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Is this smug?

This is a spicy thread.

Report and remake.


>worried meme's logs finally leak and people learn what kind of an autistic shitter he is


I literally can't wait for more "ebin" logs to leak. This thread's gonna be ridiculous when mado's, lalapedo's, or guffy's shit leaks. And it will happen at some point. It literally ALWAYS does

>playing with Veeky Forums



Leaks are the best, truly the only reason I come here.

POYO-SAMA! How have you been? I've been playing FFXIV!

>5 years.
>No logs.
It's a meme.

Dis is a green memc@


Report thread.

Spic thread.

Report thread.

Spic thread.

Report thread.

Spic thread.

> Caring about log leaks in 4chin echo chamber.
It's telling when most of the people you meet and get along swell with are people trying to gauge the veracity of thread shit-posting and want to see how a person is for themselves.

pretty gewd
i’m sick as balls but i’m leveling drk and it’s funsies, i’m major edge, totes sama material now

okay i gave it about 11 minutes of effort howd i do for an edgy elfboy (drk)

if it wasnt for the blush and the fact that your ear clasps are the same pink as your hair i might think about it
slobber over what
>voice changer
who's bis koi
i might like shooting myself in the head by tying 20 military grade helium weather balloons to a shotgun and blowing my brains out and letting the shotgun sail away in the wind, but im not gonna give it a chance
show me

This. I never got the shit some people hot here. I can name 4 people but i'd get called out for stupid shit.

Played through some heavensward content and stopped, should I re-sub?

If yes, is the ultros FC alive and not full of retards?

Because /XIVG/ is a place to talk about "people I don't like" behind the veil of anonymity where there is no social repercussions. Didn't you know?

Post smug shirtless catboys

Can't say, I'm on Leviathan.

i want this edgy elfboy to abuse me

It's not bad but I would go with a different hairstyle. That's just my personal preference though.

Everyone I have ever met from the thread have turned out to be good people. At this point I pretty much assume everyone is actually fine and everything in the thread is just shooting out of boredom.

are we smugposting now?

I think I attracted a yandere
How do I let them go as nicely and non conformational as possible?

Change the hair, try messing around with the blues for his eyes and you should be good to go.

Don't even consider it.

goddamn you're ugly

finding ways to post _____

Block, blacklist and ignore. If they harass you or your friends in game report to GM and watch them get banned for a day or more.

Do not try to talk to them because they will try to drag you down and will hold a grudge no matter what.

that isnt how this works

what a nice ugly couple

Thanks budy, didn't know what to do of this

is it really a couple if they both see other people on the side all the time?

For the user who asked me for light hair ingame

No problem my dude. Also mess around with the pupil size, it does wonders.
I always use the small one for my characters.

Who's the hunky roe?

you guys are dumb and mean :(

What do you mean ?! Don't you see it's santa ???????

>brainwashed thrall saying everything is fine


Beepy no!!


have a meowerful day!!!

will someone PLEASE bully me RIGHT NOW

Physicaly ?



Does anyone have that image of the descriptions of each of the races such as lalafells are the shitposting race.

It really grinds my gears when people think they can act so superior because they basically no life this piece of shit WoW clone, but in reality all I see them do is fuck around with other pasty faced grown men textfucking for days meanwhile I'm here trying to bust my ass to get somewhere significant only for someone to think he's better because he already did it well how about this why don't you put your dick away, pull your ass away from your grown man girlfriend's house so he can go jerk off other people and fucking 1v1 me you pussies.
But you won't, you'll shrug this off and carry on because you're all beta male faggots and you should kill yourselves, have a nice day.

Sorry Senpai can't do anything about that

Rude and uncalled for

Is the manipulative liar really trying to call out people from here?

Does this tall handsome boy like 4'11 petite nordic women with nut allergies??



1v1 me and my dudes

Uncalled for? No, no, this is very much called for, this thread doesn't even discuss the fucking game, honestly the mods should just do away with it like they did /hsg/ back on /co/.

Female or trap?

can you please just hurry up and do it
no 4'11 is gross petite just means stinky and nordic women have gross noses trust me im an expert


Go back to china

What do you do with items you get in potd that are not compatible with your gender?


tfw biskoi is a perfect name but you can’t steal it because its so original already

This is a very brutal attack on Guffy Guffs

i can steal anything
even your heart

is this bis boi

that depends on if boi=boy

Good meowning anons. What's everyone gonna do today?


yeah it does you’re cool and nice i wish i talked to you more but i disappeared because im retard
you probably don’t remember me but yeah

I'm gonna grind my crafters and maybe do roulettes with a friend, but they're busy at the moment and are probably finished with theirs so i'll most likely do it on my own.

heck this catboy is drainable

Ah gay

Its cute tho


But user, why should we discuss the game when we can fill every thread with the same shitty drama, degenerate fetishes, and regurgitated memes?

then why don't you?

Didn't you get banned



post highlanders!

I don't know who he is or how to get in touch with him

gunna kume

Because that's what a general is for, you stupid faggot.

I'm gonna play more The Witcher 3.
And read up on how to catch a meowboi.

There's actually a mod that turns them into non retarded nails.

Is this supposed to be funny?

I'm guessing you missed the sarcastic tone of that post that indicated I was agreeing with you.

Well, goodnight.

Hallo. Memkat need babbisitter 2 look ober memkettens while memkat pllay vidya

maybe he can find you
holy shit a grandma

Yeah that's right, walk away.

>finally get motivated to decorate house
>have nobody to invite over to hang out

goodnight, I hope you feel better tomorrow

they dont call be poyoyo for nothin
toss me down i get back up
yeah bitch
hella fab

I'll come over if you're on balmung

Im thinking of inversting on an apartment, is it worth it?

yes I'd say so


I'm on Mateus, but I appreciate the sentiment.

Post pic of u n ur hous. Memc@ will put memc@ on ur pic n we can pretend to hanged out