Previous: Da Vinci and the Seven Fake Heroic Spirit: Lite version >Event starts 10th Jan and ends 20th Jan 10-12 Jan: Jeanne Alter 13-14 Jan: Da Vinci 15-16 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci 17-18 Jan: Jeanne Alter 19-20 Jan: Da Vinci 21-22 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci 23-24 Jan: Jeanne Alter Shinjuku costume will be made available
FGO manga campaign: >9 to 22 Jan >Login for 1 Forbidden Page and 1 quartz >Commemoration CE Mission Reward >Double success rate when Leveling related Servants >1/2 AP Interlude and Stregthening for related Servants
>have to farm like 3k of mona lisas >also like 2k of the other mats >after that still have 2 fucking mat gachas
Who else having fun?
Anthony Davis
Give hugs to the curries!
Matthew Thomas
>tfw Circe will never turn you into a pig for kinky pigsex Why live lads?
Kayden James
Is it worth spending apples on the Rider node ?
Adam Foster
Would Da Vinci-chan have been more popular if she was for (You)?
Adrian Mitchell
Da Vinci stronk
Uomo Universale: The Universal Man Rank: EX Type: Anti-Unit/Anti-Army Range: —/70 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person/200 people
The legendary omnipotence given shape. It instantly analyzes the target(s) and adjusts his/her greatest attack in accordance with that target(s) before firing, commonly called an all-purpose, specially-made Noble Phantasm. Apparently, it is originally a reflection-type Noble Phantasm that repels attacks by provisionally composing the enemy’s Noble Phantasm on the spot, but those resources are being utilized for the sake of administrating Chaldea.
In Fate/Grand Order, a different shape of his/her omnipotence is demonstrated. In other words, it is a magical attack done by deforming in a flash his/her right gauntlet (a support-type, all-purpose gauntlet used for all states of warfare) and giving to the enemy camp a “compulsory” fixed damage by projecting pure magical energy. This damage is one that is not able to be reduced by any defensive-type Noble Phantasm and Skill, not to mention anti-magical energy abilities; that is to say, by putting together a super advanced formula technique that analyzes in real-time, every opponent becomes a susceptible target for his/her magical attack.
Josiah Anderson
Luke Howard
>GRAND order >nasu forgot about the other grand servants Explain this
Luis Peterson
Which servants like it from behind?
Daniel Nelson
Blake Perez
Justin Thompson
Would Da Vinci-chan have been more popular if she was for Lancelot?
Connor Hill
>Gook server is going to have Zero collab >meanwhile in NA
Dylan Nelson
I like takoyaki
Joseph Gonzalez
>that blushing oi-chan hnnggg
Anthony Kelly
Colton Martin
Sumo with auntie!
Josiah Clark
not da vinci and holmes
Charles Kelly
Nathaniel Watson
My dudes, where are the strengthening quests?
Justin Fisher
Justin Adams
Asterios should move to India.
Angel Turner
karna i confirmed it personally
Henry Robinson
>hag ver why is this allowed?
Lucas Murphy
Tyler Parker
>Hokusai has breasts and it looks attractive >Abigail is a disgusting piece of lolishit really makes you think
Grayson Ross
>not liking both You disgust me more than SEAniggers.
Brayden Bell
Oliver Sullivan
Jace Parker
What node are you farming anons? How are you doing?
Hunter Cook
Eli Clark
Jace Cruz
>1 shot Jannu alter in a newly created account >main has been down to 0 quartz and no Jannu alter Seriously?
Brayden Perry
caster node >tfw no lip to speed things up
Anthony Torres
>abiganiggers baited into shitposting every fucking time
Cooper Wood
>lv1 Lip in cold storage
Nathaniel White
Why does our imouto keep making threads with images of servants they won't get in another year or so?
Anthony Smith
Oliver Mitchell
>Passionshit >When Melt and Kiara exist
Jordan Clark
>baited They're looking for excuses.
Alexander Perez
Is this an "every thread until you like it" kind of thing?
Samuel Butler
Isaiah Myers
they are beta cucks
Owen Evans
Sebastian Carter
Henry Ortiz
Matthew Ward
Cameron Hughes
>Kiara taken out of lockdown for farming purposes
Chase Morales
Which lottery is better to focus on?
Matthew Sanders
>those thick arms and chest
Henry Price
Logan Garcia
yeah it's a stupid pedo
Andrew Butler
>Essentially, the whole description is a short chapter/description of a scene between Gudao and Hokusai. Gudao sometimes comes into Hokusai's room to clean up her place because she has never cleans after herself and her room is always a mess. About once every three times, Hokusai would tease/seduce her master telling Gudao to paint her with his own colors. Gudao gets embarrassed, turns red and backs off, but he also notices Hokusai's cheeks are red too. The whole description is quite detailed capturing her personality quite well imo, but is extremely hard to understand and get all the implications if you don't know Japanese well.. Hokusai is a great addition to Chaldea.
Kayden Collins
Evan Hernandez
That reminds me of Aizen and his chair
Charles Butler
Goetia's a fatty
Eli Long
I want abiganiggers to jump off a bridge
Hudson Watson
Aaron King
depends on what you need
Dylan Davis
Sebastian Edwards
I want anti-abibro to jump off a bridge
John Powell
if you want more Abby just ask
Jose Allen
>You will never use a CS on Kiara forcing her to suppress her sexual desire
I want to know what kind of monster she would become after a few months.
Carter Bell
And then the meme becomes real Costume fucking when
Julian Diaz
I want to lick Arjuna's armpit!
Levi Gray
Twitter link please
Andrew Evans
i want all shitposters to solve the bridge captcha
Ryan Miller
Stop making me want Hokusai, I need to save.
Xavier Watson
>mfw I finally rolled Kiara in during New Years after summoning Nightingale in the CCC Part 2 Gacha Thank you Nurse, without you she would have never come for her checkup.
Hudson Rivera
When did we pick up a new kingufag?
Easton Mitchell
>Not loving both You don't even deserve loli da vinci.
Dylan Anderson
>telling Gudao to paint her with his own colors What color?
Oliver Lopez
>homo arjuna official art how does pako always get away with it
Easton Turner
Seriously, I had to stop fapping to that doujin because of him This fucker and his edge is a fucking turn-off
Noah Campbell
Save for Hokusai's gacha on the 19th
Colton Moore
Jayden Cruz
thanks for the respost of a repost of a repost, reffit
Brandon Sullivan
That's solo half nude though, not homo shit with Karna. Still not scanned too, fuck my life.
Robert Rodriguez
Will Muramasa forgive me if I do, though? I have my doubts
Jordan Foster
Galahad BTFO?
Chase King
I want Da Vinci to kabedon me!
Brayden King
>俺 Oh, it's one of those doujins.
Jason Torres
How could an EMIYA costume forgive you?
Cooper Collins
Just how on earth do you think he can fight with that
Elijah Roberts
Delete this right now
Jose Thomas
Collab when
Daniel Adams
Stop saying mean things to her
Luke Ward
would da vinci give you a nice and quick brojob if you asked nicely?
Jose Price
Who's the best servant to farm the caster node with? I began playing a week ago so the only thing I can rely on is friends riders Ozzy's been okay but I had some times where it took like 12 turns because of getting shitty cards
Julian Thomas
Dumb edgy chuuni
Jackson Sanchez
Hello, is this the gaijin general?
Adam Gomez
>Who's the best servant to farm the caster node with? AE
Jaxon Lopez
>Riders based retard
Camden Fisher
sir francis drake
Austin Long
>Join the thread >anti-ABfag still BTFO beyond recovery Pfahahaha some things never change