/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

Next update confirmed;
"Doomsyear Heist: Custom Classics".

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When's the last time you pissed off a shitter, GTAG?

Post characters

مورنين نيجرز

should the game be open when I disable other players from joining?

>tfw made the top 5 shitter list


me in the back

A guy reported me because I "didn't appear on the minimap"
I was using my Akula, in stealth mode. This guy was level 180 and accused me of cheating in the game chat

yesterday when I was jetshitting up a whole lobby and I got orbital cannon'd twice in the span of five minutes

I'm not in gtag though, and I lost all aircraft credibility outside of the Akula AFAIK.
I'm now useless in this game.

strike from the sky brothers

>when you kill someone so they follow you around trying to kill you with different shittermobiles but fail every time

Anyone have that flowchart for the i/e profits? Also, the i/e glitch. How do?

basically: get netlimiter
create a rule for gta that blocks the internet (deny)
start a sale and drive to the circle but don't drive in
enable the rule you just created and drive in
wait 4-5 minutes and disable it
watch 1.3-1.7m drip in, you can source the car back in the meantime

Doomsyear Heist: Custom Classics brings about a whole new level of superficial content for those delicious goycard sales.

>FK-69 Megazord
>A giant mecha skeleton that's fully customizable and can be fitted with little armor for enhanced agility at the expense of durability, or loads of armor for vice versa.
>$20,000,000 base price, $18,500,000 Trade Price after finishing all 9 acts

>20 bodysuits ripped off from the EVA pilots of Neon Genesis Evangelion
>43 anime cosplay outfits, including Princesses Robot Bubblegum and Shiny Wasabi Kitty
>30 fursuit bases of different animals that can have their colors and patterns customized
>850 new clothing items that are mostly just 80 different skins of the same jacket/mask/t-shirt/whatever
>MKII Weaponry of the following now available: RPG, Grenade Launcher, Minigun, AP Pistol, Micro-SMG, Advanced Rifle.
>New Weaponry: Katana, Sticky Grenade Launcher, One-Shot Finger Guns, Plasma Rifles, 20-inch Dildo Bat, Flamethrower.

Weaponized Vehicles:-

>Pegassi Dittatore
>Lamborghini Urus that can be had stock, but can also be equipped with invisibility armor and 50 ultra-accurate homing rockets and the Stromberg's Machine guns
>$4,300,000 base price, $3,500,000 trade price

>Obey Gespenst
>Zender Vision 3 with the ability to phase through walls for a short period of time and emit electromagnetic currents that disable cars from functioning for a full minute.
>$3,855,000 base price. $3,100,000 trade price.

>Dewbauchee Governor
>Spectre R42 fitted with 100 homing rockets, JATO, and the ability to glide.
>$4,500,000 base price. $3,900,000 trade price.

Regular Vehicles, and they're all fittable with peashooters:-
>BF Marienkäfer: A classic VW Beatle
>Ocelot Aristocrat: 1969 Jaguar E-Type
>Pegassi Ritardato: Lamborghini Halcon Concept
>Emperor Infiltrator: Lexus LC 500
>Benefactor Schafter Classic: 1990 Mercedes 560 SEL

Anyone else wants to add anything to this memelist?

Here you go.

>Pegassi Dittatore
Urus? Sign me the fuck up, I don't care what it does.
>Obey Gespenst
you're a SRW fan, aren't you

Sadly no, it's just a coincidence that my fictional car and that robot share the same name

>robbing store nearest the art center
>random ceo in buzzard blows up cars parked out front
>run out and get into my intact duck-y-death
>he flies low and fires again blowing himself up
>"nice flying :^)"
>stand in a bush while i wait for him to respawn since i dont have any long range weapons
>he drives up and starts spraying an smg
>pistol his face with a single shot
>drive north in my smokey duck-y-death until he gives up


npc tier

It only costs 100k to make your character not look so fucking uncanny

What do you mean? I don't see anything wrong with him.

That's what I like to do, actually. Blending into the NPCs with regular cars and everyday clothing is enjoyable for me.

where will the next gta take place?

>Level 30 niggerboy tries to capture my boat
>He keeps trying to kill me afterward
>repeatedly kill him until he spawns at the airport oval road
>Texts me and says I have to fight him on land or I'm scared
>Go to land
>kill him with various weapons like 27 times
>Decide he's had enough and drive off
>Why you runnin what are you scared of
>Return and kill him 22 more times
>he leaves
>send a smug message
>get the classic "wasn't me playing" excuse

I have a gtaonline blocking rule using ports set up in my firewall that I use for privacy. Would that work, or do I need a different configuration?

