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Waiting for a miracle edition.

>What is Battlerite?
Battlerite is a PvP arena brawler from the same company that made Bloodline Champions.

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hey how are you doing

>I'll never have me some sweet deer puss

What do I supposed to do against Shifu as Ezmo?
I baited his counter, then he'll just lol immaterial and then fucks my shit up.

Deepthroat his spear.

Man I already did that, sometimes I just wanna put ezmo's book inside his butt you know?

Thats how I feel against Shifu, too.
>he tries to spear grapple to me
>dodge it
>go to attack back since his gap closer is down
>he counters
>cancel and avoid triggering the counter
>he goes immaterial and just walks up to me
>space away
>his grappling spear is off cooldown again by now
When the actual fuck am I supposed to be able to hit this asshole? How the fuck do I punish him?

Worst thing is when he has the impale range rite. That's bullshit.

You literally have no chance against a good Shifu as Ezmo, all you can do is try to bait him into using all his CDs and try to hit him with Shackle and a big damage move but the problem is Shifu is so fast and does so much damage that unless the Shifu player fucks up multiple times, you will always lose in the end.

That 0 score bug is not addressed for 2 months already. And it's present in at least third of games.

Thing is it seems to be true for Shifu vs any ranged character.

Yes, but Ezmo is especially disadvantaged.

Thats because Ezmo is garbage and worthless in any matchup not just against Shifu

Yeah, he needs a rework or something. At the moment he's just Shit Ashka.

>At the moment he's just Shit Ashka.
thats alysia

What kind of rework?

I don't know, something to make him less like a shit Ashka. Maybe give him more mobility with teleports and let him throw the Grimoire more freely and lower his damage so he's about moving around the map constantly pestering you with shots from all angles instead of fishing for big damage. This would also mean he can use his ult more.
I'm not sure what he needs, I don't get paid to make this game.

Alysia is her own brand of shit. She needs some actual reason to freeze people.

He does not need more mobility at all. But I could see his R and E swapping, so he could pester with the book often and freely, only setting up a huge damage cross shot infrequently with the root on R. That'd be good.

> been sitting on queue for 2s and 3s for 10 minutes
> on a saturday morning
> on fucking SILVER

I'm starting to think those 10k numbers on steam charts are spoofed.

Not more than one minute for me, silver as well.
Maybe you are in a low priority?

it popped for me at 10:32. game is dead as fuck

Who the fuck plays at this time

which pose looks hotter with the loincloth skins?

ezmo is pretty good you're just shit at the game

>alysia runs into the enemy team and dies
>repeat every round
>wake up nice sleep HEAL ME

jade probably should get nerfed. M1 ranged buff was too much

Jade was buffed? When?

just before F2P they buffed her

>anecdotal evidence

lads rate my most used loadout

>ooga booga around enemy
>still deal tons of damage

>Shit ashka
are you building him wrong
>No E recast
>No R recast
>Double Rmb rites

>miss E which is extremely easy against non silvers
>hes now a walking 230 hp anyone can kite

you should try breaking your arms so you have better excuse for being shit at the game

t. silver

if you want tips you could just ask.
Not gonna give you them tho, stay bad

t. silver

>Both headlong rush and the snare


Hey that's not nice, I actually do have a broken arm.

you should wait for xbox release then

EU tournament
twitch tv/mastersofbacon

>play raigon against an ashka
>do nothing but dive him
>he's against me again
>do the same thing and win
>3rd game
>jump and before i even land he leaves the game
I feel so bad now, he just wanted to have some fun.

>lose a lot of game in a close 2-3 score
>think i'm not actually losing that much since we win a decent amount of rounds
>winrate ~40%


people like that doesn't deserve "fun"
whatever that may be

Anybody in Brazil region down for some twos or threes? American living in the region and getting back into this game. Was diamond in season four (last time I really played) and now I placed in plat and am at plat 2.

Been playing Rook recently but I can mix it up. Just would love for someone I can play some premades with here and there and don't know anybody in this region who plays.

check the list in OP


Forgot this part:

Dongslinger69 is the name

I'll use it, thanks. Just looking for anybody else who's currently around

how the FUCK do you even play jumong?
Anything gets in your face, you miss even JUST ONE of your escapes or miss time something ONCE and you are fucked

seeker's mark

is jackshit

12 health on consuming, EX1 additionally heals for 6.

by the time I pop it, I get twice the damage
meanwhile something like raigon easily heals himself more with less effort

use your traps smarter, get haste on space BR, spam ex1 to heal, Q also applies seeker's mark so mind that same with R. use ex2 when opponent is out of shit.

