/tekgen/ - Tekken General

Previous thread: = NEWS =
>Patch 1.08
>Noctis Reveal Trailer
>Patch 1.09
>Geese Launch Trailer
>Patch 1.10

>Fergus' character overviews
>Frame data for every character
>Top 15 moves for all characters
>/tekgen/ T7 Character Information Compilation (wip)

>How to Approach 3D Fighting Games
>Korean Backdash Cancel (KBD)
>Button Buffering
>Options at the wall
>How to get off the ground
>Low parrying
>Oki/Tech Trap
>Throw Breaking
>Wavedash/Backdash on pad
>Combo video playlist for each character
>Combo video playlist for each character

Other urls found in this thread:


first for homo luchadors

2nd for Lili

Reminder that God hates people who don't skip their intros and outros.

harada is my god

I want to learn Lili!

Which way am I supposed to sidestep Lili

whichever way you feel like beta


I'm ashamed of my win/rank ratio

I'm nearing 1k wins stuck in yellow ranks since 200 wins so don't feel bad

tell us, mine is dookie too 63% still fighter
i wish i could stick with just one character but i found out playing other characters is the best way to learn how to deal with their shit

then you're a bitch

Grand Master with 230 wins after being demoted from Fighter

I play worse and worse everyday

sounds to me that you were focusing on winning instead of learning. you know what to do


>cue post about df1 fundies

No thats the thing, I wasnt

I always tried to play well without resorting to shit like snake edges

yikes, maybe you got a string of bad luck and got matched with smurfs.

i'm sure you can climb up to greens again if you did it once

I get that you're new so it's fine to make such mistakes but just so you know theyre called Hellmen

Sounds like you're missing some basic fundamentals then. The smurf problem isn't so bad that you shouldn't be able to grind yourself out of greens with basic punishment abilities.

I'm going to need more cute Alisa art.

Fucking hell why are Asukas bnb combos so fucking annoying to do properly
It's fucking hard for me to time the ff2,3. It's fucking hard for me to do 2,1 properly without doing 1+2 on accident. And it's so fucking hard for me to understand the timing on the last ff2,1

>It's fucking hard for me to do 2,1 properly without doing 1+2 on accident



>posts cropped shit instead of the full image
fuck you too

I'm just used to doing the buffering by holding down 2 and then just pressing 1. But the recovery on her 2,3 is sometimes longer than I expect so the game thinks I'm just doing 1+2

not him but I know what he means
when I press 2,1 too quickly 1+2 comes out

that said he's a filthy Asuka gorilla so fuck him

adapt nigga, and be more precise
And get a hitbox

I'm already using a keyboard for it, you faggot. It's the same shit.

why are there barely any tekken funny pictures

Standard keyboard or mech?

Standard. But I mapped my shit properly so there's no ghosting

>not changing michelle to kazumi

this hitbox meme is probably the funniest shit i've seen in here, right next to the bob kbd and bob reacting to i15 hopkick with rage art, keep it up guys

he isn't kazuya, he's just dressing up as kazuya for a day dumb dumb

it's not really a meme though
the hitbox can do perfect/instant df motions because you just hold d while being able to press forward. This means near perfect crouch dashes, electrics and slides.
it's cheating

Gotta use what works


>starting to buy into the hitbox meme
>check the prices
>two hundred dollarydoos
>no cheap chink clones and no second hand market
now I understand the need to justify having spent 200 bucks in a box with 24mm buttons to play against laggers. hope you have fun with your overpriced meme

>get hit by DJ hellsweep out in the open, didn't even know it was coming at all
>what? I'm THAT bad?
>watch some footage of Qudans playing in tournaments
>people get hit by this move nearly every round and it's rarely blocked
Okay so it's both a gapcloser and a low launcher that you can't react to, which he could also just mix up with a mid. What the fuck at least with stuff like demoman you can stand out of range and be safe of it but even that isn't a thing because mishima wavedash shenanigans.

