/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Writhed and squirmed: >New players read this then finish the game without spoilers:

-Dec 7/2017: Shadows Die Twice teaser - youtube.com/watch?v=OAYhXKC0LJ8
-Dec 26-29: Unused bosses & test areas are now safe chalices that anyone can use - i.imgur.com/3nibNFD.png
-Jan 11/2018: Dark Souls 1 Remaster announced for PC, XBONE, PS4 and Switch, releasing May 25

>Helpful links:
-/bbg/ Resource Guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1TlAjZSvmE979gbayTvpioT72n5A7_bUjMNCLuOatJTQ
-Wiki: bloodborne-wiki.com/
-Build planner: mugenmonkey.com/bloodborne
-AR calculations: pastebin.com/zGphv4fF

-How to unlock FRCs for spelunks, fight clubs & gem farming: i.imgur.com/0AwN4Lo.jpg
-Gem farming chalices: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9enxffA3dyKGu6IVg-P4IVgmKSUYSP9UOOiThHmPIU
-Lost/uncanny weapons, runes, and gems: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1syKnSKflHbFiGY4pXkfIeXoMa2Lp9X1aXyme2qaTen4
-How to summon/invade in a chalice: pastebin.com/mjRU01XK
-Edited chalices: i.imgur.com/3nibNFD.png (Unused bosses, test areas, early runes/weapons)

>PVE - Spelunking (Every Friday 6pmET/11pmUTC plus anytime someone wants to host):
-Spelunks happen, join em, host em
-Set the chalice to Open and region to Worldwide
-Leave bell-ringing women alone for invaders

>PVP - Fight club (Every Saturday 6pmET/11pmUTC plus impromptus whenever):
-Rules: i.imgur.com/WJXCN0Y.png
-Pthumeru: n6rc9jh8
-Loran: jjpkdcgd
-Isz: 9v8qndas
-2v2 arena: i.imgur.com/71WOC0I.png

Q: Where do I get/put the best gems? A: bloodborne-wiki.com/2015/10/best-blood-gems-setups.html
Q: How do I setup arcane builds? A: i.imgur.com/73dnuUm.jpg
Q: How to access the DLC? A: i.imgur.com/XaRuxgF.png
Q: Did I miss a quest? A: i.imgur.com/Uzg8XI6.png
Q: Is this game active for coop and pvp? A: Yes

Other urls found in this thread:




anyone need co-op? finally got my full set of 27% gems for muhh whirligig/claws
yes i know i should be getting heavy abyssals

>shadows die twice
what's that

Why does that cannon man just before mill in woods point towards where you were coming from when you get near him? I would post a pic of him named whatdidhemeanbythis.jpg but I’m too lazy


Teaser for a new From game, most speculation I've read is that it's a new Tenchu game as the phrase 'Shadows die twice' was spoken in a Tenchu game From was involved in.

thats kinda lame. I used to want to play Tenchu when I was a kid though so it mite b cool. ideally, I wish from software was contracted by Nintendo to develop the next Metroid Prime game but that would never happen.

That's how he shoots the cannon, retard can't aim

bumping this. Am i remembering correctly when I say that hibi once posted an image of his personal effects screen with 6 bells? Would additional bells (presumably only achievable with save editing) help connect?

>doing wheel build
>can use tonitrus on rom to instantly remove her from the game
is this what power is

I never saw anyone provide any proof "Shadows Die Twice" was a line spoken in a Tenchu game.

>Make a tough but cute girl with a criminal backstory
>get her in the Hunter outfit
>cutting up the Yharnam mobs
> can't help but fantasize about the mob overpowering her, raping her, tying her up and hanging her from a lamp post
>constant urge to drop the controller and masturbate
Goddamnit, this is why I don't usually play as girls. It's even worse in Saint's Row where you can create a hyperslut and then get beaten up / beat up / abuse other sluts in sexy ways

Oh boy here we go.


