/xgg/ - Xenogames General #83

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========== Xenoblade Chronicles 2 ==========
>XBC2 General Spoiler-Free FAQ. Please read it if it is your first XBC game or if you barely started it

>XBC2 Advanced FAQ (Tips, Combat, Quests, Misc, early/mid game and late game separated)

>XBC2 Blade combo elemental charts

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>XBC2 Fanworks

========== Xenoblade Chronicles X ==========
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Old thread

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>New thread before bump limit and pg10
RIP OP. At least you'll have a vacation from here.

What it says on the box?

Anything works as long as you build cohesively and have decent driver combo and element spreads
You can get all the overdrives you want, go smash farm legendary cores, use boosters on whoever has the highest ideas. Pouch item the 4 crown's trust then merc it up while you get more cores then save and release/reload until it spits up an overdrive to build whatever you want

Not so hard that you can't do it but all the mining is quite boring

you can see more Agate screaming at bugs


stop this, nia is pure

How do you even redeem this guy?

Anyone engaging him has the Justice Idea boosted to 10.

Waytree landmark won't trigger, am I fucked?


Give special III a decent mod or Help

What is Pyra doing with Rex?

>more block
>he doesn't know about zappy loli

Hammers in general are pretty pointless, unless you absolutely need another Topple it's generally better to use 2 katanas on Morag and Zeke has really no reason to use them.

Make all his passives global
Do the same for Azami's low hp one and Perun's low HP one

trading milk for milk

It's time.

I pulled Electra on Nia, I haven't even looked at her. I just figure that if he was closer to poppi in at least survivability it'd help a bit

Electra is pretty much the only good HP tank blade and can reach around 90% block, but MS decided they hate fun so only gave her 1 aux slot.

So this is the finished version of that pic back then. No wonder reverse image search didn't give anything considering that guy twitter is pretty barren.

Weirdly enough, I find the monochromatic version more appealing.


How do you make her make this face?

Court her in a ham way like what Mik was doing all this time.

Is this supposed to be Poppi on the left?

>No, I mean, you're just really good at making fires Pyra, that's all!

No fucking shit, Rex. She's a fire Blade. What the fuck was that even meant to imply?


It's been out for ages m8

>That face on the right

He was already attracted by Pyra and blurted out that "flames pretty because she is too", which is kind of a stretch and embarassing to boot, so he pretty much brushed that to her skills, but Pyra more or less figured out what he meant to say considering her expression and just tagged along with him.

Rex isn't exactly competent when it comes to embarassing stuff. The "cloudy cloud" thing in a later chapter is another proof of that.

Also someone made a nia gallery

Use Perun on a different driver. Godfrey is actually great at staying at low health for Perun's buff provided you don't have a healing blade on the AI. I also allow the third party member to die when I'm going to use Perun's level 3.

Godfrey is on Morag for me but he'd probably better on Zeke just because of his higher HP pool. Zeke's higher offensive stats would be able to take advantage Godfrey's damage bonus as well. I rarely find myself using Mythra anymore just because Perun's attack buffs are so good if you can keep them on most of the fight

In XenoDos, when’s a good time to go around doing all the side quests and farm rare blades? I just finished the 9 hours of cut scenes to start chapter 7.

>Want to start smashing things
>Rex has Topple (Pyra/Mythra), Break (Wulfric) and Smash (Roc)
>Tora has Smash (Poppi QT)
>Nia has Break (Dromarch/Vess) and Launch (Nim)
>So far it feels like the only way I can pull off a full Driver Combo is if I Break and Topple the enemy myself, then hope that Nia either switches to or stays on Nim and has Comet Punch ready