Thanks, user!

Vice City, but it won't matter because it'll still be the same memecar garbage we're infested with.


Hopefully Liberty City and some equivalent of Brooklyn. I wanna experience Online in New York City with the latest technology to make it look nice as heck

No idea, to be honest. I just copypasted what Kazzi said

>Blending into the NPCs
im still getting used to kbm controls, is there any way to not drive at full speed like an iranian taxi driver with an overwight male fare in the back?


back in texas/mexico i think its called red dead redemption 2
not sure if we will get autos to run over the horses with this time around

Your budget solution is to use an Xbox or Playstation controller. You can set the options to let you play with controller when driving/flying and with kb/m when on-foot.


Hopefully there's an NPC that resembles you so we can enjoy killing your virtual-self any time it spawns.

yeah i borrowed my brothers controller to complete the flight school although i think ive got flying on kbm worked out now
kinda wish i could cruise a little slowly in my cars though

There's a type of keyboard that has its keys function dynamically like a controller's triggers. I forgot the name of that type of keyboard, maybe some other user here knows.

Sounds like you need to seek therapy because you may be a danger to society with thoughts like those. Get help before you're thrown in the loony bin



flying on kb/m is superior to flying on controller

perhaps i spent too long flying on oldgen
if i find a cheap joystick i'd love to play some war thunder

His face looks outstandingly strange. That's what I meant

>the puto who drinks his own bloody nose as if it was a kool-aid
>telling anyone else to find help


>no properties north of Los Santos
If I was a fagt who wanted to bug out in the forests this would bother me more so thankfully I'm not.

well the PS2 had pressure sensitive buttons for triggers so its obviously possible
just kinda hoped there was a half speed sneak mode type key for regular driving

What features does Stromberg have that make it good at shitting on shitters?

rip in ban

You're just saying he has a strange face.
Please specify what you mean, I don't see any errors there.

There actually is a keyboard that fits your needs, but like I said, I don't remember the name.

>I have a gtaonline blocking rule using ports set up in my firewall that I use for privacy. Would that work, or do I need a different configuration?
No, the ports only block the game from connecting to other peers, you need to block connection to the transaction server as well. Another firewall rule blocking the executable from accessing the internet entirely should, though.


It can tank explosions while having lock on missiles and machine guns that actually do damage.

>strange face
>I don't see any errors there.
are you an AI?

Seriously, it can take multiple explosive shots before dying, and it holds 30 Ruiner-tier homing missiles. It pretty much hard-counters the Oppressor since it can facetank the Oppressor's missiles while countering with its own.

>Finish mission with random
>Immediately gun him down as he tries to bank his cash
erry time

Shit senpai, I didn't know I had to post to get an invite. I'm 'lemonhands' on PC

Look man, are you just pulling my leg here? Just say you don't know or some shit.

Since you've had yours longer than I did, how can you lock onto anyone? I can lock onto Headhunter targets and police vehicles just fine in my Stromberg, but I can't lock onto player-owned armed vehicles like Deluxos at all. It's the only reason I bought this thing.

I fucking hate people like this.

>Level 80 faggot blows up my poorfag buddy & his PV after he's delivered an I/E car
>Drive over, kill him, pick up my buddy and leave
>"Lol, pussy. Too scared to fight me 1v1"
>Go back, kill him again
>Invites me to a 1v1 deathmatch
>Accept, kill him 9-1
>Leave again
>"Fucking faggot, you wouldn't be so tough without your OP guns"
>I used solely the Carbine rifle, nothing else
>Drive back, knock him down with my car, beat him to death with a hammer
>"Wow, you have to run me over to kill me. Real good"
>Fed up at this point, call in a Buzzard
>Fly to him, kill him a few times with rockets, then finally use the rotors to shred him as a final "Fuck you"
>Leaves the game, but not before saying "You're just a loser, faggot."

What do people get from this? I probably would've let him be after the first couple, but my buddy was egging me on.

Am I the only one who wishes they went gritty instead of goofy with this shit? I mean it's getting a little out of hand, isn't it?

The fun realism of GTA IV is what I crave. GTA V has watered down virtually everything that made GTA IV so fun, meanwhile, GTA Online has permanently steered the franchise towards the same path that Saints Row has headed and regretted.

