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EE is a cunt

>Replacing some shitty t3 chink player with a t1 NA bull
You'd do the same if you were EE

>cap tearing into fnatic's bullshit press release about kicking ohaiyo

What if S&Y + Echo Saber combined into Dual Echoes?
Same stats as the 2 items but it applies a skadi tier slow for 2 seconds on double hit.

no anime


Carry io. A taste of Australia


EE is 10 times the player Sharteezy is on top of being a captain and drafter

Fnatic will obliterate nu-EG

10th for Sing Sing. I love watching the Sing Sing stream every day on Twitch!!!

You cannot post here if you're from a dead region like NA.

maybe EE always forces himself to be the captain in his teams so that he's the one blaming and kicking people instead of being kicked, maybe being kicked from no tidehunter really hurt him deeply

Fnatic will win TI8

*without EE

First for good behavior

So... when universe leave fnatic in a couple on months, where will he go? He doesnt have the EGsafe anymore.

Why are you all still wasting your time and your lives posting in these threads and playing / watching this shit game?
Isn't it time you moved on?

Honest questions here.

EE captaining is the reason Fnatic is #1 SEA

Nowhere, he'll stay for a while because he'll play in basically every tournament and do alright on Fnatic. If the team isn't looking strong going into TI he'll go somewhere else for it and do poorly but he'll probably play TI on Fnatic

I dont have a where to move on except death itself.

waiting for artifact

Maybe if mineski weren't around.

>best SEA team
>only 2 SEA players

how do we stop this seabros ?

fnatic wouldnt even be going to lans if mineski wasnt invited to every lan already you cucks

waste is subjective

Keep improving until you reach 0 SEA players.

Fnatic trashed mineski the last series they played, mushit will get btfo come the major

>people unironically replying to the oldest bait by the oldest retard in d2g history

It's not bait if it feels real

objectively wrong

>oldest bait
i dont think so bub

So uh.. I've been training one of my friends who recently got into dota and we've been playing a lot of pub since I'm not sure if he's ready for ranked yet.
Anyways: Clinkz and fucking Windrunner, why Volvo?

in scrims they are

Stop posting EE

I don't get what you're complaining.

jerax intentionally feeding

PD heavily outdrafted OG, if they lose this they have to disband

do we suddenly hate Universe or something?

I mean my pubtard friend keeps getting BTFO'd by other pubtrards who exclusively pick clinkz and windrunner.
The thing is, I seriously don't get clinkz and windrunner in pub, russian children just can't compete so we just keep getting dragged with them and we loose every fucking game.

no he's just washed up

I dont know what youre talking about, Windrunner is fucking useless without a ton of farm she cant get, and Clinkz well he is like old Brood win lane lose game

>ever liking a shitskin

he's from Wisconsin, he's whiter than you are

He could just stream and he'll be set for life. But he'd rather play competitively.


where do i read/watch this


Deep enough in the trench Clinkz is unstoppable.

what the fuck was that team fight


Lycan is good against Sven right? With the Necro Purge against his armor

fly is a fucking faggot this draft is ass

he's casting the OG planet dog game right now


Reminder to post 20 pictures of Windrunner every single thread!

Sven can blow him up in the duration of a disable + Sven will have BKB up by the time that happens. Lycan needs a Necrobook + AC + BKB and Svens almost done his BKB.

Hey /d2g/. I'm back from my break. I slept in and got some good rest. Now I'm ready for action. Did I miss anything?

People are still replying to pasta.

why dont people build meteor hammer on Tinker?

missed not being a loser, faggot

s OpieOP

>have to navigate to a jd twitch channel to watch a vod of him trashing fnatic
goddamnit cost benefit analysis

Silly goose, you need to "greater than" signs (or meme arrows) before the number to reply. The @ sign is used on Twitter. Here, let me show you.

This guy thinks you're a loser.

1v1 me nerd you won't id/stary

>notail is bad
when will the gulag stop being wrong every time?

textbook OG just waiting for their opponents to fuck up and capitalizing on every minute misplay

>it's a lycan doesnt buy necrobook episode

>OG in NW advantage
Can we end this already?

This dog player doesnt know how to play the dog hero

what's up with this awful game populated basically entirely with people from shithole countries

>every minute misplay
they're not making a misplay every minute you dumb fuck


Across time and space,

explain tinker dying mid

>he missed the good (White) era of DotA

s4 literally has to take rax alone in this incompetent team

Polface poster go respond to discordies. There's one in the thread right now.

NA barely plays dota, dumb frogposter.

na is too busy letting their women tell them what to do and buying them things

/d2g/, come watch WC3 Human Campaign speedrun with me

>america is white


>wc3 speedrun
only the human and the undead campaign is interesting
why would i want to get them over faster?

uhh... f-for cancer..

If you don't support the speedrun trannies you're a bigot.


cool, thanks, ill watch it

thanks but no

its in german?


OG losing to a meme team

>its an arc warden defends base alone with just his evasion bubble episode
thanks frog, great mechanic. Great that MKB doesnt work on buildings either

Should've picked Viper.

>he pays oppressive rates of taxation to pay for the healthcare and welfare of Muslims

>he can be imprisoned for saying mean things about minorities

me carry

>he isnt the muslim collecting gibs

>be american
>get shot
>go to hospital
>healthcare plan doesnt cover bullet wounds bellow the waistline


stop posting notail his face makes me angry


me too man