I'm contemplating replacing Steady Drill with Big Boost so I can have a second Topple user, because Rigid Shield and Spinning Cutter are too good to replace. But the thing is, while Steady Drill's situational bonus (Damage to Launched targets) is terrible, the Art itself has a huge base damage of 350 at level 3, compared to Big Boost's 280 at level 3. Not to mention Big Boost has a recharge of 10 at that same level, while Steady Drill's recharge is 8. I also really like hearing Tora say Steady Drill but that's kinda irrelevant here. From what I understand, even though the AI can be dumb at times, it genuinely tries to follow up on both Driver and Blade combos by switching Blades whenever a reaction or special is triggered. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't it prioritize Blade Combos over Driver Combos? At least that's what it feels like, because I've found it significantly harder (although not impossible) to pull off Smash during a Blade Combo. Pic related is the most recent instance. You aren't seeing any element orbs here because I was specifically practicing Driver Combos and trying to learn how I could use Blade Combos to manipulate the party AI in my favor. No pun intended, although I suppose this is what you call a Fusion Combo? I'll admit I'm still in the process of mastering this game's mechanics. I don't know what all the Blade Combos are, and I don't know which Blades should be active at the start of a battle for a more optimal setup. Because right now every battle starts with Pyra/Mythra, Poppi QT and Dromarch. I don't have Poppi's final form yet, does she have Launch? Also, when do I get her?

Did he say that in the Japanese script? Someone said what he said in that line was different.

The way I slam is
Use Morag and Nia, both have breaks and are tanky and healy if you want to smash farm.
Use Pyra/Mythra on rex, something with an axe and Roc
Beta scopes on both Nia and Morag. Overclocking bangle on Rex is plenty for decently fast blade switches. I like it this way because you won't have to rely on the AI to do anything but break for you, the driver combo itself is entirely in your control.

Tora is unable to smash reliably for some reason. The best set-up to driver combo properly is having an Axe and Roc on Rex while letting Nia and Tora handling Break.

Rigid shield isn't really necessary at some point, so drop it. You want Tora to maximize damage and thus aggro, so removing an art while Nia should be able to patch him up all the time is kind of risky once Rex starts being a juggernaut in the midgame.

And no, AI put higher priority on driver combo, but sometimes they fail because they are either too slow or the art is already in CD.
You will notice that sometimes, they will even persistently stick to a certain element because of a driver art.

Just read the advanced FAQ for more info.
And yeah, Poppi final form has launch, but you will only get her around chap8.

I'm not sure what that user meant with that, but the situation was more or less the same (fire is pretty because it was Homura who did it), except the JP adds "I didn't mean anything weird!" after the initial excuse so the jp script slightly implied Rex blurted it out with a different meaning after all.

I've always seen the shield arts as a big meme, are they really worth forgoing the extra damage/utility of another art? I've completed the whole game without using them once.

Nevermind, the english dub also have the "didn't mean like that".
Unless I missed a very subtle word in his excuse, Rex's comment was pretty similar to the english one. Need other user with moonrune knowledge to confirm that.



aaah why is this boss' elemental gauge ticking down so fast, not getting enough time to build up combos

Just putting a video and my understanding as reference.
Timing at 1:16:34

>Homura: きれいー (it's beautiful)
>Rex: ああ、きれいだ。やっぱ、ホムラが起こしてくれた焚き火だからなぁ (yeah, it sure is. As I thought, that's because you did that bonfire)
>Homura: えっ? (huh?)
>Rex: ああっ、いや!その、変な意味じゃなくて!焚き火起こすの上手だったなぁていうか!ええっと (aah, no! Err, I didn't mean anything weird! You are pretty good at making bonfire, something like that! Erm...)
>Homura: 得意技ですから (That's because it is my specialty)

Again, I might have missed something, but that isn't too far from the English script. At least, it is nothing close to the drastic changes in chap7.

>nothing close to the drastic changes in chap7
Changes to what?

Rex speech at the end of chapter 7. Already discussed in a previous thread:



Were there any other bits in the story with drastic changes from the Japanese to English dub that changed the meanings? That you linked seemed pretty important. I don't get why they changed it.

>Xenocuck Soynicles 2''

There are other changes, and I'm pretty certain they tried to make the choice "more legit" for both girls instead of being very onesided in Japanese.

A "tiny" change that is actually quite misleading in Engflish is in chapter 8:

Timing: 6:32
>Hikari: ホムラでも、ヒカリでも、どっちでも好きな方で呼んでいいわよ。(Call it (form) however you like, be it Homura or Hikari).

