/csgog/ Counter-Strike: Global Offensive General

Revived for major edition. Qualifier ETA 2 hours and 40 minutes.

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How to git gud
Do this EVERYDAY: youtube.com/watch?v=SlCRfTmBSGs
Watch this EVERYDAY: youtube.com/watch?v=KYEyIGLRqW0

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fucking up the op edition

What did they mean by this?

god its so obvious how reliant some players are on their rcs aimbot, like they don't even bother aiming at the enemy heads before they start spraying

fourth for fuck comp cs

My bad

NA production


literally every round w

who /watching ingame/ here?

was really hoping envy would win this 2bh

you're not a real fan if you say penut brain.

i don't like the delay ingame compared to stream

sup i'm on skadaddy pov only

Ez game

>there are unironically c9 fans posting in this thread

hitting aimkeys while rounding corners is one of the smarter ways pros cheats

Unironic c9 fan here
Is the game fun to watch when you just think everybody cheats? Although c9 could cheat their way to legend status and then just shit the bed.


everybody DOES cheat

what rationale is there for not cheating these days

you probably think olympic athletes don't use steroids dont you lol

I'm just asking if it's even fun to watch the game, faggot. Are you using it as an excuse as to why you're garbage?

ty for the skines frenchfags

no I dont even play this shit game anymore lol and I'm glad I moved on

pretending pros arent cheating is like thinking WWE is real

i mean when you see a guy who has 10k hours in a game he is payed 100s of thousands of dollars to play doing something thats only really explained away by inexperience or cheats do you just act like nothings up with that
obviously it's fun to watch the game, i only notice things like this because i've invested enough time myself to know and i pay close enough attention

>cs is like scripted wrestling
You even said you don't even play, take your shit analogy and fuck off back to r/vacsucks

things due to inexperience such as? You can't say there aren't moments where any player might act like a bot when shit is hitting the fan

you're literally a redditor, stop posting

cs is literally exactly the same as scripted wrestling

>no u
Have an actual good argument or keep it in twitch chat.

watch how stewie rounds corners and his crosshairplacement during them
if there is nobody there he usually has proper placement of prefire angles
if there is somebody on the first angle its usually the same
if there is somebody the 2nd or 3rd angle he skips the first few angles and locks straight to them rounding the corners
if there is someone behind a box he rounds the corner locked onto them through the box instead of the proper prefire angles

if your fucking pea brain can't understand what is being said here youre an absolute mong that only thinks spinbotting is cheating

make a video outlining all of this. otherwise you're just shitting your diaper over nothing

low quality bait

criticizing twitch chat is probably the biggest neckbeard thing you can do it's like going to a stadium and complaining about how the chants the fans do aren't as good as a phd thesis

like wow how autistic do you have to be to not get it

you probably hear people cheering at shows and go like heh those fools, they're just cheering, all they can do is yell, I'm much better than them


explain this, redditor

is r lewis using a rental suit?

Thanks for actually explaining your point.
>if there is somebody the 2nd or 3rd angle he skips the first few angles and locks straight to them rounding the corners
Could it have been already cleared from another angle?
>if there is someone behind a box he rounds the corner locked onto them through the box instead of the proper prefire angles
Are you describing pre aiming? I guess my pea brain can't understand you.

>implying that's criticizing twitch chat
dude, go to sleep

kill yourself


i think they lose that

Probably a eleague suit.

just look out for it next time you're watching
fallen is another big offender of it
he does it alot on short b overpass peeking pillar
yes every single pro knows exactly where their crosshair should be when the round corners, thats pre aiming

> c9 could cheat their way to legend

Having too much fun. I'd tell you the same but you'll probably give yourself an aneurysm first. Ty for skins btw

I'll look for this shit but I think confirmation bias has a big impact here.

lol rip 0-3 predictions

also, fuck me why RNG

if i wanted to i could 100% confirm it by just watching demos and confirmed where his crosshair is when he peeks without anyone being there
some guy did one on fallen last year

so do it

>that one kid who replies to the redditor

im not trying to do hours of work, when i can basically get my point across through 5 mins of typing
it's not like it would be definitive either way, and i could always just lie if i wanted to

and neither have a half decent argument


decent first day, a few interesting matches tomorrow, dangerzone for liquid

thanks for the (you)'s reddtard

I don't think they'll lose to shitside

>t-thanks for the yous
btfo so hard that you do this passive aggressive shit

flipside are the team that always find a way to slip through, wouldn't be suprised if they can do it again

True and TL chokes harder than RL

literal teenager

>go back to plebbit
>thanks for you yous
>underage b&
which meme are you going to use this time? Are you so assmad you can't just close the window?

>"its just me and one other guy in the thread"






hopefully this is the last time a major is hosted in the us

Aus and EU majors only. And Canadia I guess

Valve dont give a shit. Happened in Dota several times too, at TI and majors. TI still in seattle every time

Also, they removed 100Thieve stickers already, does that mean there are contraband ones?

>waiting for the day of the tournament to see if you can get into the country


they probably knew about this but waited to notify valve so they could get more sticker money

isn't it like in a week or something? they were probably doing appeals or some shit and only finally got rejected

either that, or they were going for mad sticker money

SG553 is the best single-tap gun in the game if you can aim.