>Not using the 20 damage consume seeker mark

Is haste worth it over the +4dmg/5energy? I've been using that to get my prowl online faster.

yeah it's mandatory, for getting prowl faster hit your shit

What are ashka's bad matchups?

are you playing 1v1 or what. ashka is still one of the best ranged and always will be. his kit is just too good

don't play 2v2

playing shifu or destiny and I very rarely even get enough energy to get ult, i waste all energy on their Rs and EXs

is that normal?

You should be using there ex skills
Especially Shifu's

That's a good thing.
Shifu ex skills are way better than his ult in many situations

So, any insiders here? whats in the patch

In general?

Melees with a lot of engages like Croak or Shifu can be rough. If you don't build energy for petrify you can die very quickly to a single mistake.
Ranged that can out poke you like Jumong or have a better M2/firewall like Destiny.
Supports that are named Pearl, or really tanky comps like Poloma Varesh when you don't have a healer yourself.

I would say makes a good point
Oldur and Bakko can give you a tough time since m2 would speak death for you

>Oldur and Bakko can give you a tough time since m2 would speak death for you
>not baiting out
>not flicking every fireball
shut the fuck up you dumbdumb

I just wanna be stupid and shoot the enemy without a care in the world

If you're launching a full M2 into either of those, you have some serious reaction problems.

I would say croak but you have so many ways of dealing with him its funny
Your m2 knocks him back and you can see him with your dot
>You can knock him back and space away you can Pet him
Maybe bakko? But you can bait him out?
Maybe destiny and jumong since they outrange you?

Ashka is very safe honestly. I guess Shifu can give you the most problems if he can time his invulnerability well. When a mongo goes for you just Q your own feet and go to town with RMB on them.

Ashka has no bad matchups.
You just play and build differently against comps
If it double melee you better believe you want to take inspiration so you can have enough energy to pet the fuckers if they jump on you

>Play only Jade for ~500 games
>Hit diamond in soloq and 2v2
>Decide it's time to start learning new champs
>Suck with ALL of them

Is there a champ that plays at all similar to Jade? I tried Destiny and I think I'm getting good with her, but she's so fucking boring outside of her ultimate. Playing Alysia made me want to kms because it feels like all my abilities are extremely, extremely situational and I end up doing nothing but mouse buttons and ult all game. Lucie is really cool but healing makes me want to kms because my allies keep splitting up and chasing the enemy into separate dark corners and idk wtf I'm supposed to even do at that point.

Anyone have a guide or something to Destiny I can take a look at?

Try ashka
also she might get nerfed in about 4 days

I don't really understand people's gripe with Destiny desu. Her wall is pretty annoying but she definitely has a lower damage output than Jade and Iva, and also doesn't seem to be as good at kiting or 2v1ing as Jade is.

>Destiny desu. Her wall is pretty annoying but she definitely has a lower damage output than Jade and Iva, and also doesn't seem to be as good at kiting or 2v1ing as Jade is.
>Lower than Iva
Destiny damage is really really high are you playing her right?
What rites are you using and how do you play destiny so bad that Iva can outdps you iva is the worst range character in the game

It's not about my play, it's about fighting Destinys and Ivas in diamond+ games. I don't think I've ever had a Destiny outdamage me as Jade in a game where I didn't get cheesed early, and usually in twos it's easy to just ignore and kite Destiny and kill her partner anyways. It's not really the same with Iva who feels like she's constantly in your face CCing you. I've played against GC and champs who were on Jade, Iva, and Destiny and of the three I'd like never to face again, Destiny is not one of them.

>Faced a GC Iva
>Thought it would be easy
>Get the rudest awakening I have ever seen

Destiny is annoying to fight as a melee.
Like extremely annoying

can't find my main

Main Zance

>Grand Champion
Nice lie

I don't like Ezmo or Poloma and he seems to be those two reskinned.

>doesnt like Poloma
What's wrong with you?

>haha they have similar skills haha its a reskinn

This is the only reason I play Destiny at all.


You know what would a funny buff?
If her E counted as a wall for her Ult

But it does.

Any good Shifu loadouts?



Can I get some Poloma sample loadouts?


hate this forced 50/50 trash matchmaking

>want to be a support main since that's what I usually do in games
>really cool design of supports and their skills are great
>actually do really shitty with them winrate wise
>switch to DPS characters
>climb from Bronze 5 to Gold 3 in a week

guess i'm not a support main afterall

Can I get some Pestilence rites?

t. GC support main

Man I locked in Destiny today even though I knew I sucked at her, and it all suddenly clicked.
Now my question is, how hard will her nerfs be? I'm sad I got on the Destiny bandwagon so late.