/civ4xg/ Endless, Stellaris, Civilization, and 4X

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please respond


I'm new to these threads, but I been playing stellaris for a bit, why is it in development hell? Game feels finished to me.

If it was finished why is it being completely overhauled in 2.0, like an early access game?

They're memeing

>Game feels finished to me.
Stellaris right now is in Alpha state and for every basic feature you have to pay monies. 2.0 is them finally figuring out the basics.

Though I don't understand how developers of HoI, Viki, EU and CK let doomstaking path through

Been replaying Stellaris.
I wish Aurora was this smooth and easy to play.
Or that Stellaris had Aurora's depth. Whichever is easier to do.

As somebody who's played in half a dozen games that were in alpha, no. Late beta maybe, but the AI has too much depth to be considered in alpha.

I'm not saying the AI is stellar, but alpha AI is usually incredibly bare bones, and theres not that many placeholder graphics.

A diplomacy system that is more than just Make War is evidence enough.

It's better to wait a while, we still have some time after bump limit and it's not like someone accidentally stumbles upon this general.

Replaying War for the Overworld.
I really want to like that game, but the gameplay is just too flawed for me.


>tfw your jail gets full and you have to micromanage prisoners
why couldn't they just have completely copied dk prison mechanics?

what's wrong with it?
btw, are there any spider (demons) in there? you should know such things

Kill yourself avatarfag

Because DK is actually fun. WftO tries too hard to have original monsters.

There were spiders in Dungeon Keeper 1, as well as giant flies and giant beetles. They were removed in the sequel, through a patch added the drider.
WtfO doesn't have any giant insect or spiders, but it has an insectoid-like monster.


Dungeons 2 and 3 have spider demons (along with dumb, chaotic evil spiders), though it's not quite the same as DK

Haven't really played these. I vaguely remember playing a game in which you're an uber-super-demon summoned by a teenager trying to get revenge on his bullies, and another where you basically try to lure adventurer in to kill them and get their aglaophotis or whatever it was called by torturing them.
They were both very meh.

I love Horatio.

are you the same spider poster from /dfg/?

A u r o r a

Nope. I did try Dwarf Fortress, but I lost almost instantly because I accidentally pierced a lake. My dwarves were killed by carps.

So no.



the fuck you talking about
Dungeons 2 and 3 is about conquering shit, not teen drama

And now you know why we're all waiting for Aurora C#.

trial and error is a good learning tool
the unofficial catchphrase of DF is "Losing is Fun" after all

I never said it was Dungeons. I just remember a few games that were all meh. WftO is the only one coming close to Dungeon Keeper.
And while it has good ideas (like the Beast Lair who let you to have more units than allowed, at the cost of them being cannon fodder), WtfO tries too hard to be original.
It doesn't have giant spiders, it has skargs. It doesn't have gbolins, it has gnarlings.

And also, the game is made to give the defendant an advantage, so in most games, it's a war of attrition, with the loser being decided the moment the big creatures start dying. That might be different online, but I haven't found any replay.


I know, but I was laughing so much that I decided to never play it again. Since I had a story to tell.
And also, that drawing looks like the kind of stuff I was drawing in school. I like.

thats not how physics work

Dude, what? It's obviously finished.

that's how Dwarf Fortress works though

Why are sectional plans so enjoyable?

And while I'm talking of WftO.
>While they are not formidable fighters their spells have a way of increasing the pain of their foes and healing their allies – making them a strong supporting caster in an army of any composition. After enough training the Cultist may offer him or herself up in a ritual to become a Blood Mage, a zealot of fearsome strength who we shall discuss at a point in the near future.

It hasn't happened yet, did it?




Relax, you wusses.
It's just a game - we're not harvesting baby mermaids for their bones, again here, fer chrissake.

If only the faction quests had ending cinematics to wrap up the story and the ai was a bit more competent at late game army loadouts it would have been a near perfect 4x game.

I can suspend disbelief when the creator makes it clear to his audience through his creation that he knows how physics works and explains the violation of physics with some made up phenomena or mechanism. I will never not be fine with the author blatantly not knowing how the real world works and you can't make me.

I mean, FTL travel, Hypermemes, and the Shroud are all things that are practically, technically and literally impossible, so what exactly do you mean by that?

so will stellaris be good once cherryh hits?

>the Shroud isn't real
Fucking Materialists i swear

Because it's science fiction and very clearly an addition made on to our understanding of how the world works, not a blatant misunderstanding of how the world works.

Define "good".

you soooo very much DON'T want realistic distances in space

Yeah I got that, but what exactly do you have a trouble with in that particular mod/Real Space in general?

not really but i already bought it so eh

>FTL is literally impossible
Now that's a stretch.

We have don't understand how a simple bike works, it'd be arrogant for anybody to claim that FTL is impossible.

Are you by chance an atheist?

what? bikes are obvious
you've got the constant movement of the wheels making it go in one direction, so it overrides the forces that would normally cause it to fall over

No, but I'm still pissed about the FTL changes, so probably shouldn't take my word for it.