I have a job though.

fuck me man I just reverted my save back 3 days by accident

Shitposting isn’t an occupation, Turbo Fucker.

I cannot get the hunter of hunters thing to work at the SRRC, where you search with a gibberish password and it connects you to blood addled hunters, even if they use passwords and there's no bell ringing woman. I've been searching for a long time

I did that too yesterday.
I was set back three Cold Abyssals.
I’m still upset.

anyone want to spelunk?

I don't really know why I re-poisoned him, but man

If you host.

I'm game

I'm a security guard. Not the best line of work in terms of pay but as long as nothing is happening I'm cool to fuck around as much as I like. Oh, and portable Souls on the Switch means I'll definitely get the console to spend my boring night shifts with.

I'd love to do the PSshita/PS4 remote play but internet's not reliable enough and the Vita is criminally undersupported.

yeah I'll host, any dungeon pref?

I'm fine with anything

been a while since I've done Isz
Glyph: 3fqiumhm
Pass: tired

Ringing at the lamp

got grundtvig
space for one more

Well /bbg/ I made it, despite your directions

>free-aim HMLS behind the corner
>it bounces off the wall somehow
I'm gonna kill myself.

Aside from it apparently being spoken in Wrath of Heaven, that's all I got. I'm just repeating what I've heard, do a search on YouTube, other people seem to think it's Tenchu or Bloodborne 2.

is there a follow up to this image or are you just reposting? it has potential

How do I spelunk?
Get the root chalice first?

we're back at the lamp for you idk


fucking giant

>Ah ashen one ! Good youve made it, i hope youre ready for an unforgeteable thread !

got jumped whilst making bullets
ringing again grundtvig

What do you guys mean when you say revving the Wheel? I just started using it and I see that phrase being thrown around and I’m not sure what it means.


He really liked to jump that round

L2 revolutions damage buff

1x revolution 20% arc damage buff 0.1% hp drain per second
2x revolution 40% arc damage buff 0.2% hp drain per second

goes on until 4x

where you ringing?

Press L2 when tricked. Each time in a row gradually increases damage and health drain up to 4x


had to reset

made a mistake

First rev is 10%, then 20%, then 40%, then 60%

Just got into depth 4 of Pthumeru, and while I hate being Cursed, I'm in love with the new rooms. Unfortunately, the Watchdog won't let me through and I've opted with doing Depth 5 of Isz and Loran first. Isz is... so fucking trippy. Feels fun in comparison to the WD, since my weapon (Logarius Wheel) is just crushing these filthy kin.

I'm at 121 now and with 50 Vit. I feel like I'm going to need another 10-15 to get anywhere with the WD. I pretty much keep dying after getting him to 35-40% of his health.

>go through Central Yharnam with my gril huntress in her "underwear" i.e a bra and booty shorts
>defend myself from the rapey yharnamites
>she's completely drenched in blood when I complete the loop
I need to make more girls in BB clearly holy fuck

Holy shit that’s a lot of damage. Thanks friend

>find a new trick weapon
>it's another shitty "L1 buffs it" weapon

no dude, you're pretty overleveled for watchdog
you just need to evolve your playstyle
git gud

Ringing at layer 2 now guys
too tired to do layer reports

>BL 121

It’s okay if it’s user’s first.
It’s always okay if it’s the first.


Once you figure hotdog out he’s one of the easier bosses


be there in a minute

I'm doing my first run with the Wheel as well. Executioner cosplay. I'm Your wheel revs up to 4 times. It drains .1/2/3/4% of your max health. If your HP is under

>being this desperate
here, have half a you

Doesn't answer if I need the root chalice

Read the guide that says how to unlock frc dungeons and yes you need them

actually you guys can start clearing stuff if you're ready, having trouble with this giant

I'm doing a cosplay run at the same time. I felt I needed something to take away from the monotony of the CD. Since I'm an Executioner, I've limited myself to Ludwig's Rifle and the Logarius' Wheel. I'm also in offline mode, so no summons/interest in online play. Hence why I'm 121 or so. My build is quite shit, though. I'm sitting around 50 Vit, 30 End, 50 Str, 12 Skl, 9 Blt, 30 Arc.

