Final Fantasy General DCCXCIII

>General Info on Final Fantasy
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>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis Out Now; Trailer: [Open]
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Comrades Out Now
TEKKEN 7 - Noctis Lucis Caelum Reveal Trailer [Open]

PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018, Pre-Orders available now.
Latest Trailer: [Open]

>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
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>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
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>MOBIUS Final Fantasy
FAQ Pastebin:

>Other game information



I don't like Final Fantasy


Yet here you are


based mouse

i'd like some more good xi characters.
at least one mithra one, why they decided that joachim and shadow lord were a good idea i will never know.

2018 is gonna be a good year, bros.

Thats it. Finally 8/8 sub 30s all magicite.

2018 is going to be the year we see Final Fantasy 7Remake Trailer 4

How can we make this place less Lunafreya guys?


i wish chuzuru wasn't so left behind.
i guess if i still wanted to use her and xiao i could just put pods on them


>Has to be saved from Sephiroth by Young Noctis
>Doesn't contribute anything to the story
>Only confirmed victory is against a clone of herself
I can't believe it, Toriyama's waifu got comletely BTFO when she stopped being the protagonist of the latest mainline game.

Difference between normal and arcade ui in Dissidia?

by using the superior Freya

It's the old and new ui respectively.
at least she gets 3 in games outfits, wonder who was behind that

I've never seen an image so red-
Nevermind we cool senpai

>get FFIX PS4 port to replay the game after like 15 years
>literally falling asleep while playing it
What the hell, I didn't remember it being this dull. It's like boiled cabbage in videogame form - safe, blandly comforting, and desperately afraid of giving the player anything remotely disagreeable. I've had no issues replaying other post-VI FFs and found them all enjoyable to some extent, but IX is just putting me to sleep.

what's the worst map in dissidia and why is it this one?

iris in 60 fps 4k!

That's not Narshe

I found MIdgar to be pretty shit myself,

top: arcade
bottom: normal

Probably because she has a diffirent main outfit in each of the 13 series games.
Most of the others kinda lack that bit.

Stop playing video games while you're tired.



Just what I was looking for. Thanks

Does Cloud have an alt costume with his retarded transformer sword from AC?

so pretty much any map we have to press jump is shit

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

Yeah I dislike this one level with jumps in it so obviously I hate them all

too young

i press jump in all maps, so all the maps suck :^)

how retarded are you?

I agree :^)

no one here likes Final fantasy

Is the character selection in beta permanent? Or do they change it up?



thanks senpai

>most characters ask Bahamut for help or show him respect before challenging him
>Emperor, Sephiroth, Squall, Noctis, and Lightning shittalk him


When life gives you lemons, squeeze 'em dry!

The 15th can't come soon enough


So is onion knight good or is he just another ape character
it feels like sage is too hard to automatically get into


>Guy with the name XLunar(or something)
>Uses Golbez's 2nd costume
>"Nothing can keep us from the moon!"
>"Nothing can keep us from the moon!"
>"Nothing can keep us from the moon!"

Post cute




the thumbnail looks like she's jerking off invisible cocks





Please get help.

Fina could help me by pleasing me sexually

its gonna cost you


Tidus had bahamut as his spirit animal and butz saw him terraform an island by being the island. They got good reason to

Why are you here user? Wouldn't you rather be at Balamb Garden?

I agree


>meet a cute girl
>she asks you to hang out after class
>get eaten by a fucking dinosaur on your way to the meeting spot
nah, I think I'm fine

Of course not, user. because I'd rather be in Ivalice.

>be seifer
>have everything you want in life
>beat up a beta
>he plot armors his way to relevance
>he steals your job as a SeeD member
>he steals your girlfriend
>and now, over a decade later, he steals your hyperion
people give kain a hard time for being the series cuck, but seifer gets the shaft super hard

Seifer seems to have a pretty comfy life at the end of VIII though

>magicite distiller was one minute away from being full
That was close

If we wanted to make a true cucksidia what would be the roster?
Kain, Seifer,

Vinny V.

More like:
>be Seifer
>be an insecure faggot imitating shitty movies to make yourself look cool
>girlfriend leaves you after just two months
>cheat in a duel because you can't win fairly
>be a petty retard on the SeeD mission and get yourself suspended
>get yourself brainwashed by an obviously evil witch because you're such a faggot
>end up as a fisherman
He deserves all the cucking he gets.


>its gonna cost you
Lid why are you dressed up as Fina and why do you have a Fina wig?

Edgar, Edge, Arc, Reks, Cinna, Freya, Prompto, Vincent, Irvine, Kimahri, Brother

>leave/get left by Rinoa
>get chauffeured into manhood by a 10/10 sorceress
in what way did seifer not hit the jackpot?

No woman would ever want a beta manlet that can't defeat a Trexaur, especially when they can.

>catching up on the thread from last night
>all these bootyblasted newfags getting taken on a wild ride by Yams
>no one recognizes him
>everyone takes him seriously
Damn, I missed quite a show

i wonder how he felt when he realized it was his mom

we truly do have a new generation of posters now

>that sorceress is his mom and constantly insults his manhood and calls him "scared little boy"
Only /r9k/ would consider this "hitting the jackpot".

Whats everyone doing? What cha farming, gridning, whatever.

Why didn't we get this? Was this some weird colab?

There's bound to be femdomfags here.

Can you get cucked by amnesia?

I noticed a new poster here, a new poster there, but the accumulation was never so apparent until this latest shitfest. It's like a trainwreck. I'm captivated and there's nothing I can do to help, I can't warn them because it already happened last night. I'm laughing my ass off, I don't think the sweet potato's ever gone this all out before.
>Lurk mode : ON
I'm dead

He probably felt horny.

that’s not supposed to be here until 3rd anniversary (late march, think around the 27th) silly

oh my

But Fratley didn't get with another burmecian and hooked up with Freya in the ending? Not sure if it falls under cucking


Wait, you can get 8 in one pull? I thought the max was seven, with a legend job or supreme in the 7th slot? Either way, congrats!

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

Post more Ignis, the best XV waifu and husbando

job was esmeralda

fuck youuuuuuu