>this post was removed
mods are fags

>We have don't understand

Depends on how the fleet and FTL changes will work out
Doomstacking killed is a welcome change though

>FTL is literally impossible
Now that's a stretch.

We still don't understand how a simple bike works, it'd be arrogant for anybody to claim that FTL is impossible.

I've been playing civilization for years (mostly four) and I'm thinking of moving up a bolder 4x. What's a good baby step for someone like me? How's stellaris to learn?

No, FTL is practically impossible because we don't know of the existance of the teorethical materials that would allow us to make it a possibility.

>That Tide Goes In Tide Goes Out level of picture.
>Asking me if I'm an atheist.
user, please don't.

Show me one piece of evidence of the existance of the Shroud, you Spirituameme.
I never understood why Spiritualist Empires can't just simply show Proof of the Shroud to materialists/Materialists ask for it to Spiritualist EMpires.

Groggy as fuck because I have a bad cold, saw how fucked up my grammar was, and realized I didn't want to turn this thread into the paradox stellaris forums 2.0, so I deleted it myself.

But no, plenty of sources online, and I posted a picture of one of many, about how we haven't fully grasped the physics behind a bike.

Also FTL is indeed possible if we create an infinite amount of energy, which may or may not be possible, but that second part is where contraversy lies, not if FTL is possible. Not to mention theres a bajillion theories on how to achieve FTL travel and some of them are more feasible than you may believe.

>Shroud avatar devours his world

I've been waiting since it was called 7.2.
I however hold 0 hope for interface reworks or ease of playing and doing stuff. It's even going to get worse if he listens to the forum autists and add a thousand Aurora-depth tier minigames for every tiny little thing in Aurora that up to then had 0 depth, like say, ground combat or fleet auxiliaries management.
desu I think Aurora'd be perfect if it just kept its in-depth combat, ship design and colony management, and stayed in the kiddie pool for all the other mechanics. Maybe some quality of life stuff, that'd be enough, like coherent shortcuts that are the same on every window, re-organized interface, some options ported from database access/designer mode to spacemaster, more star system creation options, etc.
It'd have been fine if there was some added depth to everything else too, but they're just taking it way too far and it'll detract way too much from, oh you know, just the "explore, expand, exploit, exterminate" parts that are supposed to be the entire goddamn game.

>I never understood why Spiritualist Empires can't just simply show Proof of the Shroud to materialists/Materialists ask for it to Spiritualist EMpires.
I mean, they kind of. . . do? Picture related.

It's funny how materialists still deny psionics when they have being of the shroud wrecking their fleets.

>Show me one piece of evidence of the existance of the Shroud, you Spirituameme.
Chosen One, you literally can't explain how someone who connected to it just become an immortal trascended enthity
If you piss off something when connected to this supposed Shroud you get "magically evaporized"
The Avatar of Recknoning is pretty real too if some psycho summon it.

There are no atheists in foxholes, unless they're fanatical materialists.

>the entire goddamn game.
I read somewhere that it's not even a game: it's Steve's storytelling tool.
tbqh: they might be right - have you seen his AAR's? Weber's got nothing on this guy.

Fully agree with the rest, tho - they'll add so much shit it'll drag it down into even more 5-second hell.
(OTOH - maybe Steve will test it for speed reduction & it'll be fine ... who knows.)

Materialists are not in the right mindset to ever understand.

Of course it is, it's Steve's game made for Steve too. But he listens way too much to autists on the forums, he'll end up making an Aurora he doesn't like based on their suggestions and abandon the project entirely.

>have you seen his AAR's? Weber's got nothing on this guy.
m8, going a bit far there. Most of Steve's AAR are kinda storyless, unless he just doesn't give it to us and keeps it to himself.

The problem isn't really that 5 seconds heavy combat turns will take more time to process, it's that it'll take much more time to reach the point you're mid-combat and using 5 seconds turn, due to all the new fiddly bits.

rate muh federations

Are federations even useful for anything?

I didn't say I did.

Fluid dynamics in that image.

>he'll end up making an Aurora he doesn't like based on their suggestions and abandon the project entirely.
Well, here's me hoping he hasn't reached that point already.

>Most of Steve's AAR are kinda storyless
... I was mostly going for the 'out of 1248 incoming missiles, 340 were shot down by counter-missiles, 217 by point-defence, 193 missed - and the rest made mincemeat out of the enemy fleet' part ...

Yes, they are a placeholder unitl the Diplomacy DLC.

>We still don't understand how a simple bike works,
>mouth breathers get all their knowledge of the world from clickbait titles.
Portip, we know how bicycles work.

I'd be getting fucked in the ass on a constant basis and probably would have lost by now if not for the Commonwealths backup, so I'd say they're useful.

The Commonwealth usually does most of the fighting and dying and I get to benefit from it.

