/xgg/ - Xenogames General #82

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========== Xenoblade Chronicles 2 ==========
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========== Xenoblade Chronicles X ==========
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Nia is barren and isn't good enoug for Rex anyway

I wonder
If Nia made a rock band
Would it be called MaximumThe Gormotti?

>Doing the Omega Fetter quest in Tantal
>Walking around
>Random cutscene featuring Dahlia

Neat, although I wish there were indicators or something. Like when I got Electra but went to Torigoth for something and the cutscene for her quest started.

Also, fuck man, where is this temple


>no one wants to sexualize the one blade made for sexual


You'll never be cool enough to flash step like Jin.

Heralds temple? In town right of the INN the leads downstairs into the snow area but just hug the wall on the right and pass the field check. requirements.

The Theospiti Temple Ruins. The indicator tells me I'm closer outside than inside but also to go down.

Perun is underated in terms of sex

Kora a shit and her quest serves her well

Perun is trash

I hate that it feels like her VA only did one take for her battle lines. In her H2H she sounds fine, why couldn't she always talk like that?

>That cutscene where Nia revives the Ardainian prince, whatever his name is

So if Nia is a blade, then how come she has Dromarch? Can blades drive other blades? Or is Dromarch secretly Nia's driver? What in the actual fuck is going on here?

I like how Gorg's animations are just Jojokes. Did the designers also design their animations or something?

>Can blades drive other blades?

Maybe. Where is it ever said that this isn't possible?

How far are you in the game? Look closely at her core crystal, note how different it is from the other regular blades

They probably sent in a few poses. It's not like it isn't obvious just looking at him, he's a dead ringer for Johnny.

Kora is my bladefu tho. he just has no art or webums.


Only saw the cutscene that I just mentioned. Right now I'm watching the cutscene where Zeke asks Rex if he prefers Pyra or Mythra, and Pandoria is being cute as usual. The core crystal Nia has looks like the one that Jin has, right? It's diamond shaped and I think I've seen a similar core crystal in one other occasion besides Nia and Jin. Is Nia a flesh eater or something? I really wanna know what's going on here.

It's bad to assume something is true just because of possibility when something isn't explained or denied. I know that monsters can have blades, and anyone can have an artificial blade. Although only Tora, Tatazo and Bana have ever had one. The thing is, blades can only come into existence after someone resonates with their core crystal, which is almost always one of the humanoid races on Alrest. If a human awakens a blade, and that blade somehow manages to awaken a blade of their own, wouldn't they go back to their crystals once the human dies? Unless it's the case of flesh eaters then maybe there's different rules, but I'm not 100% aware of how that works. All I know is some blades have strange core crystals.


>s Nia a flesh eater or something?

Don't say that about best Blade
Unfortunately, I can't get to her H2H yet since I'm only on Chp 6, but I'm excited since I already got the prompt.

Why does Tantal has the best day and night theme out of all kingdoms?

>If a human awakens a blade, and that blade somehow manages to awaken a blade of their own, wouldn't they go back to their crystals once the human dies?

Probably. This specific example is never elaborated on.

There is a set-in-stone relationship between Blades and humans that eventually gets explained, don't focus on the details too much. Be comforted by the fact that it will mostly make sense by the end.

Meant 'she' but I typed too fast.

The only Blades that have Blades are Flesh Eaters, and Malos but he's an Aegis

That's not Leftheria.

play the goddamn game
yes all torna are

Since Blades are essentially just the blueprints of all the other races it seems likely that they would also be able to awaken Blades of their own. Nothing we ever learn about the nature of Blades and Core Crystals makes this impossible.


>all torna are

>welsh catlolis never

>agate's affinity quest
This is absolutely maddening.

It's easy once you get past the first little shit bit. Seriously, why they decided it was ok to make you wait until fucking Tantal, to let her get passed rank 3 of her affinity chart I will never know.

Heart to Heart guide with correct answers for Maximum affinity where?

>just picked up 60 premium cylinders

So where is the best place to grind? I'm pretty bad at the QTEs

i don't want to go to jail

Mor Ardain. Remember the place you started in the lower level? Next to the ship?
There. Three A presses each time.

>plan on maxing ursula's affinity chart
I want to know the person that thought this was a good idea

Ah yes dock 2

Thanks mate

I bet you her designer had a hand in it. Macross seems to do that to people.

what are HP tank rare blades even for? like am I just supposed to make meme builds that are always inferior to tora orrr

Yes. The game doesn't require this min max shit. Do something just because you find it fun. Put them on Morag or Zeke. I would argue Rex as well, once NG+ drops and we can take off Pyra and Mythra.

