Fighting Games General /fgg/
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PC NA, right now. Cowards.
>Genuinely excited for BBTAG
>tfw wake up and see half the roster, which is all reused assets, being sold as fucking DLC
who is unga in overwatch?
play nice ningen
APOLOFUCKINGIZE, Jiyuna said it was goober-lite and a shit game, he claimed no anime players will play when he tried it in the closed beta. He was fucking right except everyone doesn't like it
>The absolute state of everyone in these threads right now
Im Johtos finest pokemon master
people don't discuss any game here because it's impossible
this is the fgc shitposting thread of Veeky Forums
the literal /r/kappa of Veeky Forums
>he was fucking right except everyone doesn't like it
If you ignore people who say they like it in an effort to shitpost on Veeky Forums all day.
Daily reminder:
people absolutely discuss games here, you'd know that if you werent some fucking vappa raider.
why are you even here if you think its so bad? fuck off.
>bullies Brick
He best watch his back.
>its easy to execute but theres a lot of hidden depth in the game"
"yea im going to compete in this game"
-imstilldadaddy on DBFZ
marvel cuck spammers BTFO
Literally the ape, Winston
>Press 1 you like DBFZ
>Press 2 if you not
>Yeah I like dis game it's just the dumb dash thing
>I've been having fun today look it's 4 o clock already
>competing in dis for evo next year
I was with him till the last half. People play what they like.
>muh safe space, you just wanna be top 8
Oh fuck off. What a loser. He almost had me. Almost.
Brick no...
>tfw the character you like in overwatch isnt top tier
Luong is gonna be sick in Heroines. Her long ass normals in a magic series game with jump cancels combined with her hangetsuzan is going to be amazing.
Don’t play Weiss
>people absolutely discuss games here
literally lying to yourself unless you think 50 real posts for ever 700 shitposts is normal
Ive never played an anime fighter before
What exactly is the meta of those games? I'm not seeing anything that looks like footsies or trying to bait people into punishable whiffs
off topic.
I don't know about you but I can't wait to hear Blanka's theme in SFV.
>make a game based on MvC, the game with crazy movement and things like fly/unfly
>make it about DBZ, the series where everyone flies
>no flight in DBFZ
this is by far the biggest thing that they got wrong with this game, what were they thinking?
Anyone else experiencing weird input timing in the beta? In the tutorial I can do the quarter circle shit problem but when I play some matches, I have to redo it 2 or 3 times before the move comes out.
Obviously, it's probably the added input lag.
When you fuck off to your own general
why are you here? are you admitting that you were shitposting from the start like pretty much all tekken fucktards who shit up these threads?
He said the same about I2 and MVCI.
(air)dash and (air)mash into knockdown projectile oki 50/50 setplay
>that image
lul saved
its like playing SF with air to airs only, but those also lead to huge damage.
ape is just hold m1 and dodge mercy is next most braindead but shes a healbitch
not like you can without paying up lmao
I'm more concerned about the diffrent yoga pants options she has
cause I've been here for longer than you've been into fighting games you 16er clown and I'll still be here after you get bored of it and fuck off back to your dota threads
sfv has more depth than dbfz, i bet you even hifight will struggle to find dbfz content that is not samey 6 months from now
new tech found this week
etc, etc
and that's before AE
this right here, he'll play it for 1 week then grind AE because the first tournament is always in Europe in February
>tfw the only fighting game related thing you are excited for the future is another 3rd Strike rerelease
The movement in DBFZ is extremely linear and casual to boot. Thats what makes anime/mahvel neutral nice: godlike movement options.
>being such a brainlet you didn't understand the posts you even replied to
I don't know if you could say for sure one way or the other she would even get alternate costumes with pants.
delete this
I swear to god if I follow these links and they are all rashid combos I'll snap
>>The tier list is built by characters who have the best [thing],
>like any game
Not really. Characters in SFV aren't considered good because some characters can throw loop and others can't, so the ones that can are top tier. But characters who can chain grab in Melee already have a leg up and it shows. It's not like some characters have a "bad" KBD in Tekken, but characters with bad wavedashes in Melee are immediately at a disadvantage.
Melee's mechanics elevate the game, to be sure. But it doesn't add depth. It just adds an execution barrier.
how do you charge urien like that?
Was Jiyuna really making fun of Brick specifically or was it just a coincidence
Fishnet stocking?
/ourguy/ is here
>tfw DBFZ's simple nature allows me to play it as a second game next to my main game Tekken when I want to play something thats flashy and fun
Best timeline
Jiyuna is one of us, user
too bad not even the pros will bother with these combos, especially now that capcom went full retard with combo scaling
he knew what he was saying
It was way too specific to be a coincidence and he mentioned /fgg/ multiple times.
He posts here so he knows bricks antics, he probably is one of the guys you see ITT that shit posts brick
Well everyone just about is getting bikinis so that trend may continue or maybe Luong will get some sort of fancy dress or something.
So what's the verdict? Should I cancel my DBFZ pre-order?
Imagine investing your entire FG career into DBFZ a year from now
yes, just kys
Jiyuna and James Chen are the local sniffposters here
Play BBCF instead. The only REAL fighting game.
wait until I try the open beta and then I'll tell you, user
dont listen to these fucking diapers, of course it was a coincidence
Try Skullgirls.
game is mediocre depends how much you paid for it and if you're ready to pay for the goku clones season passes
So at what time does the beta become accessible for non-preorders?
Aris is gonna shit on DBFZ so hard, can't wait for the stream.
>Melee's mechanics elevate the game, to be sure. But it doesn't add depth
he did play i2 on stream often, so whats your point? mvci is just dead so theres no reason to play it anymore.
>sfa3 will be fun for one week before it goes back to v-ism cody hop kick spam and annoying setups
I know Jiyuna comes here but what's up with people calling James Chen a sniffposter
nemo's a god
t. jiyuna
play the beta before canceling. Make your own opinion.
He's the Cammy poster.
Ash for SNK heroines when?
Exactly the "argument" I expected from a smash diaper
I do not own a console
Should I cancel my DBFZ preorder now or wait for release date then cancel?
>Character has two proximity block animations
Based 18 roasting ISSD
wait for the open beta but the game is shit
>already have a leg up and it shows
only against fox because he's a fast-faller
on steam you have 2 weeks after release to refund if you don't play it for over 2 hours
Is she a heroine though?
>there's no reason to play a game if it's dead
why are you even in this genre at all
Your argument is shit. How is more movement options not adding depth to the game? Knowing all the little tricks of melee allows your character to do so much more
Close enough.