minutes from start to finish (including MM times) - your chances don't start getting big enough to reasonably award a pack until multiple hours of gameplay

The ironic thing is the whole chance system is a bad way of doing it anyways, because it's erratic. People like the gambling of opening a pack, not earning one. It a quick way to make a player feel like shit after taking forever to finally win a roll on a 40% Pack chance, and then open it up and the skin is trash

inb4 we did it reddit

I see we have some rebbit friends
At what time does the narwhal bacon?

This man speaks truth. I bought the game during Red Crow, frequently take month long breaks to play other vidya, and have all but eight DLC operators.

Jesus roaming sas recruit is so much fun

>barbed wire
>nitro cell
>3 speed

Can you use it in a sentence?

Hello newfriend. You may have missed it, but years ago things like this were common here.

>also it takes a million years to unlock characters in that game.
You shitttttting me?
First of all it doesn't.
Second of all have you played perhaps the starter edition of Siege? (which costs money)
And if you don't want autistic grinding you need to get standard edition.
For that money alone you could unlock far more in dirty bomb, and lets not forget that dirty bomb doesn't have "DLC" characters that are extra expensive/grindy to acquire.

Again, you are out of your fucking mind if you think that's grindy yet siege, even standard isn't(let alone starter)

>And if you don't want autistic grinding you need to get standard edition.

Don't forget the autistic grinding of the standard edition only applies to the 20 base game operators - it doesn't include the autism that comes with 2 years and counting of added characters at 25,000 each

Siege isn't nearly as grindy, also at least in siege you don't need to upgrade operators. Not to mention buying one outright doesn't cost like $20.


>Retarded post combined with faggot ass anime girl question mark bullshit

Every goddamn time, holy shit

My condolences user

>ANY kind of joking around is r****t

Fuck off clown

baka desu


>Siege isn't nearly as grindy
You are delusional if you think that.

>also at least in siege you don't need to upgrade operators
Neither do you in dirty bomb, the bronze cards that you can get form cases which drop all the time unlike alpha packs, or even crafting the lesser ones into bronze are fucking cheap. The "grind" only kicks in when you want to get fancy skins like gold or cobalt.

>Not to mention buying one outright doesn't cost like $20.
I have no idea what you are even talking about. Dirty bomb is free, that has free week rotation, the base characters are very strong, and the grind is minimal. IF you so happen to think you need to speed it up you can buy the characters because hey the game cost you NOTHING.
Unlike siege where you pay to have the privialge to grind in the first place.

Dirty bomb is a free game from the ground up, yet IRONICALLY it has less grind than fucking siege, a tripple A game that you have to buy first.

Has ubi ever made an official statement on characters with tiny hitboxes?

Go back to /dbg/ fag.


Facing facts to hard for you? You just want an echo chamber of "this game is perfect, ubisoft can do no wrong"
Perhaps it's you that needs to go back to plebit.

And not necessarily aimed at you but do G2A global keys work on burger uplay? I would do the 20% coupon they have on uplay in exchange for 100 tokens but it keeps giving me an error.

I didn't even read your post lol

>nerfing Twitch's gadget for no reason
>not nerfing the real reason she's picked (F2)
>not buffing the 417

Female operators are not allowed to be bad
>IQ buffs confirmed incoming
>Ying certainly in the works

It's World of Tank's T-62A all over again.

>Dirty bomb is a free game from the ground up, yet IRONICALLY it has less grind than fucking siege, a tripple A game that you have to buy first.

Now who you are arguing with, but I just want to interject here that a huge problem with Sieges grind is that it was designed in mind of Day 1 players. The grind is minimal and organic for people who have been here relatively from the beginning. Back when Black Ice dropped I had enough to buy Buck immediately, and then Frost a week and a half later. Dust Line? I was able to grab both once they opened up. Granted, I wasn't buying any gun cosmetics at the time, but they were shit to begin with.

Now a new player looks at Siege, sees an "old game" with a "reduced price" and thinks it's the same as, like, any other video game. You buy it, get all the free DLC for free and carry on. Like if you picked up Titanfall 2 right now, you'd get all the maps and the updates out of the gate, and all you'd have to do is commence the regular grind.

But what happens with Siege is that it's a pseudo-moba, hero based shooter where you NEED all the characters to actually play it probably. If you don't have every character unlocked, you are objectively playing the game wrong. Why? Want to double up on your breaching strategy but only have Thermite? You can't. So even if the enemy decides to hunker down and turtle, you can't do an optimal strategy for it.

Whats the way to do it? Well here are all these piecemeal options for buying the game - Starter, Regular, the Year 1 Delux, the Total 1+2 Package, oh the BIG BIG pack including the new season pass... What do I buy? I'm not sure.

There should only be one version of Siege being sold, maybe two. The Base Game pack, at 15 dollars, and the "Complete Pack" that has all the operators from 1+2 for 50 dollars. You should make it very clear from the start that buying the Y1 and Y2 packs is pretty much required for new players to play the game competitively.

Global keys are global, and you can't get the club point discount if you're using the US store (for some reason they disabled it for all dlc it seems), but you can just log in to the eu store where they allow it for the pass if you'd rather use ubi instead of g2a.

You realize it's like saying you are too dumb to read and then doing a nervous laugh?
Fuck off.

I could read it but I don't care about some f2p game for brs.

Dumb incel

I bought every operator in 8 hours and haven't seen what the operator purchase menu looked like since

What are the rumored IQ buffs?

>posts another feminazi everyone hates
very topical user

>I spend money
>this somehow gives me a sense of superiority
>even though you literally get less for what you payed for which is what the argument is about
>hurrr I like to waste money hurrrrr what are you too poor fag to wipe your ass with money?

It takes about 20h to get 1 non-basic character in DB. Then about 60 more to upgrade them to be competitive.

Some ability to share what her gadget spots. Not sure what form it will ultimately take.

I'll spend money on a good game over spending nothing for a shit game yeah.

how many games a day would you say the average player plays?

>still haven't changed scoreboard from tab
>just died while tabbing back in
save me from the nothing I've become

>He has to grind for things
I'm sorry, user

Okay, bro

Reasons to play IQ instead of Thatcher?

This fucking captcha

>Then about 60 more to upgrade them to be competitive.
>to get 1 bronze card loudout for a character
>takes 60 or more hours
GOD you fucking retard, people like you are the reason people have to put disclamers that anything above a bronze card is the same in terms of power and only has better cosmetics.
Even then, dirty bomb is heavily a skill base shooter, so you can literally take the base characters and dumpster anything and anybody as long as you are more skilled in terms of aim and movement.

I repeat you are trash, the fact you think you need 60 hours to "upgrade" a character or what ever the shit, instead of being good at aiming and moving tells me you are an immense shitter.


Does it work for every gun or only a few?

lmao imagine being this defensive over a free to play game filled with chinese hackers

Echo nosebleed mask when