>pitting humans against humans

Oh, my bad. Then yes, he outdoes Weber on that.
Though Haji really trounces both, check ctrl+f "Haji's fic" on the forum's main page, he ends up with fleet battles with hundreds ships on each side.

I will unify our federations under one banner and ALL humanoids shall reign SUPREME in this galaxy

>implying Choas workshipper and loyal subjects are the same

Is he that guy who ramps up difficulty to 1000%?

Also: did you try the 'scalable' challenge, yet?
I just read about and it's awesome - I'm trying it out right now.

We must endlessly wage war on biologicals in order to stop biologicals from endlessly waging war.

>Chaos worshippers
You are trying too hard. That doesn't make sense in the context of WH40K.

Remove Choas remove choas church sucks soi soi soi.

I don't think so, this campaign he played exclusively against himself IIRC.

I vaguely remember reading about a bunch of challenges, what's scalable again?
These days I mostly set the game to hand me control of races instead of making them NPRs. Bad luck, in my last game it created a race with half my original's population and half the tech points.

you know I had to do it to em

Ah, good old Reaper logic.

>I vaguely remember reading about a bunch of challenges, what's scalable again?
Huh - I only got to this one. Oh well.
Scalable is when you ramp up the difficulty by 100% (starting with 100%) each time you defeat an NPR in that game.

I'm sure the Reapers tried just sitting back and wiping out Synthetics instead of biologicals whenever Synthetics became a threat. But they probably found that once biologicals had the technology they inevitably created synthetics again after another 50,000 years. Plus biologicals knowing that super powerful warships were waiting to wipe them out in the periphery of the galaxy might have spooked them into the one technological path that gave them the possibility of defeating the Reapers, even if the Reapers didn't target biologicals.

I use some that are the same as these, sometimes.
Mostly now I change humans' tolerances and make them harder to satisfy. Usually it's 14°C perfect temperature, 14 of variance, 1G gravity, 0,7 variance, 0,2 atm of oxygen needed, 0,05 of variance, 2 or 3 atm of atmosphere max depending on my mood. I kinda want to make gravity 0,5 of variance instead, but with real stars there's much too rarely acceptable planets, it'd make it borderline impossible to expand at all.
Prevents you from colonizing the Moon easily (like all those assretarded mongs that colonize it in every one of their game, let their shipping lines run wild and explode due to the easy and fast Earth-Moon trip and then complain shipping lines are OP. No they aren't you goddamn mongoloids, stop fucking colonizing the Moon if it fucks you up so much, I never have that problem when all that's available is Mars or in another system, if anything the shipping lines are retarded as fuck and ignore my contract offers and instead wait for proper trade to develop to start building freighters, which is annoying since I need the freighters to move the infra so that there can be enough people in the colony to be a trade destination) and cuts off some too cold/hot planets due to the lower temp variance and the need for more O2 and less space for safe greenhouse gases, which desu I don't have a problem with, I just assume it builds up nitrogen instead and the time/cost is mostly dedicated to building giant mirror satellites or lobbing comets at the planet.
I also like not using terraforming modules, sometimes, and instead terraforming installations that can't be moved again once they're reassembled on their destination planet.
And yeah, difficulty percentage is irrelevant to me since I control the race manually, it's p much guaranteed not to dumb mistakes or fail too hard.

>new stellaris expansion
>adds stuff that already exists in mods
>ambition level 0.2/10
This game is fucking dead, right? They're never gonna fix the fundamental issues it has.

what are the fundamental issues with it
why don't you yell at paradox about it?

It's a game by Paradox, duh, of course they won't.

They'll ban him.

after so many years it's still the best 4x in /a/ form

Wow. That's hard mode, alright.

It has very little replayability as you play largely the same way every time, unless you're intentionally gimping yourself somehow. Which means the game is designed awfully.

Also, it has an immense amount of variety in playable aliens but they all play the same way as humans. Why even have them in the game? Like, wow, you picked the trait that means your alien species loves to have slaves! That's so different from playing a human empire that loves slaves! And you picked a slightly-colder-than-earth planet for them! So extremely different from humans! Wow the developers have so much imagination! Truly stunning.

What could they add to improve the game that hasn't already been made in mods?

Not trying to defend the Paradox Jew, just curious if there is any room for original improvement, and what these fundamental issues are

so how do other similar games differentiate the different races?

my house rule every game is no mass drivers

>if there is any room for original improvement, and what these fundamental issues are
Can't speak for everyone, but what made me drop the game is the lack of atmosphere. Like said, there's no reason to pick aliens over humans except for roleplay purpose, and I just get bored of the game being bland.

Got Stellaris at release, played it three or four times, never replayed it again. It was just empty. No events like in EU4 to make you feel like you're leading an empire of several billions souls, just a few planets and one guy standing in front of a factory.

>my house rule every game is no mass drivers
... but how do you catch the Civilian mining packages then???
Or is it all but one on Earth?