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Ded game
Post high IQ builds
mommy pls dont go
>rolled two Ryomas on the first hero fest
>excited as fuck because it's Ryoma
>both were -SPD +HP/RES
>suddenly 8 months later a free roll gives me +SPD -RES
Is it a sign?
I want to hug Lucina tight and protect her
Maybe one day I'll day understand this build
I want to protect Duma from heretics! The War Father in FEH when?
>fag posts thread too early
>everybody that migrates with him are NuFE fags
gee, really makes you think
Why didn't you protect her from this?
I love Severa bunches! I hope she comes back for more games & we can go on more adventures!
Let it go you homo
>has no argument
FE Switch should feature eroge scenes with her.
Yes we know granddad, things were better in your days you've told us this everytime we have visited you at the retirement home
go cry & play thraki grandpa
Severa is only good for anal
Shitvera flopped on the polls. Hopefully that means this shitty character stays gone for good.
>Alfonse is a bonis u it
Did they run out of Hoshido candidates or what
>implying Thracia isn't NuFE with its broken ass units and skills
Nah, there's still plenty of Hoshido units like the retainers and Normal Takumi. Although they might want to avoid doubles.
I would guess it's to appeal to the players, because everyone has Alphonse guaranteeing a bonus unit, until N!Corrin which is 40%.
Cursed image, do not open.
It's good, they should always have one of the askr trio as a bonus, like with arena, then I don't have to worry about grinding extra long because I didn't roll on the latest seasonal bait banner for a bonus unit
Gib Navarre & Maria's Sister you frigs
Me on the right
>Tellius still not available for purchase on VC
I can only hope that they're released around the time of FE Switch.
>one of the only fates characters i liked had their outfit wasted on the biggest bimbo in the series
This this glorious motherfucker is the greatest axe in the game like goddamn lads he's not joking around .
>roll free orb
>get a 4* oscar
>decide to roll the others because fuck it not gonna roll until anniversary and been lucky with 5*s lately
>get 2 sullys
>and then last orb raigh
Really wish I didn't open the Raigh and Est but otherwise good fodder pack, I needed the drawbacks.
More like big money nation at this point. Tellius has done consistently well with every banner its characters have been on so far. Pretty impressive considering how the games themselves sold.
Can I salvage a -Spd +HP Ryoma I just got?
Why does FE only get the worst footfag artists when FGO is footfag paradise. I thought FE already had a more autistic fanbase
Where were you when CHADcaiah saved Heroes from the virgin Fateswakening?
>I thought FE already had a more autistic fanbase
>implying any fanbase will ever be more autistic than the Fate fanbase
I have 1 W LIssa to eat. should she be fed to H Jakob or Zelgius?
or should i use her instead of Hector on my Armor team?
Tellius are a game that are an era of their time, they only sold awful because the system itself sold awful.
If Tellius released now it'd get rave reviews for story and characters. Gameplay might be called mediocre though but at the time it was fantastic.
I still have my PoR game and case at home, and I regret not buying Radiant Dawn when I saw it in the bargain bin sealed like 8 years ago.
>I thought FE already had a more autistic fanbase
You've clearly never dabbled in Fate if you think that.
Yo you got Kozaki & kaya8 chill out negro
FE really needs more giantess artists to be honest
>Not Luna/Bonfire Vantage
Thanks for the free Arena win, lardass.
Yeah, hea pretty insane
I got him off banner during his own TT and he just soloed everything even if he was the last man standing
What's a better IV on Snacki if I want to go Blade tome, -Spd or -Def? (both +Atk)
I'm convinced that Thracia banner will have Leif, Nanna and Finn because it just too convinient.
>going blade tome
>when her tome upgrade gives her +5 atk/res
>and also drive atk 2
That said, probably minus def, her defense is pathetic anyway and probably dies to most phys monsters.
I wanna make a new team for fun, and these were the first 3 units that came to mind, can I salvage any of them at all?
>Robin - +HP -res
>Lucina - +HP -atk
>Chrom - +def -atk
>tfw no Lissa with good art to finish the family Ylisse
>500 dollars, 1000 orbs
>3 Zelgius mostly sniping reds
Might have seen me posting it yesterday but a fair remainder of what can happen sniping reds.
I wanna fodder off my 4* Joshua for a debuff team.
Do I give Close Def 3 to my +5 FCorrin (Already has Windsweep) or do I give Windsweep to Sothe? The only other option I can give him is Vantage/Desperation
It definitely will.
At least the GHB could be interesting if they decide to have one for it.
