/pg/ - Persona General

Sadayo Saturday Edition

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>BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Releasing on May 31 in Japan, June 5 in North America: personacentral.com/blazblue-cross-tag-battle-releasing-may-31-japan-june-5-north-america-new-trailer/
>Persona 5 anime to start airing April 2018: p5a.jp
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night confirmed for release on May 24th 2018:


>Atlus' online shop is now open:shop.atlus.com/
>Persona Q2 revealed:pq2.jp

>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>Persona 5 Resources
>Persona Image Collection
>Persona ISOs
>Persona Concerts - 2008 to 2017

>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology

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Anal with Makoto!

Ritualposters need to be gassed


I love Ryuji!


Protecting your Waifus from the clutches of NJPW guys!?

I love Ann!

Her name is Anne.


what does robot pussy feel like

It's that time of the day again huh?

Only the best synthetic materials available to the Kirijo Group. So better than the real thing.


Kenny Omega and I have the same waifu. I'd lose to him in a heartbeat. ;_;

I love my Queen

Where the hell can I buy this?

Who's his favorite girl?

She's mine /pg/

japan probs

You can do it man! Have the legendary 7 star match against him for her!



>Have a 7 star match for my 7 star waifu
Sounds like a plan

question for P3fags
do you actually cum from being assblasted and rude all day

no I just do it because I can't afford to drink until the pain goes away anymore

why are P3fags the worst fags

because we drink semen for breakfast


Kawawriter here.

Claiming this amazing, adorable, amorous apricot.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.

Labrysfriend would never have posted something this degenerate

Her name is Anne.

Because they're adjusting to becoming the new P2fags, where one day in the not so distant future no one will be able to criticize their game properly not because there are no flaws, but because barely anyone will have played it.
And like P2fags, they'll know in their hearts that this is the case, but they'll never admit it out loud and have to go on with their lives acting like their game was perfect, effectively talking to themselves until they disappear forever.
And to make matters worse, after P3D people will remember even less about their game since everyone is going to be out of character as fuck.

>And to make matters worse, after P3D people will remember even less about their game since everyone is going to be out of character as fuck.
to be fair, p3d is probably gonna make most of the cast actually likeable for a change so it might be one of the few things that works in the game's favor

>but because barely anyone will have played it.
desu, if P3D is supposed to be "P3: the musical" in a way playing it will be like playing P3. Which means all FES vs. P3P arguments will be solved with "just play P3D instead, it has better models and you won't have to bother with that terrible gameplay"
P3D will legitimately replace the three previous P3s
Now, people who will only be getting into the seres will think P3 was always meant to be a musical

>Our in-flight movie is malfunctioning.
>We're down to mood lighting here.
>I hope you like ice-blended mocha drinks and David Schwimmer.

You're making me legitimately sad that P3D isn't the P3 remake and it's not a musical adaptation of P3.

They're going to have to go through different stages from the two games, not the whole story
The cutscenes are all going to be character interactions. The whole thing is ripped straight from the last miku game.

>The cutscenes are all going to be character interactions. The whole thing is ripped straight from the last miku game.
I didn't play it because I couldn't justify spending full price on a game with ~40 songs after playing Future Tone
What did the last Miku game do?

user I don't understand what miku is please explain it another way

P3R is inevitable. There's no way Atlus would make brand new HD models only for a dancing game. They're gonna milk those for all they're worth.

I don't know if I like this oc or not

Delusional tbqh
Making a remake of a game like P3 would require a fuck ton of manpower and frankly you are severely overestimating the investment put into making some new character models and environments


If it helps, in my mind she has a small Labrys accent with a bit of sass.

Alright look. Imagine P4 where the only story was the slice of life scenes and you just went to the dungeons in between to kill things with very little context and eventually the game ends on one final slice of life scene, and as side content you could go to the character's rooms and give them shit and have even more silly scenes with them.

This is the kind of game P3D and P5D will be. Just be lucky that there's not a gacha system where you unlock costumes for the dancers randomly that we currently know of

This kind of post really needs to stop. It'll only bring more pain in the end.

Being in these threads for a long time and I would say you mean P5fags, no one even gives a shit about us P4fags anymore at least.