In English, the script implies it doesn't matter because it refers to the person that is "Mythra". But in Japanese, they consistently consider both girls as different, so Hikari actually says the name doesn't matter because it is still both girls at once.

I'm not surprised if people think Pyra is just a personality because Mythra implies it is still her in English. Which is kind of awkward because the game makes her interact with her as a complete different person for obvious reasons.

>Best method is to have Topple, Launch and Smash on Rex while letting the AI Break

You've got a really good point. I suppose this means I'll have to bench Wulfric at some point then. Tell me, what would be some good Rare Blades to replace Wulfric with that'll still provide elemental synergy with the rest of my party? I assume it MUST be a Greataxe for Rex to gain access to Launch, right? Furthermore, if I were to replace Tora with Morag as my party's tank, what would be some good Rare Blades for her as well? I don't want to change Nia because I find Dromarch, Vess and Nim to be really awesome at what they do. And Rex will always have Pyra/Mythra and Roc for obvious reasons. With this in mind, what options do I have when it comes to altering my team? Maintaining elemental synergy is crucial. And one last thing, which Whipsword Art should I avoid on Morag? My instincts tell me that Radiance doesn't belong out of the four.

Are you sure, Rigid Shield is pretty nice with Poppi Alpha's high block rate. Not to mention the arts recharge can come in handy. Either way, thanks for the input. I'll put Steady Drill back on and see how I do without Rigid Shield.

"Pneuma" isn't an actual person, right?
People saying that Rex is actually in love with Pneuma the whole time doesn't make any sense to me.

>mandatory emo chapter for jrpg protag

oh boy how original

Literally everything is unoriginal at this point.

Actually, no for both.
As repeated several times by Mythra, that form is basically the true form the of Aegis (conduit power), and that form is actually both girls at once.
The milk coffee was a pretty good analogy: even if you call it differently, it is stil coffee and mil you drink at the same time.
In "Pneuma'" case, it is just as if Mythra and Pyra were controlling the body at the same time, hence why her speech pattern is a fused one in the JP dub (Pneuma speech is polite and collected like Pyra, but the mannerisms is rougher/less formal like Mythra)

The choice thing and all the discussions prior the end of the game pretty much implies Rex is only in love with one of them, and choice itself is a bit nonsensical considering the interactions for one compared to the other is way more numerous and intimate.

What was the conversation like between Zeke and Rex on the boat where he said Pyra and Mythra were the same person? I'm sure he was just avoiding the question but I'm still a bit curious how that exchange went down in the Japanese version.

You're saying no game can be original?


Agate and Ursula on Nia would be the best option, alternatively Gorg can work too if you want to keep Nim. Then you should give Morag Theory and Perceval, or Kassandra if you want a hammer.

>prior the end of the game
What did Zeke say to Rex during that part where their combined form was talking to Rex from across the bridge? Was it still something something she's the girl you love?

Reduce blade combo debuff


Also I'd personally use Floren and Kora instead because I fucking despise Vess but that's just a matter of preference.

The Japanese version is actually slightly more subtle when it comes to Rex's answer

Timing: 47:15

>Zeke: ボン、ホムラとヒカリ、どっち好きや?(Chum. Between Homura and Hikari, which girl do you love?)
>Rex: ジーク? な-何だよいきなり。好きでも何も、二人で一人なんだから分けて考えたことなんてないよ。(Zeke? W-what's up all of a sudden? Both of them are one person, so I didn't think about something like love or anything like that)

While Rex is sort of saying the same thing in Japanese, he actually put the facts and not how he felt (the 二人で一人なんだか implies he plainly tell Zeke the fact). That difference is pretty subtle because in JP, Rex is using that fact as an excuse, yet clearly can see the difference between both girls by being more precuse than Zeke in his description about Homura. Because of this, Rex's POV isn't really contradictory, but you can tell he isn't comfortable, and that explains how Shinono delivered that line.

It is still the same, more or less.
Zeke pretty much says it is the feelings of the girl he fell for, so he gotta accept them (as in, accept she want to protect everyone).

