/pdg/ - Payday: The heist, Payday 2 and Dead: WW2 General

Day of the compensator soon edition

Previous Oneshot difficulty heist >Extremely Autistic Guide on the Mechanics of PAYDAY 2:

>Workshop Manual

>Upcoming Payday 2 Tournaments:

>Skill/Weapon Stat Calculator:

>Breakpoint calculator

>Old Skilltree Guide:

>Perk Deck Guide (slightly out of date):

>Stat Ranking and Breakpoints:

>Weapon/Armor/Damage/Pickup Spreadsheets (not up to date):

>Weapon Skin Checklist (totally up to date):

>Big Oil Engine Calculators:


>Steam group still not ded

>Latest Updates Here:

>Mods and Lua:

>Weapon Skin Previews

>Eternal Daily Dose

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1st for stelf

>get kickstarter, drill breaks every 20 sec
>dont get kickstarter, drill breaks only once or twice
really makes me think

Drills are only supposed to break 1-3 times. Maybe don't let cops break your drill

i was stealthing so i doubt the cops did it

If it's a short drill, and it gets set to naturally break 3 times, then it could easily break down every 10-20 seconds or so.

>If it's a short drill, and it gets set to naturally break 3 times, then it could easily break down every 10-20 seconds or so.
Fake news.

Unless there are exceptions (like Dockyard drills at the end), all drills - even thermal drills - are programmed to break 1-3 times. I don't know of an exception where the drill breaks more than usual so just don't let the fucking cops near the drill.

I'm...not sure how you got "drills in general do not break down 1-3 times" from that.

Just a reminder that new female japanese heister is actually Jiro's son on estrogen.


i haven't played this since mid 2014

should i?

i'm not buying dlc

you missed the best time to play the game

I just had the escape zone on Reservoir Dogs' Warehouse day that's down the street and down the far left alley not work.
I've also had the escape that's near the parking lot not work too.
I'd feel worse about it but this sort of quality is par for the course.

Source or just shitposting?

Source: shitposting

It's juast a [B][I]GAME THEORY[/I][/B]


Reminder that Yakuza's armour&speed bonuses start from 100% health, and not 50%.

daily reminder to hunt down body expertise aced users, they're the scum of community who believe it will be essential for Death wish heists.

Can body expertise, berserk and other universal damage buffs increase burning damage from the flamethrower, molotov, dragonfire and so on ?

The little drawing behind her makes it look like syndny has a mullet

I'm pretty sure the only thing that affects the fire DoT are crits, and so only with DB rounds & the flamethrower.

That still doesn't make yakuza good tho

but FAST

Is that one mod still posting PD2 keys?


Certainly not for loud, yeah

Get up!

Who is the best heister and why is Jimmy

Either bonbon or hox

I'm pretty sure the drills in Hotline Miami are programmed to break exactly 3 times each

So is it possible for the keybox in big bank to just not spawn? Because I just had a run where I absolutely could not find it anywhere (and I know where it can spawn).

But I want to use LMGs and be a human lawnmower before they get nerfed.


You can still be just as deadly with berserker.

LMG builds are actually rather fun now that I'm not trying to fit BE into them.

>he's not keeping his OD virginity for the Grom sniper rifle with the new sniper skill.

you know it will be a blast.

>not cowboy repeater


So which sniper is the best for crit build ?
>inb4 thanatos

I really miss playing this game, but i stopped so long ago, like before they redid the entire skill tree. I just dont know where to start anymore if i pick it up again. Theres driving and stuff now other than the car heist and murkywater.

also this general seems so dead now.

contractor with the micro uzi is pretty good on one down

Come on! Get up!

What is the point of the Thanatos srs? half the damage of a xbow and only 15 bullets?

Be a big, shitty gun

Safehouse nightmare

>not Wick contractor

Can it even one shot ZEAL Heavies?

With the right setup I think it can: berserk, SK, maybe also underdog?

So that's a no then?

It's a yes...for now.

How much you wanna bet they remove silencer damage and just increase damage of guns / lower health of enemies?

Well this is Jules we're talking about. It's almost fo sho gonna be fucked whatever he does.

50%. Jules will get a shit ton of death threat if he doesn't throw a bone at the community.

What's the best LMG if you're not using BE? Or does that not change if you're not using BE? I'm still trying out LMGs.

You get to add one fictional character (no fucking youtubers or internet celebrities unless they're playing a character), no matter how well know or obscure, into the game along with their iconic weapon. The only criteria is that they must be human or at least average-human shaped and be able to use guns.

