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Harold Edition

previous dead: Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. Requirements: 1500 total, Membership, at least one week active play)

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Keep this one alive pls gamers

List bosses that are melee friendly oh wait


Is Runescape really dead or is there just no more bots?


although there are fewer bots, they still exist

All of those worlds with 50 something people are bot paradise. One time me and a buddy bet on how many bots we could see talk to brugsen whatever in the GE

>50 bots
>bad by any means
A few years ago, there were more bots than that at every yew tree in the game. And unless you do complete noob content, you never see bots at all.

Yeah but people underestimate just how much of the 07 player base was actually just bots. Is say about half the players on any given server were bots.

not half in any server, just f2p
on member it's more like a 20~30%

On rs3 member servers it's sub 5%. Scrubs just can't tell the difference between alts and bots.

depends on the world
try hopping a bit on turoths in the fremenik cave, some worlds have none, but some have 5+ bots there
same on runedoku, steel drags, grotworms, etc
but like I said, it's not even close to what we had a few years ago

I still think the vast majority of people complaining about bots in rs3 have seen a bunch of alts and are too dense to tell the difference.

Bruh I'm not some new runefag, I know the difference between an alt and a fucking bot. Sure the problem isnt as bad as it was, even more betting in rs3 is way less beneficial to bothers than it used to be.

I'm saying, that worlds with not a lot of people, and a whole bunch of toons all running the exact same route, are fucking bots you wop

yes, 5 alts using granite bodies/dragon plate legs killing turoths in the same world leaving every single drop on the ground

Im mainly talking about rs circa 06-08. Which is where most people think Runescape was its most popular, but in reality it was just overrun with bots

is quiver 4 what the bigbois use at the quiver slot? or if you're maging/meleeing something better exist?

>if you're maging you can have a large rune pouch in the quiver slot but people just keep it in the inventory and still use the quiver for the +4 prayer bonus.

but why are you > ?

Didn't mean to green text

Zamorak is the best.


>could never live up to Zaros
>ends up becoming a pussy (not truly evil)
Yeah, no.

>lost to fucking saradomin in a popularity contest



>jamfelx wants to remove the reaper requirement off of comp because its unfair to retards
>meanwhile trim requires 2500 hours of castle wars
what did they mean by this

u trimmin' bruh?

If you boost castle wars and make good use of spotlights the req can be as little as 450 hours
That's sort of unrealistic though, more like 600.

everyone and their nannies can afk 2500 hours
but not everybody can kill aod

but they're removing cw from trim anyway

no where close but I figured I might as well afk castlewars anytime it's spotlighted and collect gold tickets by being in a FC

>but not everybody can kill aod
just go to a mass

>but they're removing cw from trim anyway
are you sure about this?

If that's true, then all the losers in can leave or actually play the game. It's glorious.

Are you lying?

try massing aoe on 200 ping

they talked about POSSIBLY removing minigames and every kind of requirement from quests/capes, but they're not sure yet
chance is that if they remove reaper, minigames are gone too

This won't stop stop people from AFK'ing minigames for Thaler.

>implying trim hasn't just been the go-to content for afk whores for over half a decade

>they talked about POSSIBLY removing minigames

On the topic of removing minigames, whats your first choice of removal, ignoring Mobilizing Armies?

trouble brewing possibly
or clan wars, that's just scammer territory now

Trouble brewing was good until they added an activity bar. That absolutely killed it.

>the not-purple portals of clan wars
Fixed it for you. Red is redundant with duel arena (and deserted) and everyone is white is such a shameless coward with the fight boarder it was clearly a mistake.

this user knows whats up

Barbarian Assault - leave as it is
Bounty Hunter - rework and merge with Deathmatch
Burthorpe Games Room - they talked about being able to play the games with other people while skilling, sounds decent
Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza - leave I guess
Castle Wars - reduce games to 10 min/make f2p like osrs
Clan Wars - remove white and red portals
Conquest - remove
Deathmatch - rework and merge with Bounty Hunter
Dominion Tower - does this count? leave
Fishing Trawler - rework rewards
Fist of Guthix - rework rewards
Flash Powder Factory - leave
Gnome Restaurant - leave
The Great Orb Project - remove and put rewards into runespan
Heist - never played
Mobilising Armies - remove
Pest Control - leave
Shades of Mort'ton - remove the quest
Shattered Worlds - leave
Shifting Tombs - meh
Soul Wars - rework
Stealing Creation - leave
Temple Trekking and Burgh de Rott Ramble - leave
Trouble Brewing - rework rewards

this is what I think at least
did I forget any?

>Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza - leave I guess
Make getting points as gorilla less cancer.

For Stealing Creation I'd try to find a way to prevent 1 team trapping the other in their base for over half the match.

I'd shorten the "mercy" time limit of Fist of Guthix. You don't need 20 fucking minutes for a 1v1 game.

yeah fist of guthix could see 5 min fights

Is it possible to no food corp?

I have augmented malev and a superior vesta spear

Fist of guthix is top tier for afk thaler though. Anyone who actually plays the game (very few people) ends it in considerably less than 20 minutes.

You're part of the problem. AFK should have no place in minigames. Leave that for skilling.

Don't hate me, hate the fact that they let you buy profound armour through thaler
And furthermore hate the castle wars trim req

we're trying to make minigames better, not more afk

possible, but depends too much on core/damage rng

even with a superior vamp scrim?

Any ETA/new info on the Shapeshifting skill?

yes, it would be 100% impossible without it

Why do people like ugly particles? Particularly on capes.
Shapeshitting is never coming furfag.

Fuck off, I'm not a furry. I probably hate them even more than you do because the things I love for virtuous reasons have been tainted by their sacrilege and now I get called a furfag by people like you whenever I try to talk about it.

>I'm not a furry
that's what a furry would say

>that's what a furry would say
Only a furry would say that.

Just don't die like a faggot

only a furry would know what a furry would say
check mate


which did more damage to the population of runescape - the removal of the wilderness and free trade, or EOC?

eoc by far

Eoc easy and anyone who says eoc was bad needs to check themselves, that update saved the game.

if revolution existed on day one, half the people that left wouldn't have done so

Wilderness changes left the non-cancerous players with the entire rest of the game, EOC changed up everything for everyone and many people couldnt/didn't want to bother adapting.

I think the problem people with that wasn't even the removing of the wilderness, it was more the free trade thing
that affected everybody

>only a furry would know what a furry would say
>that's what a furry would say
Congratulations, you just exposed yourself, furfag.


Impressive paint job, must be hard to do that with big foam paws on, huh furfag?

if I were to edit it, I would do it on inspect element, brainlet

Hello gamers, what's the best way to get chimes from Arc? I've been cooking fish oil while also doing short voyages for taijitu and potentially wobbegong spawns. Is there a faster way?

nice crop nerd
that's a inspect player interface

welp posted the wrong pic my :b:ad gamer

> Get your skills high enough to be able to gather mats for shark soups.
> Make shark soups
> Sell shark soups

Make sure to buy the commodity sell price increase reward too once you get enough chimes.

>I've been cooking fish oil
lies, you need 91 cooking for that


Welp I guess I have a reason to do mining and wc now.

get all reqs and do soups

even out your stats

25k chimes do you buy pet or bonepicker
relly makes u thing

pet obvisously


You also need 92 crafting, 94 farming, and 96 hunter.

there really needs to be a 99+ slayer master that doesnt assign shit tasks

>implying Brovran assigns bad tasks

Last 10 tasks have been nothing but ganos, vyrewatches, and corrupted creatures

literally 2 trash tasks and a decent one

>doing elite clue
>see this champion at kurasks

>comp and he wears luck of dwarfes
what a greedster

Cute OP idea

>tfw you make a bunch of sophanem dungeon tabs for slayer and you end up using them all for clue scrolls

when will I get a soulgazer charm

next time

Reminder that EE is the largest collection of bug abusers, spin2winners and pretentious wannabes in rs history

what if there is no next time?

If you got the lost grove souls, then how hard can soulgazer possibly be?

I got the soul long ago

the charm gives the pet, that's what I want

Oh right. Have you got the edimmu pet?


the only way for there to be no next time is if you stop killing them
do you plan on stopping?