>Imagine P4 where the only story was the slice of life scenes and you just went to the dungeons in between to kill things with very little context and eventually the game ends on one final slice of life scene,
well that doesn't sound all that different from what P3-P5 already are

Yeah that does help a bit
I'll probably warm up to her eventually, especially if she gets more art

That sounds fine honestly, barring the gatcha shit. In my opinion the story mode P4D had was a terrible for the game; I don't give a rat's ass about Kanamin Kitchen or fighting shadows with the power of dance. This sounds much more like the kind of mode a rhythm game spin off that ultimately exists for people to get more of the characters should have. The less seriously it takes itself in terms of narrative importance the better it is when it inevitably fails to match the original narrative quality.

literally any narrative would be better than P5's narrative though you can literally only go up from that piece of shit


As long as I get plenty of interactions with my waifu then I will be happy.

I don't even know who drew her, someone just handed me the the jpg back in september

>Characters announced. 20 in the base game, with the other 20 confirmed bookmarked as DLC,
There goes any interest I had in this thing.

>"oh noes he's talking shit about muh favorite game"
>"oh i know, i better say he's from neogaf, that will invalidate his opinions!"
literally retarded

someone should just shop this onto the seconds since /v/-kun cried about P5 image
we don't get raided by /v/ anymore, just neogaf-kun

Even when they're completely re-using all of their other character assets they could only manage 3 new RWBY characters for base game.

RIP in pieces BBCTB

Why were you any interested in it to begin with?

>implying they won't do the same for P5A

There was a shadow of a hope that there might be a time-jump P4 or regular P5 character included.

fighting games suck

Could have been some cool character interaction, that and waifu.

two actually, Blake is the first DLC character they announced

the only fighting games that haven't pissed me off are UNIB, Melty Blood and OMK

Huh so base game has Ruby and Yang only? I though Weiss was in there with a Mitsuru moveset.

Yang has yet to be announced at all. Base game only has Ruby and Weiss.

She hasn't even been announced yet user


Oh come on, she's a direct moveset conversion of Akihiko but with all the tits, how could they miss so hard?


/pg/ help, i've been constipated for like two weeks, i keep throwing up, and i've got a non stop headache. please help me

Drink water.

considering that they just announced that half of the game's rooster is a DLC, they missed a lot of things

Small reminder that Wada said that P5A's fate depends on how well this garbage sells.
Which most likely means they already agreed to make it so the worrying part is that they might pull exactly the same shit; only first four party members from P3-P5 in the base game with the others being DLC, possibly DLC story modes too.


i've been through like 50 bottles

>makoto made out to be this top notch mind and the brainpower behind the team when she joins them
>everyone talking about how nice it is to have a sound strategic mind on your side
>futaba joins a dungeon later and makoto's brilliance becomes a thing of the past
>now futaba is the brains and makoto becomes stock RPG character #4
why did they fuck this up?

eat shitton of fiber

is a shitabu

I disagree

You probably have a bowel obstruction, go to a hospital, they'll give you a two gallon jug of laxative to drink in a short amount of time.

The problem most likely comes from the fact that you eat garbage, don't eat vegetables and don't exercise.

Aren't you tired? Let's call it a day and go to sleep.

don't listen to i'm a medfag
fiber is a meme
tell me what kind of pain you feel
is it a constant sort of pain or do you feel sharp pains at random intervals?

constant i guess

Makoto is such an autist she'll stand outside the school on a day off even when it's raining

I told her to do that

I was at first
I like all the series involved.
Then they removed normals and mechanics then shoved them into autocombos which really doesn't sit well with me at all.
Hey there are still character interactions and story mode.
But Under Night In-Birth and Persona are hardly there at all and RWBY doesn't even have its titular characters
So you're left with heavily watered down BlazBlue, a tag button, and a pinch of Persona, UNIB, and RWBY.
The more I learned about the game the less interest I had.


honestly then it just sounds like regular constipation
i was worried because the symptoms you listed could be linked to a gastrointestinal cancer or severe inflammation
try to do sit ups and exercise that has stomach movements
drinks lots of water and include some vegetables in your diet
fiber is actually not a meme in your case so take supplements
worst case scenario, go get some stool softener (if you ask the doctor for the really strong one, you'll be shitting your soul out the entire day and night so be careful)

It's time to post Futaba

futaba a cuteaba

She has an umbrella

>you've been falling behind on your fetish doujin reading, Ren.
>Come on, I thought we agree'd dick chicks were twice as nice.


He said to post Futaba. Not Futaba and some gaijin whore.

What does ***** stand for?

I wonder if Futaba would be okay with me sitting under her desk while she does her computer work and I'll have my face between her thighs the entire time

It's blanked out password with poor decryption entropy

Cocks obviously