Who do you add ? Mine's picture related.

Ethan Hunt from Mission Impossible, can you imagine the stealth that could be made?

Buzzsaw or KSP. Partly for the much greater controllability, partly for the much higher ammo pickup. I find I can be sloppy as shit and greedy for kills (i.e. killing cops where I can't pick up their ammo) and still keep those fed, while I have a hard time with the RPK and Brenner even when I'm being careful.

>infiltrating the secret nuke silo bioterror lab mainframe run by NSA Delta Murkywater Triple Agents to epic music
>sitting behind a box waiting for guards to move

This could unironically be a great DLC crossover.

Okay but seriously, 47 might be cool. Yeah he'd be completely out of place, but man that Bateson voice might make it worth it. Also he'd be stylish as fuck with his suit


Step aside nerds.

Don't give a fuck about silent shitter getting delet but
>Another thing worth mentioning is that our intention is to balance all weapons archetype to be viable in the Death Wish difficulty. That said making a weapon more viable or less overpowered on the Death Wish difficulty will have an impact on how they perform in One Down.
Jules literally admits that they only want certain weapons to be viable on OD
Why not just fix OD, then?
>Fixing One Down is not the intention
Why did I expect anything less?

It's so obvious now !

**Postal DLC**

Oh god yes, that would be my dream come true.

I bet he removes silencer damage and buffs one or two token guns while still leaving 90% of the guns worthless.

Iljah the sniper from the indie hit Payday 2

Does Ilija still work at Overkill?

How do I make this build more burny ?

>flamethrower for burning at close range
>grenade launcher for burning at long range
>trip mines for burning surprise
>incendiary grenade for burning while reloading
>sword for stabbing a burning dozer
>grinder to keep the flame burning inside me alive

I want his helmet as a new mask.

your build is quite shit
replicate this one to a tee:


I guess it is, but it looks way more fun than this one.

I've been using the KSP without silencer or body expertise and it works great in OD. Not as big of a lawnmower as the shotguns but it takes a lot fewer skills.

You, uh, might wanna re-read that other post, user

Fiddy cal can pick up bullets, unlike the crossbow. Sure you can probably pick up your arrows but like ammo boxes, it ain't gonna be safe 99% of the time in OD unless you keep your kills close.

>without silencer or body expertise
The average /pdg/ poster is an illiterate moron like (You).

Captain John Patrick Mason, of Her Majesty's SAS.


>entire personality revolves around 1 line he repeats every chance he gets
unironically fits into the game better than any of those other suggestions

No shitters allowed


Then why are you here?

I'd still cream my pants if Nick was ever made a heister
SCAR-L and the carbine are already ingame, and so's the GL40 and that one MG, what could they add to the game?

Melee meme weapons like the frying pan and the guitar, another grenade

>like the frying pan
Only if it has the tf2 sound effect. at the tf2 volume. for the entire crew.

I'd consider reinstalling if this happened

How the fuck does one man be retarded enough to make weapon balance go from the best it had been since Crimefest 2015 to the worst it has been since Crimefest 2015 over the course of a single fucking update? How can any developer be this retarded?

AA-12 - should I silence it and get the silencer skills for it or are just the shotgun skills enough ?

Also, is it fun with full auto HE rounds ?

AA-12 - should I silence it and get the silencer skills for it or are just the shotgun skills enough ?

You'll should be fine with just the typical shotgun skills, certainly up to DW anyways. SK is likely to get axed soon anyways.
>Also, is it fun with full auto HE rounds ?

Haven't used HE as a general purpose killer much. Seems more suited for "utility" (killing shields, breaking faceplates, swang swong, snipers(?)).

go full dragan's breath shells, you'll thank me later.

Rate my mask

Full auto HE are fun to mess up a corridor of cops. Didn't try Dragon's Breath yet.

Unironically horrible. Not sure what you were going for unless you were going for a mess. Black and pink cogs and a faded American flag ?

>another crime spree with 3 ai failed because the AI didn't get me up


Try to guess what I'm going to do next, stupid faggots. Maybe I will remove Messiah? Maybe I will remove Inspire? I will make you wish you never installed the fucking game, idiots. And you can't do shit about it. Go complain on Steam. Nobody will read or care about your pathetic comments. This party is only starting.

you forgot:
>buy raid or console dlc

>yfw knowing this is fake but still what Jules really think in his soul.

2018 will be beautiful.

>not playing with real players

you asked for it.


Is this possibly the best soundtrack ever made so far?

how accurate is the Perk tier list in the OP?