/fgoalter/ Fate Grand Order NA General

Previous: >200th Day Anniversary
Peroid: 2018-01-11 04:00 - 01-18 03:59 UTC
Login once in that period for:
1m QP
x2 Tickets
x2 Golden Fruits
x1 3* All ATK Fou
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10k FP
Login between 01-11 04:00 - 01-12 03:59 for:
x10 4* All EXP

>Saber Wars
2018-01-04~01-18 3:59 UTC
Read the guide below before you ask about what to do in the event

>Saber Wars Summon
5* Mysterious Heroine X
4* Artoria Pendragon (Alter)
4* Nero Claudius

>[Event Guide]
Altrium Calculator: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F0sr4mocLHeQk0MZIBWal9gq_WapjcBXXpNu74-LOAQ/edit#gid=0

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/w6VAowU
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975


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i like big tits.



A Jannu a day keeps the L*zposters away.

>alter fell for the you should farm hearts now, when da vinci has nodes like this

I'll be grailing to 100 my Lily and the extra copy and you fags can't do nothing about it!

First for UMU!

Could someone post servants stat chart after hitting max lvl and after being grailed to 100?

Okita-chan is cute!

Don't roll for servants below 7.0 on this definitive list.

>4.0 is saberface general

>Musashi, Scat, Nightgale and Jannu that low

Didn't they had like D cups?
Jannu rack is HUGE

I feel comfy looking at this two cuties

These are lies!

there's no way martha's tits are bigger than scats.

Well I guess I'm saving my apples now

I plan on getting all S+ tier except for Passionlip.
Also, where is Summer Mama?

>you'll never grow up in a household with pretty maids

Oh well, I can always burn quartz.
I'll have no further need for them after Jeannu D'arc. At least for like a year.

arn't cats bigger than regular tamamo

Is this real? Or they're guaranteed drops from a one time mission?

>falling for onii-chan tricks AGAIN

But I like Medusa.


The free caster mission got TWO demons on the second wave.
Each demon drop one or TWO hearts EACH.
Is just not optimal for the event currency farm

Man, that must be one hell of good weeds



>want Passionlip
>almost certainly going to get spooked by Melt or garbage
At least BB is welfare

Quality post user.

Fuck you guys

Nitoposters never sleep.

>Implying I'm burning all of my apples.

Here's for you Shutenfags.

Umu and her less sexy lookalike


Why would that be?

People have been telling you to save your apples for the Da Vinci event since before Christmas even ended, dumbass. Only morons fell for the idea of farming apples off of this event with its abysmal drop rate.

But why is Shuten considered bad? She's way too cute.

Not using the original pic

>give her a very cute design
>give her a body made for countless sex
>give her Taneda's voice
It's not fair, why did they give her everything I like? I fucking hate Yanderes

How are you going to reach 2m in this event without any apples?

it should've been our year umubros. its not fucking fair

she wants to eat you user

When are we getting shiki? I really need a decent assassin.

>90% of heroes are made up of homos, Transsexuals, Niggers, Women

Nice SJW tumblr feminist game fags

Still better than the usual rate drop for Hearts in dailies. gotta take every chance to farm them while you can.

You are indeed a moron if you just spend all your apples on a single grinding event. That or a whale who buys packs of quartz just to refresh his AP.

Theres a reason why other anons told you to save apples for only lottery events and do a minimal usage of them to reach the 2million mark

Fuck off already, you love her and you know it, might as well fuck her while telling her you hate her



Shhhh, shhh. Just accept it. Once she has gently coiled her tail around you and is sliding down your body you won't even remember the yandere part anymore.

But they're all cute user.

Using apples to reach the 2 millions is a good thing.
Just dont go full autism on using ALL of them and go way over 2millions

How about you stop replying to low effort bait.

UHZ node instead of Scat node makes the AP needed to hit 2m a lot lower. You should still spend SOME apples if your modifier sucks, obviously.

