/drg/ Danganronpa General

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Previous thread Its the Nurse's birthday!

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News Updated 11/15/17
pastebin.com/n83HpxJC Spike Chunsoft opens North American publishing branch

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - In-depth gameplay mechanics and information
pastebin.com/M1sg5ftn - Danganronpa V3 Bonus Mode starting guide
Modding guides: docs.google.com/document/d/1J1kzVZus2k1ci8uiNUYuyXfHuGfnoDHELQ9httsdCMw/edit

>Danganronpa 1&2

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony:

>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles Updated 28/12/2017

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>Danganronpa fan works pastebin *contains links to fanart, fan-fiction, and dr-related artists*

>Winter Danganronpa:

I love Junko!


I love my beautiful wife Maki So much, I'd do anything to spend time with her right now! I just want to hold her in my arms and show her love! I want her to feel like the happiest thing in the universe! I want her to nuzzle her face into my chest while I stroke her hair! I want to talk with her for hours and hours endlessly about how we feel about each other! I want to take her out on a nice date and then stare up at the stars with her, but rather than staring at the stars we end up staring into each others eyes instead! I want to make her smile so bright that she blinds the sun! I want to wake up with her cute smile looking at me!

Post Angies Angiefriends!

Best boy in all of DR and not a single argument will sway me from that opinion.

Take your shot, /drg/!

I want to marry Akane and cook meals for her.


I want /drg/ to have a good night

Happy world nurses's day and happy kindness day! Happy birthday Mikan! Here's hoping you get a couple of small pieces of decent fanart!

Thanks Mikan!


Absolutely adorable, user. Just for that, have a Maki.

The only good part of this post was the armpits, I can do without everything else.


Haven't seen this one before, so thank you!


Best girl!

there's no use trying to persuade the deluded

I wish I was talented.


You ever see a ritualpost somewhere you just know it doesn't belong?

goodnight sweet prince


Heeere it comes! Praying for more high quality birthday Mikis!

A reminder that Aoi is best girl and Aoiboi died for your sins!

I'm out

Such as?

Aoiboy is alive


Aoiboy lives user

You keep saying this.
But I want proof.

t. Aoiboy trying to get attention

Koko! Happy anniversary NDRV3!

>mfw junkofag has wormed his way into /y/, /cm/, /u/, /h/ and /c/ dangan threads
When will he be stopped?

Nothing to argue about there.

If aoiboy actually cared about any of you, he would have given you all ways of contacting him that aren't autistically screeching for him on an anonymous message board.

Let it go.

I saw it posted in one of those threads yesterday as well, I guess he's branching out.

He comes to taima

It belongs there, he romanticizes chaos- nothing more, nothing less,

I love Mahiru's uniform.

I love it too!
The pinafore look is too cute and I wish more girls would dress that way!
I wish I had the skills to make a Kirumi edit wearing it too because I think the colors match her.

Heaven or hell?

Let's rock!

Angie and her beloved Himiko! And their bodyguard Gonta!

Something about Bee's waist bugs me off...
Also when I see people writing Bee I get Monogatari flashbacks, kek.

I wonder how Maki would take her first anal.

Pretty gud user.
However, there are free programs better than MS Paint to finish this one in.

She'd probably be butthurt about it.

Would probably cry desu
unless she trained her butt beforehand

I'll choose Accountant.

New line of fantasizing. Training Maki's ass. Thanks.


Well shit, can you hook me up? I have business to discuss with him.

It could be pretty cute honestly, besides you don't want her to be hurt when you do anal for the first time.

>tfw only a bodyguard

It belongs to Tsumugi.

Be careful with anal user.
It's not a pussy so if you stretch it too much, let's just say nasty health problems occur that sometimes can and sometimes cannot be fixed with surgery.
If you watch gay porn that's not hardcore, they are always saying things like go slower, more preparation, et cetera because they don't want to take time editing out shit. Literally.
Be gentle with your Maki during anal and don't cram random huge things up there and I hope things go smoothly.

God damn, Bee is so thicc, plus the short hairstyle is so damn cute. I want to lick honey off of her.

Yeah, now it looks better.

Starting with a tiny buttplug and going bigger and bigger as time goes on, gradually seeing her asshole get more and more open

Well that's one way to make her open up to you.


Are we really gonna spoiler post how we'll open up Maki's ass?

Good one
Doesn't have to be gaping user, just how big you both want it to be.
I could see it being cute so why not

Think he went to bed.

She says this while Keebo is still in the room. Girl, you're cute and I kinda like you, but just what the heck?

well you just have shit taste then dont you

Everyone shits on Kibo, get used to it.

Kiibo getting bullied so much in the game made me sad. He was trying his best.

I don't understand what the hell the V3s were on, if I encountered a humanoid robot like Kiibo, I'd be all over him. He's fascinating.

if you want, one of us can relay a message to him when he's on again

That's what I said, sodium chloride.

A robot's a robot, no matter how human it looks. If I was in a killing game, I'd definitely say break apart the robot before killing any actual people.

Laying her down on the bed butt facing upwards, slowly putting in the buttplug and hearing her quiet squeaks, and when it's finally in patting her on the ass cheeks

Because she's embarrassed, it might be hard for her to relax, so just a few gentle kisses on her buttcheeks and a little rubbing around her hips should help get her steady.

>tfw not a single doujin translated on his production accident, all fluff or torturing him somehow

I want them to fuck like mad rabbits.

Kiibo's page from that handbook said that Himiko was his second most hated person behind Ouma, due to the countless comments like this that she made throughout

Doing this about once a week would probably work, gradually changing to a bigger plug every few days, or for her maybe every week or so, to help her get comfortable with it.

I've not many Mikans, but take this, as a gift of thanks to all you Mikanfriends out there.

never ever

i assumed that the "trial production" was a Robo Cop reference

They'd probably look like they are getting along really well but underneath the surface they are very aware of the threat the other poses and are more than ready to deal with it at a moment's notice.

Just read this v3 ronpa. So, what should i do now?

>himiko putting rocks in the snowballs
kek, i always liked her

I believe.


>being worried about anything ever
Maybe if he thought Kokichi was a remnant, otherwise he wouldnt give a shit

It's fun to think about even if it won't happen.

Fug, i mix up the names of the two best Daughterus

Keep saying it, user. I can use anger as motivation.


Did these games make you cry, drg?

They bring hope

The first and only time I cried while playing a Danganronpa game was when Clair de Lune played during the 3-6 Trial.
Kind of choking up a bit just thinking about it.

Almost did when Maki confessed to Kaito desu
I wanted to love her

Damn I wish I was Kibo

Twice, Teru's breakdown and Tanaka's execution.

Why can't they ever let the pure one live, anons?
Gonta deserved better, so did Tenko

I cried at the end of 3-5.