AGDQ 2018, Day 6
Current game: Mass Effect
Previous thread:
can this be anime ass general instead?
Please remember not to be an unbearable prick. These streamers, narrators, interviewers, and staff are all working hard to make this cancer chairty event and celebration of video games a success
Is this runner actually good at this game?
yeah I can see all the chairs
using hacked saves again I see
reminder to not feel entertained
check your privilege
what difficulty is he playing on?
Have the textures in ME always looked this shit?
>when they sing
it's on low for performance reasons
remember there were no trannies involved in speedrunning in 2013
In certain scenes yes, the scene with saren throwing a bitchfit always looked bad, but in this scene it's likely just PC version problems and him running on low to save frames
Can someone give the highlights from AGDQ2018 so far?
Missed everything up to now
I just realized that today is the last day of AGDQ.
do bonus streams still exist?
>not using Miranda for the OP
>western shit
>I'm a genetic clone of my father, the additional arm of my X chromosome was created from desirable traits from women.
I bet the mtf wish they could do that shit.
Can someone post the Fuck Off Final Fantasy Guy image please and ty.
bonus streams...
You're entitled if you think you should be entertained, please watch with no emotions, thank you.
The Athena race was really fun because the two dudes racing both hate the game, and it was pretty glitchy.
Ristar was kinda fun, couch saved it, but your enjoyment may vary.
Fire Emblem was cool because of Glitch Fuckery, at least for me.
And which one was the rpg with the insane RNG step manipulation? Dragon Warrior? It had metal slimes and "Command?", that's all I remember.
I miss >de_cough
lol no
they have to extend rent, which means jewama doesnt get paid as much, so theyre dead
I just realized that I didn't watch AGDQ or SGDQ 2017... jesus. AGDQ '16 had them, right?
they died in 2015
>And which one was the rpg with the insane RNG step manipulation? Dragon Warrior?
Yeah, definitely worth watching. Specifically because the guy doing the insane RNG manipulation is able to explain it all perfectly to a casual viewer while doing it
Are there any good speedgames with with anime ass?
>round the clock speedrun stream
>runs all night wednesday
>but oh no we can't just continue into saturday night! That would be too far!
The hotel probably has to begin setting up for another event.
They're not gonna let a bunch of autists play video games while they try and set up tables for a wedding.
How's the Mass Effect Andromeda PC port? I know people shat on it, but it's almost a year later and I want to try it eventually. But I have no PS4/XB1 and my PC is a few years old (laptop too).
It's not worth paying for
Just pirate it and it wont matter if the port is shit
There was at least 1 tranny runner in 2013. Also, pic related.
>tfw waiting 10 minutes for the mako shield to regen to full
it's alright now
would be nice if this was a casting couch
So is Mass Effect that unpopular in United States?
Why empty hall?
hahaha that's hilarious. I bet naegleria could pull off being a cute tranny desu.
weddings are never on a sunday in the US, dont know what shithole country you're from
In the real world you either pass on the product, or bite the bullet and possibly get burned. I treat modern games the same way, but I do pirate ROM-era titles occasionally. Nothing past N64/PS1.
Think it'd work with 6GB of RAM instead of 8?
Reminder that thinking there will ever be a cure for cancer is delusional and that improving early detection technology is objectively the best way to save lives from cancer.
There's not much ass in that. And the only good porn scene is the brown girl getting creampied.
RAMlets, when will they learn
Then enjoy spend $60 on a truly awful game like an idiot I guess.
yeah, I think you're good
>pirate the game
>see if it runs well
>buy it if it does
Wow was that so hard? Companies used to offer demos for this exact reason, it's not your fault they stopped
>saturday morning
>popular normie game
>108k viewers
>CS:GO pulling double that
the absolute state of GDQ lmao
They should do a BOTW 100% run
> download the game via torrent
> get in jail for that
Remember that you speak with first world goys, they pay for everything.
mike needs to rally the troops again
>competitive esport stream pulling more viewers than a niche hobby stream
whoa, shocking.
then I got nothing unless you wanna run some Senran Kagura game :/
Every other time GDQ has been the most viewed stream on twitch. Even beating out competitive LOL.
>Set up new rig with a 160 gig SSD primary and a few terabyte HDDs
>Install 16 gig RAM for testing
>110 gig SSD left over for fast vidya
>double up on ram to 32 gig
>suddenly only 70 gig available
>fucking windows setting 64 gig of page file and hibernation cache on primary disk due to large RAM capacity.