It's the people without a hitbox that are justifying the purchase though.

>the hitbox can do perfect/instant df motions

cool theorycrafting but that's all nonsensical bullshit. The reason hitbox is good is because of SOCD, look it up.

So wait, just that I understand correctly - a hitbox is basically just a fancy oligo-button keyboard? Why are people angry about it? I use a non-ghosting mechanical keyboard, so if I decided to play with it, I could to the exact same shit, couldn't I?


Sure. You'll still be considered a bitch for using one.

Yes but you can't connect it to a PS4 without a converter that adds delay


look up any hitbox tutorials or better yet, if you have a keyboard, go into tekken, and pick Lee, now do his slide input, on stick or pad this is df,d,df, and it has to be done correctly. On keyboard/hitbox it's literally just d+ff3 because you get the clean input. This also works for things like electrics and crouch dashes, anything that requires precise movements are infinitely easier on hitbox. Like I said test it out right now with a keyboard it's the same thing
It makes all precise inputs trivial and it's cheating, get over it

Broadly speaking. You can't really double tap on a keyboard though, which reduces the utility for perfect iWR moves.

Either way, you're abusing control methods which Tekken mechanics were never really designed to accommodate.

That video showcases SOCD, yes.

doesn't matter what it's called fuckboy, it's cheating

>d/f is a precise input

But every computer has a keyboard. Why is it considered a bad thing playing with standard peripherals?

df is not a precise input but df,d,df is

d/f,d,d/f in a smooth motion, such that it hides a crouch animation and allows an instant slide is a difficult input.

yeah man fuck hitbox users, how dare they use reliable peripherals! They should get a 50% chance at best of hitting diagonals like the rest of us honest people!

nice reading comprehension

A keyboard is not a standard peripheral for Tekken.

Tekken should be played on arcade sticks only.

I'll agree to that when quality arcade sticks come free with the game.

I actually agree with this. I think fighting game tournaments should only allow sticks since pad players are just poorfag shitters and hitbox players are too afraid to actually play on an even field.

unmodified Sanwa sticks*
Korean sticks are cheating too

There are demonstrable disadvantages to using a Korean stick. Hitboxes have no disadvantages.

oh boy it begins

I mean I'm not going to argue that some inputs like df or db aren't hard to get perfectly, but that is something both stick and pad deal with.
Put it this way, if the option is between a standard and an upgrade, you take the upgrade every time. The only reason top players aren't using hitboxes is because they've spent decades on arcade sticks and nobody is going to bring a hitbox to an arcade because you just look like an asshat

PS4 is the tournament standard though, so good luck getting rid of controllers.

Yeah, basically official tournaments should just go back to arcade machines and local tourneys can make their own rules.

Yes they do. Going back to neutral from a diagonal is more difficult because you need to leave two buttons at the same time, instead of just letting go of the stick.

This is a huge deal if you play Nina because it makes her SS1 cancels even harder.

>neutral is harder on cheatbox than on stick

Oh and let's not forget: if you have a shitty ring finger on your left hand don't even think about getting a hitbox.
You need to be able to use your ring finger with the same dexterity of your index finger.

> Going back to neutral from a diagonal is more difficult because you need to leave two buttons at the same time, instead of just letting go of the stick.
This makes absolutely no fucking sense.

>Hitbox general
Can we just go back to talking about Tekken?

Who are you quoting?

Nina's SS1 cancel requires you do these movements
>b to go into backsway
>u/b,n to cancel the backsway into neutral

You need to go back to neutral from u/b cleanly, and it's more difficult on a hitbox because if you let go of u before b, or viceversa, you'll get a backflip or a jump respectively.

I don't understand why people are so mad at hitboxes. I'm a stick player and I couldn't care less what you use. Execution is only a small part of tekken and the advantage the hitbox gives can't be that big or else all tournament players would be using hitboxes by now.