>All these Blades I don't fully understand yet

I think I've seen Theory before, during a cutscene. I'm guessing I have a quest to unlock her? She was with some other blade and they were apparently hunting core crystals. I hope vaguely talking about Blades doesn't count as spoilers. Also, is Perceval even good? I recall hearing you guys say he was shit a few times in the past, I was just lurking at that time. Kassandra is someone I want though, don't I need to do an affinity quest with her to unlock the deeds to one of Gormott's shops? I don't know anything about Agate, Ursula or Gorg. How do I unlock these blades? I've learned by now that not all blades come from crystals, some involve quests. Also, I assume Agate, Ursula and Gorg are healers while Theory and Kassandra are tanks, correct?

Also, I'd really like to know about good Launch blades for Rex (With Rex being my party's damage dealer) if you have such information. Thank you for your time user

Every story has already been told 1000 times the only way to stand out today is to tell it well.

So what was Rex saying to Pyra during that part in chapter seven in the exchange you posted before? That it doesn't matter of he needs Pyra or not, just that he wants her by his side as he's going to Elysium? Was he really just talking to Pyra alone in the Jap dub?

>Agate, Gorg
Axe users that come from random cores and they're what you're meant to use if you want Launch on Rex (Pandoria is also an option if you don't mind cucking Zeke).
Fists user who also comes from random cores and has a fucking tedious affinity quest.
Not too hot but you don't have much option if you want all eight elements and wanna use Morag.
Hammer user whose core is dropped by a monster which is randomly found while salvaging in the spot south of Chansagh wastes.
You need to half-fill Praxis' affinity chart then complete a quest triggered somewhere in Fonsa Myma. She's a katana user.

I hope DLC adds a Darkness Axe.

I see enemies have elemental weakness icon near their names. If I choose a blade with that element, will all of its attacks (physical/ether) be considered of that element and thus more effective?

The Japanese dub pretty much put a huge emphasis on how much Rex want to simply go to Elysium with "her", then reminds her their promise.
At that point of time, it is quite obvious Rex is talking to Homura/Pyra because of the promise, but also because how he mentioned her when he said they will get her back (both in English and Japanese make Rex saying that to the team).

It has to be noted that even the "join me" moment was a bit altered: not even once Rex mentioned any girl's name, and he was still talking with the singular you pronoun. Because of this, he was plainly beckoning one of them.

From my perspective, the whole speech was definitely reflecting Rex's feelings, but it isn't like he doesn't care about Hikari/Mythra considering what he said before the rescue (in JP, he mentions both are hurt when he fight, whereas for some reason, english only mentions Pyra) and the Aion scene. But considering how he strongly felt right there, only Homura/Pyra popped in his mind.

>January DLC

I hope we get more fire blades and more light blades.
Also an Earth Tank, because why the fuck don't we already have one.

Please no fire blades. At best a fire healer, but anything else will be useless

Fire blades are kinda pointless with Pyra and Brighid existing. A fire healer wouldn't be that bad though even if I'd rather have a Dark one.

Well, from NG+, we're probably getting a fire physical focused attacker, an earth tank, a wind tank, and an elec healer(?)

I don't enjoy the quests one bit in this game. Half the time is walking around the map with the utter abortion of the waypoint marker pointing in the direction of brick walls while the other half is switching around common blades so you can pass the annoying field checks that keeps popping up.

I see. Really feels a bit shitty how the localization messed up all the lines especially when they change who Rex was even talking to. I just wish Mythra would have had a bit more development if they want me to believe Rex would have a chance of loving her over Pyra when the choice popped up.

Do I get it right that Japanese text pretty much establishes Pyra as the Rex true love while localization went for liberties detracting from that?


Honestly, I think it was never meant to be a proper choice to begin with, especially if you consider that line by Takahashi in the production note.

>Takahashi: He's just a normal kid that you might find anywhere. Of course, he's not in the military either, so he won't be leading armies or fighting courageously against legions. His reasons for fighting are very personal, and it’s because he’s fighting for a single girl (and their friends). There are limits to what one boy can do even if he acquires supernatural abilities. But if a boy were to race to his limits for the sake of a single girl, what kind of future would await them? And even if I can fight for myself (to some degree), can I fight for someone else?