Galzus, Saias, Kempf, even Raydrik I guess have a good chance.
can you list all the "f2p units" in the game?
I'm going to level them all up before mommy leaves.
Were you aiming for +10 Zelgius? I got to 11 Miccys in $500 and thought that was suffering. Pity broken by Peri, Clair, Roderick, Doot and Azura
List it yourself
Life and Death 3 at 4* when
When Sothe gets demoted
Yes, he was my favorite unit, actually the only unit I wanted to go for a +10 that's 5* only. I got pity broken about 75% of the time, but mostly just the lack of 5*. I had my pity rate reach up to 7.5% during my rage rolls.
Sniping in this game is utter trash at the moment unless the unit you want is green.
Red is BLOATED AS FUCK with 5*s.
Blue is almost there.
Gray has lolhealers at 5*s and a lot of useless daggers.
That said, sounds like bad luck. I'd say on average 500 bux should get you a 5*+5 character. I spent like 100~ and got a 5*+3 Mia while her banner was up, will spend more if they ever clean up the summoning pool and do another Mia banner.
I wish I was wealthy enough to spend money stupidly
it's worked like that forever man, keep up
>content drought punctuated by a seasonal banner in a time where people had no money gets beaten by new units and content after holiday expenses are done
Hey there user want to go gather some firewood with me?
wow rude
Strangely shows that starving people of orbs doesn't make them pay money for more orbs.
Get a job and spend frugally, also pro-tip you spend way too much eating out unless you cook your meals.
I spent 1k on this game casually last year, that said don't plan to spend anymore until ISIS gets their shit together. This TT bonus units are a good step ahead.
>beat the new years banner by 6 whole places
nice. Maybe now IS will chill with limited units.
:D ?
This, they should have done nothing for New Years!
Yeah that was why I went for +10 Micaiah too. Wouldn't do it for any other unit. My worst streak was 5.50%, and then I got pity broken by that whore Clair.
A career which pays that much means you sell your soul in return, user. Be happy, don't be like me.
I'd rather spend my money on actual games, though.
I love this graph.
It tells us absolutely nothing and people use it to shitpost.
another casualty of the red menace. rip
>Up there will Jugdral and PA
When will they give us more Jugdral? Levin is sure to make them more cash.
people love to take shitty screencaps of this page
>Spend frugally
>Wastes money on gacha
Actual games are overrated.
And I spend like 40-50 bux on a game (etrian odyssey) that lasts me 100+ hours anyway, with typical 4-5 buys a year. Might as well spend the rest on a game that has last me a whole year alongside nendos.
You gotta choose your vices, some people choose to gamble. Others do alcohol. Some smoke.
I choose virtual waifus that will mean nothing when the game dies.
Just stop. The Christmas units did great. It's NY that bombed. Stop dragging Awakening into the dumpster fire of Fates.
That gives me no information.
Like did other games do New Years events?
Are other games doing new stuff now?
This is all important information I am not being told.
All it tells me is that it rises and falls in position at different times.
I need to know more.
Why are whales so fucking dumb?
Please explain this build, I need to merge my own +10 one. Why is she running Desperation BA with 37 spd?
If any unit gets demoted this banner it's probably going to be Miccy, considering DD is less in demand than before
Although we thought that about Rhajat too
>300 feathers away from promotions
>can't find anyone to send home
Where do these guys even get this much disposable income?
>busted prf, prf assist, full set of skills
>any chance whatsoever of a 4* demote
All they had to do was give us Honk-Honk over Camilla.
>Got my first tilt on my free roll
Not sure if I even want to work on her, she's only 4* and I've already got Robin, Ursula, Mae and Lute for Blue Mages at 5*
Based Telliuschads.
Her speed is irredeemable if you wanna use her as an enemy phase unit BA+Desp is the only way
37 is only to prevent doubles from melee range and activate BA
>let one ally take most of your HP in dmg
>sacrifice into 10 HP or something
>suddenly doubling literally everything
Also she's a point monster, even has infantry BST.
Desperation+Brash Assault guarantees that you go first and double anything that can counter, no matter the speed. This is a nice combo for slow units. This build is fucking retarded for Micaiah and would work better on something like a blade mage
Sothe is the only one in the banner without a decked out skill set and the only new skill he has is Spur Spd/Atk. I hope it’s him, if anyone gets demoted at all, I don’t want to promote a Hana for LaD ever again
>Implying the Spur skill won't be the one available at 4*
So how big is 5* exclusive pool now?