/tf2g/ - Team Fortress 2 General

Last Time: >Smissmas Update:

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf | steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf / teamfortress.tv/33738
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

crap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Skins: p337.info/tfview

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
FACEIT (NA/EU): faceit.com
ESEA (NA): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
OZFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (AS): asiafortress.com
FBTF (SA): teamfortress.com.br/forum/

>List of good Community servers


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i like unusuals.

I don't care about unusuals but I have 5

>tfw no bf


>no whomst'd've'll's

rate my heav


>comparing tf2 to the biggest sport in the world
not even close
play casual, because there is no other option

soccer players kick the ball by themselves when they dont want to play seriously, because they have no other option
tf2 players play casual when they dont want to play seriously, because there is no other option

it wasn't a bad comparison, comp players bullying people in pubs is the same thing


those do not look very good

Those loadouts look like shit


here, hold my beer

>tfw eating cereal out of a mug
Who /deranged/ here

im currently eating peanuts out of a mug :o

>tfw eating
Someone beat the shit out of me




get a safezone
comp players have the right to play pubs aswell, im sure they would stick to comp MM if it wasnt for how fucking worthless and broken it is, besides the cheater problem

Is there a way to figure out the optimal interp/network settings based on ping?
I'm too much of a brainlet when it comes to source console commands. I'm averaging 60 ping and on standard settings I feel like a lot of hitscan weapons aren't hitting when they should be.

When I get stomed I just change the server just get good if you don't want to get stomped lmao

ur just missing

>Literal who ETF2L middy that didnt win a thing in his life
>moved to Asia last year
>gets in a top team after just one season of AsiaFortress
why are asians so trash? their top players are literally Mid skill

they play different games where they can actually make money
esports is bigger there

stock rate and interp ratio are generally good
cl_interp 0
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_updaterate 66
these are the only commands that actually matter.
TF2 by default uses cl_interp 0.1 wich is 100ms
You cant remove interpolation enitrely, but typing cl_interp 0 in console will set it to the minimum possible wich is generally what you want.
Interpolation is like some sort of "added ping" to smooth out network mistakes.

then, cmdrate and updaterate is pretty much the "refresh rate" of your connection to the server. cmdrate is the rate at wich you send updates to the server, and updaterate is the rate at wich you receive udpates from the server.

I'm talking about when you hit a guy, sparks and shit fly off of him, but it does no damage.

>I feel like a lot of hitscan weapons aren't hitting when they should be
lag compensation is enabled by default, but if you want to make sure just put this in console

cl_lagcompensation 1 // Ensure lag compensation is turned on
cl_predictweapons 1 // Ensure weapon firing prediction is turned on

Thanks user, I'll give those a shot and see how it goes

post sneaky french terrorist with a butterfly knife

Holy fuck I hate this community.
The Hightower contract is literally impossible to do, because retards kick you when you push the cart, and nobody on the enemy team pushes theirs.

never trust tracers
in fact, just turn them off
they are literally random and only exist so shitters can reaffirm themselves that they aren't missing when in reality they are, but there's some weird client side server side bullshittery just making it look like you did

here, have two
Hightower should be moved to the CTF category, Rename the category to "undoable objectives" or "TDM"

Fuck off ikes.

Fun fact: I am actually in this picture

>fatass cosplaying as scout
every time

the two girls from the left are fine as fuck if i do say so myself
also cant tell if the yellow pants belong to the sniper in the left or its someone else
liar liar ass on fire


wrong webm 0`0

Why make the matchmaking system have a custom ping limit if it never fucking works? I wouldn't mind playing with 120ms or so ping if I would get shorter queues. I just fucking hate this retarded casual matchmaking really.

>Play with an EU pal
>Get matched into Luxembourg servers every single time no matter what my ping settings are

no it literally isnt at all
top tier soccer teams have much better infastructure than tf2
also people dont just play 1 30 minute game of soccer like they do tf2

>shoots 1 rocket to start jump
>2nd rocket to get over demo
>1 rocket to launch med
>still has 2 rockets

he didn't jump over the demo, they demo shot him

the webm literally loops, just watch it again what the fuck

I like to shoot the feet of my enemies

Why are people so obsessed with whether or not a class takes skill when all it takes is two brain cells to stomp your average Valve pub as any class?

so they can stroke their ego because they are "unique" or "skilled" with what they think is the most fun
so basically retards

>waaaahh stop making fun of me for only playing classes that don't take skill

Reminder that these classes do not take skill:
If you play these classes please consider switching to something that requires two brain cells instead of one.

you forgot to add

the only class in TF2 that takes any skill is demo with only a grenade launcher that doesn't have rollers and stock melee

i agree but i think you can have your moments with both classes.

>not using stock gl
what a retard

stock grenade launcher without rollers retard

it shoots rollers retard. like what the hell

you turn off the rollers retard

are users of Veeky Forums welcome on scrap.tf?

how even.

Has anyone used Idle Master to idle for card drops on Steam?

I have 400 unclaimed cards.


Yeah. Gained $25 whole dollars to pay off my electricity bill.

Pyro new meta is not W+M1, it's W+M1 while shaking our mouse like a spaz

you're arguing semantics

lets make it even simpler for you since your tiny brain doesn't get it

very good player stomping retards is assholish

>Brags every day about how he can effortlessly pubstomp 12 year olds
>UGC Steel joins his match and effortlessly pubstomps him
>Cries about it

ok retard
very good players have no where to play casually except 1 place, where else do you suggest they go to solve this problem?
how simple is that for your retard brain



im a comp player but i also love stomping pubs into the ground
what do you think about me

is it your fault you're better than other players or is it their fault they're worse than you?
it seems like the other retard thinks you should just only play competitive matches or cripple your own skill so you dont overpower fraglets

Do you need a strange or something or does the regular have the counter too?


I could not give a single shit
I'm simply gonna keep forcing them to bite the cement as I stomp on their heads over and over and it's gonna be FUN

Damn, I can't make up my mind if I just want the cosmetic or the point gimmick too
Why must life be so hard

Nice reddit meme!

>23000 damage in a pub
>still lose

have you tried playing the objective instead of just killing

i never had enough rockets to push out

>that face when you get kicked while your getting a cup of coffee

what is an objective

>Not fragging everything on pubs so the fraglets on your team can push the objective
You can't do everything alone, people who can't frag should be the ones capping, while the actually decent players kill everything.

the next best player on my team was 20 and 55 as soldier
i had nothing

>mfw trying to frag and cap at the same time for my team


^ xD upvoted i am so random

thats a nice ass medal

rar xd

zip xd

>he compresses his files

What third cosmetic works with the Coldfront medic?

is there any reason for weapons like the pistol, revolver, and smg to not be perfectly accurate always?

because that would be fucking retarded and broken

that would be too good

only against sentries


he meant kikes


post spray requests

also heres the spray in the webm if you're interested

>looking for open scrims
>get guys
>its a mix of top mid and top high players
>"b-b-but we are offclassing"
god i fucking hate sandbaggers