So to me, Takahashi created XB2 plot as the journey of Rex and Homura/Pyra along with their friends, but due to the duality of the aegis, they put that choice as a safety measure for those who prefer Hikari/Mythra.

But then again, not only Rex didn't really have enough interactions with her, but the latter's feelings are extremely vague contrary to Homura/Pyra.

The game felt personally more logical and self contained if you ignore the choice feature.

That's pretty much how it goes in Japanese.

So Agate and Gorg are the ONLY Blades that can grant Launch to Rex? Also, sorry for asking so many questions but could you tell me what the roles of all these blades are? Also, is Kassandra the alternative to Perceval?

>You need to half-fill Praxis' affinity chart then complete a quest triggered somewhere in Fonsa Myma. She's a katana user.

Wait, I have to work on a Blade's affinity to unlock another Blade? This is getting confusing. Who's Praxis worth giving to then, so I don't waste her once I unlock her?


Rex only has launch on Greataxe so any greataxe blade on Rex will give him launch.

Kasandra and Perceval are very different because one is an HP tank and the other is an Agi tank.

Praxis goes best on the 5th party member

All weapons of the same type will have the same driver arts. Agate and Gorg are just both axes. Rex has Launch on axes.
All weapons of a given type have the same role. Axes, Lances, and Ether cannons are atk, Katanas and Hammers are tnk, Fists, rings, and bitballs are all hlr.
Perceval is a katana.
Theory is the only blade like that, because her and praxis are closely related.

No, any axe user can, but an earth or water axe is the best choice since that way Rex can put 3 orbs on an enemy while also being able to do 3/4ths of a Driver combo by himself.

Rex is granted launch by axes and Pandoria. Both are ATK blades.

Kassandra and Perceval are both Darkness Tanks and are thus meant to be an alternative to each other, with Kassandra granting more variety but Perceval being more optimal.

>because he’s fighting for a single girl
Didn't Rex say something in chapter eight how he's fighting for both Pyra and Mythra?



The fucking English version establishes that already without the script changes in chapter seven. How anyone could think Mythra is a potential love interest for Rex after the scenes in Fonsett and Pyra sacrificing herself to make sure Jin won't hurt Rex is honestly beyond me. She's literally made to be the canon heroine.
It doesn't really help when the trailers default to Pyra's name being Rex's choice during chapter eight and Pneuma's name default to Pyra before the choice even happens.

>would be the perfect girl
>lol boy
I cannot put to words how much I hate Japan.

It's bgeen a while, isn't that tora's dad's maidbot?

I am not willing to play this game with dub. But this way I end up having a lot of unsubbed banter/reactions. Am I missing much in terms of story? I kinda get what they say in general tho.

He sure does. But deep down, it is very likely he does that out of love for 1 girl, and the rest are pretty much "everyone else" because friendship and stuff.

Maybe you're just gay.

Dunno I believe Floren works better as female too.

If you have 0 japanese knowledge, the banters might be a bit hard to get, but they aren't really difficult to catch, so if you have a general grasp of the language, it should be fine.

It is a bit more tedious when it comes to characters with thick accents, but there aren't really a lot of that.
Everything else is subbed which is fairly more important anyway.

What bugs me about the subbed game is that the shit follows the english script anyway.

>5th party member

You mean Zeke, right? Praxis goes to Zeke?

>Kasandra and Perceval are very different because one is an HP tank and the other is an Agi tank.

Tell me more about that, honestly. I've noticed that Brighid is a dodge tank, is that true? I don't really know what accessories are best on a dodge tank, maybe we can discuss more of that later.

>Everything you just said

Oh, I think I'm starting to get it now. So all I gotta do is pop cores until I can get Agate or Gorg on Rex, because they come from RNG right?

>Kassandra and Perceval are both Darkness Tanks and are thus meant to be an alternative to each other, with Kassandra granting more variety but Perceval being more optimal.

I'll try to get both of em for Morag, just for flexibility's sake.