I’m not no goofy, mane

One of the Stromberg's weaknesses is that its missiles have a very short lock-on range, to balance out its armor, so you have to get right up in their face to do damage. It's a more defense-oriented vehicle, but it doesn't look like one, which is why people love to cry "faggot modder" when they can't kill you in one rocket.
Check out this video if you want to learn more about what makes the Stromberg tick. It's actually pretty informative and doesn't have an onbnoxious HEY GUYS IT'S MRDICKSUCKER HERE voiceover. youtube.com/watch?v=3tAYz0zrtPo

holy shit, it survives four? I thought it only survived three.
Thanks for the video.

Am I the only one who wishes they went gritty instead of goofy with this shit? I mean it's getting a little out of hand, isn't it?

Check your memes at the door, this is a meme free general.

Tried selling my Riata when this happened.
Nice coding, Rockstar.


>Kazzi. has chosen the easy way out

>tfw you help a level 7 chinaman out by grinding fleeca with him and feel bad about all those times you spammed the chat with cao ni ma, taiwan #1 and china eat dog

What should I get for a countach replica, the torero or the stromberg?

You should feel bad. Sperging out in chat like that with generic childish memes is stupid. Good on ya for feeling good about helping

you will get banned for racist chat...

Wait until the chinaman becomes a shitter, installs a mod menu and explodes everyone up. Every chinaman is a potential shitter.

are you retarded? The Torereo is the only Countach replica here.

>IV remade liberty city
>V remade san andreas
considering vice city was already a superior location to both of them, logically it would make zero sense for VI to not take place there

The i/e glitch only works on pc??

is it worth it to buy supplies instead of stealing them for bunker?

which kind of bombs are the best to have on aircraft? I heard the most expensive ones (clusterbombs) were the worst

I remember seeing a webm of how effective the gas bombs are against players, so I say those

Hey /gtag/, have three question about GTAO
what's the fastest vehicle?
what's the most desensive vehicle?
what's the best to keep killing players?

niri is cute! :3

If your bunker is upgraded yes. $75k supplies becomes $210k at sell time for $135k profit.

doubt it

>what's the fastest vehicle?
>what's the most desensive vehicle?
I assume you mean defensive, insurgent
>what's the best to keep killing players?

Ocelot Pariah
HVY Nightshark
>killing players
Hydra, but Rockstar fucked up with the handling of the planes and it feels kinda weird. Still usable.

thank you

>what's the fastest vehicle?
teleporting via mod menu
>what's the most desensive vehicle?
invincibility via mod menu
>what's the best to keep killing players?
im not sure if mod menus have an instakill feature or not so im gonna go with the orbital cannon

clearly you haven't been skidded on enough

i remember a hydra that could shoot me in the subway but i havent been instakilled

you've never had someone spawn explosions on you?

>Ocelot Pariah
Viseris is faster right now

the closest thing to that has been finding stickys on my bagger in the garage :^)

It's legitimately half of the fucking GTA population. Sometimes I shit on people and blow up their bunker/drugs/smugglershit, since it's funny as fuck knowing they just lost money and time and will have to start over again from scratch. They get all personal about it, going out of their way trying to exact revenge for the rest of their time in the lobby. Here's an example from yesterday:

>Blow some guys drug sales to bits with my shitterplane
>Finish the deed and ditch the plane
>3 minutes later
>Driving around
>Suddenly explosions
>Enlarge the map
>Guy whose stuff i blew up is trying to kill me with a Hydra
>Get out of my car
>Pop the Hydra with my Explosive sniper until they die
>Drive to my office garage to get a different car
>Fast forward like 2 minutes, theyre in a Kuruma waiting outside my office
>Get out, pull out FMJ carbine rifle
>Pop them again and drive on my merry way
>They call me a pussy for "running" despite me just minding my own business
>More fruitless revenge attempts.
>Eventually stop what I'm doing and kill them until they leave the server, with a final score of 27-2

It's always some salty sub level 120 faggot with a .60 K/D. I have a fucking 4.59. What the fuck are they trying to prove? Why do they continue coming back for more? Why are GTA players so unable to accept their losses? I genuinely don't get it. I can understand maybe ONE revenge attempt. But like, why come back for more once you fail?

In a straight line, not overall. Not everything is about top speed.

sounds like he got under your skin thus achieved his goal, faggot

>destroying someone's work

>Letting people sell illegal goods

>murdering people in cold blood

has it ever been proven that the npc cars crash into you on purpose