[spoilerI'm still alone[/spoiler] you can srrc if you want

I'm trying to srrc but I somehow got a blood addled through it

SRRC rarely works for me but I'll try

Anyone want to help me beat first boss of defiled chalice?

Glyph is wma2, I think that's what I'm supposed to give you guys (never done co op in chalice before)

Just have fun.
Don’t let autism bring you down!

Is it the story one? If so you don't need to fuck with glyphs, just ring at the lamp with the pass, I can try to come along

Oh just like anywhere else in the game? Sweet, pass is grass

Running through the story chalices and could use some help at rom

Lvl 84 (I'm bad at this)
Pass will be diavolo

I've opted not to use Queen Killer, but I did almost cry when I first summoned him and saw the Wheel and Gold Ardeo. I had found a kindred spirit. I've also opted to take a day off from Bloodborne to avoid giving myself carpal tunnel. I was in the fucking zone last night.

Odds are I'll be a lazy fuck and resume on Sunday. Clifford is going down.

I need to get myself a saif

What are the main sources of weapons in bloodborne? I think I'm pretty deep into the game, I just got to the unseen village I've only unlocked a couple additional weapons. Don't bulli hard because I'm used to the DaS3 kill boss => get weapons. I've noticed that killing hunters might unlock weapons and armour.

Holy shit thank you and the other guy that showed up, sorry I only did like 10% of the damage (and also moved around like a retard, didn't realize two people would show up)

>main sources of weapons
Workshop hunter badges. The little jews in the bath in the Dream will only sell weapons if you're qualified for them I guess.

Yeah Arcanine is a bitch at first.
The key is to just stay in front of him and lock on only when you’re gonna hit him, and bait his bite attacks.
I got him down easily now, and the weapon you use matters too. More reach is best.

Thabks guys! Easy I know but I was banging my head against this spider for an hour n half

The Tonitrus guy absolutely melted the Keeper, I was the scythe guy.

ringing layer 3 now guys
hoping felina will invade again

What does spelunk mean?

A lot of them are just lying around

Badges and finding shit. Badges are obtained from chests, pick ups, killing bosses or covenant stuff. For instance, Radiant Sword Hunter is in the Healing Church Workshop chest, Saw Hunter is on a body in Yharnam sewers, Sword Hunter is obtained from killing Cleric Beast and Cainhurst from someone in Cainhurst. They unlock weapons in the messenger shop in the dream. But you'll also find weapon laying around, the Tonitrus is in the Unseen Village for instance, on a body.

Can we even drop weapons to other players in this?

exploring your hole

Me too.

Nope. Same goes for all items.

It comes from the african word spelunkabooga

Some nigga makes a root chalice with the Foetid, Rotted and Cursed modifiers (hence, FRC) and it pulls a chalice from a list of around 2000 different ones (as we were made horribly aware) randomly, then said nigga posts the glyph and gets some anons to explore it with them. It's fun!

you ringing, idk?

I'm trying to use the srrc but the gods appear to be frowning on me. Go on without me and maybe I'll get called

It’s a real word.
Caving basically.
Look it up, user.
But this It’s fun!

I hate when people coop super early game with twink weapons. It's no fun. I have several +10 weapons with 27.2% or brainsucker gem setups on my lvl 32 character, and I will use an un-upgraded saw cleaver against Father Gascoigne and a +1 saw spear against blood starved beast because I have 20 strength. I do it because my damage output makes it still feel like a normal, quality boss coop boss fight (as in when the characters are leveled correctly).

Then sometimes some third dickhead joins with a +10 whirligig saw and uses beast blood pellets to kill the boss in like 10 seconds. fuck off, nobody's impressed

Thanks, I appreciate it.

Hey guys does anybody want to play bloodborne with me