/lolg/ League of Legends General

OT: Crazy cat lady edition!

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Shut up fag

do not reply to bronze yasuo posters

xth for my wife syndrafag

Well mannered Yasuos ww@?

I want Zoe to sit on my face.


>Swain splashes are in final polish

xth for Star Guardians are all inherently lewd

playing non yasuo champs

Xth for Viktor is now cancerous

4 more days till the CLIMB!
are you READY lolg!?


The yasuo shithead vs. anti-yasuo shithead chatroom dicussion notwithstanding, midlane is a wasteland now devoid of intelligent design or interactive gameplay.

HAHA look another game where people just int, how great.

I think I'll join them and just play lux support every game, start dorans and take every bit of CS I can. Then maybe I can be that dog shit player who feeds too.

viktor is one of the most based champions lore and gameplay wise anyone who disagrees deserves to be stabbed in the throat

Right here
Malz (E W) R isnt a point and click CC nuke? His whole combo (minus Q but thats not really required) doesnt have skillshots. You cant even fully cleanse his ult, the damage persists...

is dead

Xth for well mannered yasuo mains

New Noxus skin line when?

you would hate top

It's just a Yasuo main who's so mad that Viktor is one of the few midlane mages that can actually dump on him.

I got honor 3 in my smurf when i was lvl 13
I have been playing on my main almost everyday getting 1-2 honors and im still honor lvl 2
whats wrong with this absolute fucking system

Ive played since season 1 so Ive played alot of champs and i dare say that Yasuo is one of the hardest champs Ive tried to get good on. Ive literally gotten to D5 playing only Lux and Xerath a couple seasons ago and I dont consider myself D5 worthy at all.
I dont say these champs dont require any skill at all, they just require less and I dont like playing champs which require less skill/risk/brain activity.

>actual stereotype yasuomains lurk here
I thought this place was 18+ only

Mid lane has always been a mindless waveclear shitfest. The only times it changes is during the assassin metas that bring their own unique cancer to the table

how is this safe for work

I want to fist the cyborg girl!!!!

What's wrong with it?

I thought ahri wasn't interested in boys, or are you a different user

they're just playing twister

this is your average tyler1 fanboy


note how they bare a striking resemblance to yasuomains

Didn't say top was much better. Midlane is 1v0 but toplane is literally a glorified rock-paper-scissors game.

Im the 'well mannered Yasuo main' and Ive yet to encounter a Viktor that dumpsters me. Sure they can win lane sometimes but lategame Yasuo outscales viktor quite hard imo.

>tfw I will never be a Star Guardian's boytoy and magical cum battery

Do not fist cyborg girls

>lategame Yasuo outscales viktor quite hard imo.
Viktor is pumping Q's every 2~seconds lategame with enough AP to do 70% of most squishies
Yasuo doesnt come close to that, even though he is good lategame

not that it matters currently since viktors first back is garbage

Ahri enjoys teasing boys in a forbidden fruit kind of way.

It's not even Viktor, he's just a sterotypical ADHD teenager who think if it isn't loud and flashy it's not skilled

what's that?

Old Evelynn is not needed.

xth for my wife Syndra

Thats true but if you manage to land a knockup on Viktor you can burst him with Q aut R Q and in this time he doesnt really have time to pop any of his spells. This ofcourse only applies if Viktor get knocked up before you get into his range otherwise you're toast.

is it just me or is there no such thing as hardstuck d3

at d3 you are either about to go up or down

Teasing them knowing she'll never let them go all the way? I might still be okay with that if it meant Ahri sitting on my lap and other things

it was me, and do you really think 2 mile waveclear for 40 minutes until inevitably deleting people is "based"? because that's all he does when he's good, I bet you fuckers complained about azir when he and vik were THE meta

>forced to dodge becasue of trolls
>forced to dodge again
>sitting at -10lp
>have to dodge another becasue some faggots wants to play jinx jungle
>nobody else dodges
>dodge at the last second
>now sitting at -20lp
>next loss will probably demote me out of gold
>ever single loss I've had has been becasue of someone insisting on getting 10+ deaths


>yasuo main this butthurt people enjoy things he doesn't

The climb stops for nothing, climbanon. Even though it's preseason, you can still climb.

>This ofcourse only applies if Viktor get knocked up before you get into his range otherwise you're toast

Yasuos wall blocks half of Viktor’s kit and then he has a passive that can block a spell

Yasuo should auto win unless he stands still

dodging doesn't lower your mmr, and you'd need to a whole league lower (s5) to demote from a league
also stop posting

Do you really think spamming infinite dashes with no mana and melting a backline with R because your malphite ulted is "based"? At least the average Viktor on my team doesnt feed lane 8/10 times

I've already got the red triangle and I've lost a few games.