>Oh and let's not forget: if you have a shitty ring finger on your left hand don't even think about getting a hitbox.
How the fuck do you think people kbd on a stick? The difference in finger dexterity required in immense.

>How the fuck do you think people kbd on a stick?
With their wrist

So let's add 1f of extra input delay to hitboxes compared to the other tournament standard controllers so it has a demonstrable disadvantage which completely invalidates all of its advantages.

We get mad because they can't shut the fuck up about them. They're like the vegans of fgc.

>Who are you quoting?
are you literally braindead, can you not read?


watch this braindead blue rank pull out perfect kbds and just frames just because he got himself a cheatbox.

Saying hitboxes are op is an insult to tekken because you're implying that tekken is only about execution, and not also about decision making, matchup knowledge, framedata knowledge, etc

I wonder if it's the same person complaining about steve and lili, just to derail the thread.

Movement is a big part of tekken, like it or not. Having a shortcut for movement is an abomination that shouldn't be conceived. Imagine having a button for kbd. Hitbox is almost there.

This is what I said
>Going back to neutral from a diagonal is more difficult
And this is what you quoted
>neutral is harder on cheatbox than on stick

Nice reading comprehension, retard.

Because it's fraudulent as fuck that's why. You get these chucklefucks here on hitbox and keyboard talking about how inputs aren't difficult and then you have absolute frauds like SuperAkuma getting carried by Akuma's broken shit because he has perfect execution yet is shit at the game.
Execution is a big deal because Tekken is(unfortunately) balanced significantly on execution

Hitbox only changes the amount of work you need to get good execution for your movement but the results are exactly the same.
You made your choice to get a stick instead, and then you complain that you have to work harder?

This is just like TMM who picks a character who needs a lot of matchup knowledge and then refuses to study matchups. You're complaining about something that YOU chose.

here's your entire quote
>Going back to neutral from a diagonal is more difficult because you need to leave two buttons at the same time, instead of just letting go of the stick.

>instead of letting go of the stick
implies that it's easier to go to neutral on a stick than on a cheatbox.

to this, I question your affirmation that it's easier to go back to neutral on a stick than on a cheatbox, to which you sharted all over with a shitty jp meme. kindly go fuck yourself.

Fuck off Fil you're a fraud

there sure is a lot of stick buyer's remorse ITT...

>implies that it's easier to go to neutral on a stick than on a cheatbox.
Keywords being "from a diagonal", words that you have yet again ignored for whatever reason.

Yeah I don't know what these niggers are complaining about, playing on stick feels great and I won't exchange it for any inherent advantage.

does not change the fact that you affirmed that it's easier when it's clearly not, it's just releasing two buttons, while you have to be careful to not accidentally get a random direction with your stick, and some sticks like hori ones even input the opposite direction if you straight up release it.

I forgot, this is not only a problem for Nina's SS1 cancels as I've said here but it's also a problem for iWS for characters with a rolldash like Raven or Lili

>it's just releasing two buttons
If you release the other one first it fucks up whatever you were trying to do.

>while you have to be careful to not accidentally get a random direction with your stick, and some sticks like hori ones even input the opposite direction if you straight up release it.
What does this have to do with what I said?
I'm not implying that hitbox isn't better, I was replying to a guy who said
>hitboxes have no disadvantages
Which is wrong because going back to neutral from a diagonal is easier on stick.

I just went into training mode with my keyboard and did Lili's dewglide into ws1 with ease, I have no idea what you're on about.

Why can't i use knuckledusters at a boxing match? Punches are only a small part of boxing and i still have to think strategic and apply mindgames.

Pick Nina and so SS1 into b,u/b,n

Since we are complaining about things, tekkenbot is cheating.

haha guise did i tell u im a hitbox user yet pls buy a hitbox

Only if you use it online.

>Why can't i use knuckledusters at a boxing match?
Because they're illegal according to the official rules.