Would you be disgusted to wear that headphones at the last day of the marathon?
yeah but agdq is not meant to be entertaining so its ok
yeah, that's called an anomaly. the fact it's even as big as it is right now defies all logic.
>not having a vpn
*babbling idiot noises*
probably got skidmarks on them
Speedrunning by design can't be entertaining to a wide audience. It's a very niche thing. Even most speedrunners don't find it entertaining to watch most speedruns.
Those aren't bad for a musou type game. But idk how you'd speedrun it unless it has some crazy speedtech. Maybe some older PC games like Rusty.
Origin does refunds. Also is the game still $60? I doubt it. Regardless you can eat shit and enjoy not contributing to the industry.
>pirate game
>it runs like ass due to the bitcoin miner and keylogger packed into the crack
>you play the entire game but never buy it because it's shit
And even if it performs well, you can always use "it wasn't fun" to justify the piracy to yourself. Go ahead and insult me like for having money to spend on a game.
Why do people watch Clintstevens? He looks and acts like a faggot.
>contributing to the industry
Imagine being this deluded
I'll enjoy spending money on things I can't get for fucking free lmao.
How old are you kiddo? Probably still in school. When you're older you'll understand - or maybe not.
not that guy, but pirating software is a fast track to getting your bank and credit card and emails and paypal phished.
you can make a good argument for piracy of music and movies, but piracy of software is just a bad idea.
>Origin does refunds. Also is the game still $60? I doubt it. Regardless you can eat shit and enjoy not contributing to the industry.
>>pirate game
>>it runs like ass due to the bitcoin miner and keylogger packed into the crack
>>you play the entire game but never buy it because it's shit
>And even if it performs well, you can always use "it wasn't fun" to justify the piracy to yourself. Go ahead and insult me like (You) for having money to spend on a game.
I've never been more happy to not be a complete faggot
>pirating software is a fast track to getting your bank and credit card and emails and paypal phished.
being retarded is the fastest way of getting phised
>being retarded is the fastest way of getting phised
Yes, that's effectively what I said.
>getting phised
Is there anyone we can call to come get you?
oh shit, I have this problem, how to fix?
>getting phised
>from pirated software
are you handicapped in some fashion?
You can set the page file on a secondary drive pretty easily although i forget the exact steps. The hiberfile can just be told to fuck off completely, it's not necessary.
t. samefag.
it's obvious what i meant, but sure, keep being a pedant.
you joke but...
even getting ratted, keylogged, or a virus from pirated software takes a special kind of idiot
I remember getting the overheat weapon bug during this boss fight
Fucking infuriating
>even getting ratted, keylogged, or a virus from pirated software takes a special kind of idiot
Not at all.
>even getting ratted, keylogged, or a virus from pirated software takes a special kind of idiot
Yes, the special kind of idiot who would pirate software lmao.
You say that, but if you actually did have shit infecting your system you'd never know. But this is normal human behavior
>bad thing happens to person
>it hasn't happened to you
>"I must be better than him"
That said, that's not my main reason to avoid piracy and I recognize that most games are probably safe. It's certainly not a relevant point for modern ISOs.
Was he over estimate?
>but if you actually did have shit infecting your system you'd never know
You're the kind of person that would find this funny I think
>that screenshot
holy shit user maybe it really is time to stop posting
With Veeky Forums X you can mark any post as (You)
> it runs like ass due to the bitcoin miner and keylogger packed into the crack
case in point
well that's just cheating isnt it
>That nasty guy still didn't take a shower.
what's the point in using 4chanx anyway? what does it offer that the native extension doesnt
Is he trying to make it look like I'm arguing with myself?
Does he even sleep?
>With Veeky Forums X
Doesn't take a genius to do it without it either.
>Playing Highest difficulty for the cheevos
>realize that high explosive ammo triples damage and quadruples kinetic impact but always overheats weapons in one shot.
>put it on the endgame shotgun that overheats in one shot anyways
>give it weapon mods that increase overheat but dramatically increase damage and kinetic impact
>basically a goddamn battering ram that fires once every 3 seconds
>by halfway through the run all enemies can use invulnerability overlapping itself so they can never take damage
>defeat them by using my battering ram to literally push them through the corners of the map geometry
>I can also overlap invulnerability because of adrenaline burst and cooldown time reduction gear
>I can't lose
>my gun has become FUCK
>It's actually faster to get out and run the Mako sections because it's too weak to kill enemies or take bullets
Mass Effect 1 was a really balanced game at the top level.
>being anti-piracy because of "muh viruses"