Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, with a fall 2018 PC release.
↳Third PS4 beta with a bonus Nergigante quest announced for 19th-22nd of January, no PS+ required.
↳Elder Dragons + Deviljho:
↳Full 2018 Winter Event Livestream:
↳Moveset Changes:

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Password: rage
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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MHW honts soon! Yay!

Everybody just relax.

Kirin was revealed in a Japanese Trailer.

Note: rage is 7243 on 3DS

waiting is hard

he look a bit bigger than normal

>search /mhg/
>3 fucking threads
stop this shit, seriously. don't image spam this charge


he's always been a fuckhuge horse. it's just more noticeable now

Blonde qt gets all the best art.


fr*ck you

What are you guys doing to pass the time?


sad that all blonde qt irl are slut.



why does her friend bob cut get no love? do japs love the Caucasian look that much more?

watching lots of league and sleeping my life away

Thats a big horse
desu both are cute, but I love ponytails

I will have into coma then. PC never.

Why wouldn't they user? People all over the world love white women.

I'm playing 4U. Just got to the high rank online quests.. it's great, but I'm worried I might not be able to tear myself away when World comes out.

Playing other games

Deviant narga makes me wish I had any ranged weapon and armor set.
Ironically I'm murdering him so I can make his lbg.

I'm trying but every game feels like a substitude

>Ruined CB by making it even stronger than it ever was before?
And completely ruining its playstyle in the process, nobody likes World CB.
>Ruined IG by giving memers aerial gods?
The only viable way to play IG is to spam slam/thrust into tornado slash
>Ruined LS by giving it new abilities that improve the weapon?
The weapon was actually nerfed hard, it lost a ton of its damage multipliers and has to rely on spamming its new moves to keep up.

I thought he was pretty easy with Lance

playing thru 4U, currently at HR caravan

Tundra map and Zim Zam for world!!

Don’t reply to this poster everyone

You got it. What sort of autist doesn't drop their faggotry between thread?

Yes, we must quell all criticism of World at all costs.

Playing other games, no touching a next MH for the next 8 months

Playing Darkest Dungeon

I've picked up 4U to pass the time, practicing with HBG. Tempted to try it in Gen instead but bleh. No one in my circle of hunters likes Gen and hunting alone isn't as much fun for me.

>that shit
>legitimate criticism
Oh I’m laffin

fuck I cringe at this picture

How hard was Shagaru Magala compared to stuff like frenzied Tigrex and Rath? I'm somewhat nervous about fighting him

>don't reply to this guy
>instantly replies to that guy
Y'all're dumbasses.

Yeah man, who cares about gameplay. World is about comfy multiplayer and experiencing a living, breathing world™ together!

Shaggy has almost the exact same moveset as Gore, just starts in assfuck mode instrad of it being a rage mode.

I figured at first it was a different guy, whoops

He's pretty manageable with a shield

Ah, cool. I didn't really have trouble with Gore and my hunter's got a nimble ass, so I should do okay.

I've only been using a glaive up until now so I guess that's an excuse to try lance .

"It's only not okay when Generations does it"

Every weapon doesn't need to be GS or hammer. Why not just pull a tri and axe half the weapons then

UnitedGamer talks way too fast, other good youtubers?

No ProJared or WaifuBeater.

wat if ther are more monsties than on list?

Arekkz is pretty okay.

As long as you're not watching the video

That's a little too optimistic

Why do you give a shit about what's "optimal DPS"? Just do whatever you find fun.

>"Yo whats going on guys? Arrekz here with another Monster Hunter World video."
burned into my mind at that point.

He was like a little pony in MH4.

>Nergigante Gem is rare 8

What the shit

Considering one of the List monsters didn't even have an english name, it is possible that the list was just a WIP thing

So are you just trying to set someone up to shill Arrekz or what? He's worse than WifeBeater by the way, but he's gotten access to more info about World than anyone else as far as I know, so til the game's release he's probably the best source of info.

As for people who actually play the game, they range from bland to varying levels of bad, but there's Herny, OctaneBlue (and his friends), DigDugDak, Flik's Gaming Stuff, CantaPerme, Apex Gaming, Akantorex and Vodgoblin. Of those, the best that plays semicasually and streams or records the games frequently is Octane, and Canta and Akantorex are decent TAers. Herny and DigDugDak have more informative channels (not on World news or weapon mechanics like WB but videos that focus on individual monsters for instance).

i think ver y monsties is a gud thing

I know why the MHW beta run smoothly for me but some anons have a lot of drops now.
I have a shitty tv that lock at 720p lmao.
Just switch to a new TV, let's see how much the fps drop in the 3rd beta.

