
some good boy post the links below, thanks

Other urls found in this thread:



First time checking Veeky Forums in forever for a CSGO thread and there actually is one!!

there was an ACTUALLY active thread yesterday first time for a year



>tfw get drop
>my little bro opens the crate


tfw csgolounge skin betting will never EVEr come back and csgog be forever ded and all these scam gambling sites exists fuck valve honestly

You get better odds betting with cash so why would you want to bet with skins?

who did you guys betted on today?

OG 2-0 and Liquid.

Cosmic justice

but lounge always had way more skewed odds than cash betting sites, presumably because the bettors were literal kids

it was more fun to bet and csgog was super alive

>/csgog/ thread is up

wow, this feels just like the good old days

I'm going all-in on Liquid.

>cheat your way to major again
>too dumb to travel there
never change brazil


We got a thread!

Let's go Flipsideeeeee

>Good games today
Feels great bros

3-0 Faze
0-3 Space Soldier (who tf is this even)

Let's go!

Space Soldiers are not gonna go 0-3. They should have won yesterday but choked.

Hey! >:(

>no semmler
>no nip
>no thorin
>shit music
fuck this major, hope china wins

I was watching some comfy OZ CS this morning. This fucking guy did a shoey when the Aussies made a comeback from 3-12 and won.

go to the website reddit dot com

>F3 on Cobble
Oh boy, this is gonna be a slow one.

they can be annoying but still more entertaining than these boring fucks

F3 have not played Cobble in 6 months. This is a big gamble.

F3 haven't played in 6 months in general

my boy white ddk trying to make his head appear bigger with that hair and beard

stop posting white girls, they are shit

so 9 teams can go through this qualifier?

google "hapa" and then hang yourself

Wouldn't be an NA production without making as much space for ads as possible

what a nice 3rd world stream we have

not that guy but the reason hapa are so shitty is because of the tendency for beta white men to seek out asian wives, who in turn are the sluts/outcasts of their own race

so you have a double outcast child

there's nothing wrong with the pairing if both sides are healthy, but of course nobody on csgog is going to be half of a healthy match

>player aimlock player through the wall while flashed to death

caster: ahh that must be sound q

Do you even play the game? It's to hear them better.

semmler moved to OW because he's fed up with cheaters

nah asian women have a much much much higher rate of sluttiness to a stupid degree

nice fucking general hehe kill yourselves (shit game)


damn guess i will kms...


>uninstall csgo
>csgog dies
>check it out again at the major
>same old shit now
whatever I'm off it I guess, will wait for the next fps that looks good

nice blog faggot

>last thread 404'd
>in the middle of a MAJOR

This is a fast moving board now and the matches were over for the day.

Damn flip what the fuck happened

This is very much not Flipsid3's year

f3 will qualify to the major as the 9th team
dont doubt our guys

hope so
why you delete me mod?

sounded like Smix almost said Ropzsports. Don't blame her though.

is /csgog/ a fan of ropz?

Who SlaVi here?

2 fellow CZ/SK players
anti-anime prodigy
based marijuana enthusiast
mellow coffee drinking boy band looking ass fin

let's go mousesports

wtf is ropz doing

>cheaters vs cheaters
just give me drops already

thoughts on this dude?

p1mple is not a cheatah

you're every retard in my pug calling cheats because someone has 2 "-rep WH" comments in his 10 page steam profile comment history and happened to kill them twice

Known cheaters: Stewie, Fallen, Shox

>slavi getting murdered by nikosports -niko

OSKARsports back at it again

my poor little white boy can't be this stupid!

I always go 3 days without changing my underwear. That jab was unecessary by Bardolph.

ikr. Havent bathed since last year and I'm fine

NaVi not even going to qualify for major? Fucking lol at Zeus. Drop him already

>faking nub. mooted.

Hello i am s1mple and i can land 2 flicks a game while losing it therefore i am the best player in the world.

flamie and simple are so fucking ugly, jesus

Shut your mouth. P1mple is okay'ish

t. totally a chad

edward is the only one with non-trash genetics on na'vi. rest would be dead by this point in their lives pre-industrial revolution.

>carry NA team to major finals, would even win it if didn't choke

s1mple is the actual problem
Navi fucked up big time when they picked him up and blew up the team

How come I get flashed when I turn my back to a flash but pros don't?

>go mid every round
>die 9/10 times because of sniper's nest lad
its ok i'll just do a collat and win mvp

The morons throwing the flashes at you overshoot them so you basically turn into them.

if you need to shiv someone, yeah

Navi strats
>go mid, die, scream blyat

>The state of navi

They let oskar push mid because the silvers can't punish him

>Male face mattered before industrial revolution

Are you actually retarded? That was the time when if you had some $$$ even the ugliest fuck could score a loyal 10.

He's one of those tilty slav fags who play incredibly well when things are going their way but if something disrupts his porcelain autism bubble they make sure to ruin the team atmosphere with shitty attitude.

Basically any time things get tough he just finds the most convenient excuse and stops trying.

I play with these retards daily and know this mentality intimately.

He might be a mechanical savant but it's never going to compensate for his general retardation until he does LSD or some shit.

you gotta swipe your mouse faster

Remember when teams just left mirage mid alone because of simple

flamie is so fucking awful at this game. why did simple want to join this team?

I bet on NaVi..

it's not over yet, right, lads? Tell me they still have a chance.

Na'Vi should unironically disband. There's no way s1mple and electroNic can carry three bots

How much did Na'Vi pay for Electronic transfer again? This being Ukraine i wouldn't be surprised if someone's knees are getting broken over this.

they still have a chance next major

flamie uninstall bitch

>he has conceded his position

what a fucking retard Flamie is, jesus christ

they need to drop the old fags. Zeus, Flamie are so bad these days.
Perfect cis team: S1mple, Adren, Hobbit, Eletronic, ANGE1.

why wont s1mple just share his cheats

no thanks

Can Avanger get 13 rounds?

idk, I bet ML on Space soldiers. ez money my friend

It wasn't easy money on SS yesterday. I nearly lost everything.

Don't bet everything on one match. Are you retarded?