>wait for major to come so i can shitpost on /csgog/ like the old times >its still fucking dead
Henry Mitchell
Who /justhereforthecrates/ here ?
Parker Flores
everyone game is dead and pros are hacking, why else would you watch this shitshow
Hudson Ramirez
our guys fnatic don't cheat though
Gabriel Wood
Will VEGA do it?
Sebastian Gonzalez
Havent been here in a while, does /csgog/ kno da wae?
Robert Clark
can i get drop if stream is paused?
Wyatt Walker
thank you for telling us you're an underage memelord you're free to go now don't bet on the first matches man, the results are random most of the time
Ayden Barnes
I'm wondering, probably not.
I have it in 144p, not muted because otherwise it pauses, but I muted the tab.
Julian Collins
how is smix still so hot she should be old by now
Robert James
Isaiah Campbell
She's Asian, she doesn't age until the menopause. Also isn't she only like 26?
Ryder Brown
can't wait for Fnatic vs FaZe final.
Juan Gutierrez
Is that Olofmeister?!
John Rodriguez
Chinese don't age well. She's probably a lot younger than she looks. She's only 16 but looking all of 26.
Gavin Thomas
may the game of toggles begin
Eli Brooks
holy shit, /csgog/ is alive
Isaac Morales
holy fuck the quality is shit
Brayden Fisher
oh thank fuck, i thought my new tv was shit
Jonathan Campbell
Dylan Butler
>Not using GOTV on a second monitor
Alexander Baker
oh boy is this madman still alive?
Mason Davis
No idea, he deleted all his accounts before the death of /csgog/.
Blake Richardson
Benjamin Gray
vega will take this
Ethan Hill
I hope so, my friend. I need money for idol goods.
Brandon Mitchell
where the toggles at
this is boring af
Caleb Martinez
what the fuck?
Lucas Gray
hutji what the fuck man
Benjamin Gray
Luke Hughes
>vega & renegades they don't toggle, not enough budget
Jason Torres
>165k viewers on major >dead thread on major
dead game always?
Adam Williams
who stroking here? where you at fellow betfags?
Sebastian Hernandez
is this real
Brody King
Are both teams allowed to talk during a tactical time out?
Carter Phillips
Whiffs the easy shots and hits the hard one.
Lincoln Barnes
just like me
Cooper Bell
>this blatant cheating in the first fucking match glad to see nothing has changed lads
Jacob Kelly
Is this the renegades laugh thread?
Angel Brooks
Does Spunge not play for renegades anymore?
Isaiah Sanchez
god i hate these cunts
Lucas Hughes
He retired 3 years ago, dude.
Alexander Long
Yes This is vintage Renegades right now
Luke Anderson
Why is Scarlett Johansson playing for Vega?
Kayden Miller
where's /ourguy/ semmler?
Wyatt Mitchell
>Game is dead >180 thousand viewers in the prelim stage Why does this meme still exist?
Jaxson Moore
where is the toggle there u retard
Luke Diaz
jr just hide for 1 more sec wtf
Charles Harris
u from brazil caralho?
Kevin Allen
He left for the OW league
Juan Baker
Correction: 380 thousand viewers when you include GOTV numbers as well.
Christian Adams
so there is a god out there
Angel Robinson
Nope, I'm a murifag
Ryan Martinez
>wonders why Veeky Forums hates this game >major starts and thread still ded it's us
Carson Cruz
They sound so fucking biased for Rengegays.
Anthony Peterson
>third TK in one match professional counter-strike, everyone
Colton White
>renefags get free trip to major every year despite playing in na >still fucking shit
Eli Lopez
Renegades are a fucking joke jesus christ
Jordan Clark
Renegades is NA personified
Nathaniel Martin
It's more like vega is good
Samuel Foster
I was actually looking forward to them this major, despite being a neutral.
Juan Davis
>people actually sub to EL
Jordan Gutierrez
>losing 3 players to default pistols >good
Levi Young
Vega is shit as well. This is LE level of flash usage.
Adam Cooper
NT russki
Liam Nelson
The quads god of our humble CS general
Robert Gonzalez
How the fuck do I change the horrible sound?
>not spamming !drop in chat What's wrong with you
Samuel Wilson
Renegades are gonna win in OT.
Jack Diaz
just happy this sub is back
>implying I didn't get banned for calling kqly a bitch
we can only hope
Lucas Allen
Nicholas Taylor
not as bad as this shit
Zachary Morris
>we can only hope But I want them to lose.
Lincoln Diaz
It's a real shame. This could be a great sub, but alas...
Carson Thomas
>vega are going to outchoke rng fuck this major im so done
Isaac Reed
Don't let these shitters ruin you major experience, user. After the prelims, it will probably be great.
Evan Evans
Colton Scott
Hope our boys whiff a ump mag dump again
CS players would rather play than shitpost? That and other games on this sub have a more to shitpost about when in off season
Julian Long
After having to watch the ESL and Faceit playoffs on youtube, it feels good to be able to use livestreamer again such crisp clean quality
William Howard
Faze playing when?
Easton Gomez
not if ciscucks allow these shitters through fuck all this trash eu only tournament when
Brody Morgan
>Renegades lays down >Vega starts throwing These two teams are so shit
Josiah Perry
these sprays fucking trigger the shit out of me
and they get paid to play this piece of shit game
esports is such a joke
Michael Rogers
I wanna break my fuc king monitor. Vega are gonna lose this map.
Carter Wood
watch them win this last round I'll break my monitor
Matthew Rogers
this is honestly worse than vega picking nuke against vp last major fuck these retards im never watching another vega match
Chase Adams
I suppose it would be better for the integrity of the game. But then again, HLTV exists anyway so CS certainly isn't coming up short when it comes to shitposting.
Agreed. Why are we staging majors in the US and making it easier for all these shitters to get through? We need more majors in central Europe and more spots for EU teams. They certainly deserve it.
Sebastian Green
My heart is about to pop through my chest. I love and hate gambling.
Daniel Gutierrez
Please don't die again, /magog/
Michael Stewart
Maybe they don't get paid. They suck major ass in every aspect
Jaxson Mitchell
>renegades Lost to fucking Vega Squadron
Levi Allen
>they're relieved to beat RNG
Sebastian Gutierrez
Kayden Fisher
Where are my drops gaben?
Adrian Taylor
So did NiP, one of the greatest CS:GO teams of all-time. Vega are no joke.
Carter Rogers
Fuck me renegades, please don't shit the bed this qualifier too and have every game be like a 16-14 loss