I just wanted to watch some dudes play MH.

Don't really care for Arrekz desu.

Which new monster from world do you want in Stories 2?

TK and PP

In that case, as long as it's not world or xx content you're looking for, OctaneBlue has hundreds of hours of video from FU, 3U, 4U and Generations plus a few World demo videos. No XX though. Flik's Gaming Stuff is similar but he has a somewhat grating scottish accent and is less knowledgeable about the game but still thinks he's an expert which is obnoxious.

Are you fine with Japanese or Voiceroid stuff?
Personally i would recommended Yoshinama or Kanikama.

Corpse dragon

Never fought a high level one? High difficulty Kirins are always fuckhuge to the point where only a SA overheard can reliably reach for the horn.
Admittedly, the one in that commercial seems to be a whole foot bigger than the largest I saw before. Capcom certainly wants Kirin to be a serious fight now.

Great Girros is my favourite new monster design so that one. Shame it would probably be a ludroth situation where a cool earlyish monster isn't very good to start with and has some deliberate flaw built in to keep you from using it longterm.

Since I am one of the few PCfags that will be waiting for at least 9 months, I am glad that Dark Souls is getting a remaster, it will make the wait for World more bearable.

Dark Souls 1 is shit.

Wait, it is? I don't really think it's a game that needs one, that's kinda scummy unless they're fixing the problems with the PC port as well. It was one of those games with great graphics (ie it looked great and the graphics benefited the gameplay) despite not being incredible from a technical perspective.

Reminder that the demo Nergigante is high rank.

Maybe they increase Kirin general size this time?

Basically Gore with random explosions all over the place.

It's probably more for the consoles than it is the PC. Now there will be a PS4, XBO, and Switch version of Dark Souls.

That's what I'm implying since World doesnt have G-rank. That's very likely to be the new default Kirin size.

Say that to my face bitch.

It's assumed they're fixing the more egregious issues with the original, maybe reworking areas that were visibly rushed during development.

>tfw you will be chasing Kirin across the map in MHW

Just make it a fucking giraffe like it's name, capcom

Dark Souls 1 is shit.

Dark Soul 3 is better desumo

Well, considering that the game isn't the youngest anymore and compared to DS3 or Bloodborne it kinda lacks graphically, remaster is a nice thing. And since it comes out on PC at the same date as consoles, there is a big chance that it won't perform like shit as the port did.

This by unironically.

They supposedly said they aren't going to make changes to areas and rushed parts of the game, but they will be fixing bugs.

I’m gonna fuck your face kid. You’re fucking DEAD!

I like long hair and ponytails are cute


Did that mother fucker just hit ALL 4 of them? Wtf devs, fix your shitty hitbox reeeee

Quick survey time

>Favorite new monster in World?
>Least Favorite new monster in World?
>Favorite returning monster in World
>Least Favorite returning monster in World?
>Hype meter for World?


>Favorite new monster in World?
Odogaron just off of the aesthetic. Looks like a real aggressive piece of shit. His armor looks nice, too.
>Least Favorite new monster in World?
Radobaan. It's just a fucking Uragaan.
>Favorite returning monster in World
>Least Favorite returning monster in World?
>Hype meter for World?
Fairly high

>Favorite new monster in World?
>Least Favorite new monster in World?
>Favorite returning monster in World
I'm not really excited about returning monsters, but I guess Diablos?
>Least Favorite returning monster in World?
most of them, Uragaan the most
>Hype meter for World?
fucking 10000 out of 10

Great Girros
Tzi-Tzi Ya Ku
Kushala Daora
0 out of 10, I am a perfect unhypable being.

>zombie dragon
>Great Jagras
>Kushala Daora
>7/10, 9 months is a long wait, but am excited to see, what Xeno'Jiiva and Bazelgeuse are about, from people who will play it on consoles.

>nobody likes World CB


Go away devs
>>Favorite new monster in World?
>>Least Favorite new monster in World?
Dodogama, stop being reskin monster jesus christ, it's your major installment
>>Favorite returning monster in World
>>Least Favorite returning monster in World?
>>Hype meter for World?

wow, that is a lot, of commas, my dude.

Giant Kirin when?

>nobody likes World CB
Reddit would like a word with you