>spending the lion's share of your apples on farming when the reward is at its highest is dumb
You never save ALL of your apples, you just spend the bare minimum you need to clear events. You'll still wind up with a massive overstock of them that you should hoard for the best times to use them. Guda needed apples to clear the shop in so it was worth using them there, but there was no reason to use them otherwise before Christmas, which had an insane return for AP spent.

I just want to be covered by something warm and smooth like a heavy blanket. Hopefully tighty so I can’t move. With the only thing being free is my [/spoiler]member.

>implying one should ever stop farming hearts

I also hate Yanderes but on the bright side, Kiyo is not your annoying and hateful yandere. Don't lie to her, that's all.
And besides, she is actually sociable and more of a comedic relief. The only thing it may annoy you is she sneaking when you are bonding or just having fun with other servants.
And when you scold her she just say "Master is so cool!" to both pretend it wasn't that bad and real admiration.
Again, her attitude isn't really a generic yandere, which is another reason I can like her and tolerate her. But I'll be honest? She saved my ass to many times along with Heracles

You're just jelly you don't have a cool Gil crayon drawing to respond with

I'm not going to make it bros...
At least I got 30+ hearts from Scathach

>check medusa's voice lines
>tap on noble phantasm
>for some reason translations don't appear

These will be your cute yandere snek for the night. Say something nice to her before she jumps your bones!

Your scales are a pretty color

Can't she at least change her upper body back? I like boobs...

Wait that's not her original NP dragon form, this looks generic, the flame dragon looks cooler

Baby making

You guys couldn't have mentioned this shit at some point before now?
>spent all my apples last night

You're at about the same point to as me.

Rough and bad maths says doing all dailies & 77 scath runs @ 100% bonus will get me to 2m.

But more tempted to drop to tesla and farm lens to clear the shop out.

Use them, and leave some for event
I always keeps my apple around forty, so when lottery happen I can blow around thirty or so of them
More than that it'll cost my sanity

Not the same user but I dont like yanderes because a nutcase on my workplace turned into one after we had some dates and sex.
Had to get the police involved and a judge and move away.
Fuck crazy women.

Isn't there a google docs somewhere where I can just stick my current points/modifier % and see how many more runs I need?

Don't farm Tesla. You can get pieces literally anytime.
Transistors? Sure. Vacuum tubes? Fuck yes.
But Lenses? You should have tons of those materials by now.

Reminds of my past self during the Gudaguda event.

Posting "fgo乳量节奏榜" with superior resolution.
It seems the chink guy hasn't updated it with new servants.

You should know by now not to trust everything said here.

Sorry, we were too busy cuckposting

>Okita-chan is sick!

someone explain to me why okita is always coughing/sick.

It was mentioned quite regularly.

Well, there's always rainbow apple for you to use

I kinda only did 1-2 days of Tesla farming before I realised I had an NP2 Okita on my friend's list and could roll Scath

I've been playing the game for 17 days, so I don't have anywhere near a lot of mats even the silver statues I'm short on which is why I'm wondering if it's worth doing it over just alrium/QP farming


What's this tier trying to convey?

>no quartz
>no SSR
>shitcoins keep crashing

>could only clear 30 boxes on christmas
>spend 20 apples on this event
>still have more than 60 apples


Ok, /alter/ time to make you confessions.
Wich sins have you commited in this game?


Literally quitting the game when they kill a very important servant and even using Quartz because command seal were already used.

None, I'm pure

Episode 2 is out? Thanks for the reminder.

Rolling for 5*s I didnt love.

A reminder that if you like Kiyo, you're an actual cuck

Fashion Model and Long Dream

>user doesn't know

I play this game with BGM off, cause the OST outside of specific events is really boring and generic

Enough is ENOUGH! I have had it with these motherfucking sneks in these motherfucking threads! Everybody strap in! I'm about to get some mana prisms.

Why is Tamamo Cat LITERALLY the best servant for (you)?

I accepted money in exchange of being taped grabbing the ass and underwear of a girl in public.
I will spend that money on quartz for Nero Bride

I don't commit sins

>yfw you spend all your quartz and fail to roll the servant you desired