It was a good idea. And then they made it last for 5000 fans instead of 2500-3000. I'm guessing they didn't want an easy blade with a maxed tree by Chapter 10.
>mfw she was with me since before chapter 3 but didn't start until chapter 6

oh yeah I was just gonna put them on zeke desu but it's just kinda weird

>hey can you make her like REALLY hard to max out? Like 40 hours
>oh and make it so you can't use her while you are grinding her up

Something like that

not that user but i'm kinda happy you don't need to min max to get shit done
You can just do what you want

>oh and also make her the only claw blade with 1 aux core

Boreas and Finch wouldn't exist if they didnt want easy affinity trees
Zenobia's affinity tree is really easy too

>what is boreas

He's crazy easy to get to A and rather easy to get to S once you get him.

She'd be stupid OP otherwise. You have to decide between fast blade switch for her passive, or more damage. She's already the best healer in the game, what more do you want?

has a lot of videos of H2Hs and the trust points are listed

But min-maxing is fun.

I didn't get Boreas until postgame.

>ursula having more than one aux core slot would be too powerful
>zenobia having three is perfectly fine though

minmaxing with a common blade? hrm

man i love the devs sometimes haha

Sounds about right.
We earned it after all those dead cows.

Yes, you need commons to min-max. They have up to 25% stat mods.

>implying zenobia is as rare as kos-mos
Yeah no, I rolled her halfway through the game.

What does Pekka say after you kill the Relentless Ardun? Is it the same as killing the calf or something different?
I kind of don't want to kill it, but I want those cores.

>rng odds

was my 2nd rare blade and I got her on morag. Dude put in major work being my first B/A level blade

>Finch and Electra only have 1 rare blade as well because ?????
Poor Electra, she tries so hard but the devs worked really hard to make her unviable to put her in a party

I don't see what the big deal about Zenobia is, Dagas is putting in much more work for my team.

Dagas is pretty cool desu. I wish he was stronger and on my Rex instead of Nia.

I think Soraya said she was surprised with his animations so I doubt she specified to make them Jojokes or anything.

Soloing memes; literally any other blade, Dagas and Adenine especially, supports the party better than she does.

>Dagas AND Godfrey
>Zenobia on Morag
>Finch on Nia
>THREE wind blades

Zenobia is only good against bosses/unique monsters
But I like using Dagas more anyway

I honestly don't even know where to begin with this team composition

>Not making everyone a Jack-of-all-Trades

It'd work if you had more different elements

Unconventional gameplay can be more rewarding.

I rolled KOS-MOS halfway through the game.

shit taste

I actually kind of miss XC1's shitty sidequests, they were pretty lazy but at least they gave you a reason to explore every area.

XC2 feels so barren by comparison. Every area has like 2-3 sidequests and there's barely any reason not to just head straight for the quest marker. 90% of areas you never really have any reason to visit.

I just got the Monado II from Prison Island and saw that Fiora was indeed alive. Melia asks Reyn if Fiora was important to Shulk, and she gets sad when he tells her she is. Now I feel really bad for Melia. Fiora being alive feels like such an asspull just to cuck Melia, but I guess I'll see the reasoning for her being alive as I keep playing. RIP Melia

do you guys ever wonder what's even the point of it all, you know?

>Rex without Pyra/Mythra
what. was the dlc released or something?

It would be super easy to cheese XBC quests compared to XBC2 because of how they revamped item collection. In XBC you'd have to wander all over the map to find something in hopes of getting it. In XBC2, you just have to find the correct collection node and just keep fast traveling to make it respawn, plus blade field abilities to increase the drops.

>Rex without Pyra/Mythra

>No Pyta/Myth-bestgirl-ra
What is this witchcraft?

Did you forget about Chapter 7?

>Don't know new game+ was released
What is wrong with you people?

Man just anything to make you actually veer off the straight path a bit, xenoblade 2 just has nothing to fucking do that's all

Oh right. I assumed this was post game because level 99.

Now Dunban is telling Shulk that he wants him to date Fiora. Why did they have to cuck Melia this bad I'm depressed now. Nia didn't get cucked near as bad.

Rex's outfit should have been a major flag.

they put the kill quests and other MMO shit in the affinity charts

The level 99 threw me off

I'm still holding my breath.

Fianlly got Boreas and Kora for Nia. only two rares left!

>keep pulling healers on zeke and attackers on nia

This is horrible

Fist healers aren't too bad at doing damage.

>Sharla is trying to help un-cuck Melia
Holy shit I love Sharla now

Have you considered just playing Zeke as a healer and Nia as an attacker?


Zeke isn't a good healer. You have to rely on a damage art that heals a percent of damage done. It's ok for a meme run though.

>praxis got a new lewd
Someone translate the nip for me