Is she the forbidden fruit or the snake? She's both isn't she? Man that would be mean.

but I'm a rengar main, and if I get mid Azir is my go-to
the difference is azir is more aggressive and since his latest changes is meant to be an in-your-face engage, while also being a lategame god
viktor is just a pussy who farms all game and if he uses his E to poke he puts himself at a huge disadvantage because the enemy can fuck off and roam while minons crash into him

>ban: none

you should ducked 5 lp for doing that

you are clearly a badass who can beat anything and dont need the lp

>he must be a yauso player

Only fags and shitters ban.

Oh please, you only like him because he is underplayed. As soon as he gets some buffs and becomes playable again you will cry your lungs outs because he is just as annoying as every other mid in the game.
Same thing happened with Xerath too.

I want to marry Kled!

If you aren't following the conversation don't try to get involved fuckwit

>minion wave
>crashing into viktor when his laser clears ranged creeps at level 3 with augment

I love evelynn in everyway
Best waifu and an example of a well designed champion in all aspects I love evelynn!!!!!

Can Lulu come to your wedding? She's good with cakes.

I will take a meta where Viktor is good over one where Yasuo is good any day of the week

I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!

Yasuo is will always be good because of his kit.

I'm the guy who originally said viktor doesnt deserve to be good last thread and you called me out on being a yasuo player and then a real yasuo player went and defended himself because he also dislikes viktor, are you sure you are following it and not me?
this fucker can't even read a sentence

Which one should i craft? Out of all these i mostly play Jinx but the others are good too, i dont even own Kalista tho.

>a player is only allowed to like a champion if they're overbuffed
>no other reasons allowed

>Come back from a few months
>Malphite is suddenly good

Did the new runes help out our rocky boi that much?

No matter how good or bad Yasuo is he will always be played because of the the fact he is a CT character.

I am trying very hard to understand you but I am failing to

Keep kalista
her best skin
Jinx is good too


>players claim to love urgot
>the ones that play him clearly recognize how good he is
>all leave after the rework makes him bad and gimmicky

Yeah, that's why I like when he's bad. Retards on the enemy team pick him and I camp the shit out of them until they tilt their whole team

No, I don't like her and Kled think she's a stupid bitch with no class.


Tell me about dragonpussy

Except that there is 50% chance he will also end up on your team. And no matter how hard they feed they still can win some teamfights because Yasuo's scaling with items is absolutely insane.

Jinx is a good girl.

I'm still...


diamond four...

I don't think I can make it lads...

16th is your chance, dont let it slip by

What about it?

Who the fuck cares
No, he turns midlane into a farm fest. One of the most boring champions to face cause all he does is afk farm while perma pushing you in.

As another Rengar main and rank 7 Azir and Viktor player, Viktor is aggressive. Your perception of him is different than how he is actually played. Hes not just the lazer, his q is just as important and for you to get that off as an immobile mage you HAVE to be aggressive. It's like Ryze hes mostly point and click and while his q has ok range the lower range ablilties he has requires him to run in and fuck people up. You can just sit back and E people with Viktor but youre losing a lot of your damage and kill potential.

FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST EARS!

t-this robot chad pushed me under tower all game and...and....I can't last hit the minions mommy waahhh!!

That's why I ban Yasuo if my team hovers him

>brain dead yasuo main knowing how ryze works
Lol ryze kit is way more simple yet needs more intelligence

>did not watch pro games where viktor was meta and all he did was afk farm and he wouldn’t even roam because he sucks at that until mid to late game
Hello newfag.

Is anyone watching Faker? How come sometimes his ult doesn't reduce his mana?

Everything you know

Fiddle. It's no guaranteed win, but you can harass him back fine.

Manaflow band

Manaflow or Presence of Mind can negate manacosts under certain conditions.

>Your perception of him is different than how he is actually played
wrong, just because viktor can be played aggressive doesn't mean he isn't equally rewarded for being passive
if he goes aggressive he risks dying, but also has a chance to gain kill and pressure
however if he just waveclears he has no risk, still applies pressure by denying roams and ganks, and is almost immune to dives
he can just wait out his items instead of actually working to get them, by the time mid becomes a shitshow he's farmed up all upgrades and 2 items, then he goes on to delay the game even more when his team is down

I am talking about pro games you retards. I do not want him to be meta for this reason because he is one of the most boring champions to watch. Give me a yasuo to watch over a viktor any day. Too bad Yasuo kit is so unreliable he will never be picked at the highest with success level unless it’s stupid tank yasuo.

I have Judgement Kayle skin.

I wanna give Lulu a lifetime supply of headpats!