Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Kolin is cute


Yo i need to make as much fight money as possible in street fighter 5 (buy all the characters ect...), how do i burn crapcum and redeem myself from being cucked by preordering this fucking game?

>DBFZ exposing me as a fraud before the match even begins
At least it's just the beta

play blade strangers!


any non-wh*te trips here

won't be long til i see you baby

cant stop jacking off to anime girls bros...

Nights is called Nights for a reason.

Only 13 days bros...


friendly reminder that the 'sony-tax' meme is non existential because only a brainlet isn't using the unlimited free PSN trials Sony themselves give out.


>i need training mode for this game bc its too simple

Brick is a spaghetti nigger

So what is the optimal button scheme for DBFZ?

I tried: L M H
SP A1 A2

But it doesn't work for me as well as i thought it would.

What’s the sony tax?

that v-skill leap looks dumb

give me ae right now

>get home from errands
>learn that half of BBCTAB roster is DLC
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i wasnt planning on buying the game anytime soon but im not buying that piece of shit ever

PSN puts you at a way higher risk of getting matched with some wifi using retard and will always have worse input lag because you can't turn off stuff like vsync

consoles make way more sense for tournaments, but for online unless you're a weekend warrior who legitimately wants to play endless bronze shitters using online gimmicks instead of actual good players PC is better even before them expecting to charge you to use your own internet being the default you have to sneak past

>Lijoe says he likes doobz now
>ISDD says he likes doobz now
>Max likes it even if he likes mvci more
>Punk still getting exposed and ran from evo japan
>Marn arrested for animal abuse

not as much as your mom when I make her climax

Don't you have to register a new account every time though?

>playing kusoge at your wedding


Yet he hates black people

he's talking about free PSN, so probably paying for online

paying for online, despite unlimited free psn trials

this girl looks awful young

Kinda scared that the v-trigger damage nerf will affect menat too much

Or else?

Leona is prime for breeding

Just like 90% of sadpanda's front page.

Why are you still playing that garbage game

Learn how too use pixiv broski

The majority of /fgg/ is hispanic and black. You don't belong here, gringo.

How do you do the unlimited psn trials? I tried making a new account and it wouldn't let me use a free trial

God damn CHADESS

>you can't turn off stuff like vsync

You know most fighters are designed with that on user?

>PSN puts you at a way higher risk of getting matched with some wifi using retard

And PC you have risk of other people using ass PC's, hardware issues, and other stuff as well as alt tabbers.

>but for online unless you're a weekend warrior who legitimately wants to play endless bronze shitters using online gimmicks instead of actual good players PC is better even before them expecting to charge you to use your own internet being the default you have to sneak past

the sub is not that much money a all if you have a job.

all those girls and not a single attractive one

i cant believe im actually interested in this game for the waifus. i hope the gameplay is fun and it has online ranking

The netcode has been pretty good so far, I'm guessing it is an improvement on xrd cause it is basically a bit better than that was on pc. Which also means pc should be even better. Sounds like xbone will be fucked though

I just want training room for my boy though

Who cares, she sucks shit just like the color of her ugly skin pidgeon ass face, skinny nosed hoe. Fuck you nerd.



Um excuse me she is actually half dragon so she's 500 years old despite looking like a kindergartner, I'm not some kind of sick pedophile.

>implying you wouldnt let mauritus play with your urethra

come on bruh

yup, the fact that the netcode is working flawlessly and no ones complaining about it is a really good sign.


No wonder you're still a virgin.

only the egypt girl looks somewhat cute and that's only because she doesn't have a brick tier hairline like every other girl in that photo

>Marn arrested for animal abuse

I’m still having the game crash randomly every couple games

another year of carrying the fgc
new v-trigger 2 video

What button layout are people using? Im LMH on top, S A1 A2 (assists 1 and 2) on bottom. Put sparkling on top right corner.

different issue from netcode. thats the servers being stress tested,


I wish that they had given SSB Vegeta the new form he's gonna get in today's episode. It would've been cool to have something that new in the game.

It’s ok, dbfz will share the weight with you

im already bored of dbfz desu

he boils rats, hasn't been arrested for it or anything else yet though

This but unironically

So now that dbfz is a confirmed blunder, what game will vappas cling to now?


>literal labor of love by devs who give a shit
>they always manage to include things fan ask for
>best training mode to date and all resources (hitboxes, framedata, etc) are available in game
>great netcode
>almost nobody playing
>most people in the FGC talk shit about it

the FGC doesn't deserve Killer Instinct



Same, but mainly because I don't know what fuck I'm doing half the time since there's no practice mode.

When's Evo Japan?

Don’t play Weiss

How many hours until non-preorderfags get to play?


>western fighting game

so now that user stayed up all night posting this, what will he come up with now?


Daily reminder that if you oppose the sniff meme you are not a part of the FGC.

Don't watch this if you're allergic to hype plays.

>I have a job so I can AFFORD to pay a company to use my own internet that I also pay for

>tfw my platform got shit on
>end up watching it on twitch
>lose interest and stop caring
>barely even day 1

Yeah, I'm not buying this shit honestly.

like -12 hours

>most people in the FGC talk shit about it

Notable people don't really. Sajam has good point on KI

Dear Alex players

Beat it Sajam

this but unironically

Makes sense, bunch of apes in make-up wishing they were white. I'd rather drink double puke.

The SNK heroine fighter is probably gonna face the same fate.

>XB1 exclusive for who knows how long
>then W10 store exclusive
Someone at Microsoft had it in for KI.

Wait is Vegeta getting ultra instinct too?

>out of all those girls


popular FG list
Melee > SFV > KI > DBFZ > Injustice > shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MvCI

So who here ISN’T bored of dragon ball yet?

I'm new to /fgg/, do we discuss Melee normally here? Because on /v/ they make fun of you if you even say Melee is a fighting game.

No he's getting his own thing. Some sort of true super saiyan blue, and Goku's thing is kaioken.


What if I'm paying for the IGC and online is an added bonus???

Cancerous ass alex players thinking anyone gives a single iota of fuck about their lame character.
>guys alex dood alex haahha did I mention alex..why nobody talking about alex let me tell you about this one time played ale-

Holy shit fuck off an die you scum. Why are the